Exemplo n.º 1
        public GoogleBaseExporter(long subdomainid, string hostname, long? sessionid = null)
            : this(hostname)
            ownerid = sessionid;
            service = new ContentForShoppingService("tradelr");
            var authFactory = new GAuthSubRequestFactory("gbase", "tradelr");

            using (var repository = new TradelrRepository())
                var sd = repository.GetSubDomain(subdomainid);

                if (sd.gbaseid.HasValue && 
                    service.RequestFactory = authFactory;
                    accountid = sd.googleBase.accountid.ToString();
                    // use tradelr as default
                    service.setUserCredentials("*****@*****.**", "tuaki1976");
                    accountid = "8812401";

                // get feed
                if (sd.gbaseid.HasValue)
                    var query = new ProductQuery("schema", accountid);
                    feed = service.Query(query);

                    InitLocalisation(sd.gbaseid.HasValue ? sd.googleBase.country : COUNTRY_US, sd.currency.ToCurrency());
        private static void RunSample(string username, string password, string accountId)
            // Connect to the service
            ContentForShoppingService service = new ContentForShoppingService("ContentForShopping-Sample");

            service.setUserCredentials(username, password);

            // Retrieve the list of all existing products
            string       projection = "schema";
            ProductQuery query      = new ProductQuery(projection, accountId);
            ProductFeed  feed       = service.Query(query);

            // Display title and id for each product
            Console.WriteLine("Listing all products");
            foreach (ProductEntry p in feed.Entries)
                Console.WriteLine("Product: " + p.Title.Text + " (" + p.ProductId + ")");

            // Create a new product
            ProductEntry entry = new ProductEntry();

            entry.Title.Text = "Wool sweater";
            AtomContent c = new AtomContent();

            c.Content             = "Comfortable and soft, this sweater will keep you warm on those cold winter nights. Red and blue stripes.";
            entry.Content         = c;
            entry.ProductId       = "123457";
            entry.Language        = "it";
            entry.TargetCountry   = "US";
            entry.ContentLanguage = "en";
            entry.Brand           = "ACME";
            entry.Condition       = "new";
            entry.Price           = new Price("usd", "25");
            entry.ProductType     = "Clothing & Accessories > Clothing > Outerwear > Sweaters";
            entry.Quantity        = 3;
            entry.ShippingWeight  = new ShippingWeight("lb", "0.1");
            entry.ImageLink       = new ImageLink("http://www.example.com/image.jpg");
            entry.Availability    = "available for order";
            entry.Channel         = "online";
            entry.Gender          = "female";
            entry.Material        = "wool";
            entry.Pattern         = "Red and blue stripes";
            entry.Color           = "red";

            AtomLink link = new AtomLink();

            link.HRef = "http://www.example.com";
            link.Rel  = "alternate";
            link.Type = "text/html";

            // Shipping rules
            Shipping s1 = new Shipping();

            s1.Country = "US";
            s1.Region  = "MA";
            s1.Service = "Speedy Shipping - Ground";
            s1.Price   = new ShippingPrice("usd", "5.95");

            Shipping s2 = new Shipping();

            s2.Country = "US";
            s2.Region  = "024*";
            s2.Service = "Speedy Shipping - Air";
            s2.Price   = new ShippingPrice("usd", "7.95");


            // Tax rules
            Tax t1 = new Tax();

            t1.Country = "US";
            t1.Region  = "CA";
            t1.Rate    = "8.25";
            t1.Ship    = true;

            Tax t2 = new Tax();

            t2.Country = "US";
            t2.Region  = "926*";
            t2.Rate    = "8.75";
            t2.Ship    = false;


            // Additional Image Links
            AdditionalImageLink il1 = new AdditionalImageLink("http://www.example.com/1.jpg");

            AdditionalImageLink il2 = new AdditionalImageLink("http://www.example.com/2.jpg");


            // Add the product to the server feed
            Console.WriteLine("Inserting product");
            ProductEntry inserted = service.Insert(feed, entry);

            // Update the product we just inserted
            inserted.Title.Text = "2011 Wool sweater";
            Console.WriteLine("Updating product");
            ProductEntry updated = service.Update(inserted);

            // Retrieve the new list of products
            feed = service.Query(query);

            // Display title and id for each product
            Console.WriteLine("Listing all products again");
            foreach (ProductEntry p in feed.Entries)
                Console.WriteLine("Product: " + p.Title.Text + " (" + p.ProductId + ")");

            // Delete the item we inserted and updated
            Console.WriteLine("Deleting product");