Exemplo n.º 1
    private void Awake()
        ///Finds the variables needed from the GameController
        variables = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <ConsistentVariables>();

        //Finds the correct dropdown component, uses a bool to see if its found it so it doesn't attempt to find it at the start of each scene change back
        if (dropdownFound == false)
            dropdown      = GetComponent <TMP_Dropdown>();
            dropdownFound = true;

        if (dropdown != null)
            //Playback Engine Size Dropdown
            if (this.gameObject.name == "PlaybackEngineDropdown")
                //sets the value of the dropdown to what is found in the consistent variables value
                dropdown.value = variables.playbackEngine;
                //sets the message to the correct text attached to the value
                message = dropdown.options[variables.playbackEngine].text;

            //Buffer Size Dropdown
            if (this.gameObject.name == "BufferSizeDropdown")
                dropdown.value = variables.bufferSize;
                message        = dropdown.options[variables.bufferSize].text;

            //Cache Size Dropdown
            if (this.gameObject.name == "CacheSizeDropdown")
                dropdown.value = variables.cacheSize;
                message        = dropdown.options[variables.cacheSize].text;
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void Start()
     objChild  = gameObject.transform.GetChild(0);
     variables = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <ConsistentVariables>();
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void Start()
     ///Finds the variables needed from the GameController
     variables = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <ConsistentVariables>();
Exemplo n.º 4
 private void Start()
     variables   = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <ConsistentVariables>();
     kremidifier = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <Kremidifier>();
Exemplo n.º 5
    private void Start()
        ///Finds the variables needed from the GameController
        variables = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <ConsistentVariables>();

        //Sets the starting location for instantiating corrections
        x_placement = -124;
        y_placement = 175;

        //Checks if the relevant variable is incorrect from what we want
        if (variables.resetSystem == false)
            //Makes a temporary variable of the RectTransform of the relevant object (affects size, location and etc of the component we are using in the UI, since the buttons are a UI element a normal transform change doesn't work since it is tied to the camera)
            var m_RectTransform = noReset.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            //Sets the anchored position of the element, this sets the position in world space rather than in relation to its parent canvas
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            //Lowers the y position for the next correction to spawn
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        //The same process is done for each but with the relevant prefab and variables in place, I'm not sure if there is a less code heavy way to do this (I bet someone will say an array or something)
        if (variables.switchesOrder == false)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongOrder.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (variables.power == false)
            var m_RectTransform = noMainPower.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (variables.deskPower == false)
            var m_RectTransform = noDesk.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (variables.interfacePower == false)
            var m_RectTransform = noInterface.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        //Checks if the placement has reached the bottom of the relevant area, if so it will reset the y coordinate and move the x coordinate over to the right somewhat
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.computerPower == false)
            var m_RectTransform = noComputer.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.speakerPower == false)
            var m_RectTransform = noSpeakers.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.playbackEngine != 4)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongPlaybackEngine.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.bufferSize != variables.wantedBufferSize)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongBufferSize.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.ignoreErrors != variables.wantedIgnoreErrors)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongIgnoreErrors.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.dynamic != variables.wantedDynamicProcessing)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongDynamicProcessing.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.videoEngine == true)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongVideoEngine.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;
        if (y_placement == -35 && x_placement == -124)
            y_placement = 175;
            x_placement = 120;
        if (variables.cacheSize != 0)
            var m_RectTransform = wrongCacheSize.GetComponent <RectTransform>();
            m_RectTransform.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(x_placement, y_placement);
            y_placement = y_placement - 35;

        if (x_placement == -124 && y_placement == 175)
            textElement.text = nothingWasWrong;