Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            // Used to read the text files.
            StreamReader movieStream = new StreamReader(new FileStream("netflix/movie_titles.txt", FileMode.Open));
            //StreamReader userTestingStream = new StreamReader(new FileStream("netflix/TestingRatings.txt", FileMode.Open));
            //StreamReader userTrainingStream = new StreamReader(new FileStream("netflix/TrainingRatings.txt", FileMode.Open));
            StreamReader userTestingStream  = new StreamReader(new FileStream("netflix/reduced/TestingRatings-new.txt", FileMode.Open));
            StreamReader userTrainingStream = new StreamReader(new FileStream("netflix/reduced/TrainingRatings-new.txt", FileMode.Open));

            // Container objects
            Movies movies        = new Movies();
            Users  trainingUsers = new Users();
            Users  testingUsers  = new Users();

            Computation computation = new Computation();

            // stores the weights (correlation) between two users.
            Dictionary <Tuple <uint, uint>, float> weight;

            Console.WriteLine("Populating movie database...");
            while (!movieStream.EndOfStream)
                string[] movieData = movieStream.ReadLine().Split(new char[] { ',' }, 3);

                uint   movieID    = uint.Parse(movieData[0]);
                uint   movieYear  = uint.Parse(movieData[1]);
                string movieTitle = movieData[2];

                movies.AddMovie(movieID, new MovieInfo(movieYear, movieTitle));

            Console.WriteLine("Populating training database...");
            while (!userTrainingStream.EndOfStream)
                string[] trainingData = userTrainingStream.ReadLine().Split(',');

                uint  movieID = uint.Parse(trainingData[0]);
                uint  userID  = uint.Parse(trainingData[1]);
                float rating  = float.Parse(trainingData[2]);

                // Check to see if user already exists in the dictionary.
                if (trainingUsers.UserExists(userID))
                    trainingUsers.GetUser(userID).AddRating(movieID, rating);
                    // Add user and rating
                    trainingUsers.AddUser(userID, new UserInfo());
                    trainingUsers.GetUser(userID).AddRating(movieID, rating);

            Console.WriteLine("Populating testing database...");
            while (!userTestingStream.EndOfStream)
                string[] testingData = userTestingStream.ReadLine().Split(',');

                uint  movieID = uint.Parse(testingData[0]);
                uint  userID  = uint.Parse(testingData[1]);
                float rating  = float.Parse(testingData[2]);

                // Check to see if user already exists in the dictionary.
                if (testingUsers.UserExists(userID))
                    testingUsers.GetUser(userID).AddRating(movieID, rating);
                    // Add user and rating
                    testingUsers.AddUser(userID, new UserInfo());
                    testingUsers.GetUser(userID).AddRating(movieID, rating);

            Console.WriteLine("\nCommands:\nerror - computes the " +
                              "error on each instance of the test set on the training set." +
                              "\nexit - quits the program." +
                              "\ncommand - displays all available commands." +
                              "\nquery - allows you to perform queries as a user on a particular year.");

            string input = "";

                input = Console.ReadLine();
                switch (input)
                case "command":
                    Console.WriteLine("\nCommands:\nerror - computes the " +
                                      "error on each instance of the test set on the training set." +
                                      "\nexit - quits the program." +
                                      "\ncommand - displays all available commands." +
                                      "\nquery - allows you to perform queries as a user on a particular year.");

                case "error":
                    weight = new Dictionary <Tuple <uint, uint>, float>();

                    Console.WriteLine("\nComputing the error with regards to the test set. This may take a few minutes.");

                    float differenceRating        = 0.0f;
                    float differenceRatingSquared = 0.0f;
                    float numRatings = 0.0f;

                    foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, UserInfo> users in testingUsers.GetDataset())
                        weight = new Dictionary <Tuple <uint, uint>, float>();

                        // ensure the user exists in the training data as well.
                        // otherwise we cannot predict their rating.
                        if (trainingUsers.UserExists(users.Key))
                            // Computes the average rating of the active user.
                            float averageRatingOfActive = computation.WeightedSumOfUser(trainingUsers.GetUser(users.Key));

                            // compute weights.
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, UserInfo> otherUsers in trainingUsers.GetDataset())
                                float correlation = computation.Correlation(movies, trainingUsers.GetUser(users.Key), otherUsers.Value);

                                // exclude any zero correlations, and some numbers are just too small.
                                if (correlation != 0.0f && !float.IsNaN(correlation))
                                    weight.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint>(users.Key, otherUsers.Key), correlation);

                            float sumWeight = computation.SumWeight(weight);
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, float> ratings in users.Value.GetDataset())
                                float predictedRating = 0.0f;
                                float cumulativeSum   = 0.0f;

                                foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <uint, uint>, float> weights in weight)
                                    if (trainingUsers.GetUser(weights.Key.Item2).RatingExists(ratings.Key))
                                        cumulativeSum += weights.Value *
                                                         (trainingUsers.GetRatingForUser(weights.Key.Item2, ratings.Key) -
                                        cumulativeSum += weights.Value;
                                // odd occurrence when there is no other weights.
                                if (sumWeight != 0.0f)
                                    predictedRating = averageRatingOfActive + cumulativeSum / sumWeight;
                                    predictedRating = averageRatingOfActive;

                                // Logging.
                                Console.WriteLine("UserID: " + users.Key);
                                Console.WriteLine("Predicted Rating of " + movies.GetMovie(ratings.Key).Title + " is " + predictedRating);
                                Console.WriteLine("Actual Rating of " + movies.GetMovie(ratings.Key).Title + " is " + users.Value.GetRating(ratings.Key));

                                // These simply return the difference in ratings and adds them up.
                                // we will divide by the number of ratings to get the actual mean and squared error.
                                differenceRating        += computation.MeanAbsoluteError(predictedRating, users.Value.GetRating(ratings.Key));
                                differenceRatingSquared += computation.MeanAbsoluteError(predictedRating, users.Value.GetRating(ratings.Key)) *
                                                           computation.MeanAbsoluteError(predictedRating, users.Value.GetRating(ratings.Key));

                    float meanAbsoluteError    = differenceRating / numRatings;
                    float rootMeanSquaredError = (float)Math.Sqrt(differenceRatingSquared / numRatings);
                    Console.WriteLine("MAE : " + meanAbsoluteError);
                    Console.WriteLine("RMSE : " + rootMeanSquaredError);


                case "query":
                    weight = new Dictionary <Tuple <uint, uint>, float>();

                    Console.Write("Enter a userID: ");
                    uint userID = uint.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    Console.Write("Enter a particular year: ");
                    uint year = uint.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

                    List <Dictionary <float, MovieInfo> > predictedRatings = new List <Dictionary <float, MovieInfo> >();

                    if (trainingUsers.UserExists(userID))
                        Console.WriteLine("\nMovies you have watched:");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, float> movie in trainingUsers.GetUser(userID).GetDataset())
                            if (movies.MovieExists(movie.Key))
                                Console.WriteLine(movie.Key + " - " + movies.GetMovie(movie.Key).Title + ", " +
                                                  movies.GetMovie(movie.Key).Year + ": " + movie.Value);

                        // Gather the movies only produced in that particular year.
                        Movies particularMovies = new Movies();
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, MovieInfo> movie in movies.GetDataset())
                            if (year == movie.Value.Year)
                                particularMovies.AddMovie(movie.Key, movie.Value);

                        // Computes the average rating of the active user.
                        float averageRatingOfActive = computation.WeightedSumOfUser(trainingUsers.GetUser(userID));

                        // Compute the weights of the users and add them to the dictionary.
                        Console.WriteLine("Computing weights for users...");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, UserInfo> user in trainingUsers.GetDataset())
                            if (user.Key != userID)
                                // Compute their correlation accross all movies in the database rather than the particular movies.
                                float correlation = computation.Correlation(movies, trainingUsers.GetUser(userID), user.Value);

                                if (correlation != 0.0f && !float.IsNaN(correlation))
                                    weight.Add(new Tuple <uint, uint>(userID, user.Key), correlation);

                        float sumWeight = computation.SumWeight(weight);

                        // Now we perform analysis on each of these movies.
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <uint, MovieInfo> movie in particularMovies.GetDataset())
                            float predictedRating = 0.0f;
                            float cumulativeSum   = 0.0f;

                            foreach (KeyValuePair <Tuple <uint, uint>, float> weights in weight)
                                if (trainingUsers.GetUser(weights.Key.Item2).RatingExists(movie.Key))
                                    cumulativeSum += weights.Value *
                                                     (trainingUsers.GetRatingForUser(weights.Key.Item2, movie.Key) -
                                    cumulativeSum += weights.Value;
                            // odd occurrence when there is no other weights.
                            if (sumWeight != 0.0f)
                                predictedRating = averageRatingOfActive + cumulativeSum / sumWeight;
                                predictedRating = averageRatingOfActive;
                            Console.WriteLine("Predicted Rating of " + movie.Value.Title + " is " + predictedRating);
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid userID");

                case "exit":
                    Console.WriteLine("Exiting database...");

                    Console.WriteLine("Unknown value has been input.");
            } while(input != "exit");