Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ComparesVersionNumbers(string version1, string @operator, string version2, bool result)
            // Arrange
            var t = new CompareVersion();

            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            t.Version1 = version1;
            t.Operator = @operator;
            t.Version2 = version2;

            // Act
            var success = t.Execute();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(t.Result, result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Version2IsInvalid_Fails()
            // Arrange
            var t      = new CompareVersion();
            var engine = new MockEngine();

            t.BuildEngine = engine;

            t.Version1 = "";
            t.Operator = "NotEqual";
            t.Version2 = "NotARealVersion";

            // Act
            var success = t.Execute();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(1, engine.ErrorEvents.Count);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the user looks for their League of Legends installation
        /// </summary>
        private void FindButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            //Disable patching if the user selects another league installation.
            PatchButton.IsEnabled  = false;
            RemoveButton.IsEnabled = false;

            //Create a file dialog for the user to locate their league of legends installation.
            OpenFileDialog findLeagueDialog = new OpenFileDialog();

            //If they don't have League of Legends in the default path, look for Garena.
            if (!Directory.Exists(Path.Combine(Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory), "Riot Games", "League of Legends")))
                findLeagueDialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory), "Program Files (x86)", "GarenaLoL", "GameData", "Apps", "LoL"));
                findLeagueDialog.InitialDirectory = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(Path.GetPathRoot(Environment.SystemDirectory), "Riot Games", "League of Legends"));

            findLeagueDialog.DefaultExt = ".exe";
            findLeagueDialog.Filter     = "League of Legends Launcher|lol.launcher*.exe|Garena Launcher|lol.exe";

            bool?foundLeague = findLeagueDialog.ShowDialog();

            if (foundLeague == true)
                LogToFile("Selected Location", findLeagueDialog.FileName);

                //Remove the executable from the location
                Uri    Location         = new Uri(findLeagueDialog.FileName);
                string SelectedLocation = Location.LocalPath.Replace(Location.Segments.Last(), string.Empty);

                //Get the executable name to check for Garena
                string LastSegment = Location.Segments.Last();

                if (!LastSegment.StartsWith("lol.launcher"))
                    type = ServerType.GARENA;
                    RemoveButton.IsEnabled = true;
                    PatchButton.IsEnabled  = true;
                    LocationTextbox.Text   = Path.Combine(SelectedLocation, "Air");
                    //Check each RADS installation to find the latest installation
                    string radsLocation = Path.Combine(SelectedLocation, "RADS", "projects", "lol_air_client", "releases");

                    LogToFile("RADS Location", radsLocation);

                    var    versionDirectories = Directory.GetDirectories(radsLocation);
                    string finalDirectory     = "";
                    string version            = "";
                    uint   versionCompare     = 0;
                    foreach (string x in versionDirectories)
                        string compare1 = x.Substring(x.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { '\\', '/' }) + 1);

                        string[] versionParts = compare1.Split(new char[] { '.' });

                        if (!compare1.Contains(".") || versionParts.Length != 4)

                        uint CompareVersion;
                        try //versions have the format "x.x.x.x" where every x can be a value between 0 and 255
                            CompareVersion = Convert.ToUInt32(versionParts[0]) << 24 | Convert.ToUInt32(versionParts[1]) << 16 | Convert.ToUInt32(versionParts[2]) << 8 | Convert.ToUInt32(versionParts[3]);
                        catch (FormatException) //can happen for directories like "0.0.0.asasd"

                        if (CompareVersion > versionCompare)
                            versionCompare = CompareVersion;
                            version        = x.Replace(radsLocation + "\\", "");
                            finalDirectory = x;

                        LogToFile("Version Found", CompareVersion.ToString());

                    if (version != INTENDED_VERSION)
                        string           Message = string.Format("This version of LESs is intended for {0}. Your current version of League of Legends is {1}. Continue? This could harm your installation.", INTENDED_VERSION, version);
                        MessageBoxResult versionMismatchResult = MessageBox.Show(Message, "Invalid Version", MessageBoxButton.YesNo);
                        if (versionMismatchResult == MessageBoxResult.No)

                    type = ServerType.NORMAL;
                    PatchButton.IsEnabled  = true;
                    RemoveButton.IsEnabled = true;

                    LocationTextbox.Text = Path.Combine(finalDirectory, "deploy");

                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(LocationTextbox.Text, "LESsBackup"));
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(LocationTextbox.Text, "LESsBackup", INTENDED_VERSION));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static InstructionTranslator GetTranslator(InstructionDocs docs)
            ConditionData conds;

            if (File.Exists("conditions.json"))
                conds = ReadFile("conditions.json");
            else if (File.Exists(@"Resources\conditions.json"))
                conds = ReadFile(@"Resources\conditions.json");
                conds = ReadStream("conditions.json");

            List <string> games = conds.Games.Select(g => g.Name).ToList();
            string        game  = games.Find(g => docs.ResourceString.StartsWith(g + "-common"));

            if (game == null)

            EMEDF emedf = docs.DOC;
            // Mapping from instruction id, like 3[03] or 1003[11], to EMEDF doc
            // This is the shorthand used by the config.
            Dictionary <string, EMEDF.InstrDoc> instrs = emedf.Classes
                                                         .Where(c => c.Index < 2000 && c.Index != 1014)
                                                         .SelectMany(c => c.Instructions.Select(i => (InstructionID(c.Index, i.Index), i)))
                                                         .ToDictionary(e => e.Item1, e => e.Item2);

            // Account for a command. Each condition/control flow statement should have a unique treatment.
            HashSet <string> visited = new HashSet <string>();

            bool processInfo(string type, string instr)
                if (instr == null)
                if (!instrs.TryGetValue(instr, out EMEDF.InstrDoc doc))
                // Console.WriteLine($"{type} {instr}: {doc.Name}");
                if (visited.Contains(instr))
                    throw new Exception($"{instr} appears twice in condition config for {game}");

            foreach (string instr in conds.NoControlFlow)
                processInfo("Excluded", instr);
            int expectArg(string cmd, string name, object requiredType = null, int pos = -1)
                EMEDF.InstrDoc doc = instrs[cmd];
                int            arg;
                List <string>  names = name.Split('|').ToList();

                if (pos >= 0)
                    if (pos >= doc.Arguments.Length)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{doc.Name} doesn't have arg {pos}");
                    if (!names.Contains(doc.Arguments[pos].Name))
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{doc.Name} arg {pos} dooesn't have name {name}, has {string.Join(", ", doc.Arguments.Select(s => s.Name))}");
                    arg = pos;
                    arg = doc.Arguments.ToList().FindIndex(a => names.Contains(a.Name));
                    if (arg == -1)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{doc.Name} doesn't have arg named {name}, has {string.Join(", ", doc.Arguments.Select(s => s.Name))}");
                if (requiredType is string enumName)
                    if (doc.Arguments[arg].EnumName != enumName)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{doc.Name} arg {name} has enum type {doc.Arguments[arg].EnumName}, not {enumName}");
                else if (requiredType is ArgType argType)
                    if (doc.Arguments[arg].Type != (long)argType)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"{doc.Name} arg {name} has type {doc.Arguments[arg].Type}, not {argType}");
                else if (requiredType != null)
                    throw new Exception(requiredType.ToString());

            // Indexed by condition function name
            Dictionary <string, FunctionDoc> condDocs = new Dictionary <string, FunctionDoc>();
            // Indexed by command id
            Dictionary <string, ConditionSelector> selectors = new Dictionary <string, ConditionSelector>();

            int asInt(object obj) => int.Parse(obj.ToString());

            void addVariants(ConditionSelector selector, ConditionDoc cond, ControlType use, string cmd, int control = -1)
                if (selector.Variants.ContainsKey(cmd))
                    throw new Exception($"Already added variants of {cond.Name} for {cmd}");
                selector.Variants[cmd] = new List <ConditionVariant>();
                selectors[cmd]         = selector;
                EMEDF.InstrDoc doc        = instrs[cmd];
                int            negateArg  = -1;
                string         negateName = cond.IsCompare ? "Comparison Type" : cond.NegateField;

                EMEDF.EnumDoc negateDoc = null;
                if (negateName != null)
                    negateArg = expectArg(cmd, negateName, cond.IsCompare ? "Comparison Type" : null);
                    string negateEnum = doc.Arguments[negateArg].EnumName;
                    // Pretend these are compatible
                    if (negateEnum == "ON/OFF")
                        negateEnum = "ON/OFF/CHANGE";
                    negateDoc = emedf.Enums.Where(d => d.Name == negateEnum).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (negateDoc == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Command {cmd} for cond {cond.Name} at arg {negateArg} uses enum which does not exist");
                    if (selector.NegateEnum == null)
                        selector.NegateEnum = negateDoc;
                    else if (selector.NegateEnum.Name != negateEnum)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Command {cmd} for {cond.Name} has negate enum {negateEnum} but {selector.NegateEnum.Name} was already used in a different command");
                void addVariant(BoolVersion bv = null, CompareVersion cv = null)
                    ConditionVariant variant = new ConditionVariant {
                        Variant = use
                    string     name   = cond.Name;
                    List <int> ignore = new List <int>();

                    if (control >= 0)
                        variant.ControlArg = control;
                    if (negateArg >= 0 && (cv != null || bv != null))
                        variant.NegateArg = negateArg;
                    if (bv != null)
                        name = bv.Name;
                        if (negateDoc == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Cond {cond.Name} has boolean variant {name} but no negate_field");
                        string trueVal = negateDoc.Name == "BOOL" ? "TRUE" : bv.True;
                        string trueKey = negateDoc.Values.Where(e => e.Value == trueVal).First().Key;
                        variant.TrueOp = asInt(trueKey);
                        if (bv.Required != null)
                            foreach (FieldValue req in bv.Required)
                                int reqArg = expectArg(cmd, req.Field);
                                variant.ExtraArgs[reqArg] = req.Value;
                    else if (cv != null)
                        name = cv.Name;
                        if (cv.Rhs == null)
                            throw new ArgumentException($"Cond {cond.Name} has compare variant {name} with no RHS specified");
                        variant.CompareArg = expectArg(cmd, cv.Rhs);
                        if (cv.Lhs != null)
                            variant.CompareArg2 = expectArg(cmd, cv.Lhs);
                    if (name == null)
                        throw new ArgumentException($"Name for {cond.Name} and {cmd} is missing");
                    EMEDF.ArgDoc optArgDoc = null;
                    // Optional args serve two purposes: to hide noisy default values, and to address inconsistencies between variants.
                    // In all cases, they can be established from the COND variant.
                    if (use == ControlType.COND && cond.OptFields != null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < cond.OptFields.Count; i++)
                            if (doc.Arguments[doc.Arguments.Length - cond.OptFields.Count + i].Name != cond.OptFields[i])
                        bool matching = cond.OptFields.Select((a, i) => a == doc.Arguments[doc.Arguments.Length - cond.OptFields.Count + i].Name).All(b => b);
                        // Missing opt args can happen when "# of target character"-type arguments get added over time.
                        // This is mostly a pretty-printing feature. so it might be tedious to specify each individual change between games.
                        if (matching)
                            int optArg = doc.Arguments.Length - cond.OptFields.Count;
                            if (ignore.Contains(optArg))
                                throw new Exception($"Optional arg {cond.OptFields[0]} is not part of the normal argument list for {name} with {cmd}");
                            optArgDoc = doc.Arguments[optArg];
                    // Non-control-flow arguments should match for all uses of a condition, across goto/skip/etc. commands
                    // (other than for optional args)
                    List <EMEDF.ArgDoc> condArgs = doc.Arguments.Where((a, i) => !ignore.Contains(i)).ToList();

                    if (condDocs.TryGetValue(name, out FunctionDoc condDoc))
                        string older    = string.Join(", ", condDoc.Args.Select(a => a.Name));
                        string newer    = string.Join(", ", condArgs.Select(a => a.Name));
                        bool   matching = older == newer;
                        if (!matching && condDoc.OptionalArgs > 0)
                            // This is only permissible if the existing definition has optional args, in which case the shared segment should still match.
                            older    = string.Join(", ", condDoc.Args.Take(condDoc.Args.Count - condDoc.OptionalArgs).Select(a => a.Name));
                            matching = older == newer;
                        if (!matching)
                            throw new Exception($"Multiple possible definitions found for {name}: [{older}] existing vs [{newer}] for {cmd}. opt args {condDoc.OptionalArgs}");
                        condDocs[name] = condDoc = new FunctionDoc
                            Name         = name,
                            Args         = condArgs,
                            ConditionDoc = cond,
                            NegateEnum   = negateDoc,
                        if (optArgDoc != null)
                            condDoc.OptionalArgs = condArgs.Count - condArgs.IndexOf(optArgDoc);
                    condDoc.Variants[use] = cmd;
                    variant.Doc           = condDoc;

                foreach (BoolVersion version in cond.AllBools)
                    addVariant(bv: version);
                foreach (CompareVersion version in cond.AllCompares)
                    addVariant(cv: version);

            foreach (ConditionDoc cond in conds.Conditions)
                ConditionSelector selector = new ConditionSelector {
                    Cond = cond
                if (cond.Games != null && !cond.Games.Contains(game))
                if (processInfo($"Cond {cond.Name}", cond.Cond))
                    // The cond variant should go first, as it can have a superset of other variants' args if marked in the config.
                    expectArg(cond.Cond, "Result Condition Group", "Condition Group", 0);
                    addVariants(selector, cond, ControlType.COND, cond.Cond, 0);
                if (processInfo($"Skip {cond.Name}", cond.Skip))
                    expectArg(cond.Skip, "Number Of Skipped Lines", EMEVD.Instruction.ArgType.Byte, 0);
                    addVariants(selector, cond, ControlType.SKIP, cond.Skip, 0);
                if (processInfo($"End  {cond.Name}", cond.End))
                    expectArg(cond.End, "Execution End Type", "Event End Type", 0);
                    addVariants(selector, cond, ControlType.END, cond.End, 0);
                if (processInfo($"Goto {cond.Name}", cond.Goto))
                    expectArg(cond.Goto, "Label", "Label", 0);
                    addVariants(selector, cond, ControlType.GOTO, cond.Goto, 0);
                if (processInfo($"Wait {cond.Name}", cond.Wait))
                    // Implicit main arg
                    addVariants(selector, cond, ControlType.WAIT, cond.Wait);
            string undocError = string.Join(", ", instrs.Where(e => !visited.Contains(e.Key)).Select(e => $"{e.Key}:{e.Value.Name}"));

            if (undocError.Length > 0)
                // This doesn't have to be an error, but it does mean that condition group decompilation is impossible when these commands are present.
                throw new ArgumentException($"Present in emedf but not condition config for {game}: {undocError}");
            Dictionary <string, int> labels = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            EMEDF.ClassDoc labelClass = emedf[1014];
            if (labelClass != null)
                labels = labelClass.Instructions.ToDictionary(i => InstructionID(1014, i.Index), i => (int)i.Index);
            return(new InstructionTranslator
                CondDocs = condDocs,
                Selectors = selectors,
                InstrDocs = instrs,
                LabelDocs = labels,