Exemplo n.º 1
        //public ColumnChartSettings ColumnChartSettings { get; set; }

        public ColumnChart(DashboardHelper dashboardHelper, ColumnChartParameters parameters, List <XYColumnChartData> dataList)
            //this.Settings = settings;
            //this.ColumnChartSettings = settings;
            ColumnChartParameters = parameters;
            this.DashboardHelper  = dashboardHelper;
            xyChart.Legend.BorderBrush = Brushes.Gray;
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected virtual bool GenerateColumnChartData(Dictionary <DataTable, List <DescriptiveStatistics> > stratifiedFrequencyTables, Strata strata = null)
            int missingValueCount = 0;

            lock (syncLockData)
                ColumnChartParameters chtParameters = (ColumnChartParameters)Parameters;

                string second_y_var = string.Empty;

                Y2Type y2type = Y2Type.None;

                if (chtParameters.ColumnNames.Count > 1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(chtParameters.ColumnNames[1]))
                    second_y_var = chtParameters.ColumnNames[1];

                if (chtParameters.Y2AxisType == 2)
                    y2type = Y2Type.RatePer100kPop;
                else if (chtParameters.Y2AxisType == 3)
                    y2type = Y2Type.CumulativePercent;

                List <XYColumnChartData> dataList = new List <XYColumnChartData>();

                foreach (KeyValuePair <DataTable, List <DescriptiveStatistics> > tableKvp in stratifiedFrequencyTables)
                    double count = 0;
                    foreach (DescriptiveStatistics ds in tableKvp.Value)
                        count = count + ds.observations;

                    // If there is only one table and the total for that table is zero, then no data can be displayed and thus no chart can be generated.
                    // Show a message to the user to this effect so they don't wonder why they're seeing a blank gadget.

                    // Commented out for now because of scenarios where the "One chart for each value of" option is used, and we're unsure how to handle
                    // showing this message in that case.

                    //if (count == 0 && stratifiedFrequencyTables.Count == 1)
                    //    this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new RenderFinishWithErrorDelegate(RenderFinishWithError), DashboardSharedStrings.GADGET_MSG_NO_DATA);
                    //    return false;

                    string    strataValue = tableKvp.Key.TableName;
                    DataTable table       = tableKvp.Key;

                    double cumulative_percent = 0;

                    foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                        XYColumnChartData chartData = new XYColumnChartData();
                        chartData.X = strataValue;
                        chartData.Y = (double)row[1];

                        if (y2type != Y2Type.None)
                            foreach (DataRow dRow in DashboardHelper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)
                                if (row[0].ToString().Equals(dRow[chtParameters.ColumnNames[0]].ToString()) && (y2type == Y2Type.CumulativePercent || dRow[second_y_var] != DBNull.Value))
                                    if (y2type == Y2Type.RatePer100kPop)
                                        chartData.Y2 = chartData.Y / (Convert.ToDouble(dRow[second_y_var]) / 100000);
                                    else if (y2type == Y2Type.CumulativePercent)
                                        chartData.Y2       = cumulative_percent + (chartData.Y / count);
                                        cumulative_percent = chartData.Y2.Value;
                                        chartData.Y2 = Convert.ToDouble(dRow[second_y_var]);

                        else if (y2type == Y2Type.CumulativePercent)
                            foreach (DataRow dRow in DashboardHelper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows)

                        chartData.S = row[0];

                        string valueString = chartData.S.ToString().Trim();

                        if (chartData.S == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(valueString))
                            chartData.S = Config.Settings.RepresentationOfMissing;

                    if (dataList.Count > 0)
                        if (dataList[0].S.GetType() != typeof(String))
                            dataList.Sort(new ChartDataComparer());
                        else if (chtParameters.SortStringValues)
                            dataList.Sort(new ChartDataComparer());
                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(new SetChartDataDelegate(SetChartData), dataList, strata);

Exemplo n.º 3
        private bool OutsideLimits(XYColumnChartData chartData)
            ColumnChartParameters chtParameters = (ColumnChartParameters)Parameters;

            return(OutsideLimits(chartData.S, chtParameters.XAxisStart, chtParameters.XAxisEnd));