protected override void OnTextViewDisconnected(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
            if (textBuffer != textView.TextBuffer)
                var containedLanguageHost = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, textBuffer);
                if (containedLanguageHost != null)

            base.OnTextViewDisconnected(textView, textBuffer);
        protected override void OnTextViewConnected(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
            var mainController = ServiceManager.GetService <TemplateMainController>(textView) ??
                                 new TemplateMainController(textView, textBuffer);

            if (textBuffer != textView.TextBuffer)
                var containedLanguageHost = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, textBuffer);
                if (containedLanguageHost != null)
                    object nextFilter = containedLanguageHost.SetContainedCommandTarget(textView, mainController);
                    mainController.ChainedController = WebEditor.TranslateCommandTarget(textView, nextFilter);

            base.OnTextViewConnected(textView, textBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void OnTextViewConnected(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer)
            RMainController.Attach(textView, textBuffer, Shell);
            if (textBuffer != textView.TextBuffer)
                // Projected scenario
                _containedLanguageHost = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, textBuffer, Shell);
                if (_containedLanguageHost != null)
                    _containedLanguageHost.Closing += OnContainedLanguageHostClosing;
                    _textBuffer = textBuffer;

                    var mainController = RMainController.FromTextView(textView);
                    var nextTarget     = _containedLanguageHost.SetContainedCommandTarget(textView, mainController);
                    // Convert chained target to ICommandTarget (chained target might be IOleCommandTarget and host will create a shim then).
                    mainController.ChainedController = nextTarget;
            base.OnTextViewConnected(textView, textBuffer);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static bool CanFormatRange(ITextView textView, ITextBuffer textBuffer, ITextRange formatRange)
            // Make sure we are not formatting damaging the projected range in R Markdown
            // which looks like ```{r. 'r' should not separate from {.
            var host = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, textBuffer);

            if (host != null)
                ITextSnapshot snapshot = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot;

                int startLine = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(formatRange.Start);
                int endLine   = snapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(formatRange.End);
                for (int i = startLine; i <= endLine; i++)
                    if (!host.CanFormatLine(textView, textBuffer, i))
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void HandleAutoformat(ITextView textView, IEditorShell editorShell, char typedChar)
            if (!REditorSettings.AutoFormat)

            if (!REditorSettings.FormatScope && typedChar == '}')

            SnapshotPoint?rPoint = GetCaretPointInBuffer(textView);

            if (!rPoint.HasValue)

            var document = REditorDocument.FromTextBuffer(textView.TextBuffer);
            var ast      = document.EditorTree.AstRoot;

            // Make sure we are not formatting damaging the projected range in R Markdown
            // which looks like ```{r. 'r' should not separate from {.
            var host = ContainedLanguageHost.GetHost(textView, document.TextBuffer, editorShell);

            if (host != null && !host.CanFormatLine(textView, document.TextBuffer, document.TextBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineNumberFromPosition(rPoint.Value)))

            // We don't want to auto-format inside strings
            if (ast.IsPositionInsideString(rPoint.Value.Position))

            ITextBuffer subjectBuffer = rPoint.Value.Snapshot.TextBuffer;

            if (typedChar.IsLineBreak())
                // Special case for hitting caret after } and before 'else'. We do want to format
                // the construct as '} else {' but if user types Enter after } and we auto-format
                // it will look as if the editor just eats the Enter. Instead, we will not be
                // autoformatting in this specific case. User can always format either the document
                // or select the block and reformat it.
                if (!IsBetweenCurlyAndElse(subjectBuffer, rPoint.Value.Position))
                    var scopeStatement = GetFormatScope(textView, subjectBuffer, ast);
                    // Do not format large scope blocks for performance reasons
                    if (scopeStatement != null && scopeStatement.Length < 200)
                        FormatOperations.FormatNode(textView, subjectBuffer, editorShell, scopeStatement);
                    else if (CanFormatLine(textView, subjectBuffer, -1))
                        FormatOperations.FormatViewLine(textView, subjectBuffer, -1, editorShell);
            else if (typedChar == ';')
                // Verify we are at the end of the string and not in a middle
                // of another string or inside a statement.
                ITextSnapshotLine line = subjectBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetLineFromPosition(rPoint.Value.Position);
                int    positionInLine  = rPoint.Value.Position - line.Start;
                string lineText        = line.GetText();
                if (positionInLine >= lineText.TrimEnd().Length)
                    FormatOperations.FormatViewLine(textView, subjectBuffer, 0, editorShell);
            else if (typedChar == '}')
                FormatOperations.FormatCurrentStatement(textView, subjectBuffer, editorShell, limitAtCaret: true, caretOffset: -1);