Exemplo n.º 1
                private static void RenderSceneObjectField <T>(ref ComponentRef <T> componentRef, ref bool dataChanged) where T : class
                    //If current component is valid
                    if (componentRef.IsValid())
                        //Check its scene is loaded
                        Scene scene = componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSceneRef().GetScene();

                        if (scene.isLoaded)
                            //Then render component field
                            if (RenderObjectField(ref componentRef))
                                dataChanged = true;
                        //If the scene is not loaded show warning and allow clearing of the component
                        else if (GameObjectRefEditor.RenderSceneNotLoadedField(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef()))
                            componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Scene);
                            dataChanged  = true;
                    //Else don't have a valid component set, renderer object field
                    else if (RenderObjectField(ref componentRef))
                        dataChanged = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
                private static void RenderLoadedObjectField <T>(ref ComponentRef <T> componentRef, ref bool dataChanged) where T : class
                    //If the component is valid
                    if (componentRef.IsValid())
                        //Check its scene is loaded
                        Scene scene = componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSceneRef().GetScene();

                        if (scene.isLoaded)
                            //If loaded and not tried finding editor loader, find it now
                            GameObjectLoader gameObjectLoader = componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetEditorGameObjectLoader(scene);

                            //If have a valid loader...
                            if (gameObjectLoader != null)
                                //Check its loaded
                                if (gameObjectLoader.IsLoaded())
                                    //Then render component field
                                    if (RenderObjectField(ref componentRef))
                                        dataChanged = true;
                                //If the loader is not loaded show warning and allow clearing of the component
                                else if (GameObjectRefEditor.RenderLoadedNotLoadedField(gameObjectLoader))
                                    componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Loaded);
                                    dataChanged  = true;
                        //If the scene is not loaded show warning and allow clearing of the component
                        else if (GameObjectRefEditor.RenderSceneNotLoadedField(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef()))
                            componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Loaded);
                            dataChanged  = true;
                    //Else don't have a component set, render component field
                    else if (RenderObjectField(ref componentRef))
                        dataChanged = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
                private static ComponentRef <T> ComponentField <T>(ComponentRef <T> componentRef, GUIContent label, ref bool dataChanged) where T : class
                    if (label == null)
                        label = new GUIContent();

                    label.text += " (" + componentRef + ")";

                    bool editorCollapsed = !EditorGUILayout.Foldout(!componentRef._editorCollapsed, label);

                    if (editorCollapsed != componentRef._editorCollapsed)
                        componentRef._editorCollapsed = editorCollapsed;
                        dataChanged = true;

                    if (!editorCollapsed)
                        int origIndent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

                        //Show drop down for gameobject type.
                        GameObjectRef.eSourceType sourceType = SerializationEditorGUILayout.ObjectField(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType(), "Source Type", ref dataChanged);

                        if (sourceType != componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType())
                            componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(sourceType);
                            dataChanged  = true;

                        switch (sourceType)
                        case GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Scene:
                            RenderSceneObjectField(ref componentRef, ref dataChanged);

                        case GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Prefab:
                            RenderPrefabObjectField(ref componentRef, ref dataChanged);

                        case GameObjectRef.eSourceType.Loaded:
                            RenderLoadedObjectField(ref componentRef, ref dataChanged);

                        EditorGUI.indentLevel = origIndent;

Exemplo n.º 4
                private static bool RenderObjectField <T>(ref ComponentRef <T> componentRef) where T : class
                    bool       dataChanged = false;
                    GameObject gameObject  = null;

                    Component currentComponent = componentRef.GetBaseComponent();

                    //If T is a type of component can just use a normal object field
                    if (typeof(Component).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)))
                        Component component = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(kLabel, currentComponent, typeof(T), true) as Component;
                        gameObject = component != null ? component.gameObject : null;
                    //Otherwise allow gameobject to be set and deal with typing when rendering index
                        gameObject = (GameObject)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(kLabel, currentComponent != null ? currentComponent.gameObject : null, typeof(GameObject), true);

                    //Render drop down for typed components on the gameobject
                    if (gameObject != null)
                        //Show drop down to allow selecting different components on same game object
                        int         currentIndex  = 0;
                        Component[] allComponents = gameObject.GetComponents <Component>();

                        List <GUIContent> validComponentLabels = new List <GUIContent>();
                        List <Component>  validComponents      = new List <Component>();
                        List <Type>       validComponentTypes  = new List <Type>();

                        for (int i = 0; i < allComponents.Length; i++)
                            T typedComponent = allComponents[i] as T;

                            if (typedComponent != null)
                                int numberComponentsTheSameType = 0;
                                foreach (Type type in validComponentTypes)
                                    if (type == allComponents[i].GetType())

                                validComponentLabels.Add(new GUIContent(allComponents[i].GetType().Name + (numberComponentsTheSameType > 0 ? " (" + numberComponentsTheSameType + ")" : "")));

                                if (allComponents[i] == currentComponent)
                                    currentIndex = validComponents.Count - 1;

                        if (validComponents.Count > 1)
                            int selectedIndex = EditorGUILayout.Popup(kLabel, currentIndex, validComponentLabels.ToArray());
                            dataChanged = currentComponent != validComponents[selectedIndex] || componentRef.GetComponentIndex() != selectedIndex;
                            if (dataChanged)
                                componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType(), validComponents[selectedIndex], selectedIndex);
                        else if (validComponents.Count == 1)
                            dataChanged = currentComponent != validComponents[0] || componentRef.GetComponentIndex() != 0;
                            if (dataChanged)
                                componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType(), validComponents[0], 0);
                        else if (validComponents.Count == 0)
                            dataChanged = currentComponent != null || componentRef.GetComponentIndex() != 0;
                            if (dataChanged)
                                componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType());
                        dataChanged = currentComponent != null || componentRef.GetComponentIndex() != 0;
                        if (dataChanged)
                            componentRef = new ComponentRef <T>(componentRef.GetGameObjectRef().GetSourceType());
