Exemplo n.º 1
        // Check if this polygon intersects with another
        public new bool IntersectsWith(ConvexPolygon polygon)
            // Suppose we have two polygons, A and B.  Let e be an arbitrary edge of
            // polygon A or B, a be the unit vector perpendicular to e, and pA and pB
            // be the projections of polygons A and B onto a.  If there exists an
            // edge e such that pA intersect pB is empty, then the polygons are not
            // overlapping.

            // Entry logging
            Log.Write(String.Format("Entering method for {0}", this.Name));

            // Initialize result as true
            bool result = true;

            #region [1]  Broad phase:  Bounding box test

            // If the polygons' bounding boxes do not intersect, then surely the
            // polygons themselves do not either
            if (!this.MinBoundingBox.IntersectsWith(polygon.MinBoundingBox))
                result = false;  goto exit;


            #region [2]  Narrow phase:  SAT test

            // Initialize pastSlopes list
            List <float> pastSlopes = new List <float>();
            // Count this polygon's vertices
            int n = this.Vertices.Count;
            // Count other polygon's vertices
            int m = polygon.Vertices.Count;
            // Get this polygon's edges
            List <LineSegment> edgesA = this.Edges;
            // Get other polygon's edges
            List <LineSegment> edgesB = polygon.Edges;

            // Loop through edges
            for (int i = 0; i < n + m; i++)
                // Point to current edge
                LineSegment edge;
                if (i < n)
                    edge = edgesA[i];
                    edge = edgesB[i - n];

                // Get edge's unit normal vector, i.e. the 'axis'
                Vector2 axis = (edge.Point2 - edge.Point1).Unit.Normal;
                // Get axis slope
                float slope = axis.Slope;
                // Initialize slopeAlreadyTested as false
                bool slopeAlreadyTested = false;

                // Check if former iteration already checked this slope
                for (int j = 0; j < pastSlopes.Count; j++)
                    if (slope == pastSlopes[j])
                        slopeAlreadyTested = true;  break;

                // If slopeAlreadyTested, then skip this iteration
                if (slopeAlreadyTested)

                // Remember this slope for future iterations

                // Project polygons onto axis
                Interval projectionA = this.ProjectOnto(axis);
                Interval projectionB = polygon.ProjectOnto(axis);

                // Check if their projections intersect
                if (!projectionA.IntersectsWith(projectionB))
                    // If not, then the polygons do not intersect
                    result = false;  goto exit;


            // [*]  Exit trap

            // Exit logging
            Log.Write(String.Format("Exiting method for {0}", this.Name));

            // Return result