Exemplo n.º 1
  * called by any GUI component to join a remote game.
  * The remote host should tell us what game we're in and where our paddle is in world coordinates
 public void JoinGame(string url)
     Debug.Log("joining game");
     status = CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_WAITING;
     playerInfo = new Dictionary<string, PongPlayer>();
Exemplo n.º 2
     * called by any GUI component to start hosting a game.
     * We will start listening for "playerjoined" requests and start a game.
    public void HostGame(string url)
        Debug.Log("Host starting game");
        status = CoordinatorStatus.HOSTING_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS;
        playerInfo = new Dictionary<string, PongPlayer>();

        //join my own game:
        chatWindowController.addLine("server", "You're the host! Press the 'fire' button to start the game");
Exemplo n.º 3
    private void UpdateJoinedStarting()
        //we're starting a new game
        this.playerInfo.Clear(); //@TODO: destroy gameobject paddles from previous game
        ArrayList players = (ArrayList)parsedGameSetup[PongPlayer.ARRAY_PLAYERS];
        PongPlayer previousPlayer = null;
        for (int p = 0; p < players.Count; ++p)
            PongPlayer newPlayer = new PongPlayer((Hashtable)players[p]);

            //now create the walls & goals:
            GameObject goal = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabGoal);
            createWall(goal, newPlayer.goalLeft, newPlayer.goalRight);
            goal.name = "Goal for " + newPlayer.playerid;

            newPlayer.paddle = CreatePaddle(newPlayer.playerid, goal.transform.rotation, newPlayer.playerLeft, newPlayer.playerRight);
            //@TODO: for local paddle, bind keys to the newly instantiated paddle
            this.playerInfo.Add(newPlayer.playerid, newPlayer);
            //@TODO: link goal to correct user, for points and awards

            if (previousPlayer != null)
                GameObject wall = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabWall);
                createWall(wall, previousPlayer.goalRight, newPlayer.goalLeft);
            previousPlayer = newPlayer;

        this.localPlayer = this.playerInfo[this.localPlayerName];

        //some ugly shenanigans to create the last wall (between first and last player)
        GameObject lastwall = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabWall);
        createWall(lastwall, previousPlayer.goalRight, PongSerializer.toVector((Hashtable) ((Hashtable)players[0])[PongPlayer.FIELD_GOALLEFT]));

        //now let's play ball!
        GameObject ballobject = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabBall);
        ballobject.name = "PongTestBall";
        this.ball = new PongBall(ballobject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>());

        //next frame, we can start playing!
        status = CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_PLAYING;
Exemplo n.º 4
    private void StartNewGame()
        Debug.Log("initializing playfield");
        Vector3[] points = CreateEllipse(radius, radius, new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0f), this.playerInfo.Count * 2);
        GameObject wall;
        GameObject goal;

        var playerEnum = this.playerInfo.GetEnumerator();
        for (int i = 0; i < points.Length - 2; i += 2)
            //@TODO: should this stay here, or move to the corresponding receiveGameSetup? The server may not see its own gamesetup message
            wall = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabWall);
            createWall(wall, points[i + 1], points[i + 2]);
            goal = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabGoal);
            createWall(goal, points[i], points[i + 1]);

            if (playerEnum.MoveNext())
                var p = playerEnum.Current.Value;
                p.goalLeft = points[i];
                p.goalRight = points[i + 1];
                p.height = PADDLE_HEIGHT;
                p.length = PADDLE_LENGTH;
                p.playerLeft = p.goalLeft + (goal.transform.forward * PADDLE_DISTANCE);
                p.playerRight = p.goalRight + (goal.transform.forward * PADDLE_DISTANCE);
                p.paddle = CreatePaddle(p.playerid, goal.transform.rotation, p.playerLeft, p.playerRight);
                goal.name = p.playerid;
                Debug.LogError("mismatch between playfield size(" + (points.Length/2) + ") and playercount(" + this.playerInfo.Count + ")");


        //now let's play ball!
        GameObject ballobject = Instantiate<GameObject>(PrefabBall);
        ballobject.name = "PongTestBall";
        this.ball = new PongBall(ballobject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>());

        status = CoordinatorStatus.HOSTING_PLAYING;
Exemplo n.º 5
    private void ReceivePlayerJoined(Hashtable parsedPlayer)
        //construct a place-holder player info. The coordinates and other details will be communicated by the host (later)
        PongPlayer playa = new PongPlayer((string)parsedPlayer[PongPlayer.FIELD_PLAYERID]);

        Debug.Log("player joined: " + playa.playerid);
        if (status == CoordinatorStatus.HOSTING_PLAYING)
            status = CoordinatorStatus.HOSTING_WAITING_FOR_PLAYERS;
        if (this.localPlayerName.Equals(playa.playerid))
            Debug.Log("hey, that's me joining!");
            if (status == CoordinatorStatus.JOINING)
                status = CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_STARTING;
            //@TODO: bind this player's paddle to local keys
            //CORRECTION: binding should only happen during setup of the game (when host is building playfield)
            localPlayer = playa;
        playerInfo.Add(playa.playerid, playa);
        Debug.Log("Total #players joined: " + playerInfo.Count);
Exemplo n.º 6
    private bool ReceiveGameSetup(Hashtable parsed)
        if (status == CoordinatorStatus.HOSTING_PLAYING)
            Debug.Log("PongCoordinator received echo of my own GameSetup -- ignoring. (it's all good)");
            return true;

        if (status == CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_PLAYING || status == CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_WAITING)
            //since I can't create unity objects outside the FixedUpdate() method,
            //I'm simply setting the status and storing the parsedGameSetup;
            //it will be used in UpdateJoinedStarting()
            this.parsedGameSetup = parsed;
            status = CoordinatorStatus.JOINED_STARTING;
            return true;

        Debug.LogError("PongCoordinator should not be in status '" + status + "' when receiving gamesetup message");
        return false;