public void ColorTokenService_TokenStart_ShouldReturnColorMap()
            ColorTokenService service = new ColorTokenService();
            string            result  = service.TokenStart(20, 30, 40);

            Assert.AreEqual("<c%>", result);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private string BuildMainPageHeader(NWPlayer player)
            Player playerEntity    = DataService.Single <Player>(x => x.ID == player.GlobalID);
            var    association     = DataService.Get <Association>(playerEntity.AssociationID);
            int    totalSkillCount = DataService.Where <PCSkill>(x =>
                var skill = DataService.Get <Skill>(x.SkillID);
                return(x.PlayerID == player.GlobalID && skill.ContributesToSkillCap);
            }).Sum(s => s.Rank);

            string header = ColorTokenService.Green("Name: ") + player.Name + "\n";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Association: ") + association.Name + "\n\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Skill Points: ") + totalSkillCount + " / " + SkillService.SkillCap + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Unallocated SP: ") + playerEntity.UnallocatedSP + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Roleplay XP: ") + playerEntity.RoleplayXP + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("FP: ") + (playerEntity.MaxFP > 0 ? MenuService.BuildBar(playerEntity.CurrentFP, playerEntity.MaxFP, 100, ColorTokenService.TokenStart(32, 223, 219)) : "N/A") + "\n";

Exemplo n.º 3
        private string CreateSkillDetailsHeader(PCSkill pcSkill, int req)
            Player player = DataService.Player.GetByID(pcSkill.PlayerID);
            Skill  skill  = SkillService.GetSkill(pcSkill.SkillID);
            string title;

            if (pcSkill.Rank <= 3)
                title = "Untrained";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 7)
                title = "Neophyte";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 13)
                title = "Novice";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 20)
                title = "Apprentice";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 35)
                title = "Journeyman";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 50)
                title = "Expert";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 65)
                title = "Adept";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 80)
                title = "Master";
            else if (pcSkill.Rank <= 100)
                title = "Grandmaster";
                title = "Unknown";

            title += " (" + pcSkill.Rank + ")";

            string decayLock = ColorTokenService.Green("Decay Lock: ") + ColorTokenService.White("Unlocked");

            if (pcSkill.IsLocked)
                decayLock = ColorTokenService.Green("Decay Lock: ") + ColorTokenService.Red("Locked");

            // Skills which don't contribute to the cap cannot be locked (there's no reason for it.)
            // Display a message explaining this to the player instead.
            string noContributeMessage = string.Empty;

            if (!skill.ContributesToSkillCap)
                decayLock           = string.Empty;
                noContributeMessage = ColorTokenService.Green("This skill does not contribute to your cumulative skill cap.") + "\n\n";

            string rpXP = ColorTokenService.Green("Roleplay XP: ") + player.RoleplayXP + "\n";

            Attribute primaryAttribute   = DataService.Attribute.GetByID(skill.Primary);
            Attribute secondaryAttribute = DataService.Attribute.GetByID(skill.Secondary);
            Attribute tertiaryAttribute  = DataService.Attribute.GetByID(skill.Tertiary);
            string    primary            = ColorTokenService.Green("Primary (+" + PlayerStatService.PrimaryIncrease + "): ") + primaryAttribute.Name + "\n";
            string    secondary          = ColorTokenService.Green("Secondary (+" + PlayerStatService.SecondaryIncrease + "): ") + secondaryAttribute.Name + "\n";
            string    tertiary           = ColorTokenService.Green("Tertiary (+" + PlayerStatService.TertiaryIncrease + "): ") + tertiaryAttribute.Name + "\n";

                (ColorTokenService.Green("Skill: ") + skill.Name + "\n" +
                 ColorTokenService.Green("Rank: ") + title + "\n" +
                 ColorTokenService.Green("Exp: ") + MenuService.BuildBar(pcSkill.XP, req, 100, ColorTokenService.TokenStart(255, 127, 0)) + "\n" +
                 rpXP +
                 primary +
                 secondary +
                 tertiary +
                 noContributeMessage +
                 decayLock + "\n\n" +
                 ColorTokenService.Green("Description: ") + skill.Description + "\n");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private string BuildMainPageHeader(NWPlayer player)
            Player playerEntity = DataService.Player.GetByID(player.GlobalID);
            var    association  = DataService.Association.GetByID(playerEntity.AssociationID);

            // Get all player skills and then sum them up by the rank.
            int totalSkillCount = DataService.PCSkill
                                  .Where(x => DataService.Skill.GetByID(x.SkillID).ContributesToSkillCap)
                                  .Sum(s => s.Rank);

            string header = ColorTokenService.Green("Name: ") + player.Name + "\n";

            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Association: ") + association.Name + "\n\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Skill Points: ") + totalSkillCount + " / " + SkillService.SkillCap + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Unallocated SP: ") + playerEntity.UnallocatedSP + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("Roleplay XP: ") + playerEntity.RoleplayXP + "\n";
            header += ColorTokenService.Green("FP: ") + (playerEntity.MaxFP > 0 ? MenuService.BuildBar(playerEntity.CurrentFP, playerEntity.MaxFP, 100, ColorTokenService.TokenStart(32, 223, 219)) : "N/A") + "\n";
