private static void ConnectSocketCallback(IAsyncResult asyncResult)
            ConnectSocketState asyncState     = (ConnectSocketState)asyncResult.AsyncState;
            Socket             socket         = null;
            IPAddress          address        = null;
            Exception          exception      = null;
            Exception          e              = null;
            WebExceptionStatus connectFailure = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure;

                connectFailure = asyncState.servicePoint.ConnectSocketInternal(asyncState.connectFailure, asyncState.s4, asyncState.s6, ref socket, ref address, asyncState, asyncResult, -1, out exception);
            catch (SocketException exception3)
                e = exception3;
            catch (ObjectDisposedException exception4)
                e = exception4;
            switch (connectFailure)
            case WebExceptionStatus.Pending:

            case WebExceptionStatus.Success:
                    asyncState.servicePoint.CompleteGetConnection(asyncState.s4, asyncState.s6, socket, address);
                catch (SocketException exception5)
                    e = exception5;
                catch (ObjectDisposedException exception6)
                    e = exception6;

                e = new WebException(NetRes.GetWebStatusString(connectFailure), ((connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure) || (connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure)) ? asyncState.servicePoint.Host : null, exception, connectFailure, null, WebExceptionInternalStatus.ServicePointFatal);
                asyncState.pooledStream.ConnectionCallback(asyncState.owner, e, socket, address);
                if ((socket == null) || !socket.CleanedUp)
        internal Socket GetConnection(PooledStream PooledStream, object owner, bool async, out IPAddress address, ref Socket abortSocket, ref Socket abortSocket6, int timeout)
            Socket             socket         = null;
            Socket             socket2        = null;
            Socket             socket3        = null;
            Exception          exception      = null;
            WebExceptionStatus connectFailure = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure;

            address = null;
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4)
                socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
                socket2 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
            abortSocket  = socket;
            abortSocket6 = socket2;
            ConnectSocketState state = null;

            if (async)
                state = new ConnectSocketState(this, PooledStream, owner, socket, socket2);
            connectFailure = this.ConnectSocket(socket, socket2, ref socket3, ref address, state, timeout, out exception);
            if (connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.Pending)
            if (connectFailure != WebExceptionStatus.Success)
                throw new WebException(NetRes.GetWebStatusString(connectFailure), ((connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure) || (connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure)) ? this.Host : null, exception, connectFailure, null, WebExceptionInternalStatus.ServicePointFatal);
            if (socket3 == null)
                throw new IOException(SR.GetString("net_io_transportfailure"));
            this.CompleteGetConnection(socket, socket2, socket3, address);
 internal Socket GetConnection(PooledStream PooledStream, object owner, bool async, out IPAddress address, ref Socket abortSocket, ref Socket abortSocket6, int timeout)
     Socket socket = null;
     Socket socket2 = null;
     Socket socket3 = null;
     Exception exception = null;
     WebExceptionStatus connectFailure = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure;
     address = null;
     if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv4)
         socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
     if (Socket.OSSupportsIPv6)
         socket2 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);
     abortSocket = socket;
     abortSocket6 = socket2;
     ConnectSocketState state = null;
     if (async)
         state = new ConnectSocketState(this, PooledStream, owner, socket, socket2);
     connectFailure = this.ConnectSocket(socket, socket2, ref socket3, ref address, state, timeout, out exception);
     if (connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.Pending)
         return null;
     if (connectFailure != WebExceptionStatus.Success)
         throw new WebException(NetRes.GetWebStatusString(connectFailure), ((connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure) || (connectFailure == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure)) ? this.Host : null, exception, connectFailure, null, WebExceptionInternalStatus.ServicePointFatal);
     if (socket3 == null)
         throw new IOException(SR.GetString("net_io_transportfailure"));
     this.CompleteGetConnection(socket, socket2, socket3, address);
     return socket3;
 private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocketInternal(bool connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, ref IPAddress address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, int timeout, out Exception exception)
     exception = null;
     bool timedOut = false;
     IPAddress[] addresses = null;
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         int currentIndex;
         int num3 = 0;
         if (asyncResult == null)
             addresses = this.GetIPAddressInfoList(out currentIndex, addresses, timeout, out timedOut);
             if (((addresses == null) || (addresses.Length == 0)) || timedOut)
             addresses = state.addresses;
             currentIndex = state.currentIndex;
             num3 = state.i;
             i = state.unsuccessfulAttempts;
         while (num3 < addresses.Length)
             IPAddress address2 = addresses[currentIndex];
                 Socket socket2;
                 IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address2, this.m_Port);
                 if (remoteIPEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                     socket2 = s4;
                     socket2 = s6;
                 if (state != null)
                     if (asyncResult == null)
                         state.addresses = addresses;
                         state.currentIndex = currentIndex;
                         state.i = num3;
                         state.unsuccessfulAttempts = i;
                         state.connectFailure = connectFailure;
                         if ((this.BindIPEndPointDelegate != null) && !socket2.IsBound)
                             this.BindUsingDelegate(socket2, remoteIPEndPoint);
                         socket2.UnsafeBeginConnect(remoteIPEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, state);
                         return WebExceptionStatus.Pending;
                     IAsyncResult result = asyncResult;
                     asyncResult = null;
                     if ((this.BindIPEndPointDelegate != null) && !socket2.IsBound)
                         this.BindUsingDelegate(socket2, remoteIPEndPoint);
                 socket = socket2;
                 address = address2;
                 exception = null;
                 this.UpdateCurrentIndex(addresses, currentIndex);
                 return WebExceptionStatus.Success;
             catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                 return WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled;
             catch (Exception exception2)
                 if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception2))
                 exception = exception2;
                 connectFailure = true;
             if (currentIndex >= addresses.Length)
                 currentIndex = 0;
     if (connectFailure)
         return WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure;
     if (timedOut)
         return WebExceptionStatus.Timeout;
     if (!this.InternalProxyServicePoint)
         return WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure;
     return WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure;
 private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocket(Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, ref IPAddress address, ConnectSocketState state, int timeout, out Exception exception)
     return this.ConnectSocketInternal(false, s4, s6, ref socket, ref address, state, null, timeout, out exception);
        /// <devdoc>
        ///    <para>
        ///     Tempory for getting a new Connection for FTP client, for the time being
        ///    </para>
        /// </devdoc>
        internal Socket GetConnection(PooledStream PooledStream, object owner, bool async, out IPAddress address, ref Socket abortSocket, ref Socket abortSocket6)
            Socket socket = null;
            Socket socket6 = null;
            Socket finalSocket = null;
            Exception innerException = null;
            WebExceptionStatus ws = WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure;
            address = null;

            // if we will not create a tunnel through a proxy then create
            // and connect the socket we will use for the connection

            // IPv6 Support: If IPv6 is enabled, then we create a second socket that ServicePoint
            //               will use if it wants to connect via IPv6.
            if ( Socket.OSSupportsIPv4 ) {
                socket = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp);

            if ( Socket.OSSupportsIPv6 ) {
                socket6 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetworkV6,SocketType.Stream,ProtocolType.Tcp);

            abortSocket = socket;
            abortSocket6 = socket6;

            // Setup socket timeouts for [....] requests

            ConnectSocketState state = null;

            if (async) {
                state = new ConnectSocketState(this, PooledStream, owner, socket, socket6);

            ws = ConnectSocket(socket, socket6, ref finalSocket, ref address, state, out innerException);

            if (ws == WebExceptionStatus.Pending) {
                return null;

            if (ws != WebExceptionStatus.Success) {
                throw new WebException(
                    ws == WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure || ws == WebExceptionStatus.NameResolutionFailure ? Host : null,
                    null, /* no response */

            // There should be no means for socket to be null at this
            // point, but the damage is greater if we just carry on
            // without ensuring that it's good.
            if ( finalSocket == null ) {
                throw new IOException(SR.GetString(SR.net_io_transportfailure));

            CompleteGetConnection(socket, socket6, finalSocket, address);
            return finalSocket;
 /// <summary>
 ///    <para>private implimentation of ConnectSocket(...)</para>
 /// </summary>
 private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocket(Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, ref IPAddress address, 
     ConnectSocketState state, out Exception exception) {
     // we need this for the call to connect()
     return ConnectSocketInternal(false, s4, s6, ref socket, ref address, state, null, out exception);
        /// <summary>
        ///    <para>This is the real logic for doing the Connect with IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, see ConnectSocket for details</para>
        /// </summary>
        private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocketInternal(bool connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, 
            ref IPAddress address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, out Exception exception) {
            IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint;
            exception = null;

            // so, here we are: we have the EndPoint we need to connect to, all we
            // need to do is call into winsock and try to connect to this HTTP server.
            // this is how we do it:
            // we'll keep trying to Connect() until either:
            // (1) Connect() succeeds (on which we increment the number of connections opened) or
            // (2) we can't get any new address for this host.
            // (1) is pretty easy, here's how we do (2):
            // If the hostinformation is every marked as failed, we will automatically refresh it
            // the next time it is read.
            // If we fail the first time using the DNS information and the DNS information is recent,
            // which mean's it either hasn't been tried or it failed, we will mark the
            // hostinformation as failed, and quit.  Otherwise we'll refresh the DNS information and
            // try one more time. If we fail the second time, then we'll mark the DNS information
            // as failed and quit.
            IPAddress[] addresses = null;
            for (int unsuccessfulAttempts = 0; unsuccessfulAttempts < 2; unsuccessfulAttempts++) {

                int currentIndex;
                int i = 0;

                // Use asyncResult to make sure it is only called at initiation time.
                if (asyncResult == null)
                    // the second time, determine if the list was recent.

                    addresses = GetIPAddressInfoList(out currentIndex, addresses);

                    //the addresses were recent, or we couldn't resolve the addresses.
                    if (addresses == null || addresses.Length == 0)
                    GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ConnectSocketInternal() resuming previous state");

                    addresses = state.addresses;
                    currentIndex = state.currentIndex;
                    i = state.i;
                    unsuccessfulAttempts = state.unsuccessfulAttempts;

                //otherwise, try all of the addresses in the list.
                for (; i < addresses.Length; i++)
                    IPAddress ipAddressInfo = addresses[currentIndex];
                    try {
                        remoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddressInfo, m_Port);
                        Socket attemptSocket;
                        if ( remoteIPEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily==AddressFamily.InterNetwork ) {
                            attemptSocket = s4;
                        else {
                            attemptSocket = s6;

                        if (state != null)
                            if (asyncResult != null)
                                IAsyncResult asyncResultCopy = asyncResult;
                                asyncResult = null;
                            else {
                                GlobalLog.Print("ServicePoint#" + ValidationHelper.HashString(this) + "::ConnectSocketInternal() calling BeginConnect() to:" + remoteIPEndPoint.ToString());

                                // save off our state and do our async call
                                state.addresses = addresses;
                                state.currentIndex = currentIndex;
                                state.i = i;
                                state.unsuccessfulAttempts = unsuccessfulAttempts;
                                state.connectFailure = connectFailure;

                                if (BindIPEndPointDelegate != null && !attemptSocket.IsBound) {
                                    BindUsingDelegate(attemptSocket, remoteIPEndPoint);

                                attemptSocket.UnsafeBeginConnect(remoteIPEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, state);
                                return WebExceptionStatus.Pending;
                        else {
                            if (BindIPEndPointDelegate != null && !attemptSocket.IsBound) {
                                BindUsingDelegate(attemptSocket, remoteIPEndPoint);

                        socket  = attemptSocket;
                        address = ipAddressInfo;
                        exception = null;
                        UpdateCurrentIndex(addresses, currentIndex);
                        return WebExceptionStatus.Success;
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                        // This can happen if the request has been aborted and the attemptSocket got closed.
                        return WebExceptionStatus.RequestCanceled;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(e)) throw;

                        exception = e;
                        connectFailure = true;
                    if (currentIndex >= addresses.Length) {
                        currentIndex = 0;


            return connectFailure ? WebExceptionStatus.ConnectFailure :
                InternalProxyServicePoint ? WebExceptionStatus.ProxyNameResolutionFailure :
        private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocketInternal(bool connectFailure, Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, ref IPAddress address, ConnectSocketState state, IAsyncResult asyncResult, int timeout, out Exception exception)
            exception = null;
            bool timedOut = false;

            IPAddress[] addresses = null;
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                int currentIndex;
                int num3 = 0;
                if (asyncResult == null)
                    addresses = this.GetIPAddressInfoList(out currentIndex, addresses, timeout, out timedOut);
                    if (((addresses == null) || (addresses.Length == 0)) || timedOut)
                    addresses    = state.addresses;
                    currentIndex = state.currentIndex;
                    num3         = state.i;
                    i            = state.unsuccessfulAttempts;
                while (num3 < addresses.Length)
                    IPAddress address2 = addresses[currentIndex];
                        Socket     socket2;
                        IPEndPoint remoteIPEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(address2, this.m_Port);
                        if (remoteIPEndPoint.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                            socket2 = s4;
                            socket2 = s6;
                        if (state != null)
                            if (asyncResult == null)
                                state.addresses            = addresses;
                                state.currentIndex         = currentIndex;
                                state.i                    = num3;
                                state.unsuccessfulAttempts = i;
                                state.connectFailure       = connectFailure;
                                if ((this.BindIPEndPointDelegate != null) && !socket2.IsBound)
                                    this.BindUsingDelegate(socket2, remoteIPEndPoint);
                                socket2.UnsafeBeginConnect(remoteIPEndPoint, m_ConnectCallbackDelegate, state);
                            IAsyncResult result = asyncResult;
                            asyncResult = null;
                            if ((this.BindIPEndPointDelegate != null) && !socket2.IsBound)
                                this.BindUsingDelegate(socket2, remoteIPEndPoint);
                        socket    = socket2;
                        address   = address2;
                        exception = null;
                        this.UpdateCurrentIndex(addresses, currentIndex);
                    catch (ObjectDisposedException)
                    catch (Exception exception2)
                        if (NclUtilities.IsFatal(exception2))
                        exception      = exception2;
                        connectFailure = true;
                    if (currentIndex >= addresses.Length)
                        currentIndex = 0;
            if (connectFailure)
            if (timedOut)
            if (!this.InternalProxyServicePoint)
 private WebExceptionStatus ConnectSocket(Socket s4, Socket s6, ref Socket socket, ref IPAddress address, ConnectSocketState state, int timeout, out Exception exception)
     return(this.ConnectSocketInternal(false, s4, s6, ref socket, ref address, state, null, timeout, out exception));