Exemplo n.º 1
        //public static string DecryptStream(Stream str, string keyStrBase64)

        //    byte[] keyBytes = Convert.FromBase64String(keyStrBase64);
        //    string keyStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(keyBytes);

        //    Security.Encryption.EncryptedData encryptedData = Security.Encryption.EncryptedData.DeserializeJSON(keyStr);
        //    encryptedData.Content = str.ReadFully();

        //    return Security.Encryption.DecryptToString(encryptedData);

        public static byte[] Decrypt(byte[] dataIn, KeyParams keyParams) //, string passphrase = null)
            //byte[] decryptedData = null;

            ////KeyParams kp = new KeyParams(keyParams.Key, keyParams.IV, new byte[3] { 1, 2, 3 });

            // RSM: Rijndael and Serpent merged. HKDF key schedule and up to 42 rounds of diffusion
            using (ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(new RSM(42, 32))) // TSM(32))) //, 32))) // TODO: Test TSM! ... for RSM: RSM(18, 32)
                // init with key and iv
                //////cipher.Initialize(false, keyParams);

                //////using (CipherStream sc = new CipherStream(cipher))
                //////    MemoryStream dataOut = new MemoryStream();
                //////    sc.Initialize(false, keyParams);
                //////    // encrypt the buffer
                //////    sc.Write(new MemoryStream(dataIn), dataOut);
                //////    return dataOut.ToArray();

                //////////using (CompressionCipher cstrm = new CompressionCipher(true, cipher))
                using (CompressionCipher cstrm = new CompressionCipher(cipher))
                    using (MemoryStream dataInStream = new MemoryStream(dataIn))
                        using (MemoryStream dataOutStream = new MemoryStream())
                            //////var dataInMemStream = ; // TODO: rollup in Initialize
                            cstrm.Initialize(false, keyParams);
                            cstrm.Write(dataInStream, dataOutStream);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compress and encrypt a file, then decrypt and deflate to an output directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InputDirectory">The path of the folder to be archived</param>
        /// <param name="OutputDirectory">The decompressed files output directory</param>
        /// <param name="CompressedFilePath">The name and path of the new compressed and encrypted archive</param>
        public static void CompressionCipherTest(string InputDirectory, string OutputDirectory, string CompressedFilePath)
            KeyParams kp = new KeyGenerator().GetKeyParams(32, 16);

            // Create an archive //
            // create the cipher
            using (ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(new RHX()))
                // create the archive file
                using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(CompressedFilePath, FileMode.Create))
                    // compress and encrypt directory
                    using (CompressionCipher cc = new CompressionCipher(cipher))
                        // set the input folder path and archive output stream
                        cc.Initialize(true, kp);
                        // write the compressed and encrypted archive to file
                        cc.Deflate(InputDirectory, fs);

            // Inflate an archive //
            // create the cipher
            using (ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(new RHX()))
                // open the archive
                using (FileStream decmp = new FileStream(CompressedFilePath, FileMode.Open))
                    // decrypt and inflate to output directory
                    using (CompressionCipher cc = new CompressionCipher(cipher))
                        // set the output folder path and archive path
                        cc.Initialize(false, kp);
                        // decrypt and inflate the directory
                        cc.Inflate(OutputDirectory, decmp);
            // manual inspection of files..
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static byte[] Encrypt(byte[] dataIn, KeyParams keyParams = null) //, string passphrase = null)
            //// populate a keyheader
            //KeyHeaderStruct keyHeader = new KeyHeaderStruct(
            //    Engines.RHX,        // cipher engine
            //    192,                // key size in bytes
            //    IVSizes.V128,       // cipher iv size enum
            //    CipherModes.CTR,    // cipher mode enum
            //    PaddingModes.X923,  // cipher padding mode enum
            //    BlockSizes.B128,    // block size enum
            //    RoundCounts.R18,    // diffusion rounds enum
            //    Digests.Skein512,   // cipher kdf engine
            //    64,                 // mac size
            //    Digests.Keccak);    // mac digest

            //// create the key file
            //new KeyFactory(KeyPath).Create(keyHeader);

            ////if (keyParams == null)
            ////    using (KeyGenerator kg = new KeyGenerator())
            ////    {
            ////        keyParams = kg.GetKeyParams(192, 64, 64);
            ////    }

            //////encryptedData.Key = keyParams.Key;
            //////encryptedData.Iv = keyParams.IV;
            //////encryptedData.Salt = keyParams.IKM;

            // RSM: Rijndael and Serpent merged. HKDF key schedule and up to 42 rounds of diffusion
            using (ICipherMode cipher = new CTR(new RSM(42, 32))) // TSM(32))) //, 32))) // TODO:  42, 32)))  ... for RSM: RSM(18, 32)
                // init with key and iv
                //////cipher.Initialize(true, keyParams);

                 *  The Compression cipher wraps the StreamCipher class by first compressing a target directory, then encrypting the compressed file. Decryption inflates the directory to a target path.
                ////using (CompressionCipher cstrm = new CompressionCipher(true, cipher))

                //////using (CipherStream sc = new CipherStream(cipher))
                //////    MemoryStream dataOut = new MemoryStream();
                //////    sc.Initialize(true, keyParams);
                //////    // encrypt the buffer
                //////    sc.Write(new MemoryStream(dataIn), dataOut);
                //////    return dataOut.ToArray();

                using (CompressionCipher cstrm = new CompressionCipher(cipher))
                    using (MemoryStream dataInStream = new MemoryStream(dataIn))
                        using (MemoryStream dataOutStream = new MemoryStream())
                            //////var dataInMemStream = ; // TODO: rollup in Initialize
                            cstrm.Initialize(true, keyParams);
                            cstrm.Write(dataInStream, dataOutStream);

            //////return encryptedData;