private void btnConvertDateOnly_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("This action will update data on all records for selected attributes in connected organization.\n\nUse with caution!\n\nContinue?", "Convert data", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation))
                var tz = cmbCountryCodes.SelectedItem as CRMTimeZone;

                var req = new ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest();
                req.Attributes     = GetSelectedEntityAttributes();
                req.ConversionRule = cmbConversionRule.SelectedItem.ToString();
                if (tz != null)
                    req.TimeZoneCode = tz.TimeZoneCode;
                req.AutoConvert = cbAutoConvert.Checked;

                var resp = Service.Execute(req) as ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorResponse;
                linkConvertJob.Text = resp.JobId.ToString();
                MessageBox.Show("Conversion is performed asynchronously.\nClick the link on the form to open system job and verify the results.", "Convert data", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        /// <summary>
        /// Create and configure the organization service proxy.
        /// Create a date/time attribute for account entity with UserLocal behavior.
        /// Create an account record.
        /// Retrieve the value in the new date/time attribute.
        /// Update attribute to set the behavior to DateOnly.
        /// Create another account record.
        /// Retrieve both the account records to compare the date value retrieved.
        /// Use the "ConvertDateandTimeRequest" message to change the behavior for the
        /// existing records.
        /// Optionally delete/revert any attributes 
        /// that were created/changed for this sample.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptForDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptForDelete)

                // Connect to the Organization service. 
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri, 
                    serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.

                    // Check if you are running the correct version of CRM.
                    // This sample requires that the CRM version be 7.1.0.xxxx or later.
                    RetrieveVersionRequest crmVersionReq = new RetrieveVersionRequest();
                    RetrieveVersionResponse crmVersionResp = (RetrieveVersionResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(crmVersionReq);

                    if (String.CompareOrdinal("", crmVersionResp.Version) < 0)
                        // Create required records for the sample.

                        // Use the ConvertDateandTimeBehaviorRequest SDK message to change
                        // the behavior of the date and time values in the custom attribute
                        // (new_SampleDateTimeAttribute) for the account entity.
                        ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest request = new ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest()
                            Attributes = new EntityAttributeCollection() 
                                        new KeyValuePair<string, StringCollection>("account", new StringCollection() 
                                        { "new_sampledatetimeattribute" }) 
                            ConversionRule = DateTimeBehaviorConversionRule.SpecificTimeZone.Value,
                            TimeZoneCode = 190, // Time zone code for India Standard Time (IST) in CRM
                            AutoConvert = false // Conversion must be done using ConversionRule

                        // Execute the request
                        ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorResponse response = (ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorResponse)_serviceProxy.Execute(request);
                        Console.WriteLine("Executed the ConvertDateAndTimeBehaviorRequest SDK message.\n");

                        // Wait for two seconds to let the async job be created

                        if (response.JobId != null)
                            Console.WriteLine("An async job created with ID: {0}", response.JobId.ToString());

                        // Retrieve the job completion details based on the Job ID                    
                        ColumnSet cs = new ColumnSet("statecode", "statuscode", "friendlymessage", "message");
                        Console.WriteLine("Waiting for the async job to complete...\n");
                        AsyncOperation crmAsyncJob = new AsyncOperation();
                        while (response.JobId != null &amp;&amp; waitCount > 0)
                            // Check to see if the async operation is complete
                            crmAsyncJob =
                                           response.JobId, cs);
                            if (crmAsyncJob.StateCode.HasValue &amp;&amp;
                                    crmAsyncJob.StateCode.Value == AsyncOperationState.Completed &amp;&amp; 
                                    crmAsyncJob.StatusCode.Value == (int)asyncoperation_statuscode.Succeeded)
                                waitCount = 0;                                
                                Console.WriteLine("The async job is complete.\n");

                                // Retrieve both the account records created earlier to check the date value
                                Console.WriteLine("Retrieving the date and time values after the conversion...\n");
                                // Create a column set to define which attributes should be retrieved.
                                ColumnSet attributes = new ColumnSet(new string[] { "name", "new_sampledatetimeattribute" });

                                Account retrievedAccount1 = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(Account.EntityLogicalName, _account1ID, attributes);
                                Account retrievedAccount2 = (Account)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(Account.EntityLogicalName, _account2ID, attributes);

                                Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is: {1}", retrievedAccount1.GetAttributeValue<String>("name"), retrievedAccount1.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("new_sampledatetimeattribute"));
                                Console.WriteLine("'{0}' is: {1}\n", retrievedAccount2.GetAttributeValue<String>("name"), retrievedAccount2.GetAttributeValue<DateTime>("new_sampledatetimeattribute"));
                                Console.WriteLine("The behavior converted to DateOnly for account record ('Sample Account 1')\nbased on the specified conversion rule.\n");
                                Console.WriteLine("No changes to 'Sample Account 2' because it was already DateOnly.\n");

                        // If the async job is taking tool long to process,
                        // inform the user about the same.
                        if (waitCount == 0 &amp;&amp; crmAsyncJob.StateCode.Value != (AsyncOperationState.Completed))
                            Console.WriteLine("The async job is taking too long to complete. Aborting the sample.");

                        // Prompt the user to delete the records and attribute created by the sample.
                        Console.WriteLine("This sample cannot be run against the current version of CRM.");
                        Console.WriteLine("Upgrade your CRM instance to the latest version to run this sample.");