Exemplo n.º 1
        public void SaveInternetHandleTest()
            //Create a MockFactory
            MockFactory factory = new MockFactory();

            //Create an instance of an IContactManagementDataSource Mock
            Mock <IContactManagementDataSource> dataSource = factory.CreateMock <IContactManagementDataSource>();

            //Create the ContactManagementBusinessLogic with 1 constructor argument
            ContactManagementBusinessLogic businessLogic = new ContactManagementBusinessLogic(dataSource.MockObject);

            int            contactId    = 1234;
            InternetHandle handle       = new InternetHandle(0, "*****@*****.**", "John Doe (Email)", HandleType.PersonalEmail);
            int            rowsAffected = 1;

            //Create an expectation that the dataSource will have its SaveInternetHandle method called
            //with contactId, and handle and will return the value of rowsAffected
            //note how the lambda specifies the method to call
            .MethodWith(d => d.SaveInternetHandle(contactId, handle)) //these are the parameters to match
            .WillReturn(rowsAffected);                                //the return value of the mocked method

            //Note how the expectation reads like an English sentence.
            //This is called *syntactic sugar*.

            //Call the method
            int i = businessLogic.SaveInternetHandle(contactId, handle);

            //Add the unit test assertion
            Assert.AreEqual(rowsAffected, i);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void SaveContactTest()
            //Assert.Ignore("Ignore for now"); //TODO: remove later in the exercise
            //Create a MockFactory
            MockFactory factory = new MockFactory();

            //Create an instance of an IAddressStandardizationService Mock and IContactManagementDataSource Mock
            Mock <IStandardizationService>      addressService = factory.CreateMock <IStandardizationService>();
            Mock <IContactManagementDataSource> dataSource     = factory.CreateMock <IContactManagementDataSource>();

            //Create the ContactManagementBusinessLogic
            ContactManagementBusinessLogic businessLogic = new ContactManagementBusinessLogic(addressService.MockObject, dataSource.MockObject);

            //Contact to be passed to the businesslogic
            Contact contactIN = new Contact(123);

            //SaveContactResult to be returned by the businessLogic
            SaveContactResult result = new SaveContactResult();

            result.ContactId       = 123;
            result.RecordsAffected = 1;

            //Address to be passed in to the addressService
            Address addressIN = new Address(0, "123 S. 201st St.", string.Empty, "Omaha", "NE", "68154", "USA", AddressType.Home);


            //Address to be returned by the addressService
            Address addressOUT = new Address(0, "123 S 201 ST", string.Empty, "Omaha", "NE", "68154", "USA", AddressType.Home);

            int rowsAffected = 2;

            //Add the expectations
            .Method(d => d.SaveContact(null))                     //this method param is needed for the compiler

            .Method(a => a.StandardizeAddress(null))                     //this method param is needed for the compiler

            .Method(d => d.SaveAddress(0, null))
            .With(contactIN.Id, addressOUT)

            //Call the method
            int i = businessLogic.SaveContact(contactIN);

            //Add the unit test assertion
            Assert.AreEqual(rowsAffected, i);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SaveAddressTest()
            //Create a MockFactory named factory
            MockFactory factory = new MockFactory();

            //Create an instance of an IContactManagementDataSource Mock named dataSource
            Mock <IContactManagementDataSource> dataSource = factory.CreateMock <IContactManagementDataSource>();
            //Create an instance of an IStandardizationService Mock named standardizationService
            Mock <IStandardizationService> standardizationService = factory.CreateMock <IStandardizationService>();

            //Create an instance of the ContactManagementBusinessLogic class with 2 constructor arguments
            //named businessLogic
            ContactManagementBusinessLogic businessLogic = new ContactManagementBusinessLogic(standardizationService.MockObject, dataSource.MockObject);

            //Declare the contactId variable
            int contactId = 1234;
            //Declare the addressIN variable
            Address addressIN = new Address(0, "123 S. 201st St.", string.Empty, "Omaha", "NE", "68154", "USA", AddressType.Home);
            //Declare the addressOUT variable
            Address addressOUT = new Address(0, "123 S 201 ST", string.Empty, "Omaha", "NE", "68154", "USA", AddressType.Home);
            //Declare the rowsAffected variable
            int rowsAffected = 1;

            //Create standardizationService expectation for the StandardizePhone method
            //It expects to be called WITH the addressIN variable and it RETURNS the addressOUT variable
            .Method(s => s.StandardizeAddress(null))

            //Create the dataSource expectation for the SaveAddress method
            //It expects to be called WITH the addressOUT variable and it RETURNS the rowsAffected variable
            .Method(d => d.SaveAddress(0, null))
            .With(contactId, addressOUT)

            //Call the SaveAddress method on the businessLogic object and store the result
            int i = businessLogic.SaveAddress(contactId, addressIN);

            //Test the rows affected are equal to the result of the SavePhone call
            Assert.AreEqual(rowsAffected, i);