Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override Expression BindMissingMethod(CallSiteContext bound)
            var type = bound.TargetType;

            if (type == null)   // already reported - class cannot be found

            if (bound.TargetInstance != null && bound.CurrentTargetInstance != null) // it has been checked it is a subclass of TargetType
                // ensure current scope's __call() is favoured over the specified class
                type = bound.CurrentTargetInstance.GetPhpTypeInfo();

            // try to find __call() first if we have $this
            var call = (bound.TargetInstance != null) ? BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(type, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__call) : null;

            if (call == null)
                // look for __callStatic()
                call = BinderHelpers.FindMagicMethod(type, TypeMethods.MagicMethods.__callstatic);

            if (call != null)
                Expression[] call_args;

                var name_expr = (_name != null) ? Expression.Constant(_name) : bound.IndirectName;

                if (call.Methods.All(IsClrMagicCallWithParams))
                    // Template: target.__call(name, arg1, arg2, ...)
                    // flatterns the arguments:
                    call_args = ArrayUtils.AppendRange(name_expr, bound.Arguments);
                    // Template: target.__call(name, array)
                    // regular PHP behavior:
                    call_args = new Expression[]
                        BinderHelpers.NewPhpArray(bound.Arguments, bound.Context, bound.ClassContext),

                return(OverloadBinder.BindOverloadCall(_returnType, bound.TargetInstance, call.Methods, bound.Context, call_args,
                                                       isStaticCallSyntax: true,
                                                       lateStaticType: bound.TargetType,
                                                       classContext: bound.ClassContext));
