Exemplo n.º 1
        public void DeserializeComplex_AbstractAndInterfaceClass()
            var obj = new ClassWithAbstractAndInterface
                A = new ImplementAbstractAndInterface {
                    MyProp = 10
                B = new ImplementAbstractAndInterface {
                    MyProp = 20

            var expressionStr = obj.AsExpression().DefaultSerializer.Serialize();

            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory(obj.GetType());

            factory.AddMapType <Interface, ImplementAbstractAndInterface>();
            factory.AddMapType <AbstractClass, ImplementAbstractAndInterface>();

            var deserializer = new ComplexEntityExpressionDeserializer();
            var deserialized = deserializer.Deserialize <ClassWithAbstractAndInterface>(expressionStr, factory);

            Assert.Equal(10, deserialized.A.MyProp);
            Assert.Equal(20, deserialized.B.MyProp);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void FactoryTyped_CreateInstance_A_plus_B_plus_Pharentesis()
            var root = (new Entity("CircularEntity.0")
                        + new Entity("Name: Root2")
                        + (new Entity("children.1")
                           + (new Entity("[0].2")
                              + new Entity("Name: Name1")
                              + new Entity("Name: Name1 (last)"))
                           + (new Entity("[1].3")
                              + new Entity("Name: Name2"))
                           + (new Entity("[2].4")
                              + new Entity("Name: Name3"))));

            var build = new ComplexEntityFactory <CircularEntity>(root).Build();
            var value = build.Value;

            Assert.Equal("CircularEntity", root.Name);
            Assert.Equal("Root2", value.Name);

            Assert.Equal(3, value.Children.Count());
            Assert.Equal("Name1 (last)", value.Children.ElementAt(0).Name);
            Assert.Equal("Name2", value.Children.ElementAt(1).Name);
            Assert.Equal("Name3", value.Children.ElementAt(2).Name);

            Assert.Same(root["children"].Value, value.Children);
            Assert.Same(root["children"]["[0]"].Value, value.Children.ElementAt(0));
            Assert.Same(root["children"]["[1]"].Value, value.Children.ElementAt(1));
            Assert.Same(root["children"]["[2]"].Value, value.Children.ElementAt(2));
            Assert.Equal("Root2", root["Name"].Value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void DeserializeComplex_AbstractAndInterfaceClass_NoFactory()
            var obj = new ClassWithAbstractAndInterface
                A = new ImplementAbstractAndInterface {
                    MyProp = 10
                B = new ImplementAbstractAndInterface {
                    MyProp = 20

            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory(obj.GetType());

            factory.IgnoreErrors = true;

            var expressionStr = obj.AsExpression().DefaultSerializer.Serialize();
            var deserializer  = new ComplexEntityExpressionDeserializer();
            var deserialized  = deserializer.Deserialize <ClassWithAbstractAndInterface>(expressionStr, factory);

            Assert.Equal(2, factory.Errors.Count);
            Assert.Equal($"An instance of type '{typeof(Interface).FullName}' contains value, but not created. Make sure it is an interface or an abstract class, if so, set up a corresponding concrete class in the '{nameof(ComplexEntityFactory)}.{nameof(ComplexEntityFactory.MapTypes)}' configuration.", factory.Errors[0]);
            Assert.Equal($"An instance of type '{typeof(AbstractClass).FullName}' contains value, but not created. Make sure it is an interface or an abstract class, if so, set up a corresponding concrete class in the '{nameof(ComplexEntityFactory)}.{nameof(ComplexEntityFactory.MapTypes)}' configuration.", factory.Errors[1]);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a string expression with custom complex entity factory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="expression">Expressin as string</param>
        /// <param name="factory">This factory is util to customize entity creation</param>
        /// <returns>Return a complety entity</returns>
        public async Task <object> DeserializeAsync(string expression, ComplexEntityFactory factory)
            var roslyn = new RoslynExpressionDeserializer <Entity>();
            var runner = roslyn.GetDelegateExpression(expression, factory.GetType());
            var root   = await runner(factory);

            factory.Root = root;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void EntityFactory5()
            var root    = new Entity(0) + new Entity("[0]", "10") + new Entity("[1]: 11");
            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory <int[]>(root);

            // Build entity and get typed value
            var entity = factory.Build().Value;

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void EntityFactory4()
            var root    = new Entity(0) + new Entity("System.Int32._intValue: 1000");
            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory <MyClass>(root);

            // Build entity

            var entity = factory.Value;

            System.Console.WriteLine(typeof(MyClass).GetField("_intValue", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).GetValue(entity));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void EntityFactory2()
            var root    = new Entity(0) + new Entity("Child", 0);
            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory <MyClass>(root);

            // Build entity

            var entity = factory.Value;

            System.Console.WriteLine(entity == entity.Child);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void EntityFactory()
            var root    = new Entity(0) + new Entity("Name: Entity name ;)");
            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory <CircularEntity>(root);

            // Build entity

            var entity = factory.Value;

Exemplo n.º 9
        public void FactoryTyped_CreateSimpleClass()
            var root = GetEntity("CircularEntity.0")
                       + GetEntity("Name: A")
                       + GetEntity("Count: 0")
                       + (GetEntity("Children.3")
                          + GetEntity("Capacity: 0")
                          + GetEntity("Count: 0"));

            var build = new ComplexEntityFactory <CircularEntity>(root).Build();

            Assert.Equal("A", build.Value.Name);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void FactoryTyped_CreateArray()
            var root = GetEntity("Class1[].55467396")
                       + (GetEntity("[0].56235422")
                          + GetEntity("Prop1: 1"))
                       + (GetEntity("[1].31423778")
                          + GetEntity("Prop1: 2"))
                       + (GetEntity("[2].29279655")
                          + GetEntity("Prop1: 3"))
                       + GetEntity("[3].56235422");      // Repeat 56235422

            var value = new ComplexEntityFactory <Class1[]>(root).Build().Value;

            Assert.Equal(1, value[0].Prop1);
            Assert.Equal(2, value[1].Prop1);
            Assert.Equal(3, value[2].Prop1);
            Assert.Same(value[0], value[3]);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void EntityFactory6()
            var root = new Entity(0)
                       + (new Entity("A", 1) + new Entity("MyProp", "10"))
                       + (new Entity("B", 2) + new Entity("MyProp", "20"));

            var factory = new ComplexEntityFactory <ClassWithAbstractAndInterface>(root);

            factory.AddMapType <Interface, ImplementAbstractAndInterface>();
            factory.AddMapType <AbstractClass, ImplementAbstractAndInterface>();

            // Build entity and get typed value
            var entity = factory.Build().Value;

Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a string expression with custom complex entity factory
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="expression">Expressin as string</param>
 /// <param name="factory">This factory is util to customize entity creation</param>
 /// <returns>Return a complety entity</returns>
 public object Deserialize(string expression, ComplexEntityFactory factory)
     return(DeserializeAsync(expression, factory).Result);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Deserializes a string expression with custom complex entity factory
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">Type of real entity</typeparam>
        /// <param name="expression">Expressin as string</param>
        /// <param name="factory">This factory is util to customize entity creation</param>
        /// <returns>Return a typed complety entity</returns>
        public async Task <T> DeserializeAsync <T>(string expression, ComplexEntityFactory factory)
            var root = await DeserializeAsync(expression, factory);

Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Deserializes a string expression with custom complex entity factory
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T">Type of real entity</typeparam>
 /// <param name="expression">Expressin as string</param>
 /// <param name="factory">This factory is util to customize entity creation</param>
 /// <returns>Return a typed complety entity</returns>
 public T Deserialize <T>(string expression, ComplexEntityFactory factory)
     return(DeserializeAsync <T>(expression, factory).Result);