Exemplo n.º 1
 public void OnCollide(CollideResult result)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 2
 protected override void OnCollide(CollideResult col)
 => Destroy(gameObject);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Move(Vector2 accel, float gravity)
        if (disabled)

        facingLockTime -= Time.deltaTime;

        moveState = MoveState.Normal;

        accel *= speed;
        accel += velocity * friction;

        if (gravity != 0.0f)
            accel.y = gravity;

        // Using the following equations of motion:

        // - p' = 1/2at^2 + vt + p.
        // - v' = at + v.
        // - a = specified by input.

        // Where a = acceleration, v = velocity, and p = position.
        // v' and p' denote new versions, while non-prime denotes old.

        // These are found by integrating up from acceleration to velocity. Use derivation
        // to go from position down to velocity and then down to acceleration to see how
        // we can integrate back up.
        Vector2 delta = accel * 0.5f * Utils.Square(Time.deltaTime) + velocity * Time.deltaTime;

        if (swimming)
            velocity = (accel * 0.35f) * Time.deltaTime + velocity;
            velocity = accel * Time.deltaTime + velocity;

        Vector2 target   = Position + delta;
        AABB    entityBB = GetBoundingBox();

        colFlags = CollideFlags.None;

        // Player size in tiles.
        Vector2Int tSize = Utils.CeilToInt(entityBB.radius * 2.0f);

        Vector2Int start = Utils.TilePos(Position);
        Vector2Int end   = Utils.TilePos(target);

        // Compute the range of tiles we could touch with our movement. We'll test for collisions
        // with the tiles in this range.
        Vector2Int min = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Min(start.x, end.x) - tSize.x, Mathf.Min(start.y, end.y) - tSize.y);
        Vector2Int max = new Vector2Int(Mathf.Max(start.x, end.x) + tSize.x, Mathf.Max(start.y, end.y) + tSize.y);

        // Tile collision checking.
        GetPossibleCollidingTiles(world, entityBB, min, max);

        // Entity collision checking.
        GetPossibleCollidingEntities(world, entityBB, min, max);


        float tRemaining = 1.0f;

        for (int it = 0; it < 3 && tRemaining > 0.0f; ++it)
            float   tMin   = 1.0f;
            Vector2 normal = Vector2.zero;

            CollideResult hitResult = default;
            bool          hit       = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < possibleCollides.Count; ++i)
                CollideResult info   = possibleCollides[i];
                bool          result = TestTileCollision(world, entityBB, info.bb, delta, ref tMin, ref normal);

                if (result)
                    hitResult = info;
                    hit       = true;

            MoveBy(delta * tMin);

            if (normal != Vector2.zero)
                MoveBy((normal * Epsilon));

            if (hit)

            entityBB = GetBoundingBox();

            // Subtract away the component of the velocity that collides with the tile wall
            // and leave the remaining velocity intact.
            velocity -= Vector2.Dot(velocity, normal) * normal;
            delta    -= Vector2.Dot(delta, normal) * normal;

            delta      -= (delta * tMin);
            tRemaining -= (tMin * tRemaining);


        if (overlaps.Count > 0)



        if (DebugServices.Instance.ShowDebug)
Exemplo n.º 4
 public void OnCollide(CollideResult result)
     if (result.Type == CollisionType.Side)
         int  teleport   = 0;
         bool ifContinue = false;
         if (lastKey == Keys.W && ifContinue == false)
             for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
                 if (level.GetTile(i * 16, Height * 31).Type == TileType.Way)
                     if (teleport == 0)
                         teleport = i * 16;
                     if (Math.Abs(teleport - X) > Math.Abs(i * 16 - X))
                         teleport = i * 16;
             X          = teleport;
             Y          = Height * 31;
             ifContinue = true;
         if (lastKey == Keys.S && ifContinue == false)
             for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
                 if (level.GetTile(i * 16, 0).Type == TileType.Way)
                     if (teleport == 0)
                         teleport = i * 16;
                     if (Math.Abs(teleport - X) > Math.Abs(i * 16 - X))
                         teleport = i * 16;
             X          = teleport;
             Y          = 0;
             ifContinue = true;
         if (lastKey == Keys.D && ifContinue == false)
             for (int i = 1; i <= 31; i++)
                 if (level.GetTile(0, i * 16).Type == TileType.Way)
                     if (teleport == 0)
                         teleport = i * 16;
                     if (Math.Abs(teleport - Y) > Math.Abs(i * 16 - Y))
                         teleport = i * 16;
             Y          = teleport;
             X          = 0;
             ifContinue = true;
         if (lastKey == Keys.A && ifContinue == false)
             for (int i = 0; i <= 31; i++)
                 if (level.GetTile(Width * 31, i * 16).Type == TileType.Way)
                     if (teleport == 0)
                         teleport = i * 16;
                     if (Math.Abs(teleport - Y) > Math.Abs(i * 16 - Y))
                         teleport = i * 16;
             Y          = teleport;
             X          = Width * 31;
             ifContinue = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
 protected virtual void OnCollide(CollideResult result)