Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// For an if statement with an unreachable end point and no else block,
        /// inverts to match IL order of the first statement of each branch
        /// </summary>
        private void ImproveILOrdering(Block block, IfInstruction ifInst, Block continueTarget)
            if (!block.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable) ||
                !ifInst.TrueInst.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable) ||

            Debug.Assert(ifInst != block.Instructions.Last());

            var trueRangeStart  = ConditionDetection.GetStartILOffset(ifInst.TrueInst, out bool trueRangeIsEmpty);
            var falseRangeStart = ConditionDetection.GetStartILOffset(block.Instructions[block.Instructions.IndexOf(ifInst) + 1], out bool falseRangeIsEmpty);

            if (trueRangeIsEmpty || falseRangeIsEmpty || falseRangeStart >= trueRangeStart)

            if (block.Instructions.Last() is Leave leave && !leave.IsLeavingFunction && leave.TargetContainer.Kind == ContainerKind.Normal)
                // non-keyword leave. Can't move out of the last position in the block (fall-through) without introducing goto, unless it can be replaced with a keyword (return/continue)
                if (!CanDuplicateExit(block.Instructions.Last(), continueTarget, out var keywordExit))

                context.Step("Replace leave with keyword exit", ifInst.TrueInst);

            ConditionDetection.InvertIf(block, ifInst, context);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reduce Nesting in if/else statements by duplicating an exit instruction.
        /// Does not affect IL order
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReduceNesting(Block block, IfInstruction ifInst, ILInstruction exitInst)
            // start tallying stats for heuristics from then and else-if blocks
            int maxStatements = 0, maxDepth = 0;

            UpdateStats(ifInst.TrueInst, ref maxStatements, ref maxDepth);

            // if (cond) { ... } exit;
            if (ifInst.FalseInst.MatchNop())
                // a separate heuristic tp ShouldReduceNesting as there is visual balancing to be performed based on number of statments
                if (maxDepth < 2)

                //   ->
                // if (!cond) exit;
                // ...; exit;
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(ifInst.TrueInst, exitInst);
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(block, exitInst);
                ConditionDetection.InvertIf(block, ifInst, context);

            // else-if trees are considered as a single group from the root IfInstruction
            if (GetElseIfParent(ifInst) != null)

            // find the else block and tally stats for each else-if block
            while (Block.Unwrap(ifInst.FalseInst) is IfInstruction elseIfInst)
                UpdateStats(elseIfInst.TrueInst, ref maxStatements, ref maxDepth);
                ifInst = elseIfInst;

            if (!ShouldReduceNesting(ifInst.FalseInst, maxStatements, maxDepth))

            // extract the else block and insert exit points all the way up the else-if tree
                var elseIfInst = GetElseIfParent(ifInst);

                // if (cond) { ... } else { ... } exit;
                //   ->
                // if (cond) { ...; exit; }
                // ...; exit;
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(ifInst.TrueInst, exitInst);
                ifInst = elseIfInst;
            } while (ifInst != null);

        /// <summary>
        /// For an if statement with an unreachable end point and no else block,
        /// inverts to match IL order of the first statement of each branch
        /// </summary>
        private void ImproveILOrdering(Block block, IfInstruction ifInst)
            if (!block.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable) ||
                !ifInst.TrueInst.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable) ||

            Debug.Assert(ifInst != block.Instructions.Last());

            var trueRangeStart  = ConditionDetection.GetStartILOffset(ifInst.TrueInst, out bool trueRangeIsEmpty);
            var falseRangeStart = ConditionDetection.GetStartILOffset(block.Instructions[block.Instructions.IndexOf(ifInst) + 1], out bool falseRangeIsEmpty);

            if (!trueRangeIsEmpty && !falseRangeIsEmpty && falseRangeStart < trueRangeStart)
                ConditionDetection.InvertIf(block, ifInst, context);
Exemplo n.º 4
        bool MatchWhileLoop(BlockContainer loop, out IfInstruction condition, out Block loopBody)
            // ConditionDetection favours leave inside if and branch at end of block
            // while-loop:
            // if (!loop-condition) leave loop-container
            // ...
            condition = null;
            loopBody  = loop.EntryPoint;
            if (!(loopBody.Instructions[0] is IfInstruction ifInstruction))

            if (!ifInstruction.FalseInst.MatchNop())

            if (UsesVariableCapturedInLoop(loop, ifInstruction.Condition))

            condition = ifInstruction;
            if (!ifInstruction.TrueInst.MatchLeave(loop))
                // sometimes the loop-body is nested within the if
                // if (loop-condition) { loop-body }
                // leave loop-container

                if (loopBody.Instructions.Count != 2 || !loop.EntryPoint.Instructions.Last().MatchLeave(loop))

                if (!ifInstruction.TrueInst.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable))
                    ((Block)ifInstruction.TrueInst).Instructions.Add(new Leave(loop));

                ConditionDetection.InvertIf(loopBody, ifInstruction, context);

            context.Step("Transform to while (condition) loop", loop);
            loop.Kind = ContainerKind.While;
            //invert comparison
            ifInstruction.Condition = Comp.LogicNot(ifInstruction.Condition);
            ifInstruction.FalseInst = ifInstruction.TrueInst;
            //move the rest of the body into a new block
            loopBody = ConditionDetection.ExtractBlock(loop.EntryPoint, 1, loop.EntryPoint.Instructions.Count);
            loop.Blocks.Insert(1, loopBody);
            if (!loopBody.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable))
                loopBody.Instructions.Add(new Leave(loop));

            ifInstruction.TrueInst = new Branch(loopBody);
            ExpressionTransforms.RunOnSingleStatement(ifInstruction, context);

            // Analyze conditions and decide whether to move some of them out of the condition block:

            /*var conditions = new List<ILInstruction>();
             * SplitConditions(condition.Condition, conditions);
             * // Break apart conditions that could be a MoveNext call followed by a Current accessor call:
             * if (MightBeHeaderOfForEach(loop, conditions)) {
             *      ifInstruction.Condition = conditions[0];
             *      foreach (var cond in conditions.Skip(1).Reverse()) {
             *              IfInstruction inst;
             *              loopBody.Instructions.Insert(0, inst = new IfInstruction(Comp.LogicNot(cond), new Leave(loop)));
             *              ExpressionTransforms.RunOnSingleStatment(inst, context);
             *      }
             * }*/

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reduce Nesting in if/else statements by duplicating an exit instruction.
        /// Does not affect IL order
        /// </summary>
        private bool ReduceNesting(Block block, IfInstruction ifInst, ILInstruction exitInst)
            // start tallying stats for heuristics from then and else-if blocks
            int maxStatements = 0, maxDepth = 0;

            UpdateStats(ifInst.TrueInst, ref maxStatements, ref maxDepth);

            // if (cond) { ... } exit;
            if (ifInst.FalseInst.MatchNop())
                // a separate heuristic tp ShouldReduceNesting as there is visual balancing to be performed based on number of statments
                if (maxDepth < 2)

                //   ->
                // if (!cond) exit;
                // ...; exit;
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(ifInst.TrueInst, exitInst);
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(block, exitInst);
                ConditionDetection.InvertIf(block, ifInst, context);

            // else-if trees are considered as a single group from the root IfInstruction
            if (GetElseIfParent(ifInst) != null)

            // find the else block and tally stats for each else-if block
            while (Block.Unwrap(ifInst.FalseInst) is IfInstruction elseIfInst)
                UpdateStats(elseIfInst.TrueInst, ref maxStatements, ref maxDepth);
                ifInst = elseIfInst;

            if (!ShouldReduceNesting(ifInst.FalseInst, maxStatements, maxDepth))

            // extract the else block and insert exit points all the way up the else-if tree
                var elseIfInst = GetElseIfParent(ifInst);

                // if (cond) { ... } else { ... } exit;
                //   ->
                // if (cond) { ...; exit; }
                // ...; exit;
                EnsureEndPointUnreachable(ifInst.TrueInst, exitInst);
                if (ifInst.FalseInst.HasFlag(InstructionFlags.EndPointUnreachable))
                    Debug.Assert(ifInst.Parent == block);
                    int removeAfter = ifInst.ChildIndex + 1;
                    if (removeAfter < block.Instructions.Count)
                        // Remove all instructions that ended up dead
                        // (this should just be exitInst itself)
                        Debug.Assert(block.Instructions.SecondToLastOrDefault() == ifInst);
                        Debug.Assert(block.Instructions.Last() == exitInst);
                        block.Instructions.RemoveRange(removeAfter, block.Instructions.Count - removeAfter);
                ifInst = elseIfInst;
            } while (ifInst != null);
