/// <summary>
        /// Capture the supplied Window
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="windowToCapture">Window to capture</param>
        /// <param name="captureForWindow">The capture to store the details</param>
        /// <param name="windowCaptureMode">What WindowCaptureMode to use</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ICapture CaptureWindow(WindowDetails windowToCapture, ICapture captureForWindow, WindowCaptureMode windowCaptureMode)
            if (captureForWindow == null)
                captureForWindow = new Capture();
            Rectangle windowRectangle = windowToCapture.WindowRectangle;

            if (windowToCapture.Iconic)
                // Restore the window making sure it's visible!

            // When Vista & DWM (Aero) enabled
            bool dwmEnabled = DWM.isDWMEnabled();
            // get process name to be able to exclude certain processes from certain capture modes
            Process process    = windowToCapture.Process;
            bool    isAutoMode = windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.Auto;

            // For WindowCaptureMode.Auto we check:
            // 1) Is window IE, use IE Capture
            // 2) Is Windows >= Vista & DWM enabled: use DWM
            // 3) Otherwise use GDI (Screen might be also okay but might lose content)
            if (isAutoMode)
                if (conf.IECapture && windowToCapture.ClassName == "IEFrame")
                        ICapture ieCapture = IECaptureHelper.CaptureIE(captureForWindow);
                        if (ieCapture != null)
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        LOG.WarnFormat("Problem capturing IE, skipping to normal capture. Exception message was: {0}", ex.Message);

                // Take default screen
                windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.Screen;

                // Change to GDI, if allowed
                if (conf.isGDIAllowed(process))
                    if (!dwmEnabled && isWPF(process))
                        // do not use GDI, as DWM is not enabled and the application uses PresentationFramework.dll -> isWPF
                        LOG.InfoFormat("Not using GDI for windows of process {0}, as the process uses WPF", process.ProcessName);
                        windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.GDI;

                // Change to DWM, if enabled and allowed
                if (dwmEnabled)
                    if (conf.isDWMAllowed(process))
                        windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.Aero;
            else if (windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.Aero || windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.AeroTransparent)
                if (!dwmEnabled || !conf.isDWMAllowed(process))
                    // Take default screen
                    windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.Screen;
                    // Change to GDI, if allowed
                    if (conf.isGDIAllowed(process))
                        windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.GDI;
            else if (windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.GDI && !conf.isGDIAllowed(process))
                // GDI not allowed, take screen
                windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.Screen;

            LOG.InfoFormat("Capturing window with mode {0}", windowCaptureMode);
            bool captureTaken = false;

            // Try to capture
            while (!captureTaken)
                if (windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.GDI)
                    ICapture tmpCapture = null;
                    if (conf.isGDIAllowed(process))
                        tmpCapture = windowToCapture.CaptureWindow(captureForWindow);
                    if (tmpCapture != null)
                        captureForWindow = tmpCapture;
                        captureTaken     = true;
                        // A problem, try Screen
                        windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.Screen;
                else if (windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.Aero || windowCaptureMode == WindowCaptureMode.AeroTransparent)
                    ICapture tmpCapture = null;
                    if (conf.isDWMAllowed(process))
                        tmpCapture = windowToCapture.CaptureDWMWindow(captureForWindow, windowCaptureMode, isAutoMode);
                    if (tmpCapture != null)
                        captureForWindow = tmpCapture;
                        captureTaken     = true;
                        // A problem, try GDI
                        windowCaptureMode = WindowCaptureMode.GDI;
                    // Screen capture
                        captureForWindow = WindowCapture.CaptureRectangle(captureForWindow, windowRectangle);
                        captureTaken     = true;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        LOG.Error("Problem capturing", e);

            if (captureForWindow != null && windowToCapture != null)
                captureForWindow.CaptureDetails.Title = windowToCapture.Text;
                ((Bitmap)captureForWindow.Image).SetResolution(captureForWindow.CaptureDetails.DpiX, captureForWindow.CaptureDetails.DpiY);
