Exemplo n.º 1
    public void RpcChangePointState(int pointID, CovertPointStatus newState, PhotonMessageInfo info)
        Team team = info.Sender.GetPlayerTeam();

        if (newState == CovertPointStatus.Taking)
            objetivePoints[pointID].AddPlayerInPoint(info.Sender);           //add this player at this point
            if (!objetivePoints[pointID].CanTakePoint(team))                 //if the point is from the enemy team and it doesn't have any member of the that team
                newState = CovertPointStatus.Contested;                      //members of both team inside
            objetivePoints[pointID].CheckNewEntrance(info.Sender, newState); //check how the point will react with this new player entrance
        else if (newState == CovertPointStatus.Eviction)                     //player leave or die inside of point
            if (objetivePoints[pointID].RemovePlayerFromPoint(info.Sender))  //if no one remain inside of the point
                if (objetivePoints[pointID].TeamOwner == Team.None)          //if no one have controlled this point before
                    newState = CovertPointStatus.Untaked;
                    newState = CovertPointStatus.Taked;
            objetivePoints[pointID].CheckExit(info.Sender);//check how the point will react with this new player exit
        objetivePoints[pointID].SetStatus(newState, team);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void SetStatus(CovertPointStatus newStatus, Team team)
     if (pointStatus == CovertPointStatus.Taked && newStatus == CovertPointStatus.Taking && team == TeamOwner)
         return;                                                                                                      //don't change the taken status if a player from the dominate team entry in the point
     pointStatus = newStatus;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void CheckNewEntrance(Player player, CovertPointStatus newStatus)
            if (pointStatus != CovertPointStatus.Taking && newStatus == CovertPointStatus.Taking)//someone start taking this point
                if (TeamOwner == player.GetPlayerTeam())

            else if (pointStatus == CovertPointStatus.Taking && newStatus == CovertPointStatus.Contested)//someone of the enemy team get in the point.