public IEnumerable <Concept> GetModified() { return(Concepts .Where(concept => concept.Deleted) .Select(x => x.CreateConcept()) .ToList()); }
public IActionResult LikeConcept(int ConceptsId) { ViewBag.errors = new List <string>(); if (!loggedIn()) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); } System.Console.WriteLine("****************************Inside Like Concept"); int?UsersId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); var userlikes = _context.Likes.Include(a => a.Users).Include(a => a.Concepts).Where(a => a.UsersId == UsersId && a.ConceptsId == ConceptsId).ToList(); if (userlikes.Count > 0) { ViewBag.errors.Add("Can't like a post more than once"); = HttpContext.Session.GetString("name"); ViewBag.Concepts = GetConcepts(); int?Id = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); ViewBag.UsersId = (int)Id; return(View("Show")); } else { Concepts concept = _context.Concepts.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ConceptsId == ConceptsId); Likes likes = new Likes { UsersId = (int)UsersId, ConceptsId = ConceptsId, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now, }; _context.Likes.Add(likes); concept.LikeCount += 1; _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Show")); } }
public IEnumerable <ConceptId> GetDeleted() { return(Concepts .Where(concept => concept.Deleted) .Select(x => x.GetId()) .ToList()); }
/// <summary>Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance.</summary> /// <returns>A new object that is a copy of this instance.</returns> public object Clone() { List <FhirConcept> concepts = null; if (Concepts != null) { concepts = Concepts.Select(c => (FhirConcept)c.Clone()).ToList(); } List <FhirValueSetFilter> filters = null; if (Filters != null) { filters = Filters.Select(f => (FhirValueSetFilter)f.Clone()).ToList(); } List <string> linked = null; if (LinkedValueSets != null) { linked = LinkedValueSets.Select(s => (string)s.Clone()).ToList(); } return(new FhirValueSetComposition( System, Version, concepts, filters, linked)); }
public ExchangeRequirements_TfNSW_Drainage(List <IfcPropertySetTemplate> propertyTemplates) : base() { PropertyTemplates.AddRange(propertyTemplates); IfcClassification classification = new IfcClassification(new DatabaseIfc(ModelView.Ifc4NotAssigned), "Uniclass2015"); //Indicitive/candidate sender, receiver, activity, process... ApplicableProcess.Add(new IfcClassificationReference(classification) { Identification = "PM_40_30", Name = "Design information" }); Senders.Add(new IfcClassificationReference(classification) { Identification = "Ro_50_20_28", Name = "Drainage engineer (D)" }); Receivers.Add(new IfcClassificationReference(classification) { Identification = "Ro_10_30", Name = "Asset management roles" }); Activities.Add(new IfcClassificationReference(classification) { Identification = "Ac_05_40", Name = "Design stage activities" }); Activities.Add(new IfcClassificationReference(classification) { Identification = "Ac_05_60", Name = "Handover and close-out stage activities" }); //Exchange Requirements Concepts.Add(new Concept_TfNSW_AllDistributionElements()); // No building element proxies, all elements distribution element Concepts.Add(new Concept_TfNSW_StormWaterPipeSingleSweep()); // Future might force pipe axis definition with attributes // Validate all Systems are drainage // Validate Distribution System is assigned to all elements // To be advanced further }
PayrollConcept ConceptFor(PayrollTag code) { var emptyValues = new Dictionary <string, object>(); PayrollConcept concept = Concepts.ConceptFor(code.ConceptCode(), code.ConceptName(), emptyValues); return(concept); }
public IActionResult ToLikes(int ConceptsId) { if (!loggedIn()) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); } ViewBag.errors = new List <string>(); System.Console.WriteLine("****************************likes Concept"); int? UsersId = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); Concepts concept = _context.Concepts.Include(a => a.Users).SingleOrDefault(a => a.ConceptsId == ConceptsId); List <Likes> likes = _context.Likes .Include(a => a.Users) .Where(a => a.ConceptsId == ConceptsId) .ToList(); var likers = likes.GroupBy(p => new { p.UsersId, p.ConceptsId }) .Select(g => g.First()) .ToList(); ViewBag.Likes = likers; ViewBag.Concept = concept; return(View("Likes")); }
public KeyValuePair <int?, string> GetUnitConcept(IDataRecord reader, string conceptName) { var sourceValue = string.Empty; var concept = Concepts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == conceptName); if (concept != null) { var concepts = base.GetConcepts(concept, reader, null).Where(c => c.ConceptId != 0).ToList(); sourceValue = reader.GetString(concept.Fields[0].Key); if (concepts.Count > 0) { foreach (var uc in concepts) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceValue) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uc.VocabularySourceValue) && sourceValue.Equals(uc.VocabularySourceValue, StringComparison.Ordinal)) { return(new KeyValuePair <int?, string>(uc.ConceptId, sourceValue)); } } return(new KeyValuePair <int?, string>(concepts[0].ConceptId, concepts[0].SourceValue)); } } return(new KeyValuePair <int?, string>(null, sourceValue)); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session[Constants.NameSessionUser] == null) { Utilities.logout(Page.Session, Page.Response); } else { _user = (Users)Session[Constants.NameSessionUser]; } if (!IsPostBack) { dwconcepto.DataSource = Concepts.getconceptoGratuito(); dwconcepto.DataBind(); txtDateStart.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); txtDateEnd.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); ConsultaGratuito(); //if (_user._usv_employee == true && _user._usv_area == "%%") // formForEmployee(); //else if (_user._usv_employee == true && _user._usv_area != "%%") // formForCustomer(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Vencimiento de sesion if (Session[Constants.NameSessionUser] == null) { Utilities.logout(Page.Session, Page.Response); } else { _user = (Users)Session[Constants.NameSessionUser]; } if (!IsPostBack) { dwBanks.DataSource = Banks.getAllBanks(); dwBanks.DataBind(); dwDepositType.DataSource = Concepts.getConceptsByType(); dwDepositType.DataBind(); // calendar.StartDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-4); // calendar.EndDate = DateTime.Now; calendar.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now; if ((_user._usu_tip_id == "01" || _user._usu_tip_id == "03")) { this.formForCustomer(); } else { this.formForEmployee(); } } }
internal void LinkEntityValueToConcept(EntityValue entityValue, IList <string> conceptIds) { foreach (var conceptId in conceptIds) { if (Concepts.ContainsKey(conceptId)) { var concept = Concepts[conceptId]; entityValue.AddConcept(concept); concept.AddEntityValueReference(entityValue); } else { LogMessage(entityValue.LineNumber, MessageType.Info, "Entity value " + entityValue.Entity.Name + " > \"" + entityValue.Name + "\" => (warning) concept reference : " + conceptId + " (a conflicting concept with the same canonical value but a different id may have been defined before)"); } } if (Concepts.ContainsKey(entityValue.CanonicalValue)) { var concept = Concepts[entityValue.CanonicalValue]; if (entityValue.Concepts == null || !entityValue.Concepts.Contains(concept)) { entityValue.AddConcept(concept); concept.AddEntityValueReference(entityValue); } } }
public IActionResult CreateConcept(string Content) { if (!loggedIn()) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "User")); } ViewBag.errors = new List <string>(); if (Content.Length <= 0) { ViewBag.errors.Add("Content Can't be empty"); } int?Id = HttpContext.Session.GetInt32("UserId"); Concepts concept = new Concepts { UsersId = (int)Id, Content = Content, CreatedAt = DateTime.Now, UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now, }; _context.Concepts.Add(concept); _context.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Show")); }
public void ShouldReturnAnInstanceOfConcepts() { setRequireVariables(); Concepts concepts = client.Concepts(text: text); Assert.IsInstanceOfType(concepts, typeof(Concepts)); }
public static string JsonifyConceptDefinitions(Concepts collection) { var relationStrings = new List<string>(); var conceptStrings = new List<string>(); var concepts = collection.GetConcepts(); foreach (var mode in concepts.Keys) { foreach (var c in concepts[mode]) { var subgroupString = ""; if (collection.Type() == ConceptType.PROPERTY && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(c.SubgroupName)) { subgroupString = string.Format(", \"subgroup\": \"{0}\"", c.SubgroupName); } var conceptString = string.Format("{{\"name\":\"{0}\", \"modality\": \"{1}\"{2}}}", c.Name, c.Mode.ToString(), subgroupString); conceptStrings.Add(conceptString); } foreach (var r in collection.GetRelations()) { relationStrings.Add(string.Format("\"{0}{4}{1}{5}{2}{4}{3}\"", r.Origin.Mode.ToString(), collection.GetIndex(r.Origin), r.Destination.Mode.ToString(), collection.GetIndex(r.Destination), ConceptIdSep, JsonRelationConnector)); if (r.Bidirectional) { relationStrings.Add(string.Format("\"{0}{4}{1}{5}{2}{4}{3}\"", r.Destination.Mode.ToString(), collection.GetIndex(r.Destination), r.Origin.Mode.ToString(), collection.GetIndex(r.Origin), ConceptIdSep, JsonRelationConnector)); } } } var jsonString = string.Format("\"{0}\":[{1}], \"{0}{3}\": [{2}]", collection.Type(), string.Join(", ", conceptStrings.ToArray()), string.Join(", ", relationStrings.ToArray()), JsonRelationSuffix ); if (collection.Type() == ConceptType.PROPERTY) { var subgroupStrings = new List<string>(); subgroupStrings.AddRange(collection.Subgroups.Select(g => string.Format("{{\"name\":\"{0}\", \"type\": \"{1}\"}}", g.Name, g.Type.ToString()))); jsonString += ", " + string.Format("\"{0}{1}\":[{2}]", collection.Type(), JsonSubgroupSuffix, string.Join(", ", subgroupStrings.ToArray())); } return jsonString; }
public override IEnumerable <IEntity> GetConcepts(Concept concept, IDataRecord reader, KeyMasterOffsetManager keyOffset) { var personId = reader.GetLong(PersonId); var startDate = reader.GetDateTime(StartDate); var endDate = reader.GetDateTime(EndDate); int?typeConceptId = 0; if (Concepts != null) { var periodConceptId = Concepts.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Name == "PeriodConceptId"); if (periodConceptId != null && concept.Fields != null && concept.Fields.Length > 0) { typeConceptId = concept.GetTypeId(concept.Fields[0], reader) ?? 0; } } if (personId.HasValue) { yield return new ObservationPeriod() { PersonId = personId.Value, StartDate = startDate, EndDate = endDate, TypeConceptId = typeConceptId } } ; } }
private PayrollConcept NewTermConcept(CodeNameRefer termRefer, IDictionary <string, object> termValues) { PayrollTag termTag = Tags.TagFromModels(termRefer); PayrollConcept baseConcept = Concepts.ConceptFromModels(termTag); PayrollConcept termConcept = baseConcept.CloneWithValue(termTag.Code, termValues); return(termConcept); }
public override bool IsSameType(Concepts.Ring1.UnitOfMeasure otherUnit) { if (otherUnit == null) { return false; } return otherUnit is MetricLengthUnit; }
public Bookmark(AnalysisResults analysisResults) : this() { Title = analysisResults.Metadata.Title; Url = analysisResults.RetrievedUrl; // NOTE: categories, concepts and keywords are assumed to be in order from the natural language processor Categories.AddRange(analysisResults.Categories.Select(c => c.Label)); Concepts.AddRange(analysisResults.Concepts.Select(c => c.Text).ToList()); Keywords.AddRange(analysisResults.Keywords.Select(k => k.Text).ToList()); }
public override bool Equals(object obj) { if (obj == null) { return(false); } return(obj is AnnotatedTest test && test.EquivalanceClass.Equals(EquivalanceClass) && test.IndividualTest.Equals(IndividualTest) && test.Concepts.OrderBy(o => o).SequenceEqual(Concepts.OrderBy(o => o))); }
protected void cargarLider() { // Mostrar Panel de Seleccion de Coordinador pnlDwCustomers.Visible = true; /// Realizar la consulta de lideres dwCustomers.Focus(); dwCustomers.DataSource = Area.getAllclientes(); dwCustomers.DataBind(); dwconcepto.DataSource = Concepts.getconcepto(); dwconcepto.DataBind(); }
public void AddConcept(Concept concept) { var concepts = new Concepts() { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), Name = concept.ToString(), }; foreach (var subcategory in concept.Subcategories) { concepts.AddSubcategory(subcategory.Id); } context.Concepts.Add(concepts); }
public void Search() { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(SearchText)) { MakeAllCategories(visible: false); foreach (var item in Concepts.Where(x => x.Name.Equals(SearchText))) { item.Visible = true; } } else { MakeAllCategories(visible: true); } }
public static void InsertConcept(Concepts concept) { using (SuuxEntities ent = new SuuxEntities()) { ent.Concepts.Add(concept); if (concept.common) { InsertOrDeleteConceptCommon(concept, concept.common, ent); } else { ent.SaveChanges(); } } }
private static void InsertOrDeleteConceptCommon(Concepts concept, bool common, SuuxEntities ent) { using (ent) { if (common) { ent.Employees.ToList().ForEach(e => e.Concepts.Add(concept)); } else { ent.Employees.ToList().ForEach(e => e.Concepts.Remove(concept)); } ent.SaveChanges(); } }
public JObject Serialize() { var outputConfig = new JObject( new JProperty("concepts_mutually_exclusive", AreConceptsMutuallyExclusive), new JProperty("closed_environment", IsEnvironmentClosed)); if (Language != null) { outputConfig["language"] = Language; } return(new JObject( new JProperty("data", new JObject( new JProperty("concepts", Concepts.Select(c => c.Serialize())))), new JProperty("output_config", outputConfig))); }
public List <ExtendedTreeNode> Find(object obj) { if (obj is IConcept) { return(Concepts.Find(obj as IConcept, this)); } else if (obj is IStatement) { return(Statements.Find(obj as IStatement, this)); } else { throw new NotSupportedException(); } }
public bool IsValid() //TODO: inherit this from interface { var isValid = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Title) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(Url) && Categories.IsNullOrEmpty() && Concepts.IsNullOrEmpty() && Keywords.IsNullOrEmpty() && Tags.IsNullOrEmpty()) { isValid = false; } return(isValid); }
public static void UpdateConcept(Concepts concept, bool common) { using (SuuxEntities ent = new SuuxEntities()) { ent.Concepts.Attach(concept); ent.Entry(concept).State = EntityState.Modified; if (common != concept.common) { InsertOrDeleteConceptCommon(concept, concept.common, ent); } else { ent.SaveChanges(); } } }
public async Task <ActionResult> CreateConcept(Concepts concept) { Context.concepts.Add(concept); await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); var item = await Context.concepts .AsNoTracking() .SingleOrDefaultAsync(cntp => == && cntp.languageId == concept.languageId); if (item == null) { return(NotFound(concept)); } return(Ok(item)); }
// evaluate and return result from Results by key of tag public IDictionary <TagRefer, PayrollResult> Evaluate(TagRefer payTag) { uint periodBase = PayrollPeriod.NOW; PayrollTag[] pendingUniqCodes = Concepts.CollectPendingCodesFor(Terms); var calculationSteps = CreateCalculationSteps(Terms, periodBase, pendingUniqCodes); var sortedCalculation = calculationSteps.OrderBy(x => (x.Value)); this.Results = sortedCalculation.Aggregate(new Dictionary <TagRefer, PayrollResult>(), (agr, x) => (agr.Union(new Dictionary <TagRefer, PayrollResult>() { { x.Key, x.Value.Evaluate(Period, Tags, agr) } }).ToDictionary(key => key.Key, value => value.Value))); return(GetResult(payTag)); }
public async Task <IActionResult> UpdateConcept(Concepts concept) { var item = await Context.concepts.SingleOrDefaultAsync(cntp => ==; if (item == null) { return(NotFound(item)); } =; item.category = concept.category; item.method = concept.method; item.languageId = concept.languageId; await Context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Ok()); }
public MyChirps(Concepts.ChirperId chirper) { _chirps = new HashSet<ChirpId>(); Chirper = chirper; }