Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main()
            var a        = new VariableInteger("a", 0, 9);
            var b        = new VariableInteger("b", 0, 9);
            var c        = new VariableInteger("c", 0, 9);
            var d        = new VariableInteger("d", 0, 9);
            var e        = new VariableInteger("e", 0, 9);
            var f        = new VariableInteger("f", 0, 9);
            var g        = new VariableInteger("g", 0, 9);
            var h        = new VariableInteger("h", 0, 9);
            var optimise = new VariableInteger("optimise", 0, 72);

            var array = new ConstrainedArray(new int[] { 0, 23, 52, 62, 75, 73, 47, 20, 87, 27 });

            var constraints = new List <IConstraint>
                new AllDifferentInteger(new [] { a, b, c, d }),
                new AllDifferentInteger(new [] { e, f, g, h }),
                new ConstraintInteger(a + b < 10),
                new ConstraintInteger(c + d > 15),
                new ConstraintInteger(h > e),
                new ConstraintInteger(array[a] < 40),
                new ConstraintInteger(optimise == a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h)

            var          variables = new[] { a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, optimise };
            IState <int> state     = new StateInteger(variables, constraints);

            StateOperationResult searchResult;
            var solution = default(IDictionary <string, IVariable <int> >);

            state.StartSearch(out searchResult, optimise, out solution, 2);

            Console.WriteLine("a: {0}", solution["a"]);
            Console.WriteLine("b: {0}", solution["b"]);
            Console.WriteLine("c: {0}", solution["c"]);
            Console.WriteLine("d: {0}", solution["d"]);
            Console.WriteLine("e: {0}", solution["e"]);
            Console.WriteLine("f: {0}", solution["f"]);
            Console.WriteLine("g: {0}", solution["g"]);
            Console.WriteLine("h: {0}\n", solution["h"]);

            Console.WriteLine("Optimised Variable: {0}\n", solution["optimise"]);

            Console.WriteLine("Runtime:\t{0}\nBacktracks:\t{1}\n", state.Runtime, state.Backtracks);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Signal CreateSignal(string name, ISubtypeIndication si)
            if (si is ResolvedSubtypeIndication)
                Signal res = CreateSignal(name, (si as ResolvedSubtypeIndication).BaseType);

            if (si is RangeSubtypeIndication)
                Signal res = CreateSignal(name, (si as RangeSubtypeIndication).BaseType);

            if (si is IndexSubtypeIndication)
                Signal res = CreateUnconstrainedArraySignal(name, si as IndexSubtypeIndication);

            if (si is Subtype)
                return(CreateSignal(name, (si as Subtype).SubtypeIndication));
            if (si is IntegerType)
                ModellingType resType = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(si as IntegerType);
                IntegerAbstractValueConvertor  conv    = new IntegerAbstractValueConvertor(resType);
                AbstractSimpleSignalDump <int> resDump = new AbstractSimpleSignalDump <int>(name, resType, conv);
                Signal resSignal = new Signal(resDump);
            if (si is RealType)
                ModellingType resType = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(si as RealType);
                RealAbstractValueConvertor        conv    = new RealAbstractValueConvertor(resType);
                AbstractSimpleSignalDump <double> resDump = new AbstractSimpleSignalDump <double>(name, resType, conv);
                Signal resSignal = new Signal(resDump);
            if (si is PhysicalType)
                ModellingType resType = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(si as PhysicalType);
                PhysicalAbstractValueConvertor             conv    = new PhysicalAbstractValueConvertor(resType);
                AbstractSimpleSignalDump <PhysicalLiteral> resDump = new AbstractSimpleSignalDump <PhysicalLiteral>(name, resType, conv);
                Signal resSignal = new Signal(resDump);
            if (si is RecordType)
                RecordType    recType = si as RecordType;
                ModellingType resType = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(recType);

                List <AbstractSignalDump> dumps     = new List <AbstractSignalDump>();
                List <Signal>             childrens = new List <Signal>();

                foreach (var el in recType.Elements)
                    foreach (string s in el.Identifiers)
                        Signal newSignal = CreateSignal(s, el.Type);

                SignalScopeDump resDump   = new SignalScopeDump(name, resType, dumps);
                Signal          resSignal = new Signal(resDump);
            if (si is EnumerationType)
                ModellingType resType = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(si as EnumerationType);
                EnumerationAbstractValueConvertor conv;

                if (si == StdLogic1164.STD_ULOGIC)
                    conv = new STD_ULOGIC_AbstractValueConvertor(resType);
                    if (si == StdLogic1164.STD_LOGIC)
                        conv = new STD_LOGIC_AbstractValueConvertor(resType);
                        conv = new EnumerationAbstractValueConvertor(resType);

                AbstractSimpleSignalDump <EnumerationLiteral> resDump = new AbstractSimpleSignalDump <EnumerationLiteral>(name, resType, conv);
                Signal resSignal = new Signal(resDump);

            if (si is ConstrainedArray)
                ConstrainedArray arrayType = si as ConstrainedArray;
                ModellingType    resType   = ModellingType.CreateModellingType(arrayType);

                List <AbstractSignalDump> dumps     = new List <AbstractSignalDump>();
                List <Signal>             childrens = new List <Signal>();

                ResolvedDiscreteRange[] ranges = resType.Dimension;
                int[,] resIndexes = ResolvedDiscreteRange.CombineRanges(ranges);
                for (int i = 0; i < resIndexes.GetLength(0); i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < resIndexes.GetLength(1); j++)
                        Signal newSignal = CreateSignal(ranges[j][resIndexes[i, j]].ToString(), arrayType.ElementType);

                SignalScopeDump resDump   = new SignalScopeDump(name, resType, dumps);
                Signal          resSignal = new Signal(resDump);

Exemplo n.º 3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var badnessFactor = 3;
            var teams         = new[]
                new Team(0, 3, 1, 0, 0, 0),
                new Team(1, 2, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                new Team(2, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0),
                new Team(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                new Team(4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 1),
                new Team(5, 2, 0, 0, 1, 0),
                new Team(6, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0),
                new Team(7, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)

            Array.Sort(teams, (x, y) => y.Score.CompareTo(x.Score)); //High to low
            var rooms = teams.Length / 4;

            //Positions[room * position] = TeamId
            var positions = new List <VariableInteger>(teams.Length);

            for (var i = 0; i < teams.Length; i++)
                positions.Add(new VariableInteger($"Team_{i}", 0, teams.Length - 1));

            //Scores[teamId] = current score
            var scores = new ConstrainedArray(teams.Select(x => x.Score));

            //Optimise positions
            var firstProp  = new ConstrainedArray(teams.Select(x => x.FirstProp * badnessFactor));
            var secondProp = new ConstrainedArray(teams.Select(x => x.SecondProp * badnessFactor));
            var firstOpp   = new ConstrainedArray(teams.Select(x => x.FirstOpp * badnessFactor));
            var secondOpp  = new ConstrainedArray(teams.Select(x => x.SecondOpp * badnessFactor));
            var maxBadness = firstProp.Union(secondProp).Union(firstOpp).Union(secondOpp).Max() * teams.Length;
            var optimise   = new VariableInteger("optimise", 0, maxBadness);

            //TODO Change optimise to look at the bound and stop if best reached
            var variables = new List <VariableInteger>(positions);

            var constraints = new List <IConstraint> {
                new AllDifferentInteger(positions)

            for (var i = 0; i < rooms - 1; i++)
                for (var j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                    var x = positions[i * 4 + j];

                    for (var k = 0; k < 4; k++)
                        var y = positions[(i + 1) * 4 + k];
                        constraints.Add(new ConstraintInteger(scores[x] >= scores[y]));

            constraints.Add(new ConstraintInteger(optimise == maxBadness -
                                                  firstProp[positions[0]] - firstOpp[positions[1]] - secondProp[positions[2]] - secondOpp[positions[3]]

            IState <int>         state = new StateInteger(variables, constraints);
            StateOperationResult searchResult;
            IDictionary <string, IVariable <int> > solution;

            state.StartSearch(out searchResult, optimise, out solution, 2);

            if (searchResult == StateOperationResult.Unsatisfiable)
                Console.WriteLine("Could not find a solution");
            if (searchResult == StateOperationResult.TimedOut)
                Console.WriteLine("Search timed out before a solution could be found");

            Console.WriteLine("Runtime:\t{0}\nBacktracks:\t{1}\nSolutions:\t{2}", state.Runtime, state.Backtracks, state.NumberOfSolutions);
            Console.WriteLine("Badness:\t{0}", solution[optimise.Name].InstantiatedValue);

            Console.WriteLine("Room | 1P | 1O | 2P | 2O | Scores ");
            for (var i = 0; i < rooms; i++)
                var fp = solution[positions[i * 4].Name].InstantiatedValue;
                var sp = solution[positions[i * 4 + 1].Name].InstantiatedValue;
                var fo = solution[positions[i * 4 + 2].Name].InstantiatedValue;
                var so = solution[positions[i * 4 + 3].Name].InstantiatedValue;

                Console.WriteLine("{0,-5}|{1,3} |{2,3} |{3,3} |{4,3} | {5} {6} {7} {8}", i, fp, sp, fo, so, scores[fp], scores[sp], scores[fo], scores[so]);
