Exemplo n.º 1
        internal static void PopulateOpenWithViewers(CommandArrayInfo info, Project project, string filePath)
            var viewers = DisplayBindingService.GetFileViewers(filePath, project).ToList();

            //show the default viewer first
            var def = viewers.FirstOrDefault(v => v.CanUseAsDefault) ?? viewers.FirstOrDefault(v => v.IsExternal);

            if (def != null)
                CommandInfo ci = info.Add(def.Title, def);
                ci.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Open with '{0}'", def.Title);
                if (viewers.Count > 1)

            //then the builtins, followed by externals
            FileViewer prev = null;

            foreach (FileViewer fv in viewers)
                if (def != null && fv.Equals(def))
                if (prev != null && fv.IsExternal != prev.IsExternal)
                CommandInfo ci = info.Add(fv.Title, fv);
                ci.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Open with '{0}'", fv.Title);
                prev           = fv;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void GenerateExecutionModeCommands(SolutionEntityItem project, CanExecuteDelegate runCheckDelegate, CommandArrayInfo info)
            CommandExecutionContext ctx   = new CommandExecutionContext(project, runCheckDelegate);
            bool supportsParameterization = false;

            foreach (List <IExecutionMode> modes in GetExecutionModeCommands(ctx, false, true))
                foreach (IExecutionMode mode in modes)
                    CommandInfo ci = info.Add(mode.Name, new CommandItem(ctx, mode));
                    if ((mode.ExecutionHandler is ParameterizedExecutionHandler) || ((mode is CustomExecutionMode) && ((CustomExecutionMode)mode).PromptForParameters))
                        // It will prompt parameters, so we need command to end with '..'.
                        // However, some commands may end with '...' already and we don't want to break
                        // already-translated strings by altering them
                        if (!ci.Text.EndsWith("..."))
                            ci.Text += "...";
                        supportsParameterization = true;
                        // The parameters window will be shown if ctrl is pressed
                        ci.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Run With: {0}", ci.Text);
                        if (SupportsParameterization(mode, ctx))
                            ci.Description          += " - " + GettextCatalog.GetString("Hold Control key to display the execution parameters dialog.");
                            supportsParameterization = true;
                if (info.Count > 0)

            var targets = new List <ExecutionTarget> ();

            FlattenExecutionTargets(targets, project.GetExecutionTargets(IdeApp.Workspace.ActiveConfiguration));

            if (targets.Count > 1)
                foreach (var t in targets)
                    var         h  = new TargetedExecutionHandler(Runtime.ProcessService.DefaultExecutionHandler, t);
                    CommandInfo ci = info.Add(t.FullName, new CommandItem(ctx, new ExecutionMode(t.Id, t.FullName, h)));
                    ci.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Run With: {0}", ci.Text);

            if (supportsParameterization)
                info.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Edit Custom Modes..."), new CommandItem(ctx, null));
Exemplo n.º 3
 protected override void Update(CommandArrayInfo ainfo)
     MonoDevelop.Ide.Gui.Document doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;
     if (doc != null)
         SourceEditorView view = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument.GetContent <SourceEditorView>();
         if (view != null)
             DocumentLocation location = view.TextEditor.Caret.Location;
             if (location.IsEmpty)
             DocumentLine line = view.Document.GetLine(location.Line);
             if (line == null || line.Markers == null)
             foreach (TextLineMarker marker in line.Markers)
                 UrlMarker urlMarker = marker as UrlMarker;
                 if (urlMarker != null)
                     if (urlMarker.StartColumn <= location.Column && location.Column < urlMarker.EndColumn)
                         ainfo.Add(urlMarker.UrlType == UrlType.Email ? GettextCatalog.GetString("_Write an e-mail to...") : GettextCatalog.GetString("_Open URL..."), urlMarker);
Exemplo n.º 4
 void AddItem(CommandArrayInfo cis, CodeFixMenuEntry item)
     if (item == CodeFixMenuEntry.Separator)
         if (cis.Count == 0)
     else if (item is CodeFixMenu)
         var menu    = (CodeFixMenu)item;
         var submenu = new CommandInfoSet {
             Text = menu.Label
         foreach (var subItem in menu.Items)
             AddItem(submenu.CommandInfos, subItem);
         cis.Add(submenu, item.Action);
         var info = new CommandInfo(item.Label);
         info.Enabled = item.Action != null;
         cis.Add(info, item.Action);
Exemplo n.º 5
		public void OnSetBuildActionUpdate (CommandArrayInfo info)
			Set<string> toggledActions = new Set<string> ();
			Project proj = null;
			foreach (ITreeNavigator node in CurrentNodes) {
				ProjectFile finfo = (ProjectFile) node.DataItem;
				//disallow multi-slect on more than one project, since available build actions may differ
				if (proj == null && finfo.Project != null) {
					proj = finfo.Project;
				} else if (proj == null || proj != finfo.Project) {
					info.Clear ();
				toggledActions.Add (finfo.BuildAction);
			foreach (string action in proj.GetBuildActions ()) {
				if (action == "--") {
					info.AddSeparator ();
				} else {
					CommandInfo ci = info.Add (action, action);
					ci.Checked = toggledActions.Contains (action);
					if (ci.Checked)
						ci.CheckedInconsistent = toggledActions.Count > 1;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void Update(CommandArrayInfo info)
            ResolverContextStack ctxt;
            var rr = Resolver.DResolverWrapper.ResolveHoveredCode(out ctxt);

            bool noRes = true;

            if (rr != null && rr.Length > 0)
                res = rr[rr.Length - 1];

                n = DResolver.GetResultMember(res);

                if (n != null)
                    noRes = false;
                    info.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.GotoDeclaration), new Action(GotoDeclaration));
                    info.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.FindReferences), new Action(FindReferences));

                    if (RenamingRefactoring.CanRename(n))
                        info.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(EditCommands.Rename), new Action(RenameSymbol));

            if (noRes)
                info.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.ImportSymbol), new Action(ImportSymbol));

            info.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(Commands.OpenDDocumentation), new Action(OpenDDoc));
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected void OnUpdateInsertOption(CommandArrayInfo info)
     foreach (string[] op in options)
         if (op [0] == "-")
             info.Add(op [0], op [1]);
        public void OnOpenWithUpdate(CommandArrayInfo info)
            SystemFile file = CurrentNode.DataItem as SystemFile;
            FileViewer prev = null;

            foreach (FileViewer fv in IdeApp.Workbench.GetFileViewers(file.Path))
                if (prev != null && fv.IsExternal != prev.IsExternal)
                info.Add(fv.Title, fv);
                prev = fv;
        public void OnOpenWithUpdate(CommandArrayInfo info)
            ProjectFile finfo = (ProjectFile)CurrentNode.DataItem;
            FileViewer  prev  = null;

            foreach (FileViewer fv in IdeApp.Workbench.GetFileViewers(finfo.Name))
                if (prev != null && fv.IsExternal != prev.IsExternal)
                CommandInfo ci = info.Add(fv.Title, fv);
                ci.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Open with '{0}'", fv.Title);
                prev           = fv;
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void Update(CommandArrayInfo info)
            foreach (ExternalTools.ExternalTool externalTool in ExternalTools.ExternalToolService.Tools)
                //Create CommandInfo object
                CommandInfo commandInfo = new CommandInfo();
                commandInfo.Text        = externalTool.MenuCommand;
                commandInfo.Description = GettextCatalog.GetString("Start tool") + " " + string.Join(string.Empty, externalTool.MenuCommand.Split('&'));

                //Add menu item
                info.Add(commandInfo, externalTool);
            if (info.Count > 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void Update(CommandArrayInfo ainfo)
            var doc = IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocument;

            if (doc == null || doc.FileName == FilePath.Null)

            var parsedDocument = doc.ParsedDocument;

            if (parsedDocument == null || parsedDocument.IsInvalid)

            ResolveResult resolveResult;
            object        item  = GetItem(doc, out resolveResult);
            bool          added = false;

            var options = new RefactoringOptions(doc)
                ResolveResult = resolveResult,
                SelectedItem  = item

            var ciset = new CommandInfoSet();

            ciset.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("Refactor");

            bool canRename;

            if (item is IVariable || item is IParameter)
                canRename = true;
            else if (item is ITypeDefinition)
                canRename = !((ITypeDefinition)item).Region.IsEmpty;
            else if (item is IType)
                canRename = ((IType)item).Kind == TypeKind.TypeParameter;
            else if (item is IMember)
                canRename = !((IMember)item).Region.IsEmpty;
            else if (item is INamespace)
                canRename = true;
                canRename = false;
            if (canRename)
                ciset.CommandInfos.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands.EditCommands.Rename), new Action(delegate {
                    new MonoDevelop.Refactoring.Rename.RenameHandler().Start(null);
                added = true;

            foreach (var refactoring in RefactoringService.Refactorings)
                if (refactoring.IsValid(options))
                    CommandInfo info = new CommandInfo(refactoring.GetMenuDescription(options));
                    info.AccelKey = refactoring.AccelKey;
                    ciset.CommandInfos.Add(info, new Action(new RefactoringOperationWrapper(refactoring, options).Operation));
            var refactoringInfo = doc.Annotation <RefactoringDocumentInfo> ();

            if (refactoringInfo == null)
                refactoringInfo = new RefactoringDocumentInfo();
            var  loc   = doc.Editor.Caret.Location;
            bool first = true;

            if (refactoringInfo.lastDocument != doc.ParsedDocument || loc != lastLocation)
                if (QuickTaskStrip.EnableFancyFeatures)
                    var ext = doc.GetContent <CodeActionEditorExtension> ();
                    refactoringInfo.validActions = ext != null?ext.GetCurrentFixes() : null;
                    refactoringInfo.validActions = RefactoringService.GetValidActions(doc, loc).Result;

                lastLocation = loc;
                refactoringInfo.lastDocument = doc.ParsedDocument;
            if (refactoringInfo.validActions != null && refactoringInfo.lastDocument != null && refactoringInfo.lastDocument.CreateRefactoringContext != null)
                var context = refactoringInfo.lastDocument.CreateRefactoringContext(doc, CancellationToken.None);

                foreach (var fix_ in refactoringInfo.validActions.OrderByDescending(i => Tuple.Create(CodeActionEditorExtension.IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(i), (int)i.Severity, CodeActionEditorExtension.GetUsage(i.IdString))))
                    if (CodeActionEditorExtension.IsAnalysisOrErrorFix(fix_))
                    var fix = fix_;
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                        if (ciset.CommandInfos.Count > 0)

                    ciset.CommandInfos.Add(fix.Title, new Action(() => RefactoringService.ApplyFix(fix, context)));

            if (ciset.CommandInfos.Count > 0)
                ainfo.Add(ciset, null);
                added = true;

            if (IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CanJumpToDeclaration(item))
                var type = item as IType;
                if (type != null && type.GetDefinition().Parts.Count > 1)
                    var declSet = new CommandInfoSet();
                    declSet.Text = GettextCatalog.GetString("_Go to Declaration");
                    var ct = type.GetDefinition();
                    foreach (var part in ct.Parts)
                        declSet.CommandInfos.Add(string.Format(GettextCatalog.GetString("{0}, Line {1}"), FormatFileName(part.Region.FileName), part.Region.BeginLine), new System.Action(new JumpTo(part).Run));
                    ainfo.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.GotoDeclaration), new System.Action(new JumpTo(item).Run));
                added = true;

            if (item is IMember)
                var member = (IMember)item;
                if (member.IsOverride || member.ImplementedInterfaceMembers.Any())
                    ainfo.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Go to _Base Symbol"), new System.Action(new GotoBase(member).Run));
                    added = true;

            if (!(item is IMethod && ((IMethod)item).SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Operator) && (item is IEntity || item is ITypeParameter || item is IVariable || item is INamespace))
                ainfo.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.FindReferences), new System.Action(new FindRefs(item, false).Run));
                if (doc.HasProject && HasOverloads(doc.Project.ParentSolution, item))
                    ainfo.Add(IdeApp.CommandService.GetCommandInfo(RefactoryCommands.FindAllReferences), new System.Action(new FindRefs(item, true).Run));
                added = true;

            if (item is IMember)
                var member = (IMember)item;
                if (member.IsVirtual || member.IsAbstract || member.DeclaringType.Kind == TypeKind.Interface)
                    var handler = new FindDerivedSymbolsHandler(doc, member);
                    if (handler.IsValid)
                        ainfo.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Find Derived Symbols"), new System.Action(handler.Run));
                        added = true;
            if (item is IMember)
                var member = (IMember)item;
                if (member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Method || member.SymbolKind == SymbolKind.Indexer)
                    var findMemberOverloadsHandler = new FindMemberOverloadsHandler(doc, member);
                    if (findMemberOverloadsHandler.IsValid)
                        ainfo.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Find Member Overloads"), new System.Action(findMemberOverloadsHandler.Run));
                        added = true;

            if (item is ITypeDefinition)
                ITypeDefinition cls = (ITypeDefinition)item;
                foreach (var bc in cls.DirectBaseTypes)
                    if (bc != null && bc.GetDefinition() != null && bc.GetDefinition().Kind != TypeKind.Interface /* TODO: && IdeApp.ProjectOperations.CanJumpToDeclaration (bc)*/)
                        ainfo.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Go to _Base"), new System.Action(new GotoBase((ITypeDefinition)item).Run));
                if ((cls.Kind == TypeKind.Class && !cls.IsSealed) || cls.Kind == TypeKind.Interface)
                    ainfo.Add(cls.Kind != TypeKind.Interface ? GettextCatalog.GetString("Find _derived classes") : GettextCatalog.GetString("Find _implementor classes"), new System.Action(new FindDerivedClasses(cls).Run));
                ainfo.Add(GettextCatalog.GetString("Find Extension Methods"), new System.Action(new FindExtensionMethodHandler(doc, cls).Run));
                added = true;

            if (added)