internal ulong GetLatestStorePositionFromMasterFile(string masterFilePath)
                Logging.LogDebug("Retrieving latest store position from masterfile : {0}", masterFilePath);
                using (var fs = _persistenceManager.GetInputStream(masterFilePath))
                    Logging.LogDebug("Masterfile stream length is {0}", fs.Length);
                    Logging.LogDebug("Attempting to seek to {0} bytes from end of stream.", CommitPoint.RecordSize);
                    fs.Seek(-CommitPoint.RecordSize, SeekOrigin.End);
                    Logging.LogDebug("Seek completed ok. Attempting to load commit point");
                    var commitPoint = CommitPoint.Load(fs);
                    Logging.LogDebug("Commit point load completed OK. Returning commit point offset as {0}", commitPoint.LocationOffset);
            catch (InvalidCommitPointException icp)
                Logging.LogInfo("Caught InvalidCommitPointException: {0}", icp);
                // start reading from the start of the file until we get to the dud one.
                // truncate the file at this point. log it and try again.
                var         count            = 0;
                CommitPoint validCommitPoint = null;

                const int headerSize = MasterfileHeaderLongCount * 8;
                while (true)
                    using (var fs = _persistenceManager.GetInputStream(masterFilePath))
                            Logging.LogInfo("Reading commit point at " + CommitPoint.RecordSize * count);
                            fs.Seek((CommitPoint.RecordSize * count) + headerSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            var commitPoint = CommitPoint.Load(fs);
                            validCommitPoint = commitPoint;
                        catch (BrightstarInternalException)
                            var startOfBadCommit = (CommitPoint.RecordSize * count) + headerSize;
                            Logging.LogInfo("Truncating file at " + startOfBadCommit);

                            // truncate file.
                            using (var stream = _persistenceManager.GetOutputStream(masterFilePath, FileMode.Truncate))

                            // return last good commit
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new BrightstarInternalException("Error while trying to recover to last valid commit point.", ex);
        public CommitPoint GetCommitPoint(string storeLocation, ulong offset)
            var masterFileLocation = Path.Combine(storeLocation, MasterFileName);

            using (var fs = _persistenceManager.GetInputStream(masterFileLocation))
                fs.Seek((long)offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var commitPoint = CommitPoint.Load(fs);
        public IEnumerable <CommitPoint> GetCommitPoints(string storeLocation)
            var masterFileLocation = Path.Combine(storeLocation, MasterFileName);
            var pos = 1;

            using (var fs = _persistenceManager.GetInputStream(masterFileLocation))
                while ((pos * CommitPoint.RecordSize) + MasterfileHeaderSize <= fs.Length)
                    fs.Seek(-(pos * CommitPoint.RecordSize), SeekOrigin.End);
                    var commitPoint = CommitPoint.Load(fs);
                    yield return(commitPoint);