public void ColorPresets(Color color)
        cMC = GetComponentInParent <ColorMenuControl>();
        float r = color.r;
        float g = color.g;
        float b = color.b;

        var colors = button.colors;

        colors.normalColor      = color;
        colors.highlightedColor = color;
        colors.pressedColor     = color;

        cMC.ChangeColor(cTypeName, r, g, b);
        button.colors = colors;

        rSlide.value = button.colors.normalColor.r;
        gSlide.value = button.colors.normalColor.g;
        bSlide.value = button.colors.normalColor.b;

        float rT = rSlide.value * 255;//Muiltiplies 0 to 1 float so display shows 0 to 255
        float gT = gSlide.value * 255;
        float bT = bSlide.value * 255;

        rText.text = rT.ToString("000");
        gText.text = gT.ToString("000");
        bText.text = bT.ToString("000");

    void ColorSliders(float r, float g, float b)
        cMC   = GetComponentInParent <ColorMenuControl>();
        rText = rSlide.transform.Find("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
        gText = gSlide.transform.Find("Value").GetComponent <Text>();
        bText = bSlide.transform.Find("Value").GetComponent <Text>();

        var colors = button.colors;

        colors.normalColor      = new Color(r, g, b, 1f);
        colors.highlightedColor = colors.normalColor;
        colors.pressedColor     = colors.normalColor;

        float rT = r * 255;//Muiltiplies 0 to 1 float so display shows 0 to 255
        float gT = g * 255;
        float bT = b * 255;

        rText.text = rT.ToString("000");
        gText.text = gT.ToString("000");
        bText.text = bT.ToString("000");
        cMC.ChangeColor(cTypeName, r, g, b);
        button.colors = colors;