Exemplo n.º 1

        public void EditNoteProperties()
            NoteObjectRec selectedNote;

            if (trackViewControl.TryGetSelectedNote(out selectedNote))
                if (selectedNote is NoteNoteObjectRec)
                    NoteNoteObjectRec note = (NoteNoteObjectRec)selectedNote;
                    NoteNoteObjectRec copy = new NoteNoteObjectRec(note, new TrackObjectRec(new Document()));
                    using (NoteAttributeDialog noteAttributeDialog = new NoteAttributeDialog(copy))
                        DialogResult result = noteAttributeDialog.ShowDialog();
                        if (result == DialogResult.OK)
                else if (selectedNote is CommandNoteObjectRec)
                    CommandNoteObjectRec command = (CommandNoteObjectRec)selectedNote;

        /* hand off command to be handled by effect generator.  the command will be scheduled */
        /* to occur at the time ScanningGapFrontInEnvelopeTicks (which will be */
        /* ScanningGapWidthInEnvelopeTicks in the future from now). */
        public static void TrackEffectHandleCommand(
            TrackEffectGenRec Generator,
            CommandNoteObjectRec Command,
            int ScanningGapFrontInEnvelopeTicks,
            SynthParamRec SynthParams)
            /* don't bother unless there are effects to process */
            if (Generator.List != null)
                CommandConsCell Cell = new CommandConsCell();

                /* fill in data fields */
                Cell.Command   = Command;
                Cell.StartTime = ScanningGapFrontInEnvelopeTicks;

                /* insert into list */
                /* there is no need to sort, since the start time of commands can't */
                /* be adjusted.  just append to the list */
                Cell.Next = null;
                if (Generator.ScanningGapListTail == null)
                    Generator.ScanningGapListHead = Cell;
                    Generator.ScanningGapListTail.Next = Cell;
                Generator.ScanningGapListTail = Cell;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* convert quantized track into native track */
        public static void ConvertQuantToNote(
            QuantizedTrackRec QuantizedTrack,
            TrackObjectRec NoteTrack)
            FractionRec          CurrentTime;
            int                  Index;
            int                  Limit;
            List <QuantEventRec> FrameArray;
            TieMappingRec        TieMapping;
            int                  OpcodeDurationTableLength;

            OpDurRec[] OpcodeDurationTable = new OpDurRec[4 /*divisions*/ * 2 /*dot*/ * 9 /*notetypes*/];

            /* initialize variables */
            InitializeOpcodeDurationTable(OpcodeDurationTable, out OpcodeDurationTableLength);
            CurrentTime.Integer     = 0;
            CurrentTime.Fraction    = 0;
            CurrentTime.Denominator = 1;
            FrameArray = new List <QuantEventRec>();
            TieMapping = NewTieMapping();
            Limit      = GetQuantizedTrackLength(QuantizedTrack);
            Index      = 0;

            /* iterate over variables */
            while (Index < Limit)
                FractionRec   NextTime;
                QuantEventRec QuantEvent;
                bool          Continue;
                int           InspectScan;

                /* reset frame array */

                /* get the start time of the next available event */
                QuantEvent = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                NextTime   = GetQuantizedEventTime(QuantEvent);
                Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(NextTime)); // non-64div3 start time quantization?

                /* sanity check */
                Debug.Assert(!FractionRec.FracGreaterThan(CurrentTime, NextTime)); // next time inconsistency

                /* get all events starting at this time into FrameArray */
                Continue = true;
                while (Continue && (Index < Limit))
                    FractionRec EventTime;

                    /* get the event */
                    QuantEvent = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                    EventTime  = GetQuantizedEventTime(QuantEvent);
                    Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(EventTime)); // non-64div3 start time quantization?
                    if (FractionRec.FractionsEqual(EventTime, NextTime))
                        /* add event to the list */
                        /* go past this event */
                        Index += 1;
                        /* end hit so stop */
                        Continue = false;

                /* insert rests to bring current time up to next time */
                InsertRests(CurrentTime, NextTime, NoteTrack, OpcodeDurationTable, OpcodeDurationTableLength);

                /* remove command events from list */
                InspectScan = 0;
                while (InspectScan < FrameArray.Count)
                    /* get the event */
                    QuantEvent = FrameArray[InspectScan];
                    /* determine if event is a command */
                    if (QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent) == QuantEventType.eQuantizedNoteEvent)
                        /* note events should be skipped */
                        InspectScan += 1;
                        /* command events should be handled */
                        switch (QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent))
                            throw new InvalidOperationException();

                        case QuantEventType.eQuantizedCommentEvent:
                            string CommentString;
                            CommandNoteObjectRec Note;
                            FrameObjectRec       Frame;
                            FractionRec          unusedf;
                            double unusedd;

                            GetQuantizedCommentEventInfo(QuantEvent, out unusedf, out unusedd, out CommentString);
                            Note = new CommandNoteObjectRec(NoteTrack);
                            Frame = new FrameObjectRec();
                        /* delete event from array */
                        /* don't increment InspectScan */

                /* process remaining notes in FrameArray, computing minimum duration */
                /* and updating CurrentTime with minimum duration. */
                if (FrameArray.Count != 0)
                    NoteFlags      DurationOpcode;
                    FrameObjectRec Frame;
                    int            Scan;
                    int            FrameLimit;
                    FractionRec    MinimumDuration;
                    FractionRec    unusedf;
                    double         unusedd;
                    short          unuseds;

                    /* initialize minimum duration */
                    QuantEvent = FrameArray[0];
                    GetQuantizedNoteEventInfo(QuantEvent, out unusedf, out unusedd, out DurationOpcode,
                                              out unusedd, out unuseds, out unuseds, out unuseds);
                    NoteNoteObjectRec.ConvertDurationFrac(DurationOpcode, out MinimumDuration);
                    Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(MinimumDuration)); // non-64div3 duration quantization?

                    /* allocate frame */
                    Frame = new FrameObjectRec();

                    /* process notes in frame */
                    FrameLimit = FrameArray.Count;
                    for (Scan = 0; Scan < FrameLimit; Scan += 1)
                        FractionRec       StartTime;
                        double            StartTimeAdjust;
                        NoteFlags         Duration;
                        double            DurationAdjust;
                        short             MIDIPitch;
                        short             MIDIAttackVelocity;
                        short             MIDIReleaseVelocity;
                        NoteNoteObjectRec Note;
                        FractionRec       FracDuration;

                        /* get the note */
                        QuantEvent = FrameArray[Scan];
                        Debug.Assert(QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent) == QuantEventType.eQuantizedNoteEvent); // non-note in frame array
                        /* get attributes */
                        GetQuantizedNoteEventInfo(QuantEvent, out StartTime, out StartTimeAdjust,
                                                  out Duration, out DurationAdjust, out MIDIPitch, out MIDIAttackVelocity,
                                                  out MIDIReleaseVelocity);
                        Debug.Assert(IntMultOf64thDiv3(Duration));                        // non-64div3 duration quantization?
                        Debug.Assert(FractionRec.FractionsEqual(StartTime, CurrentTime)); // start time inconsistency
                        /* create note */
                        Note = new NoteNoteObjectRec(NoteTrack);
                        TieMappingAddPair(TieMapping, QuantEvent, Note);
                        /* set note attributes */
                        Note.PutNoteDuration(Duration & NoteFlags.eDurationMask);
                        Note.PutNoteDurationDivision(Duration & NoteFlags.eDivisionMask);
                        Note.PutNoteDotStatus((Duration & NoteFlags.eDotModifier) != 0);
                        Note.EarlyLateAdjust    = StartTimeAdjust;
                        Note.DurationAdjust     = DurationAdjust;
                        Note.DurationAdjustMode = NoteFlags.eDurationAdjustMultiplicative;
                        Note.PutNotePitch((short)(MIDIPitch - MIDIC + Constants.CENTERNOTE));
                        Note.Accent1 = (MIDIAttackVelocity > 0)
                            ? -Math.Log(MIDIAttackVelocity) / Constants.LOG2 + LN127OVERLN2 : 7;
                        Note.Accent2 = (MIDIReleaseVelocity > 0)
                            ? -Math.Log(MIDIReleaseVelocity) / Constants.LOG2 + LN127OVERLN2 : 7;
                        switch ((MIDIPitch - MIDIC + ((MIDIC / 12 + 1) * 12)) % 12)
                            // midi sharp/flat problem
                            throw new InvalidOperationException();

                        case 0:     /* C */
                        case 2:     /* D */
                        case 4:     /* E */
                        case 5:     /* F */
                        case 7:     /* G */
                        case 9:     /* A */
                        case 11:    /* B */

                        case 1:     /* C# */
                        case 3:     /* D# */
                        case 6:     /* F# */
                        case 8:     /* G# */
                        case 10:    /* A# */
                        /* do the minimum duration thing */
                        NoteNoteObjectRec.ConvertDurationFrac(Duration, out FracDuration);
                        Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(FracDuration)); // non-64div3 duration quantization?
                        if (FractionRec.FracGreaterThan(MinimumDuration, FracDuration))
                            MinimumDuration = FracDuration;

                    /* add frame to track */

                    /* if minimum duration is greater than time to next event, then */
                    /* add rests (one to this frame) to fill in the gap */
                    if (Index < Limit)
                        FractionRec NextEventTime;
                        FractionRec Difference;

                        /* get the start time of the next available event */
                        QuantEvent    = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                        NextEventTime = GetQuantizedEventTime(QuantEvent);
                        Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(NextEventTime)); // non-64div3 start time quantization?
                        FractionRec.SubFractions(NextEventTime, CurrentTime, out Difference);
                        if (FractionRec.FracGreaterThan(MinimumDuration, Difference))
                            NoteNoteObjectRec Note;
                            NoteFlags         RestOpcode;
                            FractionRec       OpcodesDuration;

                            /* insert first rest into frame */
                            RestOpcode = GetMaxDurationOpcode(Difference, out OpcodesDuration,
                                                              OpcodeDurationTable, OpcodeDurationTableLength);
                            Debug.Assert(IntMultOf64thDiv3(RestOpcode)); // non-64div3 duration quantization
                            Note = new NoteNoteObjectRec(NoteTrack);
                            Note.PutNoteDuration(RestOpcode & NoteFlags.eDurationMask);
                            Note.PutNoteDurationDivision(RestOpcode & NoteFlags.eDivisionMask);
                            Note.PutNoteDotStatus((RestOpcode & NoteFlags.eDotModifier) != 0);
                            /* put new minimum duration in to reflect new rest we added */
                            NoteNoteObjectRec.ConvertDurationFrac(RestOpcode, out MinimumDuration);

                    /* advance thing by minimum duration */
                    FractionRec.AddFractions(MinimumDuration, CurrentTime, out CurrentTime);
                    Debug.Assert(FractionIntMultOf64thDiv3(CurrentTime)); // non-64div3 start time quantization?

            /* patch up ties */
            for (Index = 0; Index < Limit; Index += 1)
                QuantEventRec QuantEvent;

                /* get potential event */
                QuantEvent = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                /* see if it ties somewhere */
                if ((QuantEventType.eQuantizedNoteEvent == QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent)) &&
                    (GetQuantizedEventTieTarget(QuantEvent) != null))
                    QuantEventRec     TieTarget;
                    NoteNoteObjectRec Source;
                    NoteNoteObjectRec Target;

                    /* get tie target */
                    TieTarget = GetQuantizedEventTieTarget(QuantEvent);
                    /* look up source and target note events */
                    Source = TieMappingLookup(TieMapping, QuantEvent);
                    Target = TieMappingLookup(TieMapping, TieTarget);
                    /* establish tie */

            /* look for track name comment */
            for (Index = 0; Index < Limit; Index += 1)
                QuantEventRec QuantEvent;

                /* get potential event */
                QuantEvent = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                /* see if it ties somewhere */
                if (QuantEventType.eQuantizedCommentEvent == QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent))
                    string      CommentString;
                    FractionRec unusedf;
                    double      unusedd;

                    GetQuantizedCommentEventInfo(QuantEvent, out unusedf, out unusedd, out CommentString);
                    /* check for track name */
                    if ((CommentString.Length > 11 /*Prefix*/ + Environment.NewLine.Length) &&
                        CommentString.StartsWith("Track Name" + Environment.NewLine))
                        string NameString = CommentString.Substring(11, CommentString.Length - (11 + 1));
                        NoteTrack.Name = NameString;
                        goto FinishedSettingTrackName;
            /* if no track name was found, then use the first comment string */
            for (Index = 0; Index < Limit; Index += 1)
                QuantEventRec QuantEvent;

                /* get potential event */
                QuantEvent = GetQuantizedTrackIndexedEvent(QuantizedTrack, Index);
                /* see if it ties somewhere */
                if (QuantEventType.eQuantizedCommentEvent == QuantizedEventGetType(QuantEvent))
                    string      CommentString;
                    FractionRec unusedf;
                    double      unusedd;

                    GetQuantizedCommentEventInfo(QuantEvent, out unusedf, out unusedd, out CommentString);
                    /* check for track name */
                    if ((CommentString.Length > 8 /*Prefix*/ + Environment.NewLine.Length) &&
                        CommentString.StartsWith("Comment" + Environment.NewLine))
                        string NameString;

                        NameString     = CommentString.Substring(8, CommentString.Length - (8 + 1));
                        NoteTrack.Name = NameString;
                        goto FinishedSettingTrackName;