Exemplo n.º 1
    Button.ButtonClickedEvent CreateOnButtonPressed(Button b, ContestantData cd)
        Button.ButtonClickedEvent bcevent = new Button.ButtonClickedEvent();

        bcevent.AddListener(() => {
            b.interactable = false;

            Team t = holder.Keys.ToList()[currentTeamIndex];

            b.transform.SetParent(holder[t], worldPositionStays: true);
            b.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, -t.Contestants.Count * (b.GetComponent <RectTransform>().rect.height * 0.25f));

            b.GetComponent <TeamSelectorButton>().originalChildPosition = b.transform.GetSiblingIndex();
            b.GetComponent <TeamSelectorButton>().active = true;

            ColorBlock cb    = b.colors;
            cb.disabledColor = t.Color;
            b.colors         = cb;


Exemplo n.º 2
    public void SelectNext(Contestant c)
        List <ContestantData> cons = TeamManager.Instance.CurrentTeam.Contestants;

        if (c != null)
            int index = cons.IndexOf(c.Data) + 1;

            ContestantData posNext = cons [index % cons.Count];

            while (c != posNext.Contestant)
                posNext = cons [index % cons.Count];

                if (posNext.Contestant.ActionsRemaining > 0)
                    Debug.Log("different contestnat");

            //if we've reached here, all teammates have run out of actions

             * if (c.ActionsRemaining <= 0) {
             *      GameManager.Instance.NextTurn ();
             * }*/// we dont do this bc it is instant, and dont wait for any movement to happen
Exemplo n.º 3
    void Start()
        Team t1 = new Team("Broncos", new Color(1f, 165f / 256f, 0f), teamLogos[0]);
        Team t2 = new Team("Raiders", new Color(139f / 256f, 0f, 0139f / 256f), teamLogos[1]);

        //temp spawn in brand new contestants each time
        //teamPositions = new Dictionary<Team, Vector3> ();
        holder = new Dictionary <Team, Transform> ();

        //teamPositions[t1] = new Vector3(0.6f * selectionButtonPrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width, 0f);
        //teamPositions[t2] = new Vector3(Screen.width - (0.6f * selectionButtonPrefab.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width),  0f);

        holder [t1] = mainCanvas.transform.Find("Left Team Canvas");
        holder [t2] = mainCanvas.transform.Find("Right Team Canvas");

        //Contestant Data has three stats. Do we want ContestantData.NumberStats (static) or only know about it here?
        //also text field needs to be 20 height, should probably encapsulate
        float buttonHeight = (5 * 20);
        int   numCols      = Mathf.CeilToInt(((buttonHeight * 0.95f) * teamSize * 2) / (Screen.height - 160));
        int   numRows      = Mathf.CeilToInt((teamSize * 2f) / numCols);

        Font arial = Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf") as Font;

        string[] names = new string[] {
            "Andre", "Bucky", "Chris", "Danny", "Eddy", "Frank", "Gummy", "Harold", "Illy", "James"

        for (int i = 0; i < numRows; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < numCols; j++)
                if (i * numCols + j >= (teamSize * 2))

                ContestantData cd = new ContestantData(names [i * numCols + j], (int)(Random.value * 10), (int)(Random.value * 10), (int)(Random.value * 10), 10);

                GameObject button = Instantiate(selectionButtonPrefab, mainCanvas.transform);

                RectTransform bRT = button.GetComponent <RectTransform> ();

                bRT.sizeDelta     = new Vector2(bRT.rect.width, buttonHeight);
                bRT.localPosition = new Vector3((i - ((numRows - 1) / 2f)) * (bRT.rect.width * 1.05f), (Screen.height / 2) - 80 - j * (bRT.rect.height * 1.05f), 0f);
                DisplayStats(button, cd.Stats, arial);

                button.GetComponent <Button>().onClick = CreateOnButtonPressed(button.GetComponent <Button>(), cd);
        //potentially unreachable code
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void SpawnContestant(ContestantData d, Hex startingHex)
        //prefab is temp, will load prefab of correct type
        GameObject go = Instantiate(testContestant, startingHex.Position, testContestant.transform.rotation, transform);

        go.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().material.color = d.Team.Color;

        Contestant c = go.GetComponent <Contestant> ();

        //Here set contestant values in line with data
        c.CurrentHex = startingHex;
        c.Position   = startingHex.Position;
        c.Data       = d;
        d.Contestant = c;


        //Possible Actions
        if (d.CanShoot)
            c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <DamagableObject> ("Shoot", ContestantActionsEnum.Shoot, 1f, c, 4, 3f, false));

        Func <ICatcher, bool> throwReqs = (con) => {
            return(c.Ball != null && con.Ball == null);

        c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <ICatcher> ("Throw", ContestantActionsEnum.Throw, 2f, c, (int)(d.Dexerity * 2), 3f, true, throwReqs));

        Func <Contestant, bool> checkForBall = (Contestant con) => {
            return(con.Ball != null);

        c.PossibleActions.Add(ContestantActionsFactory.CreateAction <Contestant> ("Swipe", ContestantActionsEnum.Swipe, 0f, c, 1, 3f, false, checkForBall));

Exemplo n.º 5
 public void SelectedStatUI(ContestantData cd)
     ShowStats(cd, statParent);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public void AddContestant(ContestantData cd)
     cd.Team = this;