Exemplo n.º 1
		public ColumnSchema (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, ISchema parent, string name)
			: base (schemaProvider)
			this.constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			this.parent = parent;
			this.name = name;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public TableSchema (TableSchema table)
			: base (table)
			isSystemTable = table.isSystemTable;
			tableSpaceName = table.tableSpaceName;
			columns = new ColumnSchemaCollection (table.columns);
			constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection (table.constraints);
			triggers = new TriggerSchemaCollection (table.triggers);
Exemplo n.º 3
		public TableSchema (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, string name)
			: base (schemaProvider)
			Name = name;
			columns = new ColumnSchemaCollection ();
			constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			triggers = new TriggerSchemaCollection ();
		public UniqueConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			this.action = action;
			store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (object));
			listUnique.Model = store;
			listUnique.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged);
			columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled);
			TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colIsColConstraint = new TreeViewColumn ();

			colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name");
			colIsColConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column Constraint");
			CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
			CellRendererToggle toggleRenderer = new CellRendererToggle ();
			nameRenderer.Editable = true;
			nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited);
			toggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
			toggleRenderer.Toggled += new ToggledHandler (IsColumnConstraintToggled);
			colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true);
			colIsColConstraint.PackStart (toggleRenderer, true);
			colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
			colIsColConstraint.AddAttribute (toggleRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);

			listUnique.AppendColumn (colName);
			listUnique.AppendColumn (colIsColConstraint);
			columnSelecter.Initialize (columns);
			foreach (UniqueConstraintSchema uni in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Unique))
				AddConstraint (uni);
			//TODO: also col constraints
			ShowAll ();
Exemplo n.º 5
		public ColumnSchema (ColumnSchema column)
			: base (column)
			parent = column.parent; //do not clone, this would create an infinite loop
			dataType = column.dataType;
			hasDefaultValue = column.hasDefaultValue;
			defaultValue = column.defaultValue;
			nullable = column.nullable;
			position = column.position;
			constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection (column.constraints);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (schemaProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schemaProvider");

            this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
            this.table          = table;
            this.columns        = columns;
            this.constraints    = constraints;
            this.action         = action;


            store        = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(object));
            listPK.Model = store;

            TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn();

            colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Name");
            CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText();

            nameRenderer.Editable = true;
            nameRenderer.Edited  += new EditedHandler(NameEdited);

            colName.PackStart(nameRenderer, true);
            colName.AddAttribute(nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);


            listPK.Selection.Changed     += new EventHandler(SelectionChanged);
            columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler(ColumnToggled);

            foreach (PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema pk in constraints.GetConstraints(ConstraintType.PrimaryKey))

Exemplo n.º 7
        public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetColumnConstraints(TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column)
            ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection();

            using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request())  {
                using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(String.Format("DESCRIBE {0}", table.Name))) {
                    try {
                        using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                            while (r.Read())
                                if (r.IsDBNull(3) || String.Compare(r.GetString(0), column.Name, true) != 0)

                                string key = r.GetString(3).ToUpper();

                                ConstraintSchema constraint = null;
                                if (key.Contains("PRI"))
                                    constraint = CreatePrimaryKeyConstraintSchema("pk_" + column.Name);
                                else if (key.Contains("UNI"))
                                    constraint = CreateUniqueConstraintSchema("uni_" + column.Name);
                                constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true;
                                constraint.OwnerName          = r.GetString(0);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                    } finally {

Exemplo n.º 8
        private void InitializeThreaded(object state)
            tables      = schemaProvider.GetTables();
            dataTypes   = schemaProvider.GetDataTypes();
            columns     = originalTable.Columns;
            constraints = originalTable.Constraints;
            triggers    = originalTable.Triggers;
            //TODO: indices
            indexes = new IndexSchemaCollection();

            System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
            builder.Append("Loading editor for TABLE ");
            builder.Append("    columns = ");
            builder.Append("constraints = ");

            try {
                foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns)
                    int dummy = col.Constraints.Count;                     //get column constraints
                    builder.Append("CONSTRAINTS ");
                    builder.Append(" ");
            } catch (Exception ee) {

            if (action == SchemaActions.Alter)             //make a duplicate if we are going to alter the table
                this.table = originalTable.Clone() as TableSchema;

            DispatchService.GuiDispatch(delegate() {
		public PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			this.action = action;
			store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (object));
			listPK.Model = store;
			TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn ();
			colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name");
			CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
			nameRenderer.Editable = true;
			nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited);
			colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true);
			colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
			listPK.AppendColumn (colName);
			columnSelecter.Initialize (columns);
			listPK.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged);
			columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled);
			foreach (PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema pk in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.PrimaryKey))
				AddConstraint (pk);
			ShowAll ();
		public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (tables == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables");

			IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.PrimaryKeyConstraint)) {
				//not for column constraints, since they are already editable in the column editor
				pkEditor = new PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
				pkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged);
				notebook.AppendPage (pkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Primary Key")));
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint)
				|| fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint)) {
				fkEditor = new ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, tables, table, columns, constraints);
				fkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged);
				notebook.AppendPage (fkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Foreign Key")));
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint)
				|| fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint)) {
				checkEditor = new CheckConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
				checkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged);
				notebook.AppendPage (checkEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Check")));
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.UniqueConstraint)
				|| fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint)) {
				uniqueEditor = new UniqueConstraintEditorWidget (schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
				uniqueEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler (OnContentChanged);
				notebook.AppendPage (uniqueEditor, new Label (GettextCatalog.GetString ("Unique")));

			ShowAll ();
        public void Initialize(TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");

            this.table       = table;
            this.columns     = columns;
            this.constraints = constraints;

        protected string GetTableDefinition(TableSchema table)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.AppendFormat("-- Table: {0}\n", table.Name);
            sb.AppendFormat("-- DROP TABLE {0};\n\n", table.Name);
            sb.AppendFormat("CREATE TABLE {0} (\n", table.Name);

            ColumnSchemaCollection columns = table.Columns;

            string[] parts = new string[columns.Count];
            int      i     = 0;

            foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns)
                parts[i++] = col.Definition;
            sb.Append(String.Join(",\n", parts));

            ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = table.Constraints;

            parts = new string[constraints.Count];
            if (constraints.Count > 0)
            i = 0;
            foreach (ConstraintSchema constr in constraints)
                parts[i++] = "\t" + constr.Definition;
            sb.Append(String.Join(",\n", parts));

            //sb.AppendFormat ("COMMENT ON TABLE {0} IS '{1}';", table.Name, table.Comment);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints(TableSchema table)
            ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection();

            using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request()) {
                using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand(string.Concat("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `",
                                                                             table.SchemaName, "`;"))) {
                    try {
                        using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                            while (r.Read())
                                string[] chunks = ((string)r["Comment"]).Split(';');
                                // the values we are looking for are in the format:
                                // (`table`) REFER `database\table2` (`table2`)
                                foreach (string chunk in chunks)
                                    if (constraintRegex.IsMatch(chunk))
                                        MatchCollection            matches    = constraintRegex.Matches(chunk);
                                        ForeignKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this);
                                        constraint.ReferenceTableName = matches[1].Groups[1].ToString();
                                        constraint.Name = matches[0].Groups[1].ToString();
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // Don't raise error, if the table doesn't exists return an empty collection
                    } finally {
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Initialize(TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
            Runtime.LoggingService.Error("CEW: Initialize");
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (dataTypes == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("dataTypes");

            this.table       = table;
            this.columns     = columns;
            this.constraints = constraints;
            this.dataTypes   = dataTypes;

            foreach (ColumnSchema column in columns)

            foreach (DataTypeSchema dataType in dataTypes)
                storeTypes.AppendValues(dataType.Name, storeTypes);
            Runtime.LoggingService.Error("CEW: Initialize 2");
Exemplo n.º 15
        //TODO: difference between columns and reference columns + combo events
        public ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (schemaProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schemaProvider");
            if (tables == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tables");

            this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
            this.table          = table;
            this.tables         = tables;
            this.columns        = columns;
            this.constraints    = constraints;
            this.action         = action;


            store        = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(object));
            listFK.Model = store;

            storeActions = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(int));
            storeTables  = new ListStore(typeof(string));

            IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;

            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Cascade))
                storeActions.AppendValues("Cascade", ForeignKeyAction.Cascade);
            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Restrict))
                storeActions.AppendValues("Restrict", ForeignKeyAction.Restrict);
            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.NoAction))
                storeActions.AppendValues("No Action", ForeignKeyAction.NoAction);
            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetNull))
                storeActions.AppendValues("Set Null", ForeignKeyAction.SetNull);
            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("ForeignKeyConstraint", action, ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetDefault))
                storeActions.AppendValues("Set Default", ForeignKeyAction.SetDefault);

            foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables)
                if (tbl.Name != table.Name)

            TreeViewColumn colName               = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colRefTable           = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colIsColumnConstraint = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colDeleteAction       = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colUpdateAction       = new TreeViewColumn();

            colName.Title               = GettextCatalog.GetString("Name");
            colRefTable.Title           = GettextCatalog.GetString("Reference Table");
            colIsColumnConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Column Constraint");
            colDeleteAction.Title       = GettextCatalog.GetString("Delete Action");
            colUpdateAction.Title       = GettextCatalog.GetString("Update Action");

            colRefTable.MinWidth = 120;

            CellRendererText   nameRenderer               = new CellRendererText();
            CellRendererCombo  refTableRenderer           = new CellRendererCombo();
            CellRendererToggle isColumnConstraintRenderer = new CellRendererToggle();
            CellRendererCombo  deleteActionRenderer       = new CellRendererCombo();
            CellRendererCombo  updateActionRenderer       = new CellRendererCombo();

            nameRenderer.Editable = true;
            nameRenderer.Edited  += new EditedHandler(NameEdited);

            refTableRenderer.Model      = storeTables;
            refTableRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
            refTableRenderer.Editable   = true;
            refTableRenderer.Edited    += new EditedHandler(RefTableEdited);

            isColumnConstraintRenderer.Activatable = true;
            isColumnConstraintRenderer.Toggled    += new ToggledHandler(IsColumnConstraintToggled);

            deleteActionRenderer.Model      = storeActions;
            deleteActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
            deleteActionRenderer.Editable   = true;
            deleteActionRenderer.Edited    += new EditedHandler(DeleteActionEdited);

            updateActionRenderer.Model      = storeActions;
            updateActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
            updateActionRenderer.Editable   = true;
            updateActionRenderer.Edited    += new EditedHandler(UpdateActionEdited);

            colName.PackStart(nameRenderer, true);
            colRefTable.PackStart(refTableRenderer, true);
            colIsColumnConstraint.PackStart(isColumnConstraintRenderer, true);
            colDeleteAction.PackStart(deleteActionRenderer, true);
            colUpdateAction.PackStart(updateActionRenderer, true);

            colName.AddAttribute(nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
            colRefTable.AddAttribute(refTableRenderer, "text", colReferenceTableIndex);
            colIsColumnConstraint.AddAttribute(isColumnConstraintRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);
            colDeleteAction.AddAttribute(deleteActionRenderer, "text", colDeleteActionIndex);
            colUpdateAction.AddAttribute(updateActionRenderer, "text", colUpdateActionIndex);


            columnSelecter.ColumnToggled          += new EventHandler(ColumnToggled);
            referenceColumnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler(ReferenceColumnToggled);
            listFK.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(SelectionChanged);

		public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetColumnConstraints (TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column)
			ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ())  {
				using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand (String.Format ("DESCRIBE {0}", table.Name))) {
					try {
						using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
							while (r.Read ()) {
								if (r.IsDBNull (3) || String.Compare (r.GetString (0), column.Name, true) != 0)
								string key = r.GetString (3).ToUpper ();
								ConstraintSchema constraint = null;
								if (key.Contains ("PRI"))
									constraint = CreatePrimaryKeyConstraintSchema ("pk_" + column.Name);
								else if (key.Contains ("UNI"))
									constraint = CreateUniqueConstraintSchema ("uni_" + column.Name);
								constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true;
								constraint.OwnerName = r.GetString (0);
								constraints.Add (constraint);
							r.Close ();
					} catch (Exception e) {
						QueryService.RaiseException (e);
					} finally {
						conn.Release ();
			return constraints;
Exemplo n.º 17
		public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
			Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("CEW: Initialize");
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (dataTypes == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("dataTypes");

			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			this.dataTypes = dataTypes;
			foreach (ColumnSchema column in columns)
				AppendColumnSchema (column);
			foreach (DataTypeSchema dataType in dataTypes)
				storeTypes.AppendValues (dataType.Name, storeTypes);
			Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("CEW: Initialize 2");
		public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetConstraints (TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column)
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			string columnName = column == null ? null : column.Name;
			ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ();
			//fk and unique
			IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand ("SELECT name, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql IS NULL AND type = 'index'");
			try {
				using (command) {
					using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
						while (r.Read ()) {
							ConstraintSchema constraint = null;
							if (r.IsDBNull (1) || r.GetString (1) == null) {
								constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema (this);
							} else {
								ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this);
								fkc.ReferenceTableName = r.GetString (1);
								constraint = fkc;
							constraint.Name = r.GetString (0);

							constraints.Add (constraint);
						r.Close ();
				//pk, column
				if (columnName != null) {
					command = conn.CreateCommand (
						"PRAGMA table_info('" +  table.Name + "')"
					using (command) {
						using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
							while (r.Read ()) {
								if (r.GetInt32 (5) == 1 && r.GetString (1) == columnName) {
									PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this);
									ColumnSchema priColumn = new ColumnSchema (this, table);
									priColumn.Name = r.GetString (1);
									constraint.Columns.Add (priColumn);
									constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true;
									constraint.Name = "pk_" + table.Name + "_" + priColumn.Name;
									constraints.Add (constraint);
							r.Close ();
			} catch (Exception e) {
				QueryService.RaiseException (e);
			conn.Release ();

			return constraints;
		public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			columnSelecter.Initialize (columns);
			foreach (UniqueConstraintSchema uni in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Unique))
				AddConstraint (uni);
			//TODO: also col constraints
        public UniqueConstraintEditorWidget(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (schemaProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schemaProvider");

            this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
            this.table          = table;
            this.columns        = columns;
            this.constraints    = constraints;
            this.action         = action;


            store                         = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(object));
            listUnique.Model              = store;
            listUnique.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(SelectionChanged);
            columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler(ColumnToggled);

            TreeViewColumn colName            = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colIsColConstraint = new TreeViewColumn();

            colName.Title            = GettextCatalog.GetString("Name");
            colIsColConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Column Constraint");

            CellRendererText   nameRenderer   = new CellRendererText();
            CellRendererToggle toggleRenderer = new CellRendererToggle();

            nameRenderer.Editable = true;
            nameRenderer.Edited  += new EditedHandler(NameEdited);

            toggleRenderer.Activatable = true;
            toggleRenderer.Toggled    += new ToggledHandler(IsColumnConstraintToggled);

            colName.PackStart(nameRenderer, true);
            colIsColConstraint.PackStart(toggleRenderer, true);

            colName.AddAttribute(nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
            colIsColConstraint.AddAttribute(toggleRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);



            foreach (UniqueConstraintSchema uni in constraints.GetConstraints(ConstraintType.Unique))
            //TODO: also col constraints

		public CheckConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			this.action = action;

			store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (object));
			storeColumns = new SortedColumnListStore (columns);

			listCheck.Model = store;

			TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colColumn = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colIsColumnConstraint = new TreeViewColumn ();
			colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name");
			colColumn.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column");
			colIsColumnConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column Constraint");
			colColumn.MinWidth = 120; //request a bigger width
			CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
			CellRendererCombo columnRenderer = new CellRendererCombo ();
			CellRendererToggle isColumnConstraintRenderer = new CellRendererToggle ();

			nameRenderer.Editable = true;
			nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited);
			columnRenderer.Model = storeColumns.Store;
			columnRenderer.TextColumn = SortedColumnListStore.ColNameIndex;
			columnRenderer.Editable = true;
			columnRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (ColumnEdited);

			isColumnConstraintRenderer.Activatable = true;
			isColumnConstraintRenderer.Toggled += new ToggledHandler (IsColumnConstraintToggled);
			colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true);
			colColumn.PackStart (columnRenderer, true);
			colIsColumnConstraint.PackStart (isColumnConstraintRenderer, true);

			colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
			colColumn.AddAttribute (columnRenderer, "text", colColumnNameIndex);
			colIsColumnConstraint.AddAttribute (isColumnConstraintRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);

			IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;
			columnConstraintsSupported = fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint);
			tableConstraintsSupported = fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("Table", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint);
			listCheck.AppendColumn (colName);
			if (columnConstraintsSupported)
				listCheck.AppendColumn (colColumn);
			if (columnConstraintsSupported && tableConstraintsSupported)
				listCheck.AppendColumn (colIsColumnConstraint);
			listCheck.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (OnSelectionChanged);
			sqlEditor.TextChanged += new EventHandler (SourceChanged);
			foreach (CheckConstraintSchema check in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Check))
				AddConstraint (check);
			//TODO: also col constraints
			ShowAll ();
		public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");

			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			foreach (CheckConstraintSchema check in constraints.GetConstraints (ConstraintType.Check))
				AddConstraint (check);
			storeColumns = new SortedColumnListStore (columns);
			columnRenderer.Model = storeColumns.Store;
			//TODO: also col constraints
        public void Initialize(TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (tables == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tables");

            IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;

            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("Table", action, TableCapabilities.PrimaryKeyConstraint))
                //not for column constraints, since they are already editable in the column editor
                pkEditor = new PrimaryKeyConstraintEditorWidget(schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
                pkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler(OnContentChanged);
                notebook.AppendPage(pkEditor, new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Primary Key")));

            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("Table", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint) ||
                fac.IsCapabilitySupported("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.ForeignKeyConstraint))
                fkEditor = new ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget(schemaProvider, action, tables, table, columns, constraints);
                fkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler(OnContentChanged);
                notebook.AppendPage(fkEditor, new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Foreign Key")));

            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("Table", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint) ||
                fac.IsCapabilitySupported("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint))
                checkEditor = new CheckConstraintEditorWidget(schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
                checkEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler(OnContentChanged);
                notebook.AppendPage(checkEditor, new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Check")));

            if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported("Table", action, TableCapabilities.UniqueConstraint) ||
                fac.IsCapabilitySupported("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint))
                uniqueEditor = new UniqueConstraintEditorWidget(schemaProvider, action, table, columns, constraints);
                uniqueEditor.ContentChanged += new EventHandler(OnContentChanged);
                notebook.AppendPage(uniqueEditor, new Label(GettextCatalog.GetString("Unique")));

Exemplo n.º 24
        public void Initialize(TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (tables == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tables");

            if (pkEditor != null)
                pkEditor.Initialize(table, columns, constraints);
            if (fkEditor != null)
                fkEditor.Initialize(tables, table, columns, constraints);
            if (checkEditor != null)
                checkEditor.Initialize(table, columns, constraints);
            if (uniqueEditor != null)
                uniqueEditor.Initialize(table, columns, constraints);
        public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetConstraints(TableSchema table, ColumnSchema column)
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            string columnName = column == null ? null : column.Name;

            ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection();

            IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request();

            //fk and unique
            IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand("SELECT name, tbl_name FROM sqlite_master WHERE sql IS NULL AND type = 'index'");

            try {
                using (command) {
                    using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                        while (r.Read())
                            ConstraintSchema constraint = null;

                            if (r.IsDBNull(1) || r.GetString(1) == null)
                                constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema(this);
                                ForeignKeyConstraintSchema fkc = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema(this);
                                fkc.ReferenceTableName = r.GetString(1);

                                constraint = fkc;
                            constraint.Name = r.GetString(0);


                //pk, column
                if (columnName != null)
                    command = conn.CreateCommand(
                        "PRAGMA table_info('" + table.Name + "')"
                    using (command) {
                        using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
                            while (r.Read())
                                if (r.GetInt32(5) == 1 && r.GetString(1) == columnName)
                                    PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema(this);

                                    ColumnSchema priColumn = new ColumnSchema(this, table);
                                    priColumn.Name = r.GetString(1);

                                    constraint.IsColumnConstraint = true;
                                    constraint.Name = "pk_" + table.Name + "_" + priColumn.Name;

            } catch (Exception e) {


Exemplo n.º 26
		/// <summary>
		/// Refresh the information associated with this table.
		/// </summary>
		public override void Refresh()
			// TODO: Update Name, etc.
			columns = null;
			constraints = null;
			triggers = null;
			definition = null;
Exemplo n.º 27
		public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table)
			ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ()) {
				using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand (string.Format (@"select 
																				from sysobjects 
																				inner join sysobjects sysobjectsParents ON 
																					sysobjectsParents.id = sysobjects.parent_obj
																					sysobjectsParents.name = '{0}' and 
				                                                        			sysobjects.xtype in ('C', 'UQ', 'F','PK','CK')", 
					try {
						using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
							while (r.Read ()) {
								ConstraintSchema constraint = null;
								switch (r.GetString (1)) {
									case "F": //foreign key
										constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this);
									case "PK": //primary key
										constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this);
									case "C":
									case "CK": //check constraint
										constraint = new CheckConstraintSchema (this);
									case "UQ":
										constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema (this);
								if (constraint != null) {
									constraint.Name = r.GetString (0);
									constraints.Add (constraint);
							r.Close ();
					} catch (Exception e) {
						QueryService.RaiseException (e);
					} finally {
						conn.Release ();
			return constraints;
Exemplo n.º 28
		public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table)
			ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ()) {
				using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand (String.Format (
						pg_catalog.pg_get_constraintdef(pc.oid, true) AS consrc,
						CASE WHEN pc.contype='u' OR pc.contype='p' THEN ( 
								pg_catalog.pg_depend pd, 
								pg_catalog.pg_class pl,
								pg_catalog.pg_index pi 
								AND pd.refobjid=pc.oid
								AND pd.objid=pl.oid
								AND pl.oid=pi.indexrelid) 
						END AS indisclustered
						pg_catalog.pg_constraint pc 
						pc.conrelid = (
								SELECT oid 
								FROM pg_catalog.pg_class 
									AND relnamespace = (SELECT oid FROM pg_catalog.pg_namespace WHERE nspname='{1}'))
					ORDER BY 1;", table.Name, table.SchemaName))) {
					try {
						using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
							while (r.Read ()) {	
								ConstraintSchema constraint = null;
								//TODO: Add support for Check constraints.
								switch (r.GetString (2)) {
									case "f":
										string match = @".*REFERENCES (.+)\(.*\).*";
										constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this);
										if (Regex.IsMatch (r.GetString (1), match))
											(constraint as ForeignKeyConstraintSchema).ReferenceTableName
												= Regex.Match (r.GetString (1), match).Groups[0].Captures[0].Value;
									case "u":
										constraint = new UniqueConstraintSchema (this);
									case "p":
										constraint = new PrimaryKeyConstraintSchema (this);
								constraint.Name = r.GetString (0);
								constraint.Definition = r.GetString (1);
								int parenOpen = constraint.Definition.IndexOf ('(');
								if (parenOpen > 0) {
									int parenClose = constraint.Definition.IndexOf (')');
									string colstr = constraint.Definition.Substring (parenOpen + 1, parenClose - parenOpen - 1);
									foreach (string col in colstr.Split (',')) {
										ColumnSchema column = new ColumnSchema (this, table);
										column.Name = col.Trim ();
										constraint.Columns.Add (column);
								constraints.Add (constraint);
							r.Close ();
					} catch (Exception) {
						// Don't raise error, if the table doesn't exists return an empty collection
					} finally {
						conn.Release ();
			return constraints;
Exemplo n.º 29
		public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints, DataTypeSchemaCollection dataTypes)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (tables == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables");

			if (pkEditor != null)
				pkEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints);
			if (fkEditor != null)
				fkEditor.Initialize (tables, table, columns, constraints);
			if (checkEditor != null)
				checkEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints);
			if (uniqueEditor != null)
				uniqueEditor.Initialize (table, columns, constraints);
Exemplo n.º 30
		private void InitializeThreaded (object state)
			tables = schemaProvider.GetTables ();
			dataTypes = schemaProvider.GetDataTypes ();
			columns = originalTable.Columns;
			constraints = originalTable.Constraints;
			triggers = originalTable.Triggers;
			//TODO: indices
			indexes = new IndexSchemaCollection ();
			System.Text.StringBuilder builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();
			builder.Append ("Loading editor for TABLE ");
			builder.Append (originalTable.Name);
			builder.AppendLine ();
			builder.Append ("    columns = ");
			builder.Append (columns.Count);
			builder.AppendLine ();
			builder.Append ("constraints = ");
			builder.Append (constraints.Count);
			builder.AppendLine ();

			try {
				foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) {				
					int dummy = col.Constraints.Count; //get column constraints
					builder.Append ("CONSTRAINTS ");
					builder.Append (col.Name);
					builder.Append (" ");
					builder.Append (dummy);
					builder.AppendLine ();
				LoggingService.LogDebug (builder.ToString ());
			} catch (Exception ee) {
				LoggingService.LogDebug (builder.ToString ());
				LoggingService.LogError (ee.ToString ());

			if (action == SchemaActions.Alter) //make a duplicate if we are going to alter the table
				this.table = originalTable.Clone () as TableSchema;

			DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate () {
				InitializeGui ();
        public void Initialize(TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (tables == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("tables");

            this.table       = table;
            this.tables      = tables;
            this.columns     = columns;
            this.constraints = constraints;
            foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables)
                if (tbl.Name != table.Name)
                    storeTables.AppendValues(tbl.Name, tbl);
		//TODO: difference between columns and reference columns + combo events
		public ForeignKeyConstraintEditorWidget (ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (schemaProvider == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("schemaProvider");
			if (tables == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables");
			this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
			this.table = table;
			this.tables = tables;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			this.action = action;
			store = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (bool), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (object));
			listFK.Model = store;
			storeActions = new ListStore (typeof (string), typeof (int));
			storeTables = new ListStore (typeof (string));
			IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action,  ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Cascade))
				storeActions.AppendValues ("Cascade", ForeignKeyAction.Cascade);
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action,  ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.Restrict))
				storeActions.AppendValues ("Restrict", ForeignKeyAction.Restrict);
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action,  ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.NoAction))
				storeActions.AppendValues ("No Action", ForeignKeyAction.NoAction);
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action,  ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetNull))
				storeActions.AppendValues ("Set Null", ForeignKeyAction.SetNull);
			if (fac.IsCapabilitySupported ("ForeignKeyConstraint", action,  ForeignKeyConstraintCapabilities.SetDefault))
				storeActions.AppendValues ("Set Default", ForeignKeyAction.SetDefault);

			foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables)
				if (tbl.Name != table.Name)
					storeTables.AppendValues (tbl.Name);
			TreeViewColumn colName = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colRefTable = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colIsColumnConstraint = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colDeleteAction = new TreeViewColumn ();
			TreeViewColumn colUpdateAction = new TreeViewColumn ();
			colName.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Name");
			colRefTable.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Reference Table");
			colIsColumnConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Column Constraint");
			colDeleteAction.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Delete Action");
			colUpdateAction.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString ("Update Action");
			colRefTable.MinWidth = 120;
			CellRendererText nameRenderer = new CellRendererText ();
			CellRendererCombo refTableRenderer = new CellRendererCombo ();
			CellRendererToggle isColumnConstraintRenderer = new CellRendererToggle ();
			CellRendererCombo deleteActionRenderer = new CellRendererCombo ();
			CellRendererCombo updateActionRenderer = new CellRendererCombo ();
			nameRenderer.Editable = true;
			nameRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (NameEdited);
			refTableRenderer.Model = storeTables;
			refTableRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
			refTableRenderer.Editable = true;
			refTableRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (RefTableEdited);
			isColumnConstraintRenderer.Activatable = true;
			isColumnConstraintRenderer.Toggled += new ToggledHandler (IsColumnConstraintToggled);
			deleteActionRenderer.Model = storeActions;
			deleteActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
			deleteActionRenderer.Editable = true;
			deleteActionRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (DeleteActionEdited);
			updateActionRenderer.Model = storeActions;
			updateActionRenderer.TextColumn = 0;
			updateActionRenderer.Editable = true;
			updateActionRenderer.Edited += new EditedHandler (UpdateActionEdited);

			colName.PackStart (nameRenderer, true);
			colRefTable.PackStart (refTableRenderer, true);
			colIsColumnConstraint.PackStart (isColumnConstraintRenderer, true);
			colDeleteAction.PackStart (deleteActionRenderer, true);
			colUpdateAction.PackStart (updateActionRenderer, true);

			colName.AddAttribute (nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
			colRefTable.AddAttribute (refTableRenderer, "text", colReferenceTableIndex);
			colIsColumnConstraint.AddAttribute (isColumnConstraintRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);
			colDeleteAction.AddAttribute (deleteActionRenderer, "text", colDeleteActionIndex);			
			colUpdateAction.AddAttribute (updateActionRenderer, "text", colUpdateActionIndex);
			listFK.AppendColumn (colName);
			listFK.AppendColumn (colRefTable);
			listFK.AppendColumn (colIsColumnConstraint);
			listFK.AppendColumn (colDeleteAction);
			listFK.AppendColumn (colUpdateAction);
			columnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ColumnToggled);
			referenceColumnSelecter.ColumnToggled += new EventHandler (ReferenceColumnToggled);
			listFK.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler (SelectionChanged);
			ShowAll ();
		public void Initialize (TableSchemaCollection tables, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			if (tables == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("tables");
			this.table = table;
			this.tables = tables;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;
			columnSelecter.Initialize (columns);
			foreach (TableSchema tbl in tables)
				if (tbl.Name != table.Name)
					storeTables.AppendValues (tbl.Name, tbl);
Exemplo n.º 34
		private void InitializeThreaded (object state)
			tables = schemaProvider.GetTables ();
			dataTypes = schemaProvider.GetDataTypes ();
			columns = originalTable.Columns;
			constraints = originalTable.Constraints;
			triggers = originalTable.Triggers;
			//TODO: indices
			indexes = new IndexSchemaCollection ();
			Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("TABLE " + originalTable.Name);
			Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("   columns = " + columns.Count);
			Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("   constraints = " + constraints.Count);

			try {
			foreach (ColumnSchema col in columns) {				
				int dummy = col.Constraints.Count; //get column constraints
				Runtime.LoggingService.Error ("CONSTRAINTS " + col.Name + " " + dummy);
			} catch (Exception ee) {
				Runtime.LoggingService.Error (ee);
				Runtime.LoggingService.Error (ee.StackTrace);

			if (action == SchemaActions.Alter) //make a duplicate if we are going to alter the table
				this.table = originalTable.Clone () as TableSchema;

			DispatchService.GuiDispatch (delegate () {
				InitializeGui ();
		public void Initialize (TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
			if (columns == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("columns");
			if (table == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("table");
			if (constraints == null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException ("constraints");
			this.table = table;
			this.columns = columns;
			this.constraints = constraints;

			columnSelecter.Initialize (columns);
			RefreshConstraints ();
		public override ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table)
			ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			using (IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ()) {
				using (IDbCommand command = conn.CreateCommand (string.Concat ("SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `",
																				table.SchemaName, "`;"))) {
					try {
						using (IDataReader r = command.ExecuteReader()) {
							while (r.Read ()) {
								string[] chunks = ((string)r["Comment"]).Split (';');
								// the values we are looking for are in the format:
								// (`table`) REFER `database\table2` (`table2`)
								foreach (string chunk in chunks) {
									if (constraintRegex.IsMatch (chunk)) {
										MatchCollection matches = constraintRegex.Matches (chunk);
										ForeignKeyConstraintSchema constraint = new ForeignKeyConstraintSchema (this);
										constraint.ReferenceTableName = matches[1].Groups[1].ToString ();
										constraint.Name = matches[0].Groups[1].ToString ();
										constraints.Add (constraint);
							r.Close ();
					} catch (Exception e) {
						// Don't raise error, if the table doesn't exists return an empty collection
					} finally {
						conn.Release ();
			return constraints;
Exemplo n.º 37
        public CheckConstraintEditorWidget(ISchemaProvider schemaProvider, SchemaActions action, TableSchema table, ColumnSchemaCollection columns, ConstraintSchemaCollection constraints)
            if (columns == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");
            if (table == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("table");
            if (constraints == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("constraints");
            if (schemaProvider == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("schemaProvider");

            this.schemaProvider = schemaProvider;
            this.table          = table;
            this.columns        = columns;
            this.constraints    = constraints;
            this.action         = action;


            store        = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(bool), typeof(string), typeof(object));
            storeColumns = new SortedColumnListStore(columns);

            listCheck.Model = store;

            TreeViewColumn colName               = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colColumn             = new TreeViewColumn();
            TreeViewColumn colIsColumnConstraint = new TreeViewColumn();

            colName.Title               = GettextCatalog.GetString("Name");
            colColumn.Title             = GettextCatalog.GetString("Column");
            colIsColumnConstraint.Title = GettextCatalog.GetString("Column Constraint");

            colColumn.MinWidth = 120;             //request a bigger width

            CellRendererText   nameRenderer               = new CellRendererText();
            CellRendererCombo  columnRenderer             = new CellRendererCombo();
            CellRendererToggle isColumnConstraintRenderer = new CellRendererToggle();

            nameRenderer.Editable = true;
            nameRenderer.Edited  += new EditedHandler(NameEdited);

            columnRenderer.Model      = storeColumns.Store;
            columnRenderer.TextColumn = SortedColumnListStore.ColNameIndex;
            columnRenderer.Editable   = true;
            columnRenderer.Edited    += new EditedHandler(ColumnEdited);

            isColumnConstraintRenderer.Activatable = true;
            isColumnConstraintRenderer.Toggled    += new ToggledHandler(IsColumnConstraintToggled);

            colName.PackStart(nameRenderer, true);
            colColumn.PackStart(columnRenderer, true);
            colIsColumnConstraint.PackStart(isColumnConstraintRenderer, true);

            colName.AddAttribute(nameRenderer, "text", colNameIndex);
            colColumn.AddAttribute(columnRenderer, "text", colColumnNameIndex);
            colIsColumnConstraint.AddAttribute(isColumnConstraintRenderer, "active", colIsColumnConstraintIndex);

            IDbFactory fac = schemaProvider.ConnectionPool.DbFactory;

            columnConstraintsSupported = fac.IsCapabilitySupported("TableColumn", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint);
            tableConstraintsSupported  = fac.IsCapabilitySupported("Table", action, TableCapabilities.CheckConstraint);

            if (columnConstraintsSupported)
            if (columnConstraintsSupported && tableConstraintsSupported)

            listCheck.Selection.Changed += new EventHandler(OnSelectionChanged);
            sqlEditor.TextChanged       += new EventHandler(SourceChanged);

            foreach (CheckConstraintSchema check in constraints.GetConstraints(ConstraintType.Check))
            //TODO: also col constraints

		public virtual ConstraintSchemaCollection GetTableConstraints (TableSchema table)
			ConstraintSchemaCollection collection = new ConstraintSchemaCollection ();
			IPooledDbConnection conn = connectionPool.Request ();
			try {
				//restrictions: database, schema, table, name
				DataTable dt = conn.GetSchema (foreignKeysCollectionString, null, connectionPool.ConnectionContext.ConnectionSettings.Database);
				for (int r = 0; r < dt.Rows.Count; r++) {
					DataRow row = dt.Rows[r];
					collection.Add (GetTableConstraint (row, table));
			} catch (Exception e) {
				QueryService.RaiseException (e);
			conn.Release ();
			return collection;
Exemplo n.º 39
		public override void Refresh()
			constraints = null;