Exemplo n.º 1
        public void RealmInteger_HasDefaultValue(int defaultValue)
            var byteValue = (byte)Math.Max(defaultValue, 0);

            var counter = new CounterObject
                ByteProperty  = byteValue,
                Int16Property = (short)defaultValue,
                Int32Property = defaultValue,
                Int64Property = defaultValue,

            Assert.That(counter.ByteProperty == byteValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int16Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int32Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int64Property == defaultValue);

            _realm.Write(() =>

            Assert.That(counter.ByteProperty == byteValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int16Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int32Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.Int64Property == defaultValue);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void NullableRealmInteger_HasDefaultValue(int?defaultValue)
            var byteValue = defaultValue.HasValue ? (byte?)Math.Max(defaultValue.Value, 0) : null;

            var counter = new CounterObject
                NullableByteProperty  = byteValue,
                NullableInt16Property = (short?)defaultValue,
                NullableInt32Property = defaultValue,
                NullableInt64Property = defaultValue,

            Assert.That(counter.NullableByteProperty == byteValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt16Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt32Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt64Property == defaultValue);

            _realm.Write(() =>

            Assert.That(counter.NullableByteProperty == byteValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt16Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt32Property == defaultValue);
            Assert.That(counter.NullableInt64Property == defaultValue);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private void AddCounterObjects(out CounterObject zeros, out CounterObject ones)
            var counter0 = new CounterObject
                Id = 0

            var counter1 = new CounterObject
                Id                    = 1,
                ByteProperty          = 1,
                Int16Property         = 1,
                Int32Property         = 1,
                Int64Property         = 1,
                NullableByteProperty  = 1,
                NullableInt16Property = 1,
                NullableInt32Property = 1,
                NullableInt64Property = 1

            _realm.Write(() =>

            zeros = counter0;
            ones  = counter1;
        public ChangeCounterInteraction(SpawnCommand p_command, Int32 p_parentID, Int32 p_commandIndex) : base(p_command, p_parentID, p_commandIndex)
            m_parent = Grid.FindInteractiveObject(m_parentID);
            InteractiveObject interactiveObject = Grid.FindInteractiveObject(m_targetSpawnID);

            m_interactiveObject = (interactiveObject as CounterObject);
            if (m_interactiveObject == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Tried to set counter for something that is not a CounterObject!");
Exemplo n.º 5
    public CounterObject GetById(string email, string app, string sha)
        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();

        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCOUNTERCODE).ToLower();

        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            //string username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) {
                //using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO test(code) VALUES(@1)", code)) { }
                counter.success = "OK";
                counter.message = "Success";
                //if (Membership.ValidateUser(username, pw)) {
                //    System.Web.Security.MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(username);
                //    counter.success = "OK";
                //    counter.message = "Success";
                //    using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT token FROM logintokens WHERE dateexpires > GETDATE() AND userid=@1", user.ProviderUserKey)) {
                //        if (reader.Read()) {
                //            counter.data = reader.GetGuid(0).ToString();
                //        } else {
                //            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
                //            using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM logintokens WHERE userid=@1; INSERT INTO logintokens(userid,datecreated,dateexpires,token) VALUES(@1,GETDATE(),(GETDATE() + 365),@2)", user.ProviderUserKey, guid)) { }
                //            counter.data = guid.ToString();
                //        }
                //    }
                //} else {
                //    counter.success = "FAIL";
                //    counter.message = "fel pw...";
            //} else {
            //    counter.success = "FAIL";
            //    counter.message = "fel email...";

            //    } catch (Exception ex) {
            //        counter.success = "FAIL";
            //        counter.message = ex.Message;
            //    }
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "fel hash...";

        return counter;
        //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(this.txtPassword.Text.Trim(), "SHA1");
        //var counter = counters.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.caseid == caseid);
        //if (counter == null) {
        //    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        //return counter;
Exemplo n.º 6
    // GET api/<controller>/5
    public CounterObject GetById(string id)
        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();
        //int synccount = 0;
        //bool update = false;

        //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile((email+caseid+"datum"+SYNCCOUNTERCODE), "SHA1");

        //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(this.txtPassword.Text.Trim(), "SHA1");
        //var counter = counters.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.caseid == caseid);
        //if (counter == null) {
        //    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        return counter;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static void Start(object obj, Action <object> onTimerWithArgCallback, float time)
        if (onTimerWithArgCallback == null)
        if (Instance.m_CounterWithArgDic.ContainsKey(obj))
        CounterObject counterObject = Instance.m_CounterPool.Get() as CounterObject;

        Instance.m_CounterWithArgDic[obj] = counterObject;

        counterObject.StartCounter(obj, onTimerWithArgCallback, time);
Exemplo n.º 8
    public static void Stop(object obj)
        if (obj == null)
        CounterObject counterObject = null;

        if (!Instance.m_CounterWithArgDic.TryGetValue(obj, out counterObject))
Exemplo n.º 9
    // GET api/<controller>/5
    public CounterObject GetById(string caseid,string sysid, string email,string sha,int reportid)
        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();
        int synccount = 0;
        bool update = false;

        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + caseid + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCOUNTERCODE).ToLower();

        //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile((email+caseid+"datum"+SYNCCOUNTERCODE), "SHA1");

        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            try {
                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM ocabpayment WHERE caseid LIKE @1 AND sysid=@2 AND ocabreportid=@3", caseid, sysid, reportid)) {
                    if (reader.Read()) {
                        synccount = reader.GetInt32(reader.GetOrdinal("synccounter")) + 1;
                        update = true;
                if (update) {
                    using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE ocabpayment SET synccounter=@1 WHERE caseid LIKE @2 AND sysid=@3 AND ocabreportid=@4", synccount, caseid, sysid, reportid)) { }
                } else {
                    using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO ocabpayment (caseid,sysid,email,datecreated,datelastsync,synccounter,ocabreportid) VALUES(@1,@2,@3,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),1,@4)", caseid, sysid, email, reportid)) { }

                counter.success = "OK";
                counter.message = "Success";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                counter.success = "FAIL";
                counter.message = ex.Message;
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "fel hash...";

        return counter;
        //FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(this.txtPassword.Text.Trim(), "SHA1");
        //var counter = counters.FirstOrDefault((p) => p.caseid == caseid);
        //if (counter == null) {
        //    throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.NotFound);
        //return counter;
Exemplo n.º 10
    public CounterObject PostGCM(string email, string pw, string sha)
        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();

        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCOUNTERCODE).ToLower();

        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            //string username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) {
                try {
                    var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
                    long id = 0;

                    string data = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    JObject gcm = JObject.Parse(data);

                    string code = gcm["code"].ToString();

                    using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM gcm_codes WHERE email LIKE @1 AND app LIKE @2", email, pw)) {
                        if (reader.HasRows) {
                            using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("UPDATE gcm_codes SET code=@1 WHERE email LIKE @2 AND app LIKE @3", code, email, pw)) { }
                        } else {
                            using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO gcm_codes(code,email,app) VALUES(@1,@2,@3)", code, email, pw)) { }
                    counter.success = "OK";
                    counter.message = "Success";
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    counter.success = "FAIL";
                    counter.message = ex.Message;
            //} else {
            //    counter.success = "FAIL";
            //    counter.message = "Email finns ej";
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "Ogiltig hash";

        return counter;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void RealmInteger_WhenByte_IncrementTests(byte original, byte value, bool managed)
            var counter = new CounterObject
                ByteProperty = original,

            var sum = (byte)(original + value);

            if (managed)
                _realm.Write(() => _realm.Add(counter));
                _realm.Write(() => counter.ByteProperty.Increment(value));
                Assert.That((byte)counter.ByteProperty, Is.EqualTo(sum));
                Assert.That(() => counter.ByteProperty.Increment(value), Throws.TypeOf <NotSupportedException>());
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void RealmInteger_WhenLong_IncrementTests(long original, long value, bool managed)
            var counter = new CounterObject
                Int64Property = original,

            var sum = original + value;

            if (managed)
                _realm.Write(() => _realm.Add(counter));
                _realm.Write(() => counter.Int64Property.Increment(value));
                Assert.That((long)counter.Int64Property, Is.EqualTo(sum));
                Assert.That(() => counter.Int64Property.Increment(value), Throws.TypeOf <NotSupportedException>());
Exemplo n.º 13
    public CounterObject Post(string caseid, string sysid, string email, string sha)
        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();

        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + caseid + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCOUNTERCODE).ToLower();

        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            //string username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email);
            //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(username)) {
                try {
                    var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
                    long id = 0;

                    string data = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    JObject maillist = JObject.Parse(data);
                    JArray recipients = (JArray)maillist["recipients"];

                    //string recipients = .ToString();

                    counter.success = "OK";
                    counter.message = "Success";
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    counter.success = "FAIL";
                    counter.message = ex.Message;
            //} else {
            //    counter.success = "FAIL";
            //    counter.message = "Email finns ej";
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "Ogiltig hash";

        return counter;
Exemplo n.º 14
    // POST api/<controller>
    public CounterObject Post(string caseid, string sysid, string email, string sha)
        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + caseid + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCODE).ToLower();

        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();
        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            try {
                var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
                long id = 0;

                string data = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                JObject jour = JObject.Parse(data);

                string journo = jour["caseid"].ToString();
                string pw = jour["password"].ToString();

                string username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email);
                MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(username);

                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT token FROM logintokens WHERE dateexpires > GETDATE() AND userid=@1", user.ProviderUserKey)) {
                    if (reader.Read()) {
                        //counter.data = reader.GetGuid(0).ToString();
                        hash = Security.SHA1(email + reader.GetGuid(0).ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + caseid).ToLower();
                        if (!hash.Equals(pw)) {
                            counter.success = "Error";
                            counter.message = "Wrong hash";
                            return counter;
                        //ccase.email+settings.getString("token", null)+EaztimateSecurity.GetUTCdatetimeAsString()+ccase.caseid

                    } else {
                        counter.success = "Expired";
                        counter.message = "Token Expired";
                        return counter;

                int customerid = 1; //fix later

                string lccaseid = jour["lc_caseno"].ToString();

                string contactname = jour["contactname"].ToString();
                string contactaddress = jour["contactaddress1"].ToString();
                string contactaddress2 = jour["contactaddress2"].ToString();
                string contactpersonalnumber = jour["contactpersonalnumber"].ToString();
                string contactphone1 = jour["contactphone1"].ToString();
                string contactphone2 = jour["contactphone2"].ToString();
                string contactzipcode = jour["contactzipcode"].ToString();
                string contactcity = jour["city"].ToString();

                string damagedescription = jour["damagedescription"].ToString();
                string damagetype = jour["damagetype"].ToString();

                string insurancetype = jour["insurancetype"].ToString();
                string insurancenumber = jour["insurancenumber"].ToString();

                string actiondescription = jour["actiondescription"].ToString();
                string externalentrepeneur = jour["externalentrepeneur"].ToString();

                int action = 0;
                int.TryParse(jour["contact_action"].ToString(), out action);
                bool contactinformed = (jour["contactinformed"] != null ? (bool)jour["contactinformed"] : false);

                bool building_power = (jour["buildingpower"] != null ? (bool)jour["buildingpower"] : false);
                bool building_lockable = (jour["buildinglockable"] != null ? (bool)jour["buildinglockable"] : false);
                bool building_function = (jour["buildingfunction"] != null ? (bool)jour["buildingfunction"] : false);
                bool building_climatesafe = (jour["buildingclimatesafe"] != null ? (bool)jour["buildingclimatesafe"] : false);

                bool action_transport = (jour["action_transport"] != null ? (bool)jour["action_transport"] : false);
                bool action_otherliving = (jour["action_otherliving"] != null ? (bool)jour["action_otherliving"] : false);
                bool action_helpcontact = (jour["buildingpower"] != null ? (bool)jour["action_helpcontact"] : false);
                bool action_cash = (jour["action_cash"] != null ? (bool)jour["action_cash"] : false);

                //INSERT INTO jour

                bool jourexists = false;

                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT jourid FROM jour WHERE journo LIKE @1", journo)) {
                    if (reader.Read()) {
                        jourexists = true;
                        id = reader.GetInt64(0);

               if (!jourexists) {
                    using (SqlConnection con = SQL.CreateConnection()) {
                        using (SqlTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)) {
                            try {
                                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO jour(journo,syncemail,datecreated,dateupdated,contactname,contactaddress,contactaddress2,contactzipcode,contactcity,contactpersonalnumber,insurancenumber,insurancetype,damagetype,actiondescription,externalentrepeneur,damagedescription,contactinformed,contactaction,action_otherliving,action_cash,action_transport,action_helpcontact,building_power,building_lockable,building_climatesafe,building_function,customerid,contactphone1,contactphone2,lccaseid)" +
                                    " VALUES(@1,@2,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),@3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,@9,@10,@11,@12,@13,@14,@15,@16,@17,@18,@19,@20,@21,@22,@23,@24,@25,@26,@27,@28);SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS BIGINT)",
                                    journo, email, contactname, contactaddress, contactaddress2, contactzipcode, contactcity, contactpersonalnumber, insurancenumber,
                                    insurancetype, damagetype, actiondescription, externalentrepeneur, damagedescription, contactinformed, action,
                                    action_otherliving, action_cash, action_transport, action_helpcontact, building_power, building_lockable, building_climatesafe, building_function, customerid, contactphone1, contactphone2, lccaseid)) {
                                    if (reader.Read()) {
                                        id = reader.GetInt64(0);

                                JArray images = (JArray)jour["images"];
                                foreach (String image in images) {
                                    using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO jourimage (jourid,image) SELECT jourid ,@2 FROM jour WHERE journo LIKE @1", journo, new FileInfo(image).Name)) { }

                                JArray rooms = (JArray)jour["rooms"];
                                foreach (JObject room in rooms) {
                                    string desc = room["description"].ToString();
                                    string roomid = room["roomid"].ToString();
                                    string title = room["title"].ToString();

                                    bool humidity = (room["roomhumidity"] != null ? (bool)room["roomhumidity"] : false);
                                    bool odor = (room["roomodor"] != null ? (bool)room["roomodor"] : false);
                                    bool water = (room["roomwater"] != null ? (bool)room["roomwater"] : false);
                                    bool contamination = (room["roomcontamination"] != null ? (bool)room["roomcontamination"] : false);

                                    JArray actions = (JArray)room["roomactions"];
                                    StringBuilder actionsb = new StringBuilder();
                                    foreach (String roomaction in actions) {
                                        actionsb.Append(roomaction + "|");

                                    using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO jour_room (jourid,uuid,datecreated,dateupdated,title,description,problem_water,problem_humidity,problem_odor,problem_contamination,roomaction)" +
                                        " SELECT jourid, @2, GETDATE(), GETDATE(), @3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,@9 FROM jour WHERE journo LIKE @1",
                                        journo, roomid, title, desc, water, humidity, odor, contamination, actionsb.ToString())) { }

                                    JArray roomimages = (JArray)room["images"];
                                    foreach (String image in roomimages) {
                                        using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO jour_roomimage (roomid,image) SELECT roomid ,@2 FROM jour_room WHERE uuid LIKE @1", roomid, new FileInfo(image).Name)) { }

                                DateTime timestamp;

                                JArray logs = (JArray)jour["loglist"];
                                foreach (JObject log in logs) {
                                    DateTime.TryParse((log["timestamp"] != null ? log["timestamp"].ToString() : ""), out timestamp);
                                    if (timestamp < (DateTime)SqlDateTime.MinValue) {
                                        timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                                    string activity = log["activity"].ToString();
                                    string comment = log["comment"].ToString();

                                    using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO jour_log (jourid,timestamp,dateupdated,activity,comment) SELECT jourid ,@2, GETDATE(),@3,@4 FROM jour WHERE journo LIKE @1", journo, timestamp, activity, comment)) { }

                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                counter.success = "FAIL";
                                counter.message = ex.Message;

               bool success = false;
               if (id > 0) {
                   success = createPdf(id, journo, email);

               if (success) {
                   counter.success = "OK";
                   counter.message = "Success";
               } else {
                   counter.success = "FAIL";
                   counter.message = "Couldn't crreate PDF";

               //string success = string.Empty;
               //if (id > 0) {
               //    success = createPdf(id, journo, email);
               //if (success.Length == 0) {
               //    counter.success = "OK";
               //    counter.message = "Success";
               //} else {
               //    counter.success = "FAIL";
               //    counter.message = success;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                counter.success = "FAIL";
                counter.message = ex.Message;
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "fel hash...";

        return counter;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public static void OnTimerDisable(CounterObject counterObject)
Exemplo n.º 16
 public static void OnTimerEnable(CounterObject counterObject)
     counterObject.enabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 17
    public static CounterObject OnTimerConstruct()
        CounterObject counterObject = Instance.gameObject.AddComponent <CounterObject>();

Exemplo n.º 18
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String data;
        if (Request.RequestType == "POST") {
            using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Request.InputStream)) {
                data = sr.ReadToEnd();
                JObject constructioncase = JObject.Parse(data);
                string invid = constructioncase["caseid"].ToString();
                File.WriteAllText(Server.MapPath("~/files/" + invid + ".txt"), constructioncase.ToString());
                Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;

                CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();
                counter.success = "OK";
                counter.message = "Success";

                JObject jobject = JObject.FromObject(counter);

                Response.ContentType = "application/json";


        // do some with the requestStream

        if (Request.Form["data"] != null) {
            bool error= false;
            var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
            JObject constructioncase = JObject.Parse(Request.Form["data"]);
            string invid = constructioncase["inventoryid"].ToString();


            try {
                string damagetype = constructioncase["damagetype"].ToString();
                string description = constructioncase["description"].ToString();
                string address = constructioncase["customeradress"].ToString();
                string zip = constructioncase["customerzip"].ToString();

                DateTime datedamage;
                DateTime.TryParse((constructioncase["datedamage"] != null ? constructioncase["datedamage"].ToString() : ""), out datedamage);
                if (datedamage < (DateTime)SqlDateTime.MinValue) {
                    datedamage = DateTime.Now;
                string terms = constructioncase["terms"].ToString();
                string city = constructioncase["customercity"].ToString();
                string tel = constructioncase["customertel"].ToString();
                string areatype = constructioncase["areatype"].ToString();
                string icompany = constructioncase["insurancecompany"].ToString();
                string icontact = constructioncase["insurancecontact"].ToString();
                string iemail = constructioncase["insuranceemail"].ToString();
                string itel = constructioncase["insurancetel"].ToString();
                int area1 = 0, area2 = 0, adults = 0, teens = 0, kids = 0;
                int.TryParse(constructioncase["area1"].ToString(), out area1);
                int.TryParse(constructioncase["area2"].ToString(), out area2);
                int.TryParse(constructioncase["adults"].ToString(), out adults);
                int.TryParse(constructioncase["teens"].ToString(), out teens);
                int.TryParse(constructioncase["kids"].ToString(), out kids);

                Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteProcedureNoReader("inventorycontrol", "@Damagetype", damagetype, "@InspectionNo", invid, "@Description", description,
                    "@Address", address, "@Zip", zip, "@Damagedate", datedamage, "@City", city,
                    "@Tel", tel, "@Areatype", areatype, "@ICompany", icompany,
                    "@IContact", icontact, "@IEmail", iemail, "@ITel", itel,
                    "@Area1", area1, "@Area2", area2, "@Adults", adults, "@Teens", teens, "@Kids", kids, "@Terms", terms);

            } catch (Exception ex) {
            Dictionary<string,int> cats = new Dictionary<string,int>();
            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<String,int>> groups = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string,int>>();
            Dictionary<int, Dictionary<String, int>> types = new Dictionary<int, Dictionary<string, int>>();

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT categoryid,title FROM category")) {
                while (reader.Read()) {
                    groups.Add(reader.GetInt32(0), new Dictionary<string,int>());

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT groupid,categoryid,title FROM grupp")) {
                while (reader.Read()) {
                    types.Add(reader.GetInt32(0), new Dictionary<string,int>());

            using (SqlDataReader reader = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT typeid,groupid,title FROM type")) {
                while (reader.Read()) {

            //LOOP TROUGH ROOM
            JArray rooms = (JArray)constructioncase["rooms"];
            foreach (JObject room in rooms) {
                int roomtype = int.Parse(room["roomtype"].ToString());
                int floor = int.Parse(room["floor"].ToString());
                int size = 0;
                int.TryParse(room["size"].ToString(),out size);
                string title = (room["title"] != null ? room["title"].ToString() : "");
                string desc = (room["description"] != null ? room["description"].ToString() : "");
                string opinion = (room["opinion"] != null ? room["opinion"].ToString() : "");
                string damage = (room["damage"] != null ? room["damage"].ToString() : "");
                string uuid = (room["roomid"] != null ? room["roomid"].ToString() : "");

                    "@Title", title,
                    "@InspectionNo", invid,
                    "@Description", desc,
                    "@Floor", floor,
                    "@UUID", uuid,
                    "@Opinion", opinion,
                    "@RoomTypeId", roomtype,
                    "@Damage", damage,
                    "@Size", size);

                //ROOM IMAGES
                JArray images = (JArray)room["images"];
                foreach (String image in images) {
                        "@Title", new FileInfo(image).Name,
                        "@RoomUUID", uuid);

                JObject jo = (JObject)room["items"];
                IList<JToken> results = jo.Children().ToList();
                try {
                    foreach (JToken j in results) {
                        string itemtitle = (((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["title"] != null ? ((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["title"].ToString() : "");
                        string itemid = ((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["itemid"].ToString();
                        int price = (int)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["omd_price"];
                        int age = (int)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["omd_age"];
                        int usage = (int)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["omd_usage"];
                        int other = (int)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["omd_other"];
                        bool salvable = (((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["salvable"] != null ? (bool)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["salvable"] : false);
                        string catname = ((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["heritage"]["categoryname"].ToString();
                        string groupname = ((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["heritage"]["groupname"].ToString();
                        string typename = ((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["heritage"]["typename"].ToString();

                        //NEW CATEGORY
                        if (!cats.ContainsKey(catname) && !error) {
                            using (SqlDataReader reader2 = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO category (title, datecreated, dateupdated) VALUES(@1,GETDATE(),GETDATE());SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INT)", catname)) {
                                if (reader2.Read()) {
                                    cats.Add(catname, reader2.GetInt32(0));
                                    groups.Add(reader2.GetInt32(0), new Dictionary<string, int>());
                                } else {
                                    error = true;

                        //NEW GROUP
                        if (!groups[cats[catname]].ContainsKey(groupname) && !error) {
                            using (SqlDataReader reader2 = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO grupp (title, categoryid, datecreated, dateupdated) VALUES(@1,@2,GETDATE(),GETDATE());SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INT)", groupname, cats[catname])) {
                                if (reader2.Read()) {
                                    groups[cats[catname]].Add(groupname, reader2.GetInt32(0));
                                    types.Add(reader2.GetInt32(0), new Dictionary<string, int>());
                                } else {
                                    error = true;

                        //NEW TYPE
                        int groupid= 0;
                        groups[cats[catname]].TryGetValue(groupname, out groupid);
                        if (!types[groupid].ContainsKey(typename) && !error) {
                            using (SqlDataReader reader2 = Eaztimate.SQL.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO type (title, groupid, datecreated, dateupdated) VALUES(@1,@2,GETDATE(),GETDATE());SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS INT)", typename, groupid)) {
                                if (reader2.Read()) {
                                    types[groupid].Add(typename, reader2.GetInt32(0));
                                } else {
                                    error = true;

                        int typeid = 0;
                        types[groupid].TryGetValue(typename, out typeid);
                        //insert item

                            "@Title", itemtitle,
                            "@InspectionNo", invid,
                            "@RoomUUID", uuid,
                            "@TypeId", typeid,
                            "@UUID", itemid,
                            "@Price", price,
                            "@Age", age,
                            "@Usage", usage,
                            "@Other", other,
                            "@Salvable", (salvable ? 1 : 0));

                        //ITEM IMAGES
                        JArray itemimages = (JArray)((JObject)j.Children().ToList()[0])["images"];
                        foreach (String image in itemimages) {
                                "@Title", new FileInfo(image).Name,
                                "@ItemUUID", itemid);

                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    error = true;
            if (!error) {
                Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.OK;
        Response.StatusCode = (int)HttpStatusCode.BadRequest;
Exemplo n.º 19
    // POST api/<controller>
    public CounterObject Post(string caseid, string sysid, string email, string sha)
        string hash = Security.SHA1(email + caseid + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + SYNCCODE).ToLower();

        CounterObject counter = new CounterObject();
        if (hash.Equals(sha)) {
            try {
                var jsonSerializer = new JsonSerializer();
                long id = 0;

                string data = Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                JObject klotter = JObject.Parse(data);

                string klotterno = klotter["caseid"].ToString();
                string pw = klotter["password"].ToString();

                string username = Membership.GetUserNameByEmail(email);
                MembershipUser user = Membership.GetUser(username);

                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT token FROM logintokens WHERE dateexpires > GETDATE() AND userid=@1", user.ProviderUserKey)) {
                    if (reader.Read()) {
                        //counter.data = reader.GetGuid(0).ToString();
                        hash = Security.SHA1(email + reader.GetGuid(0).ToString() + DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + caseid).ToLower();
                        if (!hash.Equals(pw)) {
                            counter.success = "Error";
                            counter.message = "Wrong hash";
                            return counter;
                        //ccase.email+settings.getString("token", null)+EaztimateSecurity.GetUTCdatetimeAsString()+ccase.caseid

                    } else {
                        counter.success = "Expired";
                        counter.message = "Token Expired";
                        return counter;

                int customerid = 1; //fix later

                //string lccaseid = klotter["lc_caseno"].ToString();

                //string contactname = klotter["contactname"].ToString();
                string title = klotter["title"] != null ? klotter["title"].ToString() : "";
                string caseno = klotter["caseno"] != null ? klotter["caseno"].ToString() : "";
                string buildingno = klotter["buildingno"] != null ? klotter["buildingno"].ToString() : "";
                string address = klotter["address"] != null ? klotter["address"].ToString() : "";
                string contactzipcode = klotter["zipcode"] != null ? klotter["zipcode"].ToString() : "";
                string contactcity = klotter["city"] != null ? klotter["city"].ToString() : "";
                double latitude = 0, longitude = 0, accuracy = 0;
                double.TryParse(klotter["latitude"] != null ? klotter["latitude"].ToString() : "", out latitude);
                double.TryParse(klotter["longitude"] != null ? klotter["longitude"].ToString() : "", out longitude);
                double.TryParse(klotter["locaccuracy"] != null ? klotter["locaccuracy"].ToString() : "", out accuracy);

                string desc =  klotter["workdescription"] != null ? klotter["workdescription"].ToString() : "";

                string client = klotter["client"] != null ? klotter["client"].ToString() : "";
                string clientno = klotter["clientno"] != null ?  klotter["clientno"].ToString() : "";
                string clientaddress = klotter["clientaddress"] != null ? klotter["clientaddress"].ToString() : "";
                string clientaddress2 = klotter["clientaddress2"] != null ? klotter["clientaddress2"].ToString() : "";
                string clientzip = klotter["clientzipcode"] != null ? klotter["clientzipcode"].ToString() : "";
                string clientcity = klotter["clientcity"] != null ? klotter["clientcity"].ToString() : "";

                bool policereport = (klotter["policereport"] != null ? (bool)klotter["policereport"] : false);
                string policereporttext = klotter["policereporttext"] != null ? klotter["policereporttext"].ToString() : "";

                int hours = 0, minutes = 0;
                int.TryParse(klotter["hours"] != null ? klotter["hours"].ToString() : "", out hours);
                int.TryParse(klotter["minutes"] != null ? klotter["minutes"].ToString() : "", out minutes);

                bool pressurewasher = (klotter["pressurewasher"] != null ? (bool)klotter["pressurewasher"] : false);
                bool pressurewasherRecycle = (klotter["pressurewasherRecycle"] != null ? (bool)klotter["pressurewasherRecycle"] : false);
                bool handwash = (klotter["handwashing"] != null ? (bool)klotter["handwashing"] : false);

                JObject chem = (JObject)klotter["chem"];

                string chemname = string.Empty;
                int amount = 0;
                if (chem != null) {
                    chemname = chem["name"] != null ? chem["name"].ToString() : "";
                    int.TryParse(chem["amount"] != null ? chem["amount"].ToString() : "", out amount);

                bool klotterexists = false;

                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteQuery("SELECT klotterid FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno)) {
                    if (reader.Read()) {
                        klotterexists = true;
                        id = reader.GetInt64(0);

                if (klotterexists) {
                    using (SQL.ExecuteQuery("DELETE FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno)) { }

               //if (!klotterexists) {
                    using (SqlConnection con = SQL.CreateConnection()) {
                        using (SqlTransaction trans = con.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted)) {
                            try {
                                using (SqlDataReader reader = SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter(klotterno,syncemail,datecreated,dateupdated,title,address1,zipcode,city,latitude,longitude,accuracy,buildingno,description," +
                                    "client,clientno,clientaddress,clientaddress2,clientzipcode,clientcity,policereport,policereporttext,hours,minutes,pressurewasher,pwrecycle,handwashing,customerid,orderno)" +
                                    " VALUES(@1,@2,GETDATE(),GETDATE(),@3,@4,@5,@6,@7,@8,@9,@10,@11,@12,@13,@14,@15,@16,@17,@18,@19,@20,@21,@22,@23,@24,@25,@26);SELECT CAST(@@IDENTITY AS BIGINT)",
                                    klotterno, email, title, address, contactzipcode, contactcity, latitude, longitude, accuracy, buildingno, desc,
                                        client, clientno, clientaddress, clientaddress2, clientzip, clientcity, policereport, policereporttext,
                                        hours, minutes, pressurewasher, pressurewasherRecycle, handwash, customerid, caseno)) {
                                    if (reader.Read()) {
                                        id = reader.GetInt64(0);

                                using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter_chem (klotterid,title,amount) SELECT klotterid, @2,@3 FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno, chemname, amount)) { }

                                JArray images = (JArray)klotter["beforeimages"];
                                if (images != null) {
                                    foreach (String image in images) {
                                        using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter_image (klotterid,image,type) SELECT klotterid ,@2,@3 FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno, new FileInfo(image).Name, 0)) { }

                                images = (JArray)klotter["afterimages"];
                                if (images != null) {
                                    foreach (String image in images) {
                                        using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter_image (klotterid,image,type) SELECT klotterid ,@2,@3 FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno, new FileInfo(image).Name, 1)) { }

                                JArray tags = (JArray)klotter["tags"];
                                if (tags != null) {
                                    foreach (String tag in tags) {
                                        using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter_tag (klotterid,tag) SELECT klotterid ,@2 FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno, tag)) { }

                                DateTime timestamp;

                                JArray logs = (JArray)klotter["loglist"];
                                if (logs != null) {
                                    foreach (JObject log in logs) {
                                        DateTime.TryParse((log["timestamp"] != null ? log["timestamp"].ToString() : ""), out timestamp);
                                        if (timestamp < (DateTime)SqlDateTime.MinValue) {
                                            timestamp = DateTime.Now;
                                        string activity = log["activity"] != null ? log["activity"].ToString() : "";
                                        string comment =  log["comment"] != null ? log["comment"].ToString() : "";

                                        using (SQL.ExecuteTransQuery(con, trans, "INSERT INTO klotter_log (klotterid,timestamp,dateupdated,activity,comment) SELECT klotterid ,@2, GETDATE(),@3,@4 FROM klotter WHERE klotterno LIKE @1", klotterno, timestamp, activity, comment)) { }

                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                //throw ex;
                                counter.success = "FAIL";
                                counter.message = ex.Message;
               // }

               bool success = false;
               if (id > 0) {
                   success = createPdf(id, klotterno, email);
                   if (policereport && success) {
                       success = createpolicereportPdf(id, klotterno, email);
                   //success = true;

               if (success) {
                   counter.success = "OK";
                   counter.message = "Success";
               } else {
                   counter.success = "FAIL";
                   counter.message = "Couldn't crreate PDF";

               //string success = string.Empty;
               //if (id > 0) {
               //    success = createPdf(id, journo, email);
               //if (success.Length == 0) {
               //    counter.success = "OK";
               //    counter.message = "Success";
               //} else {
               //    counter.success = "FAIL";
               //    counter.message = success;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                //if (!System.Diagnostics.EventLog.SourceExists("Eaztimate")) {
                //    System.Diagnostics.EventLog.CreateEventSource("Eaztimate", "Application");
                counter.success = "FAIL";
                //System.Diagnostics.EventLog log = new System.Diagnostics.EventLog();
                //log.Source = "Eaztimate";
                //log.WriteEntry(String.Format("\r\n\r\nApplication Error\r\n\r\n" +
                //                             "MESSAGE: {0}\r\n" +
                //                             "SOURCE: {1}\r\n" +
                //                             "TARGETSITE: {4}\r\n" +
                //                             "STACKTRACE: {5}\r\n",
                //                             ex.Message,
                //                             ex.Source,
                //                             ex.TargetSite,
                //                             ex.StackTrace),
                //                             System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error);

                counter.message = ex.Message;
                //throw ex;
        } else {
            counter.success = "FAIL";
            counter.message = "fel hash...";

        return counter;