protected ActionResult InsertAtStartOfParent(StringBuilder sb)
            int searchStart = ClassToAddTo.TextRange.StartOffset;
            int searchEnd   = ClassToAddTo.TextRange.EndOffset;
            var text        = sb.ToString();

            // Figure out where the first NewLine is after the class's opening brace
            int braceIndex = text.IndexOf("{", searchStart, searchEnd - searchStart);

            // Find the first NewLine after the brace
            int newLineIndex = text.IndexOf("\n", braceIndex, searchEnd - braceIndex);

            // Indent one level further than the Class we are adding to.
            int numTabs = InsertionHelpers.GetIndentationInFrontOf(text, braceIndex) + 1;

            ConstructToAdd.Controller.IndentLevel = numTabs;
            ConstructToAdd.PreceedingBlankLines   = -1;
            string newPropertyText = ConstructToAdd.ToString();

            int insertionIndex = newLineIndex + 1;

            ConstructToAdd.TextRange.StartOffset = insertionIndex + numTabs;
            ConstructToAdd.TextRange.EndOffset   = insertionIndex + (newPropertyText).Length - numTabs;
            ConstructToAdd.Index = insertionIndex + numTabs;

            BeforeInsert(insertionIndex, newPropertyText);
            sb.Insert(insertionIndex, newPropertyText);

            //return new ActionResult(insertionIndex, newPropertyText.Length, new[] { ConstructToAdd });
            return(new ActionResult(ConstructToAdd.TextRange.StartOffset, newPropertyText.Length, new[] { ConstructToAdd }));
        protected ActionResult InsertAtEndOfParent(StringBuilder sb, IBaseConstruct insertAfter)
            if (insertAfter == null)

            int    lastSiblingStartOffset = insertAfter.TextRange.StartOffset;
            int    lastSiblingEndOffset   = insertAfter.TextRange.EndOffset;
            int    endIndex = ClassToAddTo.TextRange.EndOffset;
            string text     = sb.ToString();

            if (lastSiblingEndOffset < 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text))

            int firstNewLine;

            if (endIndex > lastSiblingEndOffset)
                firstNewLine = text.IndexOf('\n', lastSiblingEndOffset, (endIndex - lastSiblingEndOffset));
                firstNewLine = text.IndexOf('\n', lastSiblingEndOffset);

            int newStartIndex = firstNewLine + 1;
            int numTabs       = InsertionHelpers.GetIndentationInFrontOf(sb, lastSiblingStartOffset);

            ConstructToAdd.Controller.IndentLevel = numTabs;
            ConstructToAdd.PreceedingBlankLines   = -1;
            string newPropertyText = ConstructToAdd.ToString();

            // The "+ numTabs" is account for the tabs that are at the start
            // of the new text. If we don't trim those off the text range, then it will
            // include the whitespace before the actual property, which the objects which have actually
            // been parsed will not have. If this number is wrong, the next object to be placed after it
            // will not be able to get the tabs correctly.
            ConstructToAdd.TextRange.StartOffset = newStartIndex + numTabs;
            ConstructToAdd.TextRange.EndOffset   = newStartIndex + numTabs + newPropertyText.Trim().Length;
            ConstructToAdd.Index = newStartIndex + numTabs;

            BeforeInsert(newStartIndex, newPropertyText);
            sb.Insert(newStartIndex, newPropertyText);

            return(new ActionResult(ConstructToAdd.TextRange.StartOffset, newPropertyText.Length, new[] { ConstructToAdd }));