Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Serialization()
            Action <object, bool> del = (source, binary) =>
                var mode = binary ? "binary" : "text/soap";
                ConsoleEx.WriteLine("\n- Source ({0}): {1}", mode, source);

                var path = "c:\\temp\\data"; path += binary ? ".bin" : ".xml";
                path.PathSerialize(source, binary);

                var temp = path.PathDeserialize(binary);
                ConsoleEx.WriteLine("- Created ({0}): {1}", mode, temp);

                var result = source.IsEquivalentTo(temp);
                              "With mode '{0}' source '{1}' and deserialized '{2}' are not equivalent."
                              .FormatWith(mode, source.Sketch(), temp.Sketch()));

            var obj = new Concrete.ElementAlias()
                Element = "Employees", Alias = "Emp"

            del(obj, true);
            del(obj, false);
		public void Cloning()
			Action<object> del = (source) =>
				ConsoleEx.WriteLine("\n- Source: {0}", source);

				var temp = ((ICloneable)source).Clone();
				ConsoleEx.WriteLine("- Cloned: {0}", temp);

					"Source '{0}' and cloned '{1}' are not equivalent."
					.FormatWith(source, temp));

			var obj = new Concrete.ElementAlias() { Element = "Employees", Alias = "Emp" };
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Cloning()
            Action <object> del = (source) =>
                ConsoleEx.WriteLine("\n- Source: {0}", source);

                var temp = ((ICloneable)source).Clone();
                ConsoleEx.WriteLine("- Cloned: {0}", temp);

                              "Source '{0}' and cloned '{1}' are not equivalent."
                              .FormatWith(source, temp));

            var obj = new Concrete.ElementAlias()
                Element = "Employees", Alias = "Emp"

		public void Serialization()
			Action<object, bool> del = (source, binary) =>
				var mode = binary ? "binary" : "text/soap";
				ConsoleEx.WriteLine("\n- Source ({0}): {1}", mode, source);

				var path = "c:\\temp\\data"; path += binary ? ".bin" : ".xml";
				path.PathSerialize(source, binary);

				var temp = path.PathDeserialize(binary);
				ConsoleEx.WriteLine("- Created ({0}): {1}", mode, temp);

				var result = source.IsEquivalentTo(temp);
					"With mode '{0}' source '{1}' and deserialized '{2}' are not equivalent."
					.FormatWith(mode, source.Sketch(), temp.Sketch()));

			var obj = new Concrete.ElementAlias() { Element = "Employees", Alias = "Emp" };
			del(obj, true);
			del(obj, false);