Exemplo n.º 1
 public override double? getActualWidth(CogoStation aStation, out tupleNullableDoubles result)
     double? ret = null;
      result.ahead = null;
      result.back = null;
      result.isSingleValue = true;
      return ret;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public RaySheet(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation, Slope initialSlope)
     interpretWidths = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, (double) enmWidthInterpret.HorizontalOnly);
      Widths = null;
      interpretCrossSlopes = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, (double)enmCrossSlopeInterpret.xPercentage);
      CrossSlopes = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, initialSlope);
      LiederLineHeight = 5.0;
        public void arithmaticAdd_computesCorrectElevation_whenBothProfilesAreOnVerticalCurves_subtract()
            CogoStation sta = new CogoStation(1950.0);
             double el1 = (double)profile1.getElevation(sta);
             double el2 = (double)profile2.getElevation(sta);
             double expectedValue = el1 - el2;

             resultingProfile = Profile.arithmaticAddProfile(profile1, profile2, -1.0);
             double computedElevation = (double)resultingProfile.getElevation(sta);

             Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, computedElevation, doubleDelta);
        public void arithmaticAdd_computesCorrectElevation_whenOnTangentAndDifferentTangent()
            CogoStation sta = new CogoStation(1130.0);
             double el1 = (double)profile1.getElevation(sta);
             double el2 = (double)profile2.getElevation(sta);
             double expectedValue = el1 + el2;

             resultingProfile = Profile.arithmaticAddProfile(profile1, profile2, 1.0);
             double computedElevation = (double)resultingProfile.getElevation(sta);

             Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, computedElevation, doubleDelta);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ribbonBase(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation, double initialWidth, Slope initialSlope)
            if (null == beginStation) throw new ArgumentNullException("beginStation");
             if (null == endStation) throw new ArgumentNullException("endStation");

             interpretWidths = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, (double) enmWidthInterpret.HorizontalOnly);
             NominalWidth = initialWidth;
             Widths = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, initialWidth);
             interpretCrossSlopes = new Profile(beginStation, endStation, (double)enmCrossSlopeInterpret.xPercentage);
             NominalCrossSlope = initialSlope;
             LiederLineHeight = 5.0;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public virtual double? getCrossSlope(CogoStation aStation, out tupleNullableDoubles result)
     CrossSlopes.getElevation(aStation, out result);
      if (result.back != null && result.isSingleValue == false)
     return result.ahead;
      return result.back;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public virtual double? getActualWidth(CogoStation aStation)
     tupleNullableDoubles rslt = new tupleNullableDoubles();
      return getActualWidth(aStation, out rslt);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public RoadwayLane(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation, double initialWidth, Slope initialSlope)
     : base(beginStation, endStation, initialWidth, initialSlope)
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void DrawPlanViewSchematic(IRM21cad2dDrawingContext cadContext, CogoStation station)
            cadContext.setElementColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 0));  // yellow

             double begSta = Alignment.BeginStation;
             double endSta = Alignment.EndStation;

             cadContext.Draw(0.0, begSta, 0.0, endSta);

             foreach (var pglGrouping in allPGLgroupings)
            pglGrouping.DrawPlanViewSchematic(cadContext, pglGrouping.myIndex);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void appendStationAndElevation(CogoStation newStation, double newElevation)
            verticalCurve newVC, otherVC;
             if (iHaveOneOrMoreVerticalCurves == true)
            throw new NotImplementedException("Currently unable to add VPI to a profile with a vertical curve.");
             newVC = new verticalCurve();
             // To Do's
             //Insert new pi after last station
             if (newStation > EndProfTrueStation)
            vcIndex = allVCs.Count - 1;
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];
            newVC.BeginStation = otherVC.EndStation;
            EndProfTrueStation = newStation.trueStation;
            otherVC.IsEndPINC = true;
            newVC.BeginElevation = verticalCurve.getElevation(otherVC, (CogoStation)otherVC.EndStation);
            newVC.IsBeginPINC = true;
            newVC.IsEndPINC = false;
            newVC.IsTangent = true;
            newVC.BeginSlope = (newElevation - newVC.BeginElevation) /
                  (newStation - newVC.BeginStation);
            newVC.EndSlope = newVC.BeginSlope;
            newVC.Length = newStation - newVC.BeginStation;
             else if (newStation < BeginProfTrueStation)  //Insert new pi before first station
            vcIndex = 0;
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];
            newVC.BeginStation = newStation;
            BeginProfTrueStation = newStation.trueStation;
            otherVC.IsBeginPINC = true;
            newVC.BeginElevation = newElevation;
            newVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
            newVC.IsEndPINC = true;
            newVC.IsTangent = true;
            newVC.BeginSlope = (otherVC.BeginElevation - newElevation) /
                  (otherVC.BeginStation - newStation);
            newVC.EndSlope = newVC.BeginSlope;
            newVC.Length = otherVC.BeginStation - newStation;
            allVCs.Insert(0, newVC);
             //insert new pi interior to the profile, but one that has no vertical curves
             {  //(CogoStation newStation, double newElevation)
            otherVC = allVCs[vcIndex];

            // see if new station is already in the profile as a vpi
            if(newStation == otherVC.BeginStation)
               if (vcIndex == 0)  // currently at the first vc
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
            else if(newStation == otherVC.EndStation)
               if (vcIndex == allVCs.Count - 1)  // currently at the last vc
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
                  throw new NotImplementedException();
            }  // End: see if new station is already in the profile as a vpi
            else // new station is interior to an existing VC
               CogoStation station1, station2, station3;
               double elevation1, elevation2, elevation3;
               station1 = otherVC.BeginStation; station2 = newStation; station3 = otherVC.EndStation;
               elevation1 = otherVC.BeginElevation; elevation2 = newElevation;
               elevation3 = verticalCurve.getElevation(otherVC, station3);

               otherVC.setVerticalTangent(station1, elevation1, station2, elevation2);
               newVC = new verticalCurve();
               newVC.setVerticalTangent(station2, elevation2, station3, elevation3);

               verticalCurve otherOtherVC;
               if (vcIndex > 0)
                  int VCindex0 = vcIndex - 1;
                  otherOtherVC = allVCs[VCindex0];
                  if (otherOtherVC.EndSlope == otherVC.BeginSlope)
                     otherOtherVC.IsEndPINC = otherVC.IsBeginPINC = false;
                     otherOtherVC.IsEndPINC = otherVC.IsBeginPINC = true;

               if (vcIndex < allVCs.Count-1)
                  int VCindex3 = vcIndex + 1;
                  otherOtherVC = allVCs[VCindex3];
                  if (otherOtherVC.BeginSlope == otherVC.EndSlope)
                     otherOtherVC.IsBeginPINC = otherVC.IsEndPINC = false;
                     otherOtherVC.IsBeginPINC = otherVC.IsEndPINC = true;

               allVCs.Insert(vcIndex+1, newVC);
            } // End: new station is interior to an existing VC
             // To Do: dissolve two vc's into one when they are really the same slope/elevation
Exemplo n.º 11
 public bool isOnPINC(CogoStation aStation)
     var aVC = allVCs.FirstOrDefault(vc => utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(vc.BeginStation.trueStation, aStation.trueStation, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0);
      if (aVC == null)
     return false;
     return aVC.IsBeginPINC;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public void getSlope(CogoStation station, out tupleNullableDoubles theSlope)
     verticalCurve.getSwitchForProfiles callFunction = new verticalCurve.getSwitchForProfiles(verticalCurve.getSlope);
      getValueByDelegate(station, out theSlope, callFunction);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public double? getSlopeFromTheRight(CogoStation station)
     var resultTND = new tupleNullableDoubles();
      getSlope(station, out resultTND);
      return resultTND.ahead;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public double? getKValueFromTheRight(CogoStation station)
     try { setIndexToTheCorrectVC(station); }
      catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
      return allVCs[vcIndex].Kvalue;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public double? getElevationFromTheLeft(CogoStation station)
     return getElevation(station);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public double? getElevation(CogoStation station)
            double? retVal;
             var resultTND = new tupleNullableDoubles();
             getElevation(station, out resultTND);
             if(resultTND.back != null)
            retVal = resultTND.back;
             retVal = resultTND.ahead;

             if (null == retVal)
            if (station > EndProfTrueStation)
               if (this.EndIsUnconstrained == true)
                  this.getElevation((CogoStation)EndProfTrueStation, out resultTND);
                  retVal = resultTND.back;
            if (station < this.BeginProfTrueStation)
               if (this.BeginIsUnconstrained == true)
                  this.getElevation((CogoStation)BeginProfTrueStation, out resultTND);
                  retVal = resultTND.ahead;

             return retVal;
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual Slope getCrossSlope(CogoStation aStation)
     tupleNullableDoubles rslt = new tupleNullableDoubles();
      Double? xSlope = getCrossSlope(aStation, out rslt);
      if (xSlope == null) return null;
      else return new Slope((Double)xSlope);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private new void appendStationAndElevation(CogoStation newStation, double newElevation)
Exemplo n.º 19
        public StationOffsetElevation getOutsideEdgeStationOffsetElevation(CogoStation sta)
            StationOffsetElevation returnItem = new StationOffsetElevation();
             returnItem.station = sta.trueStation;
             returnItem.offset = this.myOffsets.getElevation(sta);
             returnItem.elevation = 0.0;

             return returnItem;
 public void getCrossSectionEndPoints(
  CogoStation station, 
  out ptsPoint leftPt, 
  double leftOffset, 
  out ptsPoint rightPt, 
  double rightOffset)
     leftPt = null;
      rightPt = null;
Exemplo n.º 21
        public Profile(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation, double singleElevation)
            vpiList aVpiList = new vpiList();
             aVpiList.add(beginStation, singleElevation);
             aVpiList.add(endStation, singleElevation);

Exemplo n.º 22
        public void addSegment(CogoStation beginStation, double beginElevation,
            double beginSlope, double endSlope, double length, bool isBeginPINC,
            bool isEndPINC, bool isAProfileGap)
            this.BeginProfTrueStation = Math.Min(this.BeginProfTrueStation, beginStation.trueStation);
             this.EndProfTrueStation = Math.Max(this.EndProfTrueStation, beginStation.trueStation + length);

             verticalCurve aVC = new verticalCurve();
             aVC.IsaProfileGap = isAProfileGap;
             if (false == isAProfileGap)
            aVC.BeginStation = beginStation;
            aVC.BeginElevation = beginElevation;
            aVC.BeginSlope = beginSlope;
            aVC.EndSlope = endSlope;
            aVC.Length = length;
            aVC.IsBeginPINC = isBeginPINC;
            aVC.IsEndPINC = isEndPINC;

             if (null == this.allVCs)
            this.allVCs = new List<verticalCurve>();

        private void updateTransformedCanvas()
            if (parentVM_ == null) return;
             if (parentVM_.parentVM_ == null) return;
             if (parentVM_.parentVM_.myViewReference == null) return;
             if (parentVM_.parentVM_.myViewReference.xsCanvas == null) return;
             currentCorridor_ = parentVM_.CurrentCorridor;

             if (CanvasXfrmd == null)
            CanvasXfrmd =
               new TransformedCanvas(parentVM_.parentVM_.myViewReference.psCanvas);

             CanvasXfrmd.Scale = ViewScaleFeetPerInch;
             CanvasXfrmd.verticalExagg = 1.0;
             CanvasXfrmd.WindowCenterX = WindowCenterX;
             CanvasXfrmd.WindowCenterY = WindowCenterY;
             CanvasXfrmd.aheadOrientation = 90.0;


             CogoStation passStation;
             if (null == currentStation_)
            passStation = null;
            passStation = new CogoStation(currentStation_);

             currentCorridor_.DrawPlanViewSchematic(CanvasXfrmd, passStation);
Exemplo n.º 24
        private void getValueByDelegate(CogoStation station, out tupleNullableDoubles theOutValue, verticalCurve.getSwitchForProfiles getFunction)
            if (null == allVCs)
            theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
            theOutValue.back = 0.0;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;

             if ((station.trueStation < BeginProfTrueStation - stationEqualityTolerance) ||
             (station.trueStation > EndProfTrueStation + stationEqualityTolerance))
             {  // it means we are off the profile
            theOutValue.back = null;
            theOutValue.ahead = null;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;

             try { setIndexToTheCorrectVC(station); }
             catch (IndexOutOfRangeException) { }
             verticalCurve aVC = allVCs[vcIndex];

             // if there are effectively no VCs, treat it as singleElevation
             if (allVCs.Count == 1 && aVC.Length < 0.00000001)
            theOutValue.back = aVC.BeginElevation;
            theOutValue.ahead = aVC.BeginElevation;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
             // if we are at the begin station, check to see how we relate to the previous vc
             else if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(station.trueStation, aVC.BeginStation.trueStation, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0)
            // if we are at the beginning of the profile, split theOutValue
            if (vcIndex == 0)
               theOutValue.back = null;
               theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(aVC, station);
               theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
            else  // if station is on the boundary between two verticalCurves,
            {     // then see if we need to split theOutValue
               if (getFunction == verticalCurve.getKvalue &&
                  theOutValue.back = theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
                  theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(aVC, station);
                  theOutValue.back = getFunction(allVCs[vcIndex - 1], station);
                  if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(theOutValue.back, theOutValue.ahead, 0.00005) == 0)
                     theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  else theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
             // End: if we are at the begin station, check to see how we relate to the previous vc
             // if we are at the end station, check to see how we relate to the next vc
             else if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(station.trueStation, aVC.EndStation.trueStation, stationEqualityTolerance) == 0)
            // if we are at the end of the profile, split theOutValue
            if (vcIndex == allVCs.Count - 1)
               theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
               theOutValue.ahead = null;
               theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
            else  // if station is on the boundary between two verticalCurves,
            {     // then see if we need to split theOutValue
               if (getFunction == verticalCurve.getKvalue &&
                  theOutValue.back = theOutValue.ahead = 0.0;
                  theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
                  theOutValue.ahead = getFunction(allVCs[vcIndex + 1], station);
                  if (utilFunctions.tolerantCompare(theOutValue.back, theOutValue.ahead, 0.00005) == 0)
                     theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
                  else theOutValue.isSingleValue = false;
             // End: if we are at the end station, check to see how we relate to the next vc
            theOutValue.back = getFunction(aVC, station);
            theOutValue.ahead = theOutValue.back;
            theOutValue.isSingleValue = true;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void DrawCrossSection(IRM21cad2dDrawingContext cadContext, CogoStation station)
            if (allPGLgroupings != null)
            if (null != existingGroundSurface)
               ptsPoint leftEndPt = null;
               ptsPoint rightEndPt = null;
               double distancetoLeftPoint = -200.0;
               if (Alignment.GetType is ptsCogo.Horizontal.rm21HorizontalAlignment)
                     out leftEndPt, distancetoLeftPoint, out rightEndPt, Math.Abs(distancetoLeftPoint));
               existingGroundProfile = existingGroundSurface.getSectionProfile(leftEndPt, distancetoLeftPoint, rightEndPt);

            DrawExistingGroundLine(cadContext, existingGroundProfile);
            DrawCenterLineAnnotationelementsForXS(cadContext, station);
            foreach (var pglGrouping in allPGLgroupings)
               pglGrouping.DrawCrossSection(cadContext, existingGroundProfile, station, pglGrouping.myIndex);
Exemplo n.º 26
        internal void DrawCrossSection(IRM21cad2dDrawingContext cadContext, Profile existingGroundProfile,
         CogoStation station, int whichSide_)
            int whichSide = Math.Sign(whichSide_);
             StationOffsetElevation StaOffEL =
            new StationOffsetElevation(station.trueStation, 0.0, 0.0);

             if (pglProfile != null)
               StaOffEL.elevation = pglProfile.getElevation(station);

             if (thePGLoffsetRibbon != null)
            thePGLoffsetRibbon.DrawCrossSection(cadContext, ref StaOffEL, whichSide);

             if (insideRibbons != null)
            double pglOffset = StaOffEL.offset;
            double pglElevation = StaOffEL.elevation;

            foreach (var aRibbon in insideRibbons)
               aRibbon.DrawCrossSection(cadContext, ref StaOffEL, -1 * whichSide);

            StaOffEL.offset = pglOffset;
            StaOffEL.elevation = pglElevation;

             if (outsideRibbons != null)
            foreach (var aRibbon in outsideRibbons)
               aRibbon.DrawCrossSection(cadContext, ref StaOffEL, whichSide);
Exemplo n.º 27
 private void DrawCenterLineAnnotationelementsForXS(IRM21cad2dDrawingContext cadContext, CogoStation station)
     cadContext.setElementColor(Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255, 255));
      cadContext.Draw(0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 8.0);
      cadContext.Draw("C", -0.45, 8.6, 0.0);
      cadContext.Draw("L", -0.2, 8.3, 0.0);
Exemplo n.º 28
        public virtual void addCrossSlopeChangedSegment(CogoStation beginOpenTaperStation, CogoStation endOpenTaperStation, double crossSlope,
                                    CogoStation beginCloseTaperStation, CogoStation endCloseTaperStation)
            double startCrossSlope, endCrossSlope;
             CrossSlopes.getElevation(beginOpenTaperStation, out resultScratchpad);
             startCrossSlope = (double)resultScratchpad.back;
             CrossSlopes.getElevation(endCloseTaperStation, out resultScratchpad);
             endCrossSlope = (double)resultScratchpad.back;

             CrossSlopes.appendStationAndElevation(beginOpenTaperStation, startCrossSlope);
             CrossSlopes.appendStationAndElevation(endOpenTaperStation, crossSlope);
             CrossSlopes.appendStationAndElevation(beginCloseTaperStation, crossSlope);
             CrossSlopes.appendStationAndElevation(endCloseTaperStation, endCrossSlope);
Exemplo n.º 29
 public BackSlopeCutDitch(CogoStation beginStation, CogoStation endStation, Slope initialSlope)
     : base(beginStation, endStation, initialSlope)
Exemplo n.º 30
        public virtual void addWidenedSegment(CogoStation beginOpenTaperStation, CogoStation endOpenTaperStation, double newTotalWidth,
                                    CogoStation beginCloseTaperStation, CogoStation endCloseTaperStation)
            double startWidth, endWidth;
             Widths.getElevation(beginOpenTaperStation, out resultScratchpad);
             startWidth = (double)resultScratchpad.back;
             Widths.getElevation(endCloseTaperStation, out resultScratchpad);
             endWidth = (double)resultScratchpad.back;

             Widths.appendStationAndElevation(beginOpenTaperStation, startWidth);
             Widths.appendStationAndElevation(endOpenTaperStation, newTotalWidth);
             Widths.appendStationAndElevation(beginCloseTaperStation, newTotalWidth);
             Widths.appendStationAndElevation(endCloseTaperStation, endWidth);
