Exemplo n.º 1
 public Character()
     Party       = new List <BasicMon>();
     PC          = new List <BasicMon>();
     InCombat    = false;
     InPvpCombat = false;
     Combat      = null;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void ExitCombat()
     InCombat      = false;
     InPvpCombat   = false;
     CombatRequest = 0;
     InCombatWith  = 0;
     Combat        = null;
Exemplo n.º 3
    public CombatInstance GetCombat()
        GameObject     combat = m_combatPool.GetPooledObject();
        CombatInstance ci     = combat.GetComponent(typeof(CombatInstance)) as CombatInstance;

Exemplo n.º 4
    public CombatController()
        combatScheduler = new CombatScheduler();
        combatInstance  = new CombatInstance();
        roundNumber     = 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
    public virtual void chooseSkill(CombatInstance instance)
        Skill.SkillName randomSkill;
        int             choice = Random.Range(0, skills.Count);

        randomSkill = skills.ToArray()[choice];

        Skill.useSkill(randomSkill, this, instance.player);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Attemps a regular combat attack(melee) against a target
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A combat instance object which contains all of the combat data
        /// that occurred during this attack.</returns>
        /// <param name="defender">The target to be attacked. Must implement ICombatCapable interface.</param>
        public CombatInstance RegularAttack(ICombatCapable defender)
            CombatInstance currentAttack   = new CombatInstance();
            int            damageToInflict = 0;

             *  Bonus or pentalty in combat due to level differences
             *  Positive if above target, negative if below
            double levelDifferenceModifier = Convert.ToDouble(this.CombatLevel - defender.CombatLevel) / 100.0D;

            double missChance = defender.EvasionChance() +
                                (1.0D - this.StrikeChance()) - levelDifferenceModifier;

            //Damage to inflict will be progressively reduced
            currentAttack.BaseDamage = this.CalculateDamage();
            damageToInflict          = currentAttack.BaseDamage;

            //Roll for attack
            currentAttack.AttackRoll = this.SuccessRoll();
            if (currentAttack.AttackRoll > missChance)
                //Determine if defender is able to block(has a shield?)
                currentAttack.DefenderCanBlock = defender.CanBlock();
                if (currentAttack.DefenderCanBlock)
                    //Roll to beat defender's block chance
                    currentAttack.BypassBlockRoll = this.SuccessRoll();
                    if (currentAttack.BypassBlockRoll < defender.BlockChance())
                        currentAttack.WasBlocked    = true;
                        currentAttack.DamageBlocked = defender.BlockAmount();
                        damageToInflict            -= currentAttack.DamageBlocked;
                        //Attack got through block
                        currentAttack.WasBlocked = false;

                //Attack was in some way successful
                //Do the armour damage reduction calculation
                currentAttack.DamageReducedByArmour = ArmourDamageReduction(damageToInflict, defender.ArmourValue());
                damageToInflict -= currentAttack.DamageReducedByArmour;
                //Inflict the damage, and calculate how much was absorbed(determined by the defender)
                currentAttack.DamageAbsorbed  = damageToInflict - defender.SufferDamage(damageToInflict);
                currentAttack.DamageInflicted = damageToInflict - currentAttack.DamageAbsorbed;
                currentAttack.AttackSuccess = false;
Exemplo n.º 7
    public override void processDamage(CombatInstance instance, int dmg)
        health -= dmg;

        //TODO: Display Combat Text

        if (health == 0)
        public void PlayerLostIfDeadAndEnemiesLeft()
            var enemyMock = new Mock <ICharacter>();

            players.Clear(); // no players left
            combatInstance = new CombatInstance(players.ToArray(), enemyFactoryMock.Object);
            var result = combatInstance.Update();

        public void KillingBadGuysGeneratesGold()
            var enemyMock = new Mock <ICharacter>();

            enemyMock.Setup(f => f.GoldWorth).Returns(1234);
            enemyMock.Setup(f => f.IsDead()).Returns(true);
            combatInstance = new CombatInstance(players.ToArray(), enemyFactoryMock.Object);
            var result = combatInstance.Update();

            Assert.AreEqual(1234, result.GainedGold);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public override void processDamage(CombatInstance instance, int dmg)
        health -= dmg;

        //TODO: Display Combat Text

        if (health == 0)
            instance.expGive += expGive;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public void Setup()
     playerMock = new Mock <ICharacter>();
     players    = new List <ICharacter>();
     eventRecipientMock = new Mock <IEventRecipient <ICombatUpdateEvent> >();
     enemies            = new List <ICharacter>();
     enemyFactoryMock   = new Mock <IEnemyFactory>();
     enemyFactoryMock.Setup(f => f.GenerateEnemies()).Returns(enemies);
     timeMock = new Mock <ITimeProvider>();
     timeMock.Setup(f => f.DeltaTime).Returns(1); // Since turnprogression is DeltaTime*speed this makes calculating it easier
     mockPlayerAttributes = new Mock <ICombatAttributes>();
     playerMock.Setup(f => f.Attributes).Returns(mockPlayerAttributes.Object);
     walletMock     = new Mock <IPlayerWallet>();
     combatInstance = new CombatInstance(players.ToArray(), enemyFactoryMock.Object);
Exemplo n.º 12
    public IEnumerator chooseSkill(TextManager manager, CombatInstance instance)
        bool       skillChosen = false;
        CombatMenu currMenu    = CombatMenu.Start;

        while (!skillChosen)
            manager.setupMenu(getOptions(currMenu, instance));
            while (manager.mode != TextManager.ManagerMode.Standby)
                yield return(null);
            navigateMenu(currMenu, instance, manager.output);
            skillChosen = true;
Exemplo n.º 13
    private string[] getOptions(CombatMenu menu, CombatInstance instance)
        List <string> result = new List <string>();

        if (menu == CombatMenu.Start)
        else if (menu == CombatMenu.Skills)
            foreach (Skill.SkillName skill in skills)
        else if (menu == CombatMenu.Target)
            int  postFix = 0;
            bool incr    = false;

            if (instance.enemies.Count > 1)
                postFix = 1;
                incr    = true;

            foreach (Enemy enemy in instance.enemies)
                if (incr)

                result.Add(enemy.combatName + (incr ? " " + postFix : ""));

Exemplo n.º 14
    public static void useSkill(SkillName sk, CombatEntity user, CombatEntity target)
        if (sk == SkillName.Attack)
            int damage = calculateDamage(user, target);

            List <string> text = new List <string>();
            text.Add(user.combatName + " attacked " + target.combatName);
            text.Add(user.combatName + " did " + damage + " points of damage");

            GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TextManager>().addToQueue(text.ToArray());

            CombatInstance instance = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <CombatInstance>();
            target.processDamage(instance, damage); //actually process the damage to the target
        else if (sk == SkillName.Inspect)
            List <string> text = new List <string>();
            text.Add(user.combatName + " inspected " + target.combatName);
            GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TextManager>().addToQueue(text.ToArray());
            CombatEntity.displayStats(target, GameObject.FindObjectOfType <TextManager>());
Exemplo n.º 15
        public async Task InitiateRaid(SocketGuildChannel channel)
            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);

            idList.ChannelId = channel.Id;
            var user = UserHandler.GetUser(idList.UserId);

            //Tests each case to make sure all circumstances for the execution of this command are valid (character exists, in correct location)
                await UserHandler.UserInCombat(idList);

                await UserHandler.UserHasNoCards(idList, user);
            catch (InvalidUserStateException)

            //Start raid
            CombatInstance combat = new CombatInstance(idList);

            combat.IsDuel = false;
            var combatId = CombatHandler.NumberOfInstances();

            combat.CombatId = combatId;

            user.CombatRequest = 0;
            user.CombatID      = combatId;
            await combat.AddPlayerToCombat(user, combat.CreateNewTeam());

            //await MessageHandler.SendMessage(idList, $"{user.ActiveCards[0].Name} is attacking #{channel.Name}! Combat will begin in 10 minutes.\n```\nUse 0.joincombat to join\n```");
            await MessageHandler.SendMessage(idList, $"{user.ActiveCards[0].Name} challenges the party! Combat will begin in 3 minutes.\n```\nUse 0.joincombat to join\n```");

            CombatHandler.StoreInstance(combatId, combat);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public async Task Duel(SocketGuildUser target)
            var fromUser = UserHandler.GetUser(Context.User.Id);
            var toUser   = UserHandler.GetUser(target.Id);

            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);

            //Tests each case to make sure all circumstances for the execution of this command are valid (character exists, in correct location)
                await UserHandler.UserInCombat(idList);

                await UserHandler.OtherUserInCombat(idList, toUser);

                await UserHandler.UserHasNoCards(idList, fromUser);

                await UserHandler.OtherUserHasNoCards(idList, fromUser, toUser);
            catch (InvalidUserStateException)

            //Check that the user did not target themself with the command
            if (fromUser.UserId != toUser.UserId)
                //Set the current user's combat request ID to the user specified
                fromUser.CombatRequest = toUser.UserId;

                //Check if the specified user has a combat request ID that is the current user's ID
                if (toUser.CombatRequest == fromUser.UserId)
                    //Start duel
                    CombatInstance combat = new CombatInstance(idList);

                    combat.IsDuel = true;
                    var combatId = CombatHandler.NumberOfInstances();
                    combat.CombatId = combatId;

                    fromUser.CombatRequest = 0;
                    fromUser.CombatID      = combatId;
                    await combat.AddPlayerToCombat(fromUser, combat.CreateNewTeam());

                    toUser.CombatRequest = 0;
                    toUser.CombatID      = combatId;
                    await combat.AddPlayerToCombat(toUser, combat.CreateNewTeam());

                    CombatHandler.StoreInstance(combatId, combat);

                    await CombatHandler.InitiateDuel(combat);
                    //Challenge the specified user
                    await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{target.Mention}, you have been challenged to a duel by {Context.User.Mention}\nUse the \"0.duel [mention target]\" command to accept.");
                //Tell the current user they have are a dum dum
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, stop hitting yourself!");
Exemplo n.º 17
        public async Task Duel(SocketGuildUser target)
            var fromUser = UserHandler.GetUser(Context.User.Id);
            var toUser   = UserHandler.GetUser(target.Id);

            ContextIds idList = new ContextIds(Context);

            //Tests each case to make sure all circumstances for the execution of this command are valid (character exists, in correct location)
                await UserHandler.CharacterExists(idList);

                await UserHandler.OtherCharacterExists(idList, toUser);

                await UserHandler.ValidCharacterLocation(idList);

                await UserHandler.OtherCharacterLocation(idList, toUser);
            catch (InvalidCharacterStateException)

            //Check that the user did not target themself with the command
            if (fromUser.UserId != toUser.UserId)
                //Set the current user's combat request ID to the user specified
                fromUser.Char.CombatRequest = toUser.UserId;

                //Check if the specified user has a combat request ID that is the current user's ID
                if (toUser.Char.CombatRequest == fromUser.UserId)
                    //Make sure neither users are in combat while sending response request
                    if (fromUser.Char.InCombat)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you cannot start a duel while in combat!");
                    else if (toUser.Char.InCombat)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you cannot start a duel with a player who is in combat!");
                        //Start duel
                        var combat = new CombatInstance(idList, Context.User.Id, target.Id);

                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"The duel between {target.Mention} and {Context.User.Mention} will now begin!");

                        fromUser.Char.InCombat      = true;
                        fromUser.Char.InPvpCombat   = true;
                        fromUser.Char.CombatRequest = 0;
                        fromUser.Char.InCombatWith  = toUser.UserId;
                        fromUser.Char.Combat        = new CombatInstance(idList, fromUser.UserId, toUser.UserId);

                        toUser.Char.InCombat      = true;
                        toUser.Char.InPvpCombat   = true;
                        toUser.Char.CombatRequest = 0;
                        toUser.Char.InCombatWith  = fromUser.UserId;
                        toUser.Char.Combat        = new CombatInstance(idList, toUser.UserId, fromUser.UserId);

                        await CombatHandler.StartCombat(fromUser.Char.Combat);
                    //Make sure neither users are in combat while sending initial request
                    if (fromUser.Char.InCombat)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you cannot request a duel when you are in combat!");
                    else if (toUser.Char.InCombat)
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you cannot duel a player who is in combat!");
                        //Challenge the specified user
                        await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{target.Mention}, you have been challenged to a duel by {Context.User.Mention}\nUse the \"duel [mention target]\" command to accept.");
                //Tell the current user they have are a dum dum
                await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync($"{Context.User.Mention}, you cannot duel yourself.");
Exemplo n.º 18
    public void StartCombat(CombatManager combatManager, CombatInstance combatInstance)

        AudioClip prevMusic = combatInstance.GetPreviousMusic(); //FindObjectOfType<GameManager>().GetComponent<MusicManager>().Music.clip;
        AudioClip fightMusic = combatInstance.GetCombatMusic();

Exemplo n.º 19
 public abstract void processDamage(CombatInstance instance, int dmg);
Exemplo n.º 20
        public bool Event_ThrowItem(ComponentEvent e)
            AreaMap map        = Engine.instance.world.currentMap;
            var     throwEvent = ((EThrowItem)e);
            string  itemType   = throwEvent.itemName;

            // try to find the item on the entity to throw it
            var consumeItemEvent = (EConsumeItem)owner.FireEvent(new EConsumeItem()
                itemName = itemType

            if (!consumeItemEvent.hasItem)

            // This enttiy did have the item to throw
            Entity projectile = consumeItemEvent.consumedItem;

            // Get the thrwoer strength and item weight, in order to calc both damage and max throw distance
            var getStrength = (EGetAttributeLevel)owner.FireEvent(new EGetAttributeLevel()
                target = "strength"
            int   strength = getStrength.level;
            float strRatio = (strength / 100.0f);

            var getWeight    = (EGetWeight)owner.FireEvent(new EGetWeight());
            int thrownWeight = getWeight.weight;

            float maxDistance = CombatEngine.GetThrowRange(owner, projectile);
            int   throwDamage = (int)(strRatio * thrownWeight);

            // if the target position is farther than the max distance, select the nearest point in that direction
            Vector2 targetLoc = throwEvent.targetLocation;
            Vector2 toTarget  = targetLoc - owner.position;

            if (toTarget.Magnitude() > maxDistance)
                Vector2 dir = toTarget.Normalized();
                targetLoc = owner.position + (dir * maxDistance);

            // check where the item hits, if there is something in the way
            Vector2 hitNormal;
            Vector2 endPosition = map.CollisionPointFromTo(owner.position, targetLoc, out hitNormal);

            // find the target to hit, and apply some damage and knock them back
            Entity[] targets = map.GetAllObjectsAt(endPosition.X, endPosition.Y);
            foreach (Entity hit in targets)
                CombatInstance combat = new CombatInstance(owner, hit)
                    { "damage", throwDamage },
                    { "weapon", projectile }


            // the thrown item ends up next to the target location, or the nearest valid location
            toTarget    = Vector2.OrthoNormal(toTarget);
            endPosition = endPosition - toTarget;
            endPosition = map.GetNearestValidMove(endPosition);
            Engine.instance.world.SpawnExisting(projectile, endPosition);

Exemplo n.º 21
        public static List <Embed> RoundStart(CombatInstance inst)
            List <Embed> embeds  = new List <Embed>();
            var          builder = new EmbedBuilder()
                                   .WithAuthor($"Round: {inst.RoundNumber}");

            var                   players      = "";
            List <string>         effectTitles = new List <string>();
            List <List <string> > effects      = new List <List <string> >();

            int cardCount = 1;

            foreach (BasicCard card in inst.CardList)
                List <string> currentPlayerEffects = new List <string>();
                string        shields = "";

                if (card.Effects.Count > 0 || card.Markers.Count > 0 || card.HasPassive)

                var light  = 0;
                var medium = 0;
                var heavy  = 0;
                foreach (BuffDebuff eff in card.Effects)
                    light  += eff.LightShield;
                    medium += eff.MediumShield;
                    heavy  += eff.HeavyShield;

                if (card.HasPassive)
                    currentPlayerEffects.Add($"\n**{card.Passive.Name} ({card.Signature}'s Passive)**- {card.Passive.Description}");

                if (light > 0)
                    shields += $"{light} light shields. ";
                if (medium > 0)
                    shields += $"{medium} medium shields. ";
                if (heavy > 0)
                    shields += $"{heavy} heavy shields.";

                foreach (Marker mark in card.Markers)
                //if(card.Effects.Count > 0 || card.Markers.Count > 0 || card.HasPassive)

                if (card.Name.Equals(card.Signature))
                    players += $"{cardCount}. **[{card.Name}]:** {card.CurrentHP}/{card.TotalHP} HP {shields}\n";
                    players += $"{cardCount}. **[{card.Name}] {card.Signature}:** {card.CurrentHP}/{card.TotalHP} HP {shields}\n";

                if (currentPlayerEffects.Count == 0)


            //builder.AddField("ACTIVE EFFECTS", finalEffects, false);
            builder.WithFooter($"It is {inst.CardList[inst.TurnNumber].Signature}'s turn.");
            builder.WithColor(62, 62, 255);
            var embed = builder.Build();


             * effects.Reverse();
             * effectTitles.Reverse();
             * while(effects.Count > 0)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine("k");
             *  var bail = false;
             *  var effBuilder = new EmbedBuilder()
             *  .WithAuthor($"**ACTIVE EFFECTS**")
             *  .WithFooter($"It is {inst.CardList[inst.TurnNumber].Signature}'s turn.");
             *  Console.WriteLine("l");
             *  for (int i = effects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
             *  {
             *      Console.WriteLine("m");
             *      var playerEffects = "";
             *      int totalChars = 0;
             *      for (int j = effects[i].Count - 1; j >= 0; j--)
             *      {
             *          Console.WriteLine("n");
             *          totalChars += effects[i][j].Length;
             *          Console.WriteLine("o");
             *          if(totalChars < 1024)
             *          {
             *              Console.WriteLine("p");
             *              playerEffects += $"{effects[i][j]}\n";
             *              Console.WriteLine("q");
             *              effects[i].RemoveAt(j);
             *              Console.WriteLine("r");
             *          }
             *          else
             *          {
             *              Console.WriteLine("s");
             *              effBuilder.AddField($"{effectTitles[i]}", $"{playerEffects}", false);
             *              Console.WriteLine("t");
             *              bail = true;
             *              Console.WriteLine("u");
             *              break;
             *          }
             *      }
             *      Console.WriteLine("v");
             *      if(bail)
             *          break;
             *      Console.WriteLine("w");
             *      effBuilder.AddField($"{effectTitles[i]}", $"{playerEffects}", false); //This line is stupid and why we archived this
             *      Console.WriteLine("x");
             *      //effectTitles.RemoveAt(i);
             *      effects.RemoveAt(i);
             *      Console.WriteLine("y");
             *  }
             *  Console.WriteLine("z");
             *  embeds.Add(effBuilder.Build());
             *  Console.WriteLine("za");
             * }
             * Console.WriteLine("zb");*/

Exemplo n.º 22
    public CombatManager StartCombat(CombatInstance combatInstance)

        CombatManager newManager = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate<CombatManager>(m_defaultCombatManager, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity, 0);
        StartCombat(newManager, combatInstance);

        return newManager;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void navigateMenu(CombatMenu menu, CombatInstance instance, int option)
Exemplo n.º 24
    private void Update()
        if (!m_gameBoard)
            m_gameBoard = GetComponentInParent(typeof(GameBoard)) as GameBoard;
        float unitDistance = m_gameBoard.GetUnitDistance();

        foreach (Pawn pawn in m_pawns)
            if (pawn)
                // check pawn in front in current tile or the tile in the direction of attack/move
                Vector3 direction = GetPawnDirection(pawn);

                // if not in combat, check if any enemy pawn is standing infront
                if (!pawn.isInCombat)
                    Pawn other = null;
                    if (pawn.isMovingToFreePlace)
                        // we reached the place we go towards, then change to another
                        float posX = m_gameBoard.tiles[pawn.m_tilePositionX, pawn.m_tilePositionY].transform.position.x - 0.5f;
                        float posY = m_gameBoard.tiles[pawn.m_tilePositionX, pawn.m_tilePositionY].transform.position.y - 0.5f;
                        posX += unitDistance * pawn.m_subTilePositionX + 0.1f;
                        posY += unitDistance * pawn.m_subTilePositionY;
                        Vector3 desiredPosition = new Vector3(posX, posY, 0.0f);
                        if ((pawn.transform.position.x >= (desiredPosition.x - 0.05f)) && (pawn.transform.position.x <= (desiredPosition.x + 0.05f)) &&
                            (pawn.transform.position.y >= (desiredPosition.y - 0.05f)) && (pawn.transform.position.y <= (desiredPosition.y + 0.05f)))
                            pawn.isMovingToFreePlace = false;
                            pawn.transform.position  = desiredPosition;
                            Vector3 newPosition = new Vector3(direction.x * unitDistance * m_speed, direction.y * unitDistance * m_speed, direction.z * unitDistance * m_speed);
                            pawn.transform.position += newPosition;
                    else if (!IsNextTileReserved(direction, pawn, ref other))
                        pawn.isMovingToFreePlace = true;
                        if (other)
                            if (other.armyId == pawn.armyId)
                                // nothing to do
                            // create combat instance
                            CombatInstance combatInstance = m_gameBoard.GetCombat();
                            combatInstance.SetCombat(pawn, other);

Exemplo n.º 25
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     playerScript            = Player.createPlayer(CombatEntity.Job.Ranger);
     playerScript.combatName = "Raptura";
     instance = FindObjectOfType <CombatInstance>();