Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Database_NewtonsoftCompatibility()
            // Test that basic Database, Table, and Row types can successfully roundtrip via Newtonsoft.Json serialization by default.
            // These use generated JsonConverter classes to serialize using safe constructors and good default behaviors.

            V1.Community v1 = new V1.Community();
            v1.People = new List <V1.Person>();

            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 39, Name = "Scott"
            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 36, Name = "Adam"

            string serializeToPath = Path.GetFullPath("Community.V1.json");

            AsJson.Save(serializeToPath, v1, verbose: true);

            V1.Community roundTrip = AsJson.Load <V1.Community>(serializeToPath);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(v1.People, roundTrip.People);

            AsJson.Save(serializeToPath, v1, verbose: true);
            roundTrip = AsJson.Load <V1.Community>(serializeToPath);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(v1.People, roundTrip.People);

            // Verify V2 object model will load community (post-replacements make Person parsing non-strict)
            V2.Community v2 = AsJson.Load <V2.Community>(serializeToPath);
            Assert.Equal(2, v2.People.Count);
            Assert.Equal(v1.People[0].Name, v2.People[0].Name);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Database_NewtonsoftCompatibility()
            // Test that basic Database, Table, and Row types can successfully roundtrip via Newtonsoft.Json serialization by default.
            // These use generated JsonConverter classes to serialize using safe constructors and good default behaviors.

            V1.Community v1 = new V1.Community();
            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 39, Name = "Scott"
            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 36, Name = "Adam"

            string serializeToPath = Path.GetFullPath("Community.V1.json");

            AsJson.Save(serializeToPath, v1, verbose: true);

            V1.Community roundTrip = AsJson.Load <V1.Community>(serializeToPath);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(v1.People, roundTrip.People);

            AsJson.Save(serializeToPath, v1, verbose: true);
            roundTrip = AsJson.Load <V1.Community>(serializeToPath);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(v1.People, roundTrip.People);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal static void VerifyRoundTrip <T>(ArraySlice <T> slice, T[] copyToTargetArray) where T : unmanaged, IEquatable <T>
            ArraySlice <T> roundTripped = TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Binary);

            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame <T>(slice, roundTripped);
            VerifyCopyTo <T>(roundTripped, copyToTargetArray);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void ArraySliceTests_Basics()
            int[]            sample       = Enumerable.Range(100, 50).ToArray();
            int[]            copyToTarget = new int[100];
            ArraySlice <int> slice;

            // Empty ArraySlice
            slice = ArraySlice <int> .Empty;
            Assert.True(slice == ArraySlice <int> .Empty);
            Assert.False(slice != ArraySlice <int> .Empty);

            VerifyCopyTo <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            VerifyRoundTrip <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Binary));
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Json));

            // Whole Array
            slice = new ArraySlice <int>(sample);
            Assert.Equal(sample.Length, slice.Count);
            Assert.Equal(sample, slice);
            Assert.Equal(sample[10], slice[10]);
            VerifyCopyTo <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            VerifyRoundTrip <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Binary));
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Json));

            // Array slice-to-end
            slice = new ArraySlice <int>(sample, index: 10);
            Assert.Equal(sample.Length - 10, slice.Count);
            Assert.Equal(sample[20], slice[10]);
            VerifyCopyTo <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            VerifyRoundTrip <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Binary));
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Json));

            // Array slice
            slice = new ArraySlice <int>(sample, index: 10, length: 20);
            Assert.Equal(20, slice.Count);
            Assert.Equal(sample[10], slice[0]);
            VerifyCopyTo <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            VerifyRoundTrip <int>(slice, copyToTarget);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Binary));
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(slice, TreeSerializer.RoundTrip(slice, TreeFormat.Json));

            // Bounds checks
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => new ArraySlice <int>(null, 0, 0));                            // Array null
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ArraySlice <int>(sample, -1, 0));                   // index < 0
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ArraySlice <int>(sample, sample.Length + 1, 0));    // index > array.Length
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ArraySlice <int>(sample, 0, sample.Length + 1));    // length too long
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => new ArraySlice <int>(sample, 2, sample.Length + 3));

            // Clear
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Database_ReplaceColumn()
            // Test saving a database and then loading it into a different object model with added and removed columns.

            V1.Community v1 = new V1.Community();
            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 39, Name = "Scott"
            v1.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 36, Name = "Adam"

            string filePath = "People.bsoa.bin";

            // Save V1 (Age and Name)
            v1.DB.Save(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary);

            // Load as V2 (BirthDate and Name)
            V2.Community v2 = new V2.Community();
            v2.DB.Load(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary);

            // Verify row count the same, Name loaded properly
            Assert.Equal(v1.People.Count, v2.People.Count);
            Assert.Equal(v1.People[0].Name, v2.People[0].Name);

            DateTime birthdate = DateTime.Parse("1981-01-01").ToUniversalTime();

            v2.People[0].Birthdate = birthdate;

            // Verify new database serializes new column
            V2.Community v2RoundTrip = new V2.Community();

            v2.DB.Save(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary);
            v2RoundTrip.DB.Load(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary);

            Assert.Equal(birthdate, v2RoundTrip.People[0].Birthdate);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(v2.People, v2RoundTrip.People);

            // Load *new format* into V1 object model
            V1.Community v1RoundTrip = new V1.Community();
            v1RoundTrip.DB.Load(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary);

            // Verify unchanged columns come back
            Assert.Equal(v1.People.Count, v1RoundTrip.People.Count);
            Assert.Equal(v1.People[0].Name, v1RoundTrip.People[0].Name);

            // Verify Age empty
            Assert.Equal(0, v1RoundTrip.People[0].Age);

            // Read with TreeSerializationSettings.Strict and verify error
            Assert.Throws <IOException>(() => v1RoundTrip.DB.Load(filePath, TreeFormat.Binary, new BSOA.IO.TreeSerializationSettings()
                Strict = true
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Database_Basics()
            V1.Community community = new V1.Community();
            community.People = new List <V1.Person>();

            community.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 39, Name = "Scott"
            community.People.Add(new V1.Person()
                Age = 36, Name = "Adam"

            // Use ReadOnlyList.VerifySame to check count, enumerators, and indexer
            community.DB.Save("V1.Community.bsoa", TreeFormat.Binary);
            V1.Community roundTripped = new V1.Community();
            roundTripped.DB.Load("V1.Community.bsoa", TreeFormat.Binary);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(community.People, roundTripped.People);

            // Try loading database with size diagnostics
            TreeDiagnostics diagnostics = TreeSerializer.Diagnostics(community.DB, () => new V1.Community().DB, TreeFormat.Binary);

            // Verify table and column names in diagnostics
            string text = diagnostics.ToString();

            Assert.Contains("Person", text);
            Assert.Contains("Age", text);
            Assert.Contains("Name", text);

            // Verify Person has two columns, Write doesn't throw
            Assert.Equal("Person", diagnostics.Children[0].Name);
            Assert.Equal(Names.Columns, diagnostics.Children[0].Children[0].Name);
            Assert.Equal(2, diagnostics.Children[0].Children[0].Children.Count);
            diagnostics.Write(Console.Out, 3);

            // Verify Trim doesn't throw (results not visible)
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(community.People, roundTripped.People);

            // Verify Copy constructor recursively copies (List.SetTo -> LocalIndex -> CopyFrom construction)
            V1.Community copy = new V1.Community(community);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(community.People, copy.People);
            community.People[0].Age += 10;
            Assert.NotEqual(community.People[0].Age, copy.People[0].Age);

            // Verify Database.Clear works
            var people = community.People;

            Assert.True(people == null || people.Count == 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void IndirectCollection_Basics()
            // Note: ColumnDictionary now sorts keys internally, so collections will come in sorted order, not insertion order
            IDictionary <string, string> row = DictionaryColumnTests.SampleRow();

            row["City"] = "Redmond";
            row["Name"] = "Scott";

            List <string> keys = new List <string>()
                "City", "Name"
            List <string> values = new List <string>()
                "Redmond", "Scott"

            IndirectCollection <string> collection = (IndirectCollection <string>)row.Keys;

            // Count
            Assert.Equal(2, collection.Count);

            // Enumeration
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(keys, (IndirectCollection <string>)row.Keys);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(values, (IndirectCollection <string>)row.Values);

            // Read-Only-ness
            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => collection.Add("New"));
            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => collection.Remove("Name"));
            Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => collection.Clear());

            // Contains
            Assert.True(true == collection.Contains("Name"));
            Assert.True(false == collection.Contains("New"));

            // CopyTo
            string[] names = new string[3];
            collection.CopyTo(names, 1);
            Assert.Equal("City", names[1]);
            Assert.Equal("Name", names[2]);
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>(() => collection.CopyTo(null, 0));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => collection.CopyTo(names, -1));
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => collection.CopyTo(names, 2));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void ColumnDictionary_Basics()
            string sampleName     = "Name";
            string sampleValue    = "Scott";
            string retrievedValue = null;

            string secondName  = "City";
            string secondValue = "Redmond";

            string unusedName = "Unused";

            Dictionary <string, string> expected = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            ColumnDictionary <string, string> row = DictionaryColumnTests.SampleRow();

            Assert.True(0 == ColumnDictionary <string, string> .Empty.Count);

            // Test Empty Dictionary
            Assert.False(row.TryGetValue(sampleName, out retrievedValue));
            Assert.True(0 == row.Count);

            // Add a single value and test results
            expected[sampleName] = sampleValue;
            row[sampleName]      = sampleValue;
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected, row);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Keys, row.Keys);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Values, row.Values);

            // Add a second value and verify
            expected.Add(secondName, secondValue);
            row.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(secondName, secondValue));
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected, row);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Keys, row.Keys);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Values, row.Values);

            // Negative (missing item / already added item) cases
            Assert.True(false == row.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(sampleName, secondValue)));
            Assert.True(false == row.Contains(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(unusedName, sampleValue)));
            Assert.True(false == row.ContainsKey(unusedName));
            Assert.Throws <KeyNotFoundException>(() => row[unusedName]);
            Assert.Throws <ArgumentException>(() => row.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(sampleName, secondValue)));

            // Change value and verify, then change back
            Assert.Equal(expected[sampleName], row[sampleName]);
            expected[sampleName] = secondValue;
            row[sampleName]      = secondValue;
            Assert.Equal(expected[sampleName], row[sampleName]);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected, row);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Keys, row.Keys);
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(expected.Values, row.Values);

            expected[sampleName] = sampleValue;
            row[sampleName]      = sampleValue;
            Assert.Equal(expected[sampleName], row[sampleName]);

            // Remove
            Assert.False(row.Remove(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(unusedName, sampleValue)));
            Assert.False(row.Remove(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(sampleName, secondValue)));
            Assert.True(row.Remove(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(sampleName, sampleValue)));

            // SetTo
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame <KeyValuePair <string, string> >(expected, row);

            // Create another Dictionary with the same values inserted in a different order
            ColumnDictionary <string, string> row2 = DictionaryColumnTests.SampleRow();

            row2[secondName] = secondValue;
            row2[sampleName] = sampleValue;

            // Test Equals and GetHashCode
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifyEqualityMembers <ColumnDictionary <string, string> >(row, row2);

            // Test equality operators
            Assert.True(row == row2);
            Assert.False(row != row2);

            Assert.False(row == null);
            Assert.True(row != null);

            Assert.False(null == row);
            Assert.True(null != row);

            // GetHashCode handles null key/values safely
            row[null] = null;
            Assert.Equal(row.GetHashCode(), row2.GetHashCode());

            // Verify other collection manipulation
            // NOTE: Must use unique keys, because Add(KeyValuePair) will throw for a duplicate key
            CollectionChangeVerifier.VerifyCollection(row, (i) => new KeyValuePair <string, string>(i.ToString(), i.ToString()));

            if (!Debugger.IsAttached)
                Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() => ColumnDictionary <string, string> .Get(null, -1));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void TypedList_Basics()
            Community c = new Community();

            List <Person> people = new List <Person>
                new Person(c)
                    Name = "One"
                new Person(c)
                    Name = "Two"
                new Person(c)
                    Name = "Three"

            // Null by default

            // Settable to Empty
            c.People = Array.Empty <Person>();

            TypedList <Person> list = (TypedList <Person>)c.People;



            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(people, list);

            // SetTo self works properly
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(people, list);

            // SetTo null works

            // SetTo other works
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifySame(people, list);

            // Test Equality members
            CollectionReadVerifier.VerifyEqualityMembers(list, list);

            // Test equality operators
#pragma warning disable CS1718 // Comparison made to same variable
            Assert.True(list == list);
            Assert.False(list != list);
#pragma warning restore CS1718 // Comparison made to same variable

            Assert.False(list == null);
            Assert.True(list != null);

            Assert.False(null == list);
            Assert.True(null != list);

            // SetTo empty works
            list.SetTo(new List <Person>());

            CollectionChangeVerifier.VerifyList(c.People, (i) => new Person(c)
                Age = (byte)i

            // Set null
            IList <Person> cachedPeople = c.People;
            c.People = null;
            Assert.Equal(0, cachedPeople.Count);

            // SetTo TypedList from another DB/Table
            Community c2 = new Community();
            c2.People = new List <Person>();
            c2.People.Add(new Person(c2)
                Name = "Other"

            Assert.Equal("Other", list[0].Name);