Exemplo n.º 1
 void TryToDismissUnit(PartyUnit unit)
     // this depends on the fact if unit is dismissable
     // for example Capital guard is not dimissable
     // all other units normally are dismissable
     if (unit.IsDismissable)
         // as for confirmation
         string confirmationMessage;
         // verify if this is party leader
         if (unit.IsLeader)
             confirmationMessage = "Dismissing party leader will permanently dismiss whole party and all its members. Do you want to dismiss " + unit.GivenName + " " + unit.UnitName + " and whole party?";
             confirmationMessage = "Do you want to dismiss " + unit.UnitName + "?";
         // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
         ConfirmationPopUp.Instance().Choice(confirmationMessage, new UnityAction(OnDismissYesConfirmation), new UnityAction(OnDismissNoConfirmation));
         // display error message
         NotificationPopUp.Instance().DisplayMessage("It is not possible to dismiss " + unit.GivenName + " " + unit.UnitName + ".");
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void DeleteSave()
     Debug.Log("Delete save");
     // querry toggle group for currently selected toggle
     selectedToggle = savesMenu.GetComponent <TextToggleGroup>().GetSelectedToggle();
     // verify if there is any toggle selected now
     if (selectedToggle == null)
         // no any save available
         // show error message
         string errMsg = "Error: no any save.";
         // toggle is selected
         //  get file name from selected save
         string fileName = selectedToggle.GetComponent <Save>().SaveName;
         // verify if file name is set
         if (fileName == "")
             // file name is empty
             string errMsg = "Error: file name is empty.";
             //  construct full file name
             fullFilePath = ConfigManager.Instance.GameSaveConfig.GetSaveFullNameByFileName(fileName); // Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + fileExtension;
             Debug.Log("File name is " + fullFilePath + "");
             // verify if file exists
             if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
                 // file exists
                 // Ask user whether he wants to delete save
                 ConfirmationPopUp confirmationPopUp = ConfirmationPopUp.Instance();
                 // set actions
                 UnityAction YesAction = new UnityAction(OnDeleteSaveYesConfirmation);
                 UnityAction NoAction  = new UnityAction(OnDeleteSaveNoConfirmation);
                 // set message
                 string confirmationMessage = "Do you want to delete '" + selectedToggle.name + "' save?";
                 // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
                 confirmationPopUp.Choice(confirmationMessage, YesAction, NoAction);
                 // display error message
                 string errMsg = "Error: [" + fullFilePath + "] file not found. Please try to exit 'Load' menu and open it again.";
                 // remove UI element
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void AskQuitToTheMainMenuConfirmation()
        // ask for confirmation
        // Ask user whether he wants to delete save
        ConfirmationPopUp confirmationPopUp = ConfirmationPopUp.Instance();
        // set actions
        UnityAction YesAction = new UnityAction(OnQuitToTheMainMenuYesConfirmation);
        UnityAction NoAction  = new UnityAction(OnQuitToTheMainMenuNoConfirmation);
        // set message
        string confirmationMessage = "Do you want to terminate current game? Not saved progress will be lost.";

        // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
        confirmationPopUp.Choice(confirmationMessage, YesAction, NoAction);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public void UpgradeCity()
        // get city
        City city = focusedObject.GetComponent <City>();

        // verify if it is not null
        if (city != null)
            // init city upgrade menu
            Debug.Log("Ugrading city");
            // verify if city has not reached max level (normally button should be disabled, but just in case
            // verify if city has not reached max level or it is not capital city
            if (city.CityLevelCurrent >= ConfigManager.Instance.CityUpgradeConfig.maxCityLevel)
                // Display notification that city has reached maximum level;
                NotificationPopUp.Instance().DisplayMessage("City has reached maximum level. No further upgrades are apossible.");
                // get upgrade cost
                int cityUpgradeCost = ConfigManager.Instance.CityUpgradeConfig.cityUpgradeCostPerCityLevel[city.CityLevelCurrent + 1];
                // verify if player has enough money
                if (TurnsManager.Instance.GetActivePlayer().TotalGold >= cityUpgradeCost)
                    // player has enough money
                    // set confirmation message
                    string confirmationMessage = "Do you want to spend " + cityUpgradeCost.ToString() + " gold to upgrade city to the next level?";
                    // display confirmation pop up asking player whether he wants to upgrade city
                    ConfirmationPopUp.Instance().Choice(confirmationMessage, new UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction(OnCityUpgradeYesConfirmation), new UnityEngine.Events.UnityAction(OnCityUpgradeNoConfirmation));
                    // player doesn't have enough money
                    // Display notification that player doesn't have enough money
                    NotificationPopUp.Instance().DisplayMessage("You don't have enough money for city upgrade. Required " + cityUpgradeCost.ToString() + " gold.");
            Debug.LogWarning("City is null");
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void Save()
        // Open file
        //  get file name from input field
        string fileName = saveNameInputField.text;

        // verify if file name is set
        if (fileName == "")
            // file name is not set
            // show error message
            string errMsg = "Error: the name of save is not set. Please type new save name or select existing save to overwrite it.";
            //  construct full file name
            fullFilePath = ConfigManager.Instance.GameSaveConfig.GetSaveFullNameByFileName(fileName);
            Debug.Log("File name is " + fullFilePath + "");
            // verify if file exists
            if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
                // file exists
                // Ask user whether he wants to overwrite previous save
                ConfirmationPopUp confirmationPopUp = ConfirmationPopUp.Instance();
                // set actions
                UnityAction YesAction = new UnityAction(OnOverwriteSaveYesConfirmation);
                UnityAction NoAction  = new UnityAction(OnOverwriteSaveNoConfirmation);
                // set message
                string confirmationMessage = "Do you want to overwrite existing save with new data?";
                // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
                confirmationPopUp.Choice(confirmationMessage, YesAction, NoAction);
                // create file
                FileStream file = File.Create(fullFilePath);
                // write to a file and close it
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void Load()
        Debug.Log("Load save");
        // querry toggle group for currently selected toggle
        TextToggle selectedToggle = savesMenu.GetComponent <TextToggleGroup>().GetSelectedToggle();

        // verify if there is any toggle selected now
        if (selectedToggle == null)
            // no any save available
            // show error message
            string errMsg = "Error: no any save.";
            // toggle is selected
            //  get file name from selected save
            string fileName = selectedToggle.GetComponent <Save>().SaveName;
            // verify if file name is set
            if (fileName == "")
                // file name is empty
                string errMsg = "Error: file name is empty.";
                //  construct full file name
                fullFilePath = ConfigManager.Instance.GameSaveConfig.GetSaveFullNameByFileName(fileName); // Application.persistentDataPath + "/" + fileName + fileExtension;
                //Debug.Log("File name is " + fullFilePath + "");
                // verify if file exists
                if (File.Exists(fullFilePath))
                    // file exists
                    // verify if game is already running
                    // check if there is a Chapter in World
                    if (World.Instance.GetComponentInChildren <Chapter>(true) != null)
                        // game is already running
                        // Ask user whether he wants to load new game
                        ConfirmationPopUp confirmationPopUp = ConfirmationPopUp.Instance();
                        // set actions
                        UnityAction YesAction = new UnityAction(OnLoadSaveYesConfirmation);
                        UnityAction NoAction  = new UnityAction(OnLoadSaveNoConfirmation);
                        // set message
                        string confirmationMessage = "Do you want to terminate current game and load saved game? Not saved progress will be lost.";
                        // send actions to Confirmation popup, so he knows how to react on no and yes btn presses
                        confirmationPopUp.Choice(confirmationMessage, YesAction, NoAction);
                        // game is not running yet
                        // Load game data
                    string errMsg = "Error: [" + fullFilePath + "] file not found. Please verify if file is present on disk drive.";