Exemplo n.º 1
			// <param name="peerUri">the peer uri of the conversation participant</param>
			// <param name="usingDisplayName">the display name the participant is claiming to be</param>
			// <param name="usingAvatarUrl">the avatar the participant is claiming to be</param>
			// <param name="outContacts">optional returned list of existing contacts matching to this peer URI and the value is set to null if no existing contacts were found</param>
			// <param name="outPreviousName">optionally returned if contacts were not found the this value will be set with the last known display name (if a record was found)</param>
			// <param name="outPreviousAvatarUrl">optionally returned if contacts were not found the this value will be set with the last known avatar url (if a record was found)</param>
			public int GetOrCreateParticipantIdForConversation (
				string peerUri,
				string usingDisplayName,
				string usingAvatarUrl,
				ContactDatabase contactDb,
				OptionalOut< IList<Contact> > outContacts = null,
				OptionalOut<string> outPreviousName = null,
				OptionalOut<string> outPreviousAvatarUrl = null
				Contract.Requires (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(peerUri));
				Contract.Requires (contactDb != null);

				int resultParticipantId = 0;
				IList<Contact> resultContacts = null;

				string previousName = usingDisplayName;
				string previousAvatar = usingAvatarUrl;

				try {
					lock (this) {

						#region this needs to change
						#warning needs to do proper split using op stack

						char[] delimiterChars = {'/'};
						string[] split = peerUri.Split (delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

						Contract.Assert (split.Length > 2);

						string contactId = split [2];

						Contract.Assert (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (contactId));

						// find any contacts which are associated to this peer URI contact id
						resultContacts = contactDb.GetByPeerUriContactId (contactId);

						IList<ConversationPartipantRecord> existingRecordsForContactId = GetParticipantRecordByPeerUriContactId (contactId);

						if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(existingRecordsForContactId)) {

							ConversationPartipantRecord record = existingRecordsForContactId.First ();

							// if we found a contact id that means the user is the same user as there cannot be any two users sharing the same contact id (ever)
							resultParticipantId = record.ParticipantId;

							previousName = record.LastKnownDisplayName;
							previousAvatar = record.LastKnownAvatarUrl;

							Logger.Debug("found existing participant record for contact id, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}", resultParticipantId, peerUri);

						List<Contact> contactsMissingRecords = new List<Contact> ();

						// search all contacts to see if any have existing records (and which records are missing)
						foreach (Contact contact in resultContacts) {
							bool foundRecordForThisIdentity = false;
							IList<ConversationPartipantRecord> records = GetParticipantRecordByIdentityUri(contact.IdentityUri);

							foreach (ConversationPartipantRecord record in records) {
								if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.StableId)) &&
									(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(contact.StableId))) {
									if (record.StableId != contact.StableId) {
										Logger.Trace ("previous participant record was found for identity uri but stable id doesn't match thus skipping, identity uri={0}, contact stable id={1}, record stable id={2}", contact.IdentityUri, contact.StableId, record.StableId);

									foundRecordForThisIdentity = foundRecordForThisIdentity || String.Equals(contact.PeerUri, peerUri);	// make sure it's the same peer URI (they can be different)

									bool updated = false;

									// if the record display name / avatar have changed, update the record
									if (!String.Equals (contact.DisplayName, record.LastKnownDisplayName)) {
										updated = true;
										record.LastKnownDisplayName = contact.DisplayName;
									if (!String.Equals (contact.AvatarUrl, record.LastKnownAvatarUrl)) {
										updated = true;
										record.LastKnownAvatarUrl = contact.AvatarUrl;

									if (updated) {
										record.LastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;
										Update (record);

									if (0 == resultParticipantId) {
										resultParticipantId = record.ParticipantId;
										Logger.Debug("found participant record for contact based on identity uri, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}, identity uri={2}", resultParticipantId, peerUri, contact.IdentityUri);

									Logger.Debug("found participant record for contact based on identity uri higher priority used, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}, identity uri={2}", resultParticipantId, peerUri, contact.IdentityUri);

							if (!foundRecordForThisIdentity) {
								contactsMissingRecords.Add (contact);

						bool createdNewParticipantId = false;

						// check to see if a participant id was chosen (needs one to be able to add any missing records)
						if (0 == resultParticipantId) {
							createdNewParticipantId = true;

							resultParticipantId = lastParticipantId;

						// scan over missing records to add them now
						if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(resultContacts)) {
							foreach (Contact contact in contactsMissingRecords) {
								ConversationPartipantRecord record = new ConversationPartipantRecord ();
								record.IdentityUri = contact.IdentityUri;
								record.PeerUri = peerUri;
								record.PeerUriContactId = contactId;
								record.StableId = contact.StableId;
								record.ParticipantId = resultParticipantId;
								record.LastKnownDisplayName = contact.DisplayName;
								record.LastKnownAvatarUrl = contact.AvatarUrl;

								Insert (record);

								Logger.Trace ("added missing participant record for idenity, participant id={0}, identity={1}, stable id={2}, peer uri={3}", record.ParticipantId, record.IdentityUri, record.StableId, record.PeerUri);
						} else {
							if (createdNewParticipantId) {
								ConversationPartipantRecord record = new ConversationPartipantRecord ();
								record.IdentityUri = "";
								record.PeerUri = peerUri;
								record.PeerUriContactId = contactId;
								record.StableId = "";
								record.ParticipantId = resultParticipantId;
								record.LastKnownDisplayName = usingDisplayName;
								record.LastKnownAvatarUrl = usingAvatarUrl;

								Insert (record);

								Logger.Trace ("added missing participant record for peer uri, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}", record.ParticipantId, record.PeerUri);
				} finally {
					if (null != outContacts) {
						if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty (resultContacts)) {
							outContacts.Result = resultContacts;
						} else {
							outContacts.Result = new List<Contact> ();

					if (Helper.IsNullOrEmpty (resultContacts)) {
						if (null != outPreviousName) {
							outPreviousName.Result = previousName;
						if (null != outPreviousAvatarUrl) {
							outPreviousAvatarUrl.Result = previousAvatar;

				return resultParticipantId;
Exemplo n.º 2
            // <param name="peerUri">the peer uri of the conversation participant</param>
            // <param name="usingDisplayName">the display name the participant is claiming to be</param>
            // <param name="usingAvatarUrl">the avatar the participant is claiming to be</param>
            // <param name="outContacts">optional returned list of existing contacts matching to this peer URI and the value is set to null if no existing contacts were found</param>
            // <param name="outPreviousName">optionally returned if contacts were not found the this value will be set with the last known display name (if a record was found)</param>
            // <param name="outPreviousAvatarUrl">optionally returned if contacts were not found the this value will be set with the last known avatar url (if a record was found)</param>
            public int GetOrCreateParticipantIdForConversation(
                string peerUri,
                string usingDisplayName,
                string usingAvatarUrl,
                ContactDatabase contactDb,
                OptionalOut <IList <Contact> > outContacts = null,
                OptionalOut <string> outPreviousName       = null,
                OptionalOut <string> outPreviousAvatarUrl  = null
                Contract.Requires(contactDb != null);

                int             resultParticipantId = 0;
                IList <Contact> resultContacts      = null;

                string previousName   = usingDisplayName;
                string previousAvatar = usingAvatarUrl;

                try {
                    lock (this) {
                        #region this needs to change
                                                #warning needs to do proper split using op stack

                        char[]   delimiterChars = { '/' };
                        string[] split          = peerUri.Split(delimiterChars, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                        Contract.Assert(split.Length > 2);

                        string contactId = split [2];


                        // find any contacts which are associated to this peer URI contact id
                        resultContacts = contactDb.GetByPeerUriContactId(contactId);

                        IList <ConversationPartipantRecord> existingRecordsForContactId = GetParticipantRecordByPeerUriContactId(contactId);

                        if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(existingRecordsForContactId))
                            ConversationPartipantRecord record = existingRecordsForContactId.First();

                            // if we found a contact id that means the user is the same user as there cannot be any two users sharing the same contact id (ever)
                            resultParticipantId = record.ParticipantId;

                            previousName   = record.LastKnownDisplayName;
                            previousAvatar = record.LastKnownAvatarUrl;

                            Logger.Debug("found existing participant record for contact id, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}", resultParticipantId, peerUri);

                        List <Contact> contactsMissingRecords = new List <Contact> ();

                        // search all contacts to see if any have existing records (and which records are missing)
                        foreach (Contact contact in resultContacts)
                            bool foundRecordForThisIdentity             = false;
                            IList <ConversationPartipantRecord> records = GetParticipantRecordByIdentityUri(contact.IdentityUri);

                            foreach (ConversationPartipantRecord record in records)
                                if ((!String.IsNullOrEmpty(record.StableId)) &&
                                    if (record.StableId != contact.StableId)
                                        Logger.Trace("previous participant record was found for identity uri but stable id doesn't match thus skipping, identity uri={0}, contact stable id={1}, record stable id={2}", contact.IdentityUri, contact.StableId, record.StableId);

                                    foundRecordForThisIdentity = foundRecordForThisIdentity || String.Equals(contact.PeerUri, peerUri);                                         // make sure it's the same peer URI (they can be different)

                                    bool updated = false;

                                    // if the record display name / avatar have changed, update the record
                                    if (!String.Equals(contact.DisplayName, record.LastKnownDisplayName))
                                        updated = true;
                                        record.LastKnownDisplayName = contact.DisplayName;
                                    if (!String.Equals(contact.AvatarUrl, record.LastKnownAvatarUrl))
                                        updated = true;
                                        record.LastKnownAvatarUrl = contact.AvatarUrl;

                                    if (updated)
                                        record.LastUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow;

                                    if (0 == resultParticipantId)
                                        resultParticipantId = record.ParticipantId;
                                        Logger.Debug("found participant record for contact based on identity uri, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}, identity uri={2}", resultParticipantId, peerUri, contact.IdentityUri);

                                    Logger.Debug("found participant record for contact based on identity uri higher priority used, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}, identity uri={2}", resultParticipantId, peerUri, contact.IdentityUri);

                            if (!foundRecordForThisIdentity)

                        bool createdNewParticipantId = false;

                        // check to see if a participant id was chosen (needs one to be able to add any missing records)
                        if (0 == resultParticipantId)
                            createdNewParticipantId = true;

                            resultParticipantId = lastParticipantId;

                        // scan over missing records to add them now
                        if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(resultContacts))
                            foreach (Contact contact in contactsMissingRecords)
                                ConversationPartipantRecord record = new ConversationPartipantRecord();
                                record.IdentityUri          = contact.IdentityUri;
                                record.PeerUri              = peerUri;
                                record.PeerUriContactId     = contactId;
                                record.StableId             = contact.StableId;
                                record.ParticipantId        = resultParticipantId;
                                record.LastKnownDisplayName = contact.DisplayName;
                                record.LastKnownAvatarUrl   = contact.AvatarUrl;


                                Logger.Trace("added missing participant record for idenity, participant id={0}, identity={1}, stable id={2}, peer uri={3}", record.ParticipantId, record.IdentityUri, record.StableId, record.PeerUri);
                            if (createdNewParticipantId)
                                ConversationPartipantRecord record = new ConversationPartipantRecord();
                                record.IdentityUri          = "";
                                record.PeerUri              = peerUri;
                                record.PeerUriContactId     = contactId;
                                record.StableId             = "";
                                record.ParticipantId        = resultParticipantId;
                                record.LastKnownDisplayName = usingDisplayName;
                                record.LastKnownAvatarUrl   = usingAvatarUrl;


                                Logger.Trace("added missing participant record for peer uri, participant id={0}, peer uri={1}", record.ParticipantId, record.PeerUri);
                } finally {
                    if (null != outContacts)
                        if (!Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(resultContacts))
                            outContacts.Result = resultContacts;
                            outContacts.Result = new List <Contact> ();

                    if (Helper.IsNullOrEmpty(resultContacts))
                        if (null != outPreviousName)
                            outPreviousName.Result = previousName;
                        if (null != outPreviousAvatarUrl)
                            outPreviousAvatarUrl.Result = previousAvatar;
