Exemplo n.º 1
         * Method for generating ContractParameter objects.  This will call the Generate() method
         * on the sub-class, load all common parameters and load child parameters.
        public virtual ContractParameter Generate(Contract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost)
            // Generate a parameter using the sub-class logic
            ContractParameter parameter = Generate(contract);

            if (parameter == null)
                throw new Exception(GetType().FullName + ".Generate() returned a null ContractParameter!");

            // Add ContractParameter to the host

            // Set the funds/science/reputation parameters
            parameter.SetFunds(rewardFunds, failureFunds, targetBody);
            parameter.SetReputation(rewardReputation, failureReputation, targetBody);
            parameter.SetScience(rewardScience, targetBody);

            // Set other flags
            parameter.Optional = optional;
            if (disableOnStateChange != null)
                parameter.DisableOnStateChange = (bool)disableOnStateChange;

        /// <summary>
        /// Method for generating ContractParameter objects.  This will call the Generate() method
        /// on the sub-class, load all common parameters and load child parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="contract">Contract to generate for</param>
        /// <param name="contractParamHost">Parent object for the ContractParameter</param>
        /// <returns>Generated ContractParameter</returns>
        public virtual ContractParameter Generate(ConfiguredContract contract, IContractParameterHost contractParamHost)
            // First check any requirements
            if (!ContractRequirement.RequirementsMet(contract, contract.contractType, requirements))
                LoggingUtil.LogVerbose(typeof(ParameterFactory), "Returning null for " + contract.contractType.name + "." + name + ": requirements not met.");

            // Generate a parameter using the sub-class logic
            ContractParameter parameter = Generate(contract);

            if (parameter == null)
                LoggingUtil.LogWarning(this, GetType().FullName + ".Generate() returned a null ContractParameter!");

            // Add ContractParameter to the host

            // Set the funds/science/reputation parameters
            parameter.SetFunds(rewardFunds, failureFunds, targetBody);
            parameter.SetReputation(rewardReputation, failureReputation, targetBody);
            parameter.SetScience(rewardScience, targetBody);

            // Set other flags
            parameter.Optional = optional;
            if (disableOnStateChange != null)
                parameter.DisableOnStateChange = (bool)disableOnStateChange;
            parameter.ID = name;

            // Special stuff for contract configurator parameters
            ContractConfiguratorParameter ccParam = parameter as ContractConfiguratorParameter;

            if (ccParam != null)
                ccParam.completeInSequence = completeInSequence;
                ccParam.notes            = notes;
                ccParam.completedMessage = completedMessage;
                ccParam.hidden           = hidden;
                ccParam.hideChildren     = hideChildren;
