Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initial the role pattern and constraints for a standard
        /// subtype. This should be called after the subtype is parented
        /// by either the model or an alternate owner so that the created
        /// elements can also be properly parented.
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitializeIdentityFactType()
            Store store;

            if (CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = this.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                IDictionary <object, object> contextInfo = store.TransactionManager.CurrentTransaction.TopLevelTransaction.Context.ContextInfo;
                    // Establish role collecton
                    contextInfo[InitializingIdentityFactTypeKey] = null;
                    LinkedElementCollection <RoleBase> roles = this.RoleCollection;
                    Partition         partition         = this.Partition;
                    SubtypeMetaRole   subTypeMetaRole   = new SubtypeMetaRole(partition);
                    SupertypeMetaRole superTypeMetaRole = new SupertypeMetaRole(partition);

                    // Add injection constraints
                    superTypeMetaRole.Multiplicity = RoleMultiplicity.ExactlyOne;
                    subTypeMetaRole.Multiplicity   = RoleMultiplicity.ZeroToOne;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(NameAlias), FireTime=LocalCommit, Priority=FrameworkDomainModel.CopyClosureExpansionCompletedRulePriority;
        /// </summary>
        private static void AliasAddedClosureRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            ModelElement element = e.ModelElement;

            if (!element.IsDeleted &&
                CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(element.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.IntegrationComplete)
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole)
        /// Rule to detect when a Role is added to the FactType so that it
        /// can also be added to the ReadingOrders and their Readings.
        /// </summary>
        private static void FactTypeHasRoleAddedRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole link = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;

            if (CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(link.Store) != CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.Integrating)
                // UNDONE: COPYMERGE Do we need to run a similar rule on integration complete
                // to handle merge cases where roles are added to a model with additional
                // readings on the merged fact type.
                ValidateReadingOrdersRoleCollection(link.FactType, link.Role);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactSetConstraint)
        /// Block internal constraints from being added to a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeConstraintsAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactSetConstraint link = (FactSetConstraint)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact       subtypeFact;
            Store             store;

            if (link.SetConstraint.Constraint.ConstraintIsInternal &&
                null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null &&
                CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = link.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards,
                // unless there is an active copy operation.
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(FactTypeHasRole)
        /// Block roles from being added to a subtype
        /// after it is included in a model.
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeRolesAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            FactTypeHasRole link = (FactTypeHasRole)e.ModelElement;
            SubtypeFact     subtypeFact;

            if (null != (subtypeFact = link.FactType as SubtypeFact))
                Store store;
                if (subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null &&
                    CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = link.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                    // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards
                RoleBase role = link.Role;
                if (role is SubtypeMetaRole || role is SupertypeMetaRole)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(ResourceStrings.ModelExceptionSubtypeFactMustBeParentOfMetaRole);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// AddRule: typeof(ConstraintRoleSequenceHasRole)
        /// Block internal constraints from being modified on a subtype, block
        /// external constraints from being added to the subtype role, and
        /// limit external constraints being added to the supertype role
        /// </summary>
        private static void LimitSubtypeConstraintRolesAddRule(ElementAddedEventArgs e)
            ConstraintRoleSequenceHasRole link = e.ModelElement as ConstraintRoleSequenceHasRole;
            Role untypedRole = link.Role;
            SupertypeMetaRole      supertypeRole = untypedRole as SupertypeMetaRole;
            SubtypeMetaRole        subtypeRole   = (supertypeRole == null) ? untypedRole as SubtypeMetaRole : null;
            ConstraintRoleSequence sequence      = link.ConstraintRoleSequence;
            IConstraint            constraint;

            if (supertypeRole != null || subtypeRole != null)
                SetConstraint ic;
                SetComparisonConstraintRoleSequence externalSequence;
                bool invalidConstraintOnSubtypeRole   = false;
                bool invalidConstraintOnSupertypeRole = false;
                if (null != (ic = sequence as SetConstraint))
                    constraint = ic.Constraint;
                    if (constraint.ConstraintIsInternal)
                        SubtypeFact subtypeFact;
                        Store       store;
                        if (null != (subtypeFact = untypedRole.FactType as SubtypeFact) &&
                            subtypeFact.ResolvedModel != null &&
                            CopyMergeUtility.GetIntegrationPhase(store = subtypeFact.Store) == CopyClosureIntegrationPhase.None)
                            // Allow before adding to model, not afterwards
                    else if (constraint.ConstraintType == ConstraintType.ImpliedMandatory)
                        // Nothing to do
                    else if (subtypeRole != null)
                        invalidConstraintOnSubtypeRole = true;
                    else if (constraint.ConstraintType != ConstraintType.DisjunctiveMandatory)
                        invalidConstraintOnSupertypeRole = true;
                else if (subtypeRole != null)
                    invalidConstraintOnSubtypeRole = true;
                else if (null != (externalSequence = sequence as SetComparisonConstraintRoleSequence))
                    constraint = externalSequence.Constraint;
                    if (constraint != null)
                        switch (constraint.ConstraintType)
                        case ConstraintType.Exclusion:
                            FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement((ModelElement)constraint, DelayValidateSupertypeExclusionSingleColumnOnly);

                        case ConstraintType.Subset:
                            FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement((ModelElement)constraint, DelayValidateSupertypeSubsetPattern);

                            invalidConstraintOnSupertypeRole = true;
                if (invalidConstraintOnSupertypeRole)
                else if (invalidConstraintOnSubtypeRole)
            else if (null != (constraint = sequence.Constraint))
                switch (constraint.ConstraintType)
                case ConstraintType.Exclusion:
                    FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement((ModelElement)constraint, DelayValidateSupertypeExclusionSingleColumnOnly);

                case ConstraintType.Subset:
                    FrameworkDomainModel.DelayValidateElement((ModelElement)constraint, DelayValidateSupertypeSubsetPattern);