internal static void CheckExportedTypes(WriteEntitySceneSettings writeEntitySceneSettings, bool record, IEnumerable <TypeManager.TypeInfo> typeInfos, ref ConversionJournalData journalData)
            if (!writeEntitySceneSettings.IsDotsRuntime)

            if (typeInfos.Any())
                if (record)
                    journalData.RecordLogEvent(null, LogType.Log, "::Exported Types (by stable hash)::");
                foreach (var typeInfo in typeInfos)
                    // TODO: We need to define what the assembly cache should look like for hybrid. Right now BuildAssemblyCache is defined from a root assembly and a build target and has only being used by DotsRuntime
                    if (writeEntitySceneSettings.BuildAssemblyCache != null)
                        var type = typeInfo.Type;
                        if (!writeEntitySceneSettings.BuildAssemblyCache.HasType(type))
                            journalData.RecordExceptionEvent(null, new ArgumentException($"The {type.Name} component is defined in the {type.Assembly.GetName().Name} assembly, but that assembly is not referenced by the current build configuration. Either add it as a reference, or ensure that the conversion process that is adding that component does not run."));

                    // Record exported types in the conversion log file for debug purposes
                    if (record)
                        journalData.RecordLogEvent(null, LogType.Log, $"0x{typeInfo.StableTypeHash:x16} - {typeInfo.StableTypeHash,22} - {typeInfo.Type.FullName}");
        public void LogFormat(UnityLogType logType, UnityObject context, string format, object[] args)
            if (m_HookedLogger == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(ExportConfigurationLogHandler)} is not hooked into the logger. Logs can't be recorded.");

            m_HookedLogger.LogFormat(logType, context, format, args);
            m_JournalData.RecordLogEvent(context, logType, string.Format(format, args));
            if (logType == UnityLogType.Error)
                m_FailureLogs = true;