Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TestCreateExistingStoryForDatabaseNonIncrement()
            var         username    = "******";
            var         condition   = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Filter.Empty;
            MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
            var         dataBase    = mongoClient.GetDatabase(dataBaseName);
            var         collection  = dataBase.GetCollection <ConnStoryTable>("StoryTable");
            int         count       = collection.Find(condition).ToList().Count; // Gives the initial count

            ResultCode     result;
            ConnStoryTable obj = new ConnStoryTable();

            obj.Title    = "Test"; // Already existing story
            obj.Scenario = "Test";
            obj.Genre    = "Test";
            obj.Type     = "Test";
            obj.To       = "01/01/2017";
            obj.From     = "01/02/2017";
            result       = new DatabaseAccess().CreateStory(obj, username);
            Assert.IsFalse(result.Result);                            // value not saved

            int countNew = collection.Find(condition).ToList().Count; // new count

            Assert.AreEqual(count, countNew);                         // Value not added to database
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void TestCreateStoryForDatabaseIncrement()
            var         username    = "******";
            var         condition   = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Filter.Empty;
            MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient();
            var         dataBase    = mongoClient.GetDatabase(dataBaseName);
            var         collection  = dataBase.GetCollection <ConnStoryTable>("StoryTable");
            int         count       = collection.Find(condition).ToList().Count; // Gives the initial count

            ResultCode     result;
            ConnStoryTable obj = new ConnStoryTable();

            obj.Title    = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(" ", "") + "Test";
            obj.Scenario = "Test";
            obj.Genre    = "Test";
            obj.Type     = "Test";
            obj.To       = "01/01/2017";
            obj.From     = "01/02/2017";
            result       = new DatabaseAccess().CreateStory(obj, username);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Result);                             // value saved

            int countNew = collection.Find(condition).ToList().Count; // new count

            Assert.AreEqual(count + 1, countNew);                     // Value added to database
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ResultCode CreateStory(ConnStoryTable story, string username)
            ResultCode resultCode = new ResultCode();

                var tableCollection = CreateDataConnection(new MongoClient())
                                      .GetCollection <ConnStoryTable>("StoryTable");
                var condition = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Filter.Eq(p => p.Title, story.Title);

                var fields = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Projection.Include(p => p.Title).Include(p => p.StoryID);

                var results = tableCollection.Find(condition).Project <ConnStoryTable>(fields).ToList().AsQueryable();
                if (results.Count() == 1)
                    // story exists
                    resultCode.Result  = false;
                    resultCode.Message = "Story with same title exists !!";
                var          collection = CreateDataConnection(new MongoClient()).GetCollection <BsonDocument>("StoryTable");
                BsonDocument task       = null;
                task =
                    collection.Find(new BsonDocument())
                    .Sort(Builders <BsonDocument> .Sort.Descending("StoryID"))

                ConnStoryTable result = null;
                if (task != null)
                    result = BsonSerializer.Deserialize <ConnStoryTable>(task.ToBsonDocument());
                var StoryID = (task != null) ? (result.StoryID + 1) : 1;                 // If table is empty, push value as 1.
                story.StoryID = StoryID;
                var documnt = story.ToBsonDocument();

                var Collect = CreateDataConnection(new MongoClient())
                              .GetCollection <BsonDocument>("CreatorStoryTable");
                CreatorStoryModel crtrObj = new CreatorStoryModel();
                crtrObj.StoryID  = StoryID;
                crtrObj.EditorID = username;
                var documnt2 = crtrObj.ToBsonDocument();
                resultCode.Result  = true;
                resultCode.Message = "Story Created !!";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultCode.Result  = false;
                resultCode.Message = "Error occured, Please try again !!";
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void TestEditorForExistingStory()
            ResultCode     result;
            var            username = "******";
            ConnStoryTable obj      = new ConnStoryTable();

            obj.Title    = "Test"; // Already existing story
            obj.Scenario = "Test";
            obj.Genre    = "Test";
            obj.Type     = "Test";
            obj.To       = "01/01/2017";
            obj.From     = "01/02/2017";
            result       = new DatabaseAccess().CreateStory(obj, username);
            Assert.IsFalse(result.Result); // value not saved
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ResultCode CreateEditorStory(StoryModel story, string username)
            DatabaseAccess objDatabaseAccess = new DatabaseAccess();
            ConnStoryTable obj = new ConnStoryTable();

            obj.Content  = story.Content;
            obj.From     = Convert.ToString(story.From, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            obj.Scenario = story.Scenario;
            obj.StoryID  = story.StoryID;
            obj.Title    = story.Title;
            obj.To       = Convert.ToString(story.To, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
            obj.Type     = story.Type;
            obj.Genre    = story.Genre;

            return(objDatabaseAccess.CreateStory(obj, username));;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void TestEditorCreateStory()
            ResultCode     result;
            ConnStoryTable obj = new ConnStoryTable();

            var username = "******";

            obj.Title    = DateTime.Now.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Replace(" ", "") + "Test";
            obj.Scenario = "Test";
            obj.Genre    = "Test";
            obj.Type     = "Test";
            obj.To       = "01/01/2017";
            obj.From     = "01/02/2017";
            result       = new DatabaseAccess().CreateStory(obj, username);
            Assert.IsTrue(result.Result); // value saved
Exemplo n.º 7
        public List <ConnStoryTable> BrowseCreatedStories(string username)
            List <ConnStoryTable> crtrStoryListObj = new List <ConnStoryTable>();
            ConnStoryTable        crtrStoryObj     = new ConnStoryTable();

                var tableCollection = CreateDataConnection(new MongoClient())
                                      .GetCollection <CreatorStoryModel>("CreatorStoryTable");
                var condition = Builders <CreatorStoryModel> .Filter.Eq(p => p.EditorID, username);

                var results = tableCollection.Find(condition).ToList().AsQueryable();
                if (results == null)
                    crtrStoryListObj[0].MessageString = "Data is null";
                    foreach (var story in results)
                        var tableCollection2 = CreateDataConnection(new MongoClient())
                                               .GetCollection <ConnStoryTable>("StoryTable");
                        var fields = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Projection.Include(p => p.Title).Include(p => p.Content).Include(p => p.StoryID).Include(p => p.Genre).Include(p => p.Scenario);

                        var condition2 = Builders <ConnStoryTable> .Filter.Eq(p => p.StoryID, story.StoryID);

                        var StoryResults = tableCollection2.Find(condition2).Project <ConnStoryTable>(fields).ToList();
                        for (int i = 0; i < StoryResults.Count(); i++)
            catch (Exception ex)