Exemplo n.º 1
        public string GetDestPath(CopyItem ci, CopyType ct)
            string path = "";
            string dir  = "";

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ci.ToDir))
                path = ci.ToDir;
                dir  = ci.ToDir;
            else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ci.ToFile))
                path = ci.ToFile;
                dir  = Path.GetDirectoryName(path);

            Utils.Exec("mkdir", String.Format("-p {0}/{1}", wipDir, dir));

            string dstDir  = String.Format("{0}/{1}", wipDir, path);
            string dstPath = dstDir;

            if (ct.Equals(CopyType.Http))
                dstPath = String.Format("-o {0}", dstDir);

        public void CopyFile(CopyItem copyItem, string source, string dest, string outputPath)
            source = copyItem.FormatSourcePath(source);
            source = Path.GetFullPath(source);
            dest   = copyItem.FormatDestinationPath(dest, outputPath);

            // If the output path is a directory assume they want to just drop the file in here
            if (Directory.Exists(dest))
                Debug.Log($"[{nameof(CopyProjectFilesOnBuild)}] {dest} is directory so automatically appending the filename");
                dest += $"{Path.GetFileName(source)}";

            // Create the directory structure to the output path, if the output path is a file make sure to get the parent directory (To avoid creating a folder with the file name)
            Directory.CreateDirectory(!Directory.Exists(dest) ? Directory.GetParent(dest).ToString() : dest);

            // Follow overwrite rule
            if (!copyItem.OverwriteIfExists && File.Exists(dest))
                Debug.Log($"[{nameof(CopyProjectFilesOnBuild)}] File {copyItem.Name} already exists and set to no overwrite, skipping...");

            Debug.Log($"[{nameof(CopyProjectFilesOnBuild)}] Copying {source} => {dest}");
            /*if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("ExecuteCopy?", $"Copy {source} => {dest}", "Yes", "No"))*/
            File.Copy(source, dest, copyItem.OverwriteIfExists);
        public void CopyFiles(CopyItem copyItem, string source, string dest, string outputPath, string searchPattern = "*")
            dest = copyItem.FormatDestinationPath(dest, outputPath);
            // If the output is a file then get the parent
            //if (File.Exists(dest)) dest = Directory.GetParent(dest).ToString();
            foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(source, searchPattern))
                var skip = false;
                // If the file ends with any of the extensions then skip
                foreach (var excludeExtension in copyItem.DirectoryExcludeExtensions)
                    if (file.EndsWith(excludeExtension, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                        skip = true;
                if (skip)

                CopyFile(copyItem, file, dest, outputPath);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void GenerateCopyItems(string sourceDir, string sourceRootDir, string outputRootDir,
                                       string filter, List <CopyItem> copyItems)
            int    rootDirLen = sourceRootDir.Length;
            string outputDir  = outputRootDir;

            if (sourceDir.Length > rootDirLen)
                Debug.Assert(sourceDir.ToCharArray()[rootDirLen] == '\\');
                string relativeDir = sourceDir.Substring(rootDirLen + 1);
                outputDir = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, relativeDir);

            string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(sourceDir, filter, SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
            foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                CopyItem copyItem = new CopyItem();
                copyItem.Source      = filePath;
                copyItem.Destination = Path.Combine(outputDir, Path.GetFileName(filePath));
                if (copyItems.Contains(copyItem) == false)
    void CopyBone(CopyItem item)
        var source = item.Source;
        var target = item.Destination;

        MeshFilter        meshFilter        = source.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
        MeshRenderer      meshRenderer      = source.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        CapsuleCollider   capsuleCollider   = source.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();
        SphereCollider    sphereCollider    = source.GetComponent <SphereCollider>();
        Rigidbody         rigidbody         = source.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
        FixedJoint        fixedJoint        = source.GetComponent <FixedJoint>();
        ConfigurableJoint configurableJoint = source.GetComponent <ConfigurableJoint>();
        SensorBehavior    sensorBehavior    = source.GetComponent <SensorBehavior>();
        HandleOverlap     handleOverlap     = source.GetComponent <HandleOverlap>();

        if (meshFilter != null)
            CopyComponent(meshFilter, target.gameObject);
        if (meshRenderer != null)
            CopyComponent(meshRenderer, target.gameObject);
        if (capsuleCollider != null)
            CopyComponent(capsuleCollider, target.gameObject);
        if (sphereCollider != null)
            CopyComponent(sphereCollider, target.gameObject);
        if (rigidbody != null)
            CopyComponent(rigidbody, target.gameObject);
        if (fixedJoint != null)
            CopyComponent(fixedJoint, target.gameObject);
        if (configurableJoint != null)
            CopyComponent(configurableJoint, target.gameObject);
        if (sensorBehavior != null)
            CopyComponent(sensorBehavior, target.gameObject);
        if (handleOverlap != null)
            CopyComponent(handleOverlap, target.gameObject);
        if (sphereCollider != null)
            target.localScale = source.localScale;
        target.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().isKinematic = true;
    void CopyBoneAsChild(string sourceName, string targetName, Vector3 offset, Quaternion rotation)
        var item = new CopyItem {
            Source      = _sources.First(x => x.name == sourceName),
            Destination = _targets.First(x => x.name == targetName)

        CopyBoneAsChild(item, offset, rotation);
 public (bool succes, string error) Copy(string source, string target, CopyItem Item)
     return(Copy(new CopySettings
         Item = Item,
         Source = source,
         Target = target
    protected void DrawCopyItems()
        if (Copier.CopyItems == null || Copier.SourceRootObject == null || Copier.DestinationRootObject == null || !componentsChecked)

        for (int i = 0; i < Copier.CopyItems.Count; i++)
            AnimBool foldState = foldStates[i];
            CopyItem copyItem  = Copier.CopyItems[i];
                foldState.target = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(foldState.target, EditorStyles.foldout, GUILayout.Width(checkboxWidth));
                copyItem.Enabled = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("", copyItem.Enabled, GUILayout.Width(checkboxWidth));
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("From", GUILayout.Width(32));
                EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(copyItem.SourceObject, typeof(GameObject), true);
                EditorGUILayout.LabelField("to", GUILayout.Width(14));
                copyItem.DestinationObject = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(copyItem.DestinationObject, typeof(GameObject), true);

            if (EditorGUILayout.BeginFadeGroup(foldState.faded))
                EditorGUI.indentLevel += 3;
                    for (int j = 0; j < copyItem.Copyables.Count; j++)
                        CopyItem.Copyable copyable = copyItem.Copyables[j];
                            copyable.Enabled = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft(GetComponentIcon(copyable.Component.GetType()), copyable.Enabled);
                EditorGUI.indentLevel -= 3;

        if (GUILayout.Button(new GUIContent("Copy components")))
            List <Component> newComponents = Copier.CopyComponents();
            copiedCount = newComponents.Count;

        if (copiedCount >= 0)
            EditorGUILayout.HelpBox(string.Format("Succesfully copied {0} components from {1} to {2}.", copiedCount, Copier.SourceRootObject.name, Copier.DestinationRootObject.name), MessageType.Info);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Handle clipboard changes.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data"></param>
 /// <param name="formats"></param>
 void ClipboardMonitor_OnClipboardChange(System.Windows.Forms.DataObject data, string[] formats)
         (Action) delegate()
         CopyItem it;
         it = new CopyItem(data, formats);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static CopyItem CreateJob(string sourceAccountToken, string destinationAccountToken, string sourceContainer, string destinationContainer, bool isIncremental, TextWriter log)
            string job = "Incremental Backup, Account: " + sourceAccountToken + ", Source Container: " + sourceContainer + ", Destination Container: " + destinationContainer;

            // Create CopyItem object, pass it to WebJobs queue
            CopyItem copyitem = new CopyItem(job, sourceAccountToken, destinationAccountToken, sourceContainer, destinationContainer, isIncremental);

            // Log Job Creation
            log.WriteLine("Create Job: " + job);

Exemplo n.º 11
            static void Postfix(Kingmaker.UI.ServiceWindow.ItemSlot __instance, ref string __result)
                UnitEntityData currentCharacter = UIUtility.GetCurrentCharacter();
                CopyItem       component        = __instance.Item.Blueprint.GetComponent <CopyItem>();
                string         actionName       = component?.GetActionName(currentCharacter) ?? string.Empty;

                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(actionName))
                    actionName = GetSpellbookActionName(actionName, __instance.Item, currentCharacter);
                __result = actionName;
Exemplo n.º 12
        public SamplePage(CopyItem parameter = null)

            // Check that our BindingContext exists, then assign the value(s) as appropriate
            var viewModel = this.BindingContext as ViewModels.SamplePageViewModel;

            if (viewModel != null && parameter != null)
                viewModel.Subject = parameter.Title;
                viewModel.Copy    = parameter.Body;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public Communication CreateCommunication(CopyItem copyItem)
            var communication = new Communication
                Id          = Id,
                Definition  = Definition,
                AffiliateId = AffiliateId,
                From        = From,
                To          = To,
                Copy        = Copy == null ? null : Copy.Cast <ICommunicationRecipient>().ToList(),
                BlindCopy   = BlindCopy == null ? null : BlindCopy.Cast <ICommunicationRecipient>().ToList(),
                Return      = Return,
                Subject     = copyItem.Text,
                Views       = new List <CommunicationView>()

            foreach (var viewItem in copyItem.ViewItems)
                if (viewItem.ResourceItems.Count == 0)
                    communication.Views.Add(new CommunicationView(viewItem.Text, viewItem.MimeType));
                    communication.Views.Add(new CommunicationView(viewItem.Text, viewItem.MimeType, GetCommunicationResources(viewItem.ResourceItems)));

            // Look for temporary files.

            var tempFiles = GetTempFileAttachments();

            if (tempFiles != null)

            // Look for permanent files.

            var attachments = GetAttachments();

            if (attachments != null)

Exemplo n.º 14
        private async void Navigate(CopyItem parameter)
            // Pass the parameters as part of the navigation string. A typical example would be to pass only the ID of an object, which
            // the resulting page would lookup/resolve via a service
            await _navigationService.NavigateAsync($"{nameof(Views.SamplePage)}?subject={parameter.Title}&content={parameter.Body}");

            // Or, we can declare them explicity using a strongly typed object, which is ideal for passing
            // a more complex model that the next page won't lookup on its own

             *          var payload = new NavigationParameters();
             *          payload.Add("content", parameter);
             * await _navigationService.NavigateAsync($"Navigation/{nameof(Views.SamplePage)}", payload);
            public void Paste(IGraphClipboardContext context, IModelItem item, object userData)
                //Note: This is the _copied_ item
                INode node = (INode)item;

                if (node.Labels.Count > 0)
                    if (userData is CopyItem && context != null)
                        // If we are a Node with at least one label, we
                        // change our text to the one that is provided by userData.
                        CopyItem cs = (CopyItem)userData;
                        context.TargetGraph.SetLabelText(node.Labels[0], cs.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task <int> CreateAsync(string copyName, string copyBody)
            var newCopy = new CopyItem
                CopyName    = copyName,
                CopyBody    = copyBody,
                DateAdded   = DateTime.Now,
                DateUpdated = DateTime.Now


            await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 17
        public int Create(string copyName, string copyBody)
            var newCopy = new CopyItem
                CopyName    = copyName,
                CopyBody    = copyBody,
                DateAdded   = DateTime.Now,
                DateUpdated = DateTime.Now



Exemplo n.º 18
        public void GetCpCommandTest(string from, CopyType expType, string expArgs)
            var cp = new UtilCopier();


            var ci = new CopyItem();

            ci.From = from;

            (CopyType type, string cmd, string args) = cp.GetCpCommand(ci);

            Assert.AreEqual(expType, type);
            Assert.AreEqual(expArgs, args);
    void CopyBoneAsChild(CopyItem item, Vector3 offset, Quaternion rotation)
        var       source    = item.Source;
        var       target    = item.Destination;
        var       copy      = Instantiate(source, item.Destination);
        Rigidbody rigidbody = copy.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        if (rigidbody != null)
            rigidbody.isKinematic = true;
        CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = copy.GetComponent <CapsuleCollider>();

        copy.transform.localPosition = offset;
        copy.transform.localRotation = rotation;
Exemplo n.º 20
 /// <summary>
 /// Add an item to cliboard.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="item"></param>
 public static void AddToClipboard(CopyItem item)
         Clipboard.SetDataObject(item.Item, true, 2, 100);
     catch (Exception e)
             //Clipboard.SetData(item.Format.ToString(), item.Item);
         catch (Exception)
             // Ignore
Exemplo n.º 21
        private static CopyItem CreateJob(string jobName, string sourceAccountToken, string destinationAccountToken, string sourceContainer, string sourceDirectory, string destinationContainer, string destinationDirectory, bool isIncremental, TextWriter log)
            string jobId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            // Create CopyItem object, pass it to WebJobs queue
            CopyItem copyitem = new CopyItem(jobId, jobName, sourceAccountToken, destinationAccountToken, sourceContainer, sourceDirectory, destinationContainer, destinationDirectory, isIncremental);

            // Log Job Creation
            StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();

            message.AppendLine("Queued Job: " + jobName);
            message.AppendLine("Source Account: " + sourceAccountToken);
            message.AppendLine("Source Container: " + sourceContainer);
            message.AppendLine("Destination Container: " + destinationContainer);


Exemplo n.º 22
        public void GetDestPathTest(string toFile, string toDir, CopyType type, string expValue)
            string tmpPath = Path.GetTempPath();

            var cp = new UtilCopier();


            var ci = new CopyItem();

            ci.ToFile = toFile;
            ci.ToDir  = toDir;

            var dstPath = cp.GetDestPath(ci, type);
            var expPath = String.Format(expValue, tmpPath);

            Assert.AreEqual(expPath, dstPath);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private CopyItem CreateCopyItem(string htmlText, string plainText)
            var copyItem = new CopyItem(GetSubject(htmlText));

            // Add the html view.

            var viewItem = new ViewItem(MediaTypeNames.Text.Html, htmlText);

            AddResourceItems(htmlText, viewItem);

            // Add the plain text view.

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(plainText))
                viewItem = new ViewItem(MediaTypeNames.Text.Plain, plainText);

Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// do copy
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected override bool DoCopy()
            if (innerControl == null)

            ShapeBase[] sources = innerControl.ShapeControl.Document.SelectedShapes;
            if (sources != null && sources.Length > 0)
                int length = sources.Length;
                var clones = new CopyItem[length];
                for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                    if (sources[i].LayerType != LayerType.Paint)
                        var source = sources[i].Tag as IShapeLayer;
                        if (source == null)
                            source = innerControl.GetLayerControl(sources[i]).Layer;
                        var target = source.Copy();
                        clones[i] = new CopyItem(target.Shape, target);
                        var source = innerControl.GetLayerControl(sources[i]).Layer.Copy();
                        var target = sources[i].Copy();
                        clones[i] = new CopyItem(target, source);

                    clones[i].Shape.ID = sources[i].ID;

Exemplo n.º 25
        public (CopyType type, string cmd, string args) GetCpCommand(CopyItem ci)
            string args  = copyArgs[CopyType.Cp];
            string cpCmd = copyCmds[CopyType.Cp];

            CopyType type = CopyType.Cp;

            if (httpRegex.IsMatch(ci.From))
                cpCmd = copyCmds[CopyType.Http];
                args  = copyArgs[CopyType.Http];
                type  = CopyType.Http;
            else if (gsutilRegex.IsMatch(ci.From))
                cpCmd = copyCmds[CopyType.GsUtilCp];
                args  = copyArgs[CopyType.GsUtilCp];
                type  = CopyType.GsUtilCp;

            return(type, cpCmd, args);
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Add an item from clipboard to the list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="it"></param>
 private void AddToList(CopyItem it)
         if (!it.IsCopyBaseItem())
             if (CopyItems == null)
                 CopyItems = new ObservableCollection <CopyItem>();
             SelectedCopyItem = it;
     catch (Exception)
         CopyItems = new ObservableCollection <CopyItem>();
         SelectedCopyItem = it;
 private void Navigate(CopyItem parameter)
     this._navigationService.NavigateTo(nameof(Views.SamplePage), parameter);
Exemplo n.º 28
        private void ProcessProjectManifest(string sourceRootDir, string outputRootDir, string projectName, bool referenced, List <CopyItem> copyItems)
            string sourceProjectDir   = Path.Combine(sourceRootDir, projectName);
            string sourceContentDir   = Path.Combine(sourceRootDir, "Content");
            string sourceExternalsDir = Path.Combine(sourceRootDir, "Externals");
            string sourceFrameworkDir = Path.Combine(sourceRootDir, "SampleFramework12");

            string outputProjectDir   = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, projectName);
            string outputContentDir   = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, "Content");
            string outputExternalsDir = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, "Externals");
            string outputFrameworkDir = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, "SampleFramework12");

            string projectManifestPath = Path.Combine(sourceProjectDir, "Manifest.txt");

            if (File.Exists(projectManifestPath) == false)
                WriteLog("No manifest file found in source directory, aborting");

            WriteLog("Parsing project manifest file");
            Manifest projectManifest = ParseManifestFile(projectManifestPath);

            List <string> codeFiles = new List <string>()
                "*.h", "*.cpp", "*.cs", "*.vcxproj", "*.vcxproj.filters",
                "*.sln", "*.ico", "*.rc", "*.sublime-project", "*.csproj",
                "*.resx", "*.props", "*.config", "*.natvis"

            List <string> shaderFiles = new List <string>()

            if (includeCodeCB.Checked)
                WriteLog("Gathering code files");

                if (copyGitIgnoreCB.Checked)

                foreach (string filter in codeFiles)
                    GenerateCopyItems(sourceProjectDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, filter, copyItems);

                foreach (string manifestItem in projectManifest.Code)
                    ProcessManifestItem(sourceProjectDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, manifestItem, copyItems);

                if (copyGitIgnoreCB.Checked && referenced == false)
                    CopyItem gitIgnoreItem = new CopyItem();
                    gitIgnoreItem.Source      = Path.Combine(sourceProjectDir, @"..\.gitignore");
                    gitIgnoreItem.Destination = Path.Combine(outputRootDir, @".gitignore");

                WriteLog("Gathering external files");

                foreach (string manifestItem in projectManifest.External)
                    ProcessManifestItem(sourceExternalsDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, manifestItem, copyItems);

            WriteLog("Gathering shader files");

            foreach (string filter in shaderFiles)
                GenerateCopyItems(sourceProjectDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, filter, copyItems);

            if (includeExeCB.Checked && referenced == false)
                string exeDir  = Path.Combine(sourceProjectDir, "x64", "Release");
                string exeName = projectName + ".exe";
                string exePath = Path.Combine(exeDir, exeName);
                if (File.Exists(exePath))
                    WriteLog("Gathering executable files");

                    CopyItem exeItem = new CopyItem();
                    exeItem.Source      = exePath;
                    exeItem.Destination = Path.Combine(outputProjectDir, exeName);

                    // Also copy external DLL;s
                    string[] dllPaths = Directory.GetFiles(exeDir, "*.dll", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly);
                    foreach (string dllPath in dllPaths)
                        string dllName = Path.GetFileName(dllPath);

                        CopyItem dllItem = new CopyItem();
                        dllItem.Source      = dllPath;
                        dllItem.Destination = Path.Combine(outputProjectDir, dllName);

                    GenerateCopyItems(sourceProjectDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, "*.dll", copyItems);
                    WriteLog("No executable detected! Skipping.");

            if (includeShaderCacheCB.Checked && referenced == false)
                string cacheDir = Path.Combine(sourceProjectDir, "ShaderCache", "Release");
                if (Directory.Exists(cacheDir))
                    WriteLog("Gathering shader cache files");
                    GenerateCopyItems(cacheDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, "*.cache", copyItems);
                    WriteLog("No shader cache directory found, skipping.");

            foreach (string manifestItem in projectManifest.Local)
                ProcessManifestItem(sourceProjectDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, manifestItem, copyItems);

            WriteLog("Gathering content files");

            foreach (string manifestItem in projectManifest.Content)
                ProcessManifestItem(sourceContentDir, sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, manifestItem, copyItems);

            if (copyGitIgnoreCB.Checked && includeCodeCB.Checked && referenced == false)
                CopyItem contentIgnore;
                contentIgnore.Source      = Path.Combine(sourceContentDir, @".gitignore");
                contentIgnore.Destination = Path.Combine(outputContentDir, @".gitignore");

                CopyItem externalsIgnore;
                externalsIgnore.Source      = Path.Combine(sourceExternalsDir, @".gitignore");
                externalsIgnore.Destination = Path.Combine(outputExternalsDir, @".gitignore");

            foreach (string reference in projectManifest.References)
                WriteLog(string.Format("Processing referenced project '{0}'", reference));
                string referenceDir = Path.Combine(sourceRootDir, reference);
                if (Directory.Exists(referenceDir) == false)
                    WriteLog(string.Format("Referenced project directory '{0}' doesn't exist, or isn't a directory. Skipping.", referenceDir));

                ProcessProjectManifest(sourceRootDir, outputRootDir, reference, true, copyItems);
Exemplo n.º 29
        public async static Task ProcessMessage([QueueTrigger("backupqueue")] CopyItem copyItem, TextWriter log, CancellationToken cancelToken)
            // Copy TextWrite into Log Helper class
            Logger.log = log;

            // Log Job Start
            await Logger.JobStartAsync(copyItem.JobName);

            // This class accumulates transfer data during the copy
            ProgressRecorder progressRecorder = new ProgressRecorder();

                // OpContext to track PreCopy Retries on Azure Storage
                // DML has its own context object and retry
                _opContext           = new OperationContext();
                _opContext.Retrying += StorageRequest_Retrying;

                // Define Blob Request Options
                _blobRequestOptions = new BlobRequestOptions
                    // Defined Exponential Retry Policy above
                    RetryPolicy = _retryPolicy

                // Set the number of parallel tasks in DML.
                // This allows it to copy multiple items at once when copying a container or directory
                // The best (and default value) is Environment.ProcessorCount * 8
                int parallelTasks = Environment.ProcessorCount * 8;
                TransferManager.Configurations.ParallelOperations = parallelTasks;

                // Set the number of connections.
                // This should match ParallelOperations so each DML copy task has its own connection to Azure Storage
                ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit = parallelTasks;

                // Short circuit additional request round trips. We are not chunking and
                // uploading large amounts of data where we'd send 100's so set to false
                ServicePointManager.Expect100Continue = false;

                // User Agent for tracing
                TransferManager.Configurations.UserAgentPrefix = "AzureDmlBackup";

                // CancellationTokenSource used to cancel the transfer
                CancellationTokenSource cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();

                // Open connections to both storage accounts
                CloudStorageAccount sourceAccount      = GetAccount(copyItem.SourceAccountToken);
                CloudStorageAccount destinationAccount = GetAccount(copyItem.DestinationAccountToken);

                // Represents a checkpoint from which a transfer may be resumed and continued.
                // This is initalized as null first time then hydrated within CopyDirectoryAsync().
                // However if this job is being resumed from a previous failure this function will hydrate
                // from a serialized checkpoint saved to blob storage.
                TransferCheckpoint transferCheckpoint = await GetTransferCheckpoint(copyItem.JobId);

                // Context object for the transfer, provides additional runtime information about its execution
                // If this is a resumed copy operation then pass the checkpoint to the TransferContext so it can resume the copy
                TransferContext transferContext = new TransferContext(transferCheckpoint)
                    // Pipe transfer progress data to ProgressRecorder
                    // ProgressRecorder is used to log the results of the copy operation
                    ProgressHandler = progressRecorder,

                    // If the destination already exists this delegate is called.
                    // Return true to overwrite or false to skip the file during the transfer
                    OverwriteCallback = (source, destination) =>
                        return(OverwriteFile(source, destination, sourceAccount, destinationAccount, copyItem.IsIncremental));

                // This event is used to log files skipped during the transfer
                transferContext.FileSkipped += TransferContext_FileSkipped;

                // This event is used to catch exceptions for files that fail during a transfer
                transferContext.FileFailed += TransferContext_FileFailed;

                // Set Options for copying the container such as search patterns, recursive, etc.
                CopyDirectoryOptions copyDirectoryOptions = new CopyDirectoryOptions
                    IncludeSnapshots = true,
                    Recursive        = true

                // Get the root source and destination directories for the two containers to be copied
                CloudBlobDirectory sourceDirectory = await GetDirectoryAsync(sourceAccount, copyItem.SourceContainer, copyItem.SourceDirectory);

                CloudBlobDirectory destinationDirectory = await GetDirectoryAsync(destinationAccount, copyItem.DestinationContainer, copyItem.DestinationDirectory);

                // Copy the container
                await CopyDirectoryAsync(copyItem.JobId, sourceDirectory, destinationDirectory, copyDirectoryOptions, transferContext, transferCheckpoint, cancellationTokenSource);

                // Check if any files failed during transfer
                if (_failedFiles.Count > 0)
                    // Save a Checkpoint so we can restart the transfer
                    transferCheckpoint = transferContext.LastCheckpoint;
                    SaveTransferCheckpoint(copyItem.JobId, transferCheckpoint);
                    // Throw an exception to fail the job so WebJobs will rerun it
                    throw new Exception("One or more errors occurred during the transfer.");

                // Log job completion
                await Logger.JobCompleteAsync(copyItem.JobName, progressRecorder, _skippedFiles);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log Job Error
                await Logger.JobErrorAsync(copyItem.JobName, ex.Message, progressRecorder, _failedFiles, _skippedFiles);

                // Rethrow the error to fail the web job
                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// A simple function that takes a string and does a ToUpper
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public void FunctionHandler(ILambdaContext context)
            string storageConnectionString;

            if (!ssmParameterManager.TryGetValue(Constants.StorageConnectionStringSSMPath, out storageConnectionString))
                throw new Exception("Storage connection path not defined.");
                Console.WriteLine($"Storage connection path is set at '{storageConnectionString}'");

            if (!S3Manager.CheckS3Parameters())

            // Check whether the connection string can be parsed.
            if (CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(storageConnectionString, out storageAccount))
                string ContainerNames;
                if (ssmParameterManager.TryGetValue(Constants.StorageContainerNamesSSMPath, out ContainerNames))
                    var         arrContainerNames = ContainerNames.Split(',', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    List <Task> lstTasks          = new List <Task>();
                    foreach (var ContainerName in arrContainerNames)
                        var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                            var lstBlobItems = AzureManager.ListBlobContainer(storageAccount, ContainerName, null);

                            if (lstBlobItems.Count > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine("Listing S3 items.");
                                var S3Objects = S3Manager.GetS3Items();

                                Console.WriteLine($"{S3Objects.Count.ToString()} items retrieved from S3.");

                                foreach (var S3Object in S3Objects)
                                    Console.WriteLine($"Item retrieved from S3: {S3Object.BucketName} - {S3Object.Key} ({S3Object.Size.ToString()} bytes) - ETag {S3Object.ETag}");

                                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

                                Amazon.SQS.AmazonSQSClient sqsClient = new Amazon.SQS.AmazonSQSClient();

                                lstBlobItems.ForEach((a) =>
                                    if (!S3Objects.Any(s => s.Key == a.BlobName && s.Size == a.Size))
                                        CopyItem copyItem = new CopyItem {
                                            BlobItem = a
                                        // No S3 objects that match the Azure blob, copy it over
                                        var strCopyItem = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(copyItem);
                                        SendMessageRequest sendRequest = new SendMessageRequest {
                                            MessageBody = strCopyItem, QueueUrl = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("QueueName")

                                        var sendMessageResult = sqsClient.SendMessageAsync(sendRequest).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

                                        Console.WriteLine($"Item not found in S3, adding to copy queue - {a.BlobName} - send message result: {sendMessageResult.HttpStatusCode.ToString()}");

                // Otherwise, let the user know that they need to define the environment variable.
                throw new Exception("Storage connection path not defined.");