Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void SDKInitialize()
             * Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters
             * 1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Levels "." and choose any level from the list displayed.
             * 2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged.
            Logger logger = new Logger.Builder()

            //Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameter
            UserSignature user = new UserSignature("*****@*****.**");

             * Configure the environment
             * which is of the pattern Domain.Environment
             * Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
             * Available Environments: PRODUCTION, DEVELOPER, SANDBOX
            Environment environment = USDataCenter.PRODUCTION;

             * Create a Token instance
             * 1 -> OAuth client id.
             * 2 -> OAuth client secret.
             * 3 -> OAuth redirect URL.
             * 4 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.
             * 5 -> token type.
            Token token = new OAuthToken.Builder()

             * Create an instance of TokenStore.
             * 1 -> DataBase host name. Default "localhost"
             * 2 -> DataBase name. Default "zohooauth"
             * 3 -> DataBase user name. Default "root"
             * 4 -> DataBase password. Default ""
             * 5 -> DataBase port number. Default "3306"
            //TokenStore tokenstore = new DBStore.Builder().Build();

            //    TokenStore tokenstore = new DBStore.Builder()
            //      .Host("Host")
            //      .DatabaseName("DatabaseName")
            //      .TableName("TableName")
            //      .UserName("UserName")
            //      .Password("Password")
            //      .PortNumber("PortNumber")
            //      .Build();

            TokenStore tokenstore = new FileStore("/Users/Documents/csharp_sdk_token.txt");

             * autoRefreshFields
             * if true - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every    hour.
             * if false - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(com.zoho.crm.api.util.ModuleFieldsHandler)
             * pickListValidation
             * if true - value for any picklist field will be validated with the available values.
             * if false - value for any picklist field will not be validated, resulting in creation of a new value.
            SDKConfig config = new SDKConfig.Builder()

            string resourcePath = "/Users/Documents";

             * Create an instance of RequestProxy class that takes the following parameters
             * 1 -> Host
             * 2 -> Port Number
             * 3 -> User Name
             * 4 -> Password
             * 5 -> User Domain
            RequestProxy requestProxy = new RequestProxy.Builder()

             * Call static initialize method of Initializer class that takes the arguments
             * 1 -> UserSignature instance
             * 2 -> Environment instance
             * 3 -> Token instance
             * 4 -> TokenStore instance
             * 5 -> SDKConnfig
             * 6 -> The path containing the absolute directory path to store user specific JSON files containing module fields information.
             * 7 -> Logger instance
             * 8 -> RequestProxy instance
            // The following are the available initialize methods
            new SDKInitializer.Builder()

            // foreach (Token token1 in ((DBStore)tokenstore).GetTokens())
            // {
            //    OAuthToken authToken = (OAuthToken)token1;

            //    Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(authToken));
            // }
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void SDKInitialize()
             * Create an instance of Logger Class that takes two parameters
             * 1 -> Level of the log messages to be logged. Can be configured by typing Levels "." and choose any level from the list displayed.
             * 2 -> Absolute file path, where messages need to be logged.
            Logger logger = Logger.GetInstance(Logger.Levels.ALL, "/Users/Documents/GitLab/csharp_sdk_log.log");

            //Create an UserSignature instance that takes user Email as parameter
            UserSignature user = new UserSignature("*****@*****.**");

             * Configure the environment
             * which is of the pattern Domain.Environment
             * Available Domains: USDataCenter, EUDataCenter, INDataCenter, CNDataCenter, AUDataCenter
             * Available Environments: PRODUCTION, DEVELOPER, SANDBOX
            Environment environment = USDataCenter.PRODUCTION;

             * Create a Token instance
             * 1 -> OAuth client id.
             * 2 -> OAuth client secret.
             * 3 -> OAuth redirect URL.
             * 4 -> REFRESH/GRANT token.
             * 5 -> token type.
            //Token token = new OAuthToken("1000.xxxxx", "xxxxxx", "1000.xxxxxx.xxxxxx", TokenType.REFRESH, "https://www.zoho.com");

            //Token token = new OAuthToken("1000.xxxx", "xxxxxx", "1000.xxxxxx.xxxxxx", TokenType.GRANT, "https://www.zoho.com");

            Token token = new OAuthToken("1000.xxxxxx", "xxxxxx", "1000.xxxxxx.xxxxxx", TokenType.GRANT, "https://www.zoho.com");

             * Create an instance of TokenStore.
             * 1 -> DataBase host name. Default "jdbc:mysql://localhost"
             * 2 -> DataBase name. Default "zohooauth"
             * 3 -> DataBase user name. Default "root"
             * 4 -> DataBase password. Default ""
             * 5 -> DataBase port number. Default "3306"
            //TokenStore tokenstore = new DBStore();

            TokenStore tokenstore = new DBStore(null, null, null, null, null);

            //TokenStore tokenstore = new FileStore("/Users/Documents/GitLab/csharp_sdk_token.txt");

             * autoRefreshFields
             * if true - all the modules' fields will be auto-refreshed in the background, every    hour.
             * if false - the fields will not be auto-refreshed in the background. The user can manually delete the file(s) or refresh the fields using methods from ModuleFieldsHandler(com.zoho.crm.api.util.ModuleFieldsHandler)
             * pickListValidation
             * if true - value for any picklist field will be validated with the available values.
             * if false - value for any picklist field will not be validated, resulting in creation of a new value.
            SDKConfig config = new SDKConfig.Builder().SetAutoRefreshFields(true).SetPickListValidation(false).Build();

            string resourcePath = "/Users/Documents/GitLab/SampleApp/zohocrm-csharp-sdk-sample-application";

             * Create an instance of RequestProxy class that takes the following parameters
             * 1 -> Host
             * 2 -> Port Number
             * 3 -> User Name
             * 4 -> Password
             * 5 -> User Domain
            //RequestProxy requestProxy = new RequestProxy("", 3128, "", "", "");

            //RequestProxy requestProxy = new RequestProxy("", 3128, "", null);

             * Call static initialize method of Initializer class that takes the arguments
             * 1 -> UserSignature instance
             * 2 -> Environment instance
             * 3 -> Token instance
             * 4 -> TokenStore instance
             * 5 -> SDKConnfig
             * 6 -> The path containing the absolute directory path to store user specific JSON files containing module fields information.
             * 7 -> Logger instance
             * 8 -> RequestProxy instance

            // The following are the available initialize methods

            //SDKInitializer.Initialize(user, environment, token, tokenstore, config, resourcePath);

            SDKInitializer.Initialize(user, environment, token, tokenstore, config, resourcePath, logger);

            //SDKInitializer.Initialize(user, environment, token, tokenstore, config, resourcePath, requestProxy);

            //SDKInitializer.Initialize(user, environment, token, tokenstore, config, resourcePath, logger, requestProxy);

            //foreach (Token token1 in ((DBStore)tokenstore).GetTokens())
            //    OAuthToken authToken = (OAuthToken)token1;

            //    Console.WriteLine(authToken.AccessToken);

            //    Console.WriteLine(authToken.RefreshToken);

            //    Console.WriteLine(authToken.ExpiresIn);

            //    Console.WriteLine(authToken.GrantToken);