/// <summary>
        /// Check which month and year the report is available
        /// </summary>
        protected void showAvailableUnvailableReport()
            ContaAgua        oContaModel = new ContaAgua();
            ContaAguaBLL     oContaBLL   = new ContaAguaBLL();
            ApartamentoModel oAp         = new ApartamentoModel();

            oContaModel.ano     = Convert.ToInt32(drpAno.SelectedValue);
            oAp.apartamento     = Convert.ToInt32(Session["AP"]);
            oAp.bloco           = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Bloco"]);
            oContaModel.modelAp = oAp;

            List <int> pegaMeses = new List <int>();

                pegaMeses = oContaBLL.validaContaMesAnoMorador(oContaModel);;

                foreach (var item in pegaMeses)
                    if (item == 1)
                        this.lbtMonth1.Enabled = true;
                        img1.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 2)
                        this.lbtMonth2.Enabled = true;
                        img2.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 3)
                        this.lbtMonth3.Enabled = true;
                        img3.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 4)
                        this.lbtMonth4.Enabled = true;
                        img4.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 5)
                        this.lbtMonth5.Enabled = true;
                        img5.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 6)
                        this.lbtMonth6.Enabled = true;
                        img6.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 7)
                        this.lbtMonth7.Enabled = true;
                        img7.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 8)
                        this.lbtMonth8.Enabled = true;
                        img8.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 9)
                        this.lbtMonth9.Enabled = true;
                        img9.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 10)
                        this.lbtMonth10.Enabled = true;
                        img10.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 11)
                        this.lbtMonth11.Enabled = true;
                        img11.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                    else if (item == 12)
                        this.lbtMonth12.Enabled = true;
                        img12.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";

                    //dvPublicacao.Visible = true;
                    //btnOk.Visible = false;
                    //lblMsg.Visible = false;

            catch (Exception)
        /// <summary>
        /// Check which month and year the report is available
        /// </summary>
        protected void showAvailableUnvailableReport()

            ContaAgua        oContaModel = new ContaAgua();
            ContaAguaBLL     oContaBLL   = new ContaAguaBLL();
            ApartamentoModel oAp         = new ApartamentoModel();

            oContaModel.ano = Convert.ToInt32(drpAno.SelectedValue);
            // I'm using default values to report available, only Bloco and Apto
            // Default values = 301 / 06
            oAp.apartamento     = 301;
            oAp.bloco           = 06;
            oContaModel.modelAp = oAp;

            List <int> pegaMeses = new List <int>();

                pegaMeses = oContaBLL.validaContaMesAnoMorador(oContaModel);;

                foreach (var item in pegaMeses)
                    if (item == 1)
                        this.lbtMonth1.Enabled = true;
                        img1.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton1.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 2)
                        this.lbtMonth2.Enabled = true;
                        img2.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton2.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 3)
                        this.lbtMonth3.Enabled = true;
                        img3.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton3.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 4)
                        this.lbtMonth4.Enabled = true;
                        img4.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton4.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 5)
                        this.lbtMonth5.Enabled = true;
                        img5.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton5.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 6)
                        this.lbtMonth6.Enabled = true;
                        img6.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton6.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 7)
                        this.lbtMonth7.Enabled = true;
                        img7.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton7.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 8)
                        this.lbtMonth8.Enabled = true;
                        img8.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton8.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 9)
                        this.lbtMonth9.Enabled = true;
                        img9.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton9.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 10)
                        this.lbtMonth10.Enabled = true;
                        img10.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton10.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 11)
                        this.lbtMonth11.Enabled = true;
                        img11.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton11.Visible   = true;
                    else if (item == 12)
                        this.lbtMonth12.Enabled = true;
                        img12.ImageUrl          = "~/images/verde.png";
                        ImageButton12.Visible   = true;

                    //dvPublicacao.Visible = true;
                    //btnOk.Visible = false;
                    //lblMsg.Visible = false;

            catch (Exception)