public ConfigDescriptionViewModel(ConfigDescription configDescription)
            Name           = configDescription.Name;
            Type           = configDescription.Type;
            GroupName      = configDescription.GroupName;
            Pattern        = configDescription.Pattern;
            Required       = configDescription.Required;
            ReadOnly       = configDescription.ReadOnly;
            Multiple       = configDescription.Multiple;
            MultipleLimit  = configDescription.MultipleLimit;
            Unit           = configDescription.Unit;
            UnitLabel      = configDescription.UnitLabel;
            Context        = configDescription.Context;
            Label          = configDescription.Label;
            Description    = configDescription.Description;
            Options        = configDescription.Options?.ToViewModels();
            FilterCriteria = configDescription.FilterCriteria?.ToViewModels();
            LimitToOptions = configDescription.LimitToOptions;
            Advanced       = configDescription.Advanced;
            StepSize       = configDescription.StepSize;
            Verifyable     = configDescription.Verifyable;
            Default        = configDescription.Default;
            Minimum        = configDescription.Minimum;
            Maximum        = configDescription.Maximum;

            _configDescription = configDescription;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin)
            var adv1 = new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                IsAdvanced = true, Order = 3

            DebugOn     = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "调试开关", false, adv1);
            DebugOutDir = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "调试路径", "export/", adv1);

            var adv = new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                IsAdvanced = true

            NodeDocKey     = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Mod文档导出", KeyCode.P, adv);
            NodeContent    = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode内容(原始格式)", "", adv);
            NodeFileKey    = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode输出(Json格式)", KeyCode.O, adv);
            NodeFilePath   = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "OutputNode输出路径", "OutputNode.json", adv);
            JsonFormat     = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "导出时使用json格式", true, adv);
            JsonPritty     = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "导出json是否格式化", true, adv);
            BattleFileId   = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件Id", "", adv);
            BattleFileKey  = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件保存键", KeyCode.B, adv);
            BattleFilePath = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "战斗文件保存路径", "battle/{0}.json", adv);
            BuffFileId     = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件Id", "", adv);
            BuffFileKey    = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件保存键", KeyCode.N, adv);
            BuffFilePath   = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "Buff文件保存路径", "buff/{0}.json", adv);
            MovieFileType  = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件类型", MovieType.Cinematic, adv);
            MovieFileId    = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件Id", "", adv);
            MovieFileKey   = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件保存键", KeyCode.M, adv);
            MovieFilePath  = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场文件保存路径", "movie/{0}.json", adv);
            SortSchedule   = plugin.Config.Bind("Debug功能", "过场是否重新排序", false, adv);
            SortSchedule.SettingChanged += (o, e) => { ScheduleGraphConverter.WriteSorted = SortSchedule.Value; };
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ConfigEntry <T> Bind <T>(string section, string key, T defaultValue, ConfigDescription configDescription = null, bool?serverAuthoritative = null)
            ConfigEntry <T> entry = new ConfigEntry <T>(_mod.Config.Bind(section, key, defaultValue, configDescription), serverAuthoritative != null ? (bool)serverAuthoritative : _DefaultBindAuthority);

            _configEntries[entry.BaseEntry.Definition.ToString()] = entry;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected ConfigEntry <T> AddConfig <T>(string key, T defaultValue, ConfigDescription configDescription)
            ConfigDescription orderedConfigDescription = new ConfigDescription(configDescription.Description, configDescription.AcceptableValues);
            ConfigEntry <T>   entry = PluginEntry.Configuration.Bind(Name, key, defaultValue, orderedConfigDescription);

            entry.SettingChanged += ReloadHooks;
Exemplo n.º 5
 private void DescriptionCallback(ConfigDescription m)
     latestDescription = m;
     if (descriptionCallback != null)
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Model(
     XmlSchemaSet schemes, Config config, ConfigDescription configDescription
     this.schemes           = schemes;
     this.config            = config;
     this.configDescription = configDescription;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public OmegaMod()
            Config = base.Config;
            Logger = base.Logger;
            var sizeDescription = new ConfigDescription("Shield Growth Rate");
            var sizeDefinition  = new ConfigDefinition("Shield", "SizePerSecond");

            _sizePerSecond = Config.Bind(sizeDefinition, 1f, sizeDescription);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private static ConfigEntry <bool> BindBool(ConfigFile file, string section, string key, bool defaultVal, string description, string title)
            ConfigDefinition  def = new ConfigDefinition(section, key);
            ConfigDescription cd  = new ConfigDescription(description);
            var entry             = BindConfig(file, def, cd, defaultVal);

            VRSettings.Add(new BepinGTFOSettingBool(title, eSettingInputType.BoolToggle, (eCellSettingID)baseVRConfigID, entry, defaultVal));
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected ConfigEntry <T> AddConfig <T>(string settingShortDescr, T value, ConfigDescription configDescription)
            ConfigDescription orderedConfigDescription = new ConfigDescription(configDescription.Description, configDescription.AcceptableValues, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                Order = --ConfigOrder
            ConfigEntry <T> entry = Config.Bind(Name, settingShortDescr, value, orderedConfigDescription);

            entry.SettingChanged += ReloadContent;
Exemplo n.º 10
        private static ConfigEntry <string> BindStringDropdown(ConfigFile file, string section, string key, string defaultVal, string description, string title, string[] possibleValues)
            AcceptableValueList <string> acceptableValues = new AcceptableValueList <string>(possibleValues);
            ConfigDefinition             def = new ConfigDefinition(section, key);
            ConfigDescription            cd  = new ConfigDescription(description, acceptableValues);
            var entry = BindConfig(file, def, cd, defaultVal);

            VRSettings.Add(new BepinGTFOSettingString(title, eSettingInputType.StringArrayDropdown, (eCellSettingID)baseVRConfigID, entry, defaultVal, possibleValues));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static ConfigEntry <float> BindFloat(ConfigFile file, string section, string key, float defaultVal, float minVal, float maxVal, string description, string title)
            AcceptableValueBase a   = new AcceptableValueRange <float>(minVal, maxVal);
            ConfigDefinition    def = new ConfigDefinition(section, key);
            ConfigDescription   cd  = new ConfigDescription(description, a);
            var entry = BindConfig(file, def, cd, defaultVal);

            VRSettings.Add(new BepinGTFOSettingFloat(title, eSettingInputType.FloatSlider, (eCellSettingID)baseVRConfigID, entry, defaultVal, minVal, maxVal));
Exemplo n.º 12
        ConfigEntry <T> config <T>(string group, string name, T value, ConfigDescription description, bool synchronizedSetting = true)
            ConfigEntry <T> configEntry = Config.Bind(group, name, value, description);

            SyncedConfigEntry <T> syncedConfigEntry = configSync.AddConfigEntry(configEntry);

            syncedConfigEntry.SynchronizedConfig = synchronizedSetting;

Exemplo n.º 13
        public void OnRegister(BaseUnityPlugin plugin)
            Plugin  = plugin;
            ExtDrop = plugin.Config.Bind("扩展功能", "战场掉落", false, "特定关卡敌方掉落,游玩剑击江湖请勾选");
            var adv = new ConfigDescription("", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                IsAdvanced = true

            DropRateCharacter   = Plugin.Config.Bind("扩展功能", "战场掉落率(人物)", 0.02f, adv);
            DropRateSkillMantra = Plugin.Config.Bind("扩展功能", "战场掉落率(秘籍)", 0.04f, adv);
            DropRateEquip       = Plugin.Config.Bind("扩展功能", "战场掉落率(装备)", 0.05f, adv);
Exemplo n.º 14
            public static Model Create(
                XmlSchemaSet schemes,
                Config config,
                ConfigDescription configDescription
                var _this = new Model();

                _this.schemes           = schemes;
                _this.config            = config;
                _this.configDescription = configDescription;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void RepairManagerDefinitionTest()
            string configCsvPath            = Path.Combine(Utility.TestDirectory, "Configurations.csv");
            FabricSettingsMetadata metadata = FabricSettingsMetadata.Create(configCsvPath);
            ConfigDescription      desc     = null;

            metadata.TryGetConfigDescription(StringConstants.SectionName.RepairManager, StringConstants.ParameterName.TargetReplicaSetSize, out desc);
            Assert.AreEqual(desc.DefaultValue, "0");
            Assert.AreEqual(desc.UpgradePolicy, UpgradePolicy.SingleChange);
            metadata.TryGetConfigDescription(StringConstants.SectionName.RepairManager, StringConstants.ParameterName.MinReplicaSetSize, out desc);
            Assert.AreEqual(desc.DefaultValue, "0");
            Assert.AreEqual(desc.UpgradePolicy, UpgradePolicy.SingleChange);
Exemplo n.º 16
 internal ConfigEntry(ConfigFile configFile,
                      ConfigDefinition definition,
                      T defaultValue,
                      ConfigDescription configDescription) : base(configFile, definition, typeof(T),
                                                                  defaultValue, configDescription)
     configFile.SettingChanged += (sender, args) =>
         if (args.ChangedSetting == this)
             SettingChanged?.Invoke(sender, args);
Exemplo n.º 17
        ConfigEntry <T> config <T>(string group, string name, T value, ConfigDescription description, bool synchronizedSetting = true)
            configSync = new ConfigSync(Info.Metadata.GUID)
                DisplayName = Info.Metadata.Name, CurrentVersion = Info.Metadata.Version.ToString()

            ConfigEntry <T> configEntry = Config.Bind(group, name, value, description);

            SyncedConfigEntry <T> syncedConfigEntry = configSync.AddConfigEntry(configEntry);

            syncedConfigEntry.SynchronizedConfig = synchronizedSetting;

 private void DescriptionRecieved(ConfigDescription cd)
     def = cd.dflt;
     max = cd.max;
     min = cd.min;
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
         SortedList <int, DynamicReconfigureGroup> hierarchy = new SortedList <int, DynamicReconfigureGroup>();
         foreach (Group g in cd.groups)
             DynamicReconfigureGroup drg = new DynamicReconfigureGroup(g, def, min, max, name, dynamic);
             hierarchy.Add(, drg);
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void InitUncensorConfigs <T>(string sex, string part, Dictionary <string, T> uncensorDictionary, string[] defaultChoices, int order, out ConfigEntry <string> defaultConf, out ConfigEntry <string> excludeConf) where T : IUncensorData
            byte sexValue = (byte)(sex == "Male" ? 0 : 1);

            if (!RandomExcludedSets.TryGetValue(sexValue, out var sexExcluded))
                sexExcluded = RandomExcludedSets[sexValue] = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> >(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (!sexExcluded.TryGetValue(part, out var partExcluded))
                partExcluded = sexExcluded[part] = new HashSet <string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            var defaultDescAttrs = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                Order = order
            var defaultDesc = new ConfigDescription($"{part} to use if the character does not have one set. The {(part == "Body" ? "censored" : "mosaic")} {part.ToLower()} will not be selected randomly if there are any alternatives.", new AcceptableValueList <string>(defaultChoices), defaultDescAttrs);

            defaultConf = Config.Bind("Config", $"Default {sex} {part}", "Random", defaultDesc);

            var settingsGUI = new SettingsGUI <T>(uncensorDictionary, sexValue, part);

            var excludedDescAttrs = new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                HideDefaultButton = true, CustomDrawer = settingsGUI.DrawSettingsGUI, Order = order
            var excludedDesc = new ConfigDescription($"{part} uncensors to exclude from random selection for {sex.ToLower()}s", null, excludedDescAttrs);

            excludeConf = Config.Bind("Random Excluded", $"{sex} {part}", string.Empty, excludedDesc);

            //Apply initial config file value now
            UpdateGuidSet(excludeConf.Value, partExcluded);

            //Update on change
            excludeConf.SettingChanged += (s, a) =>
                if (!(a is SettingChangedEventArgs args) || !(args.ChangedSetting is ConfigEntry <string> conf))
                    Logger.LogError("Unexpected error, unable to handle changed settings.");
                UpdateGuidSet(conf.Value, partExcluded);
Exemplo n.º 20
            Logger.LogWarning("This is an experimental build!");
            rng           = new Random();
            statDefs      = new List <DumbStat>();
            StatsToAdd    = Config.Bind("main", "amount", 5, "How many stats to add to the end screen.");
            disablePoints = Config.Bind("miscellaneous", "Disable points in the end screen?", false);

            List <string> stringBuilder = new List <string>();
            var           types         = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
            foreach (Type tInfo in types)
                if (typeof(DumbStat).IsAssignableFrom(tInfo))
                    var statAttrs = tInfo.GetCustomAttribute <DumbStatDefAttribute>();
                    if (statAttrs != null)
                        var stat = (DumbStat)Activator.CreateInstance(tInfo);
            ConfigDefinition  bl  = new ConfigDefinition("main", "blacklist");
            ConfigDescription bld = new ConfigDescription("Possible values: " + string.Join(";", stringBuilder));
            blackList = Config.Bind <string>(bl, "", bld);
            var version = Config.Bind <string>("miscellaneous", "config version", VERSION);
            if (Version.Parse(VERSION).CompareTo(Version.Parse(version.Value)) != 0)
                string hold = blackList.Value;
                blackList = null;
                version.Value   = VERSION;
                blackList       = Config.Bind <string>(bl, "", bld);
                blackList.Value = hold;
            BlackList = new List <string>(blackList.Value.Split(';', ',', ' '));
 private void DescriptionRecieved(ConfigDescription cd)
     def = cd.dflt;
     max = cd.max;
     min = cd.min;
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
         SortedList<int, DynamicReconfigureGroup> hierarchy = new SortedList<int, DynamicReconfigureGroup>();
         foreach (Group g in cd.groups)
             DynamicReconfigureGroup drg = new DynamicReconfigureGroup(g, def, min, max, Namespace, dynamic);
             hierarchy.Add(, drg);
             drg.BoolChanged += (a, v) => { if (BoolChanged != null) BoolChanged(a, v); };
             drg.IntChanged += (a, v) => { if (IntChanged != null) IntChanged(a, v); };
             drg.StringChanged += (a, v) => { if (StringChanged != null) StringChanged(a, v); };
             drg.DoubleChanged += (a, v) => { if (BoolChanged != null) DoubleChanged(a, v); };
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        ///     Types of defaultValue and definition.AcceptableValues have to be the same as settingType.
        /// </summary>
        internal ConfigEntryBase(ConfigFile configFile,
                                 ConfigDefinition definition,
                                 Type settingType,
                                 object defaultValue,
                                 ConfigDescription configDescription)
            ConfigFile  = configFile ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configFile));
            Definition  = definition ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(definition));
            SettingType = settingType ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(settingType));

            Description = configDescription ?? ConfigDescription.Empty;
            if (Description.AcceptableValues != null &&
                throw new
                      ArgumentException("configDescription.AcceptableValues is for a different type than the type of this setting");

            DefaultValue = defaultValue;

            // Free type check and automatically calls ClampValue in case AcceptableValues were provided
            BoxedValue = defaultValue;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void DescriptionRecieved(ConfigDescription cd)
     def = cd.dflt;
     max = cd.max;
     min = cd.min;
     Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new Action(() =>
         SortedList <int, DynamicReconfigureGroup> hierarchy = new SortedList <int, DynamicReconfigureGroup>();
         foreach (Group g in cd.groups)
             DynamicReconfigureGroup drg = new DynamicReconfigureGroup(g, def, min, max, Namespace, dynamic);
             hierarchy.Add(, drg);
             drg.BoolChanged += (a, v) => { if (BoolChanged != null)
                                                BoolChanged(a, v);
             drg.IntChanged += (a, v) => { if (IntChanged != null)
                                               IntChanged(a, v);
             drg.StringChanged += (a, v) => { if (StringChanged != null)
                                                  StringChanged(a, v);
             drg.DoubleChanged += (a, v) => { if (BoolChanged != null)
                                                  DoubleChanged(a, v);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void Awake()
            if (StudioAPI.InsideStudio)
                throw new NotImplementedException("Shouldn't load in studio");

            Instance = this;
            Logger   = base.Logger;

            var windDescr = new ConfigDescription("Drag bottom right corner of the window to change these.", null, new ConfigurationManagerAttributes {
                IsAdvanced = true

            AddWinRect      = Config.Bind("Windows", "Editor window rect", new Rect(10, 10, 500, 350), windDescr);
            ListWinRect     = Config.Bind("Windows", "List window rect", new Rect(510, 10, 700, 350), windDescr);
            VarWinRect      = Config.Bind("Windows", "Inspect window rect", new Rect(1220, 10, 370, 350), windDescr);
            SolidBackground = Config.Bind("Windows", "Solid window background", true, "Make window background solid for easier reading. If false, windows are transparent.");

            OpenShortcut = Config.Bind("General", "Open ADV editor", new KeyboardShortcut(KeyCode.Pause, KeyCode.LeftShift));

            _hi = Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(PreventAdvCrashHooks), GUID);

#if KK
            if (Manager.Game.Instance?.actScene?.isEventNow == true)
                _advEditor.Enabled = true;
#elif KKS
            if (ActionScene.initialized && ActionScene.instance.isEventNow)
                _advEditor.Enabled = true;
        private void config()
            const string sectionName = "may the day treat you well";

            ConfigDefinition  moveSpeedDef  = new ConfigDefinition(sectionName, "Set Move Speed");
            ConfigDescription moveSpeedDesc = new ConfigDescription($"Set Beetle Move Speed to this amount (base is {_origBaseMoveSpeed})");

            SetMoveSpeed = Config.Bind <float>(moveSpeedDef, 9.5f, moveSpeedDesc);

            ConfigDefinition  attackSpeedDef  = new ConfigDefinition(sectionName, "Attack Speed Multiplier");
            ConfigDescription attackSpeedDesc = new ConfigDescription("Multiply Beetle Attack Speed by this amount");

            MultAttackSpeed = Config.Bind <float>(attackSpeedDef, 2f, attackSpeedDesc);

            ConfigDefinition  levelAttackSpeedDef  = new ConfigDefinition(sectionName, "Set Level Attack speed");
            ConfigDescription levelAttackSpeedDesc = new ConfigDescription("Set Beetle Attack speed gained per level");

            SetLevelAttackSpeed = Config.Bind <float>(levelAttackSpeedDef, 0.1f, levelAttackSpeedDesc);

            ConfigDefinition  damageDef  = new ConfigDefinition(sectionName, "Damage Multipier");
            ConfigDescription damageDesc = new ConfigDescription("Multiply Beetle Damage by this amount");

            MultDamage = Config.Bind <float>(damageDef, 0.8f, damageDesc);
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary>
        /// 初始化系统参数配置信息
        /// </summary>
        public void Init()
            List <Options> listOption = ConfigService.GetAllOptions();

            ConfigDescription desc = null;

            foreach (ConfigOption item in AllConfig)
                //反射读取配置项ConfigTypeAttribute  ConfigAttribute 信息
                desc = ConfigDescriptionCache.GetTypeDiscription(item.GetType());

                desc.GroupTypePropertyInfo.SetValue(item, Convert.ChangeType(desc.Group, desc.GroupTypePropertyInfo.PropertyType), null);

                List <Options>  itemOptions = listOption.Where(e => e.OptionType.Equals(desc.Group, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).ToList();
                Options         op          = null;
                ConfigAttribute ca          = null;
                foreach (PropertyInfo prop in desc.StaticPropertyInfo)
                    op = itemOptions.FirstOrDefault(e1 => e1.Key.Equals(prop.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));
                    ca = desc.MemberDict[prop.Name];
                    if (op == null)
                        prop.SetValue(null, Convert.ChangeType(ca.DefaultValue, prop.PropertyType), null);
                        prop.SetValue(null, Convert.ChangeType(op.Value, prop.PropertyType), null);
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void DescriptionCallback(ConfigDescription m)
     latestDescription = m;
     if (descriptionCallback != null)
Exemplo n.º 28
        public static void SetConfig(string name, ConfigFile config)
            var minConfigDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Dungeons will generate with at least this many rooms placed. \n" +
                "In vanilla Valheim, this value is 3.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 200));

            minimumDungeonSize = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "min_rooms", 15, minConfigDescription);

            var maxConfigDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Dungeons will attempt to place this many rooms. \n" +
                "In vanilla Valheim, this value varies based on dungeon type but tends to be 30 or 40." +
                "Expect fps drops in dungeons if this is over 100.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 200));

            maximumDungeonSize = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "max_rooms", 60, maxConfigDescription);

            var minCampDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Camps will generate with at least this many components placed. \n",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 80));

            minimumCampSize = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "camp_min", 25, minCampDescription);

            var maxCampDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Camps will attempt to place this many components.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 80));

            maximumCampSize = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "camp_max", 40, maxCampDescription);

            var mobMinLvlDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Minimum level of dungeon/point of interest mobs. Level 1 (default) means Zero stars.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 10));

            minMobLevel = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "mob_min_lvl", 1, mobMinLvlDescription);

            var mobMaxLvlDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Maximum level of dungeon/point of interest mobs. Level 3 (default) means 2 Stars.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 10));

            maxMobLevel = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "mob_max_lvl", 3, mobMaxLvlDescription);

            var mobLevelChanceDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "Chance for dungeon/point of interest mobs to spawn higher than the minimum level.",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 100));

            mobLevelChance = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "mob_lvl_chance", 15, mobLevelChanceDescription);

            var mobScaleDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "How much bigger are higher level mobs?" +
                "Percentage, per level",
                new AcceptableValueRange <int>(0, 500));

            mobScale = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "mob_scale", 10, mobScaleDescription);

            var newWorldDescription = new ConfigDescription(
                "If you're running this on a world that existed before the mod was installed, change the value to false");

            isNewWorld = config.Bind(name + ".Global", "new_world", true, newWorldDescription);

            isDefaultDifficulty = minMobLevel.Value == 1 && maxMobLevel.Value == 3 && mobLevelChance.Value == 15;
Exemplo n.º 29
 protected ConfigEntry <T> Bind <T>(string name, T defaultValue, ConfigDescription description)
     return(UtilityPackPlugin.Instance.Config.Bind(new ConfigDefinition(this.Name, name), defaultValue, description));
Exemplo n.º 30
 public static ConfigEntry <TConf> ConfigEntryBind <TConf>(this IRedirectorHandler handler, string key, TConf defaultValue, ConfigDescription description)
     return(handler.Plugin.Config.Bind <TConf>(handler.ConfigSectionName, key, defaultValue, description));
                public Configure(string name, ConfigDescription type)
           = name;

                    this.type = type;
Exemplo n.º 32
        private static ConfigEntry <T> BindConfig <T>(ConfigFile file, ConfigDefinition definition, ConfigDescription cd, T defaultValue)
            var entry = file.Bind <T>(definition, defaultValue, cd);
