private CodeTile CodeTileInitPos(int xPos, int yPos) { CodeTile curTile = new CodeTile(); curTile.posX = xPos; curTile.posY = yPos; return(curTile); }
public Peep GeneratePeep() { if (SpawnRoadTiles.Count > 0) { Peep peep = Object.Instantiate(peepPrefab); = $"{peep.Type.ToString()} - {peep.FirstName} {peep.SirName}"; peep.transform.SetParent(this.MyWorld.peepList.transform); peep.MyPeepGenerator = this; peep.notificationCanvas = notificationCanvas; UpdatePeepCloths(peep); int randomStartIndex = Random.Range(0, SpawnRoadTiles.Count - 1); CodeTile startTile = SpawnRoadTiles[randomStartIndex]; peep.OnTopOfTile = startTile; peep.pos = new Vector3(startTile.posX + 0.5f, startTile.posY + 0.5f, 1); CodeTile ranRoad = GetRandomRoadTile(startTile); // Put this into the level config later: // Also make this a variable in the world that can change: int passingByChance = 40; // out of 100 if (IsPassingBy(passingByChance)) { CodeTile ranExitTile = GetRandomExitTile(); int tries = 10; while (ranExitTile.posX == startTile.posX && ranExitTile.posY == startTile.posY && tries > 0) { ranExitTile = GetRandomExitTile(); tries--; } if (AllRoadTiles.Contains(ranExitTile)) { peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskLeave(peep)); peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskWalk(peep, ranExitTile, AllRoadTiles, true)); } string arrivalMessage = $"{peep.FirstName} {peep.SirName} arrived and is just passing by."; notificationCanvas.AddNotification(Notification.Type.peepArrival, arrivalMessage); } else { peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskWalk(peep, ranRoad, AllRoadTiles, false)); string arrivalMessage = $"{peep.FirstName} {peep.SirName} has arrived!"; notificationCanvas.AddNotification(Notification.Type.peepArrival, arrivalMessage); } return(peep); } else { return(null); } }
public void Build() { Debug.Log($"Let's build the building: {buildingType}!"); // Construct prefab Building createdBuilding = Instantiate(myBuildingPrefab); createdBuilding.Rotation = myRotation; createdBuilding.UpdateRotationSprite();; foreach (BuildingSelectionSquare square in mySquares) { CodeTile curTile = square.TileUnderneath; // Both: curTile.ParentBuilding = createdBuilding; // Buildings: if (square.myType == BuildingSelectionSquare.Type.building) { curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.building); createdBuilding.TilesUnderneath.Add(curTile); } // Entrances: else { createdBuilding.Entrances.Add(curTile); if (createdBuilding.sign == null) { SignPost sign = CreateSignPost(square.TileUnderneath.posX, square.TileUnderneath.posY, myRotation); createdBuilding.sign = sign; //sign.transform.SetParent(createdBuilding.transform); } } }; // Modify prefab: BuildingSelectionSquare bottomLeft = GetBottomLeftSquare(); createdBuilding.originX = this.originX + bottomLeft.relativeX; createdBuilding.originY = this.originY + bottomLeft.relativeY; // Play sound effect // Notification: world.notificationCanvas.AddNotification(Notification.Type.userAction, $"Successfully constructed {createdBuilding.Name}."); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { if (text != null) { Vector2 point = world.cameraPrefab.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); int worldX = (int)point.x; int worldY = (int)point.y; currentTile = world.TileAt(worldX, worldY); CodeTile above = null; CodeTile right = null; CodeTile below = null; CodeTile left = null; if (currentTile != null) { above = currentTile.TileAbove; right = currentTile.TileRight; below = currentTile.TileBelow; left = currentTile.TileLeft; } text.text = $"{worldX},{worldY}"; if (currentTile != null) { text.text += $"\t{currentTile.posX},{currentTile.posY}\n"; if (above != null) { text.text += $"\t↑({above.posX},{above.posY})"; } if (right != null) { text.text += $"\t➝({right.posX},{right.posY})"; } if (below != null) { text.text += $"\t↓({below.posX},{below.posY})"; } if (left != null) { text.text += $"\t←({left.posX},{left.posY})"; } text.text += $"\nType: {currentTile.TileType}"; string isEdge = currentTile.isMapEdge ? "yes" : "no"; text.text += $"\nExit?: {isEdge}"; } this.transform.position = new Vector2(Input.mousePosition.x, Input.mousePosition.y + 60); } }
public TaskWalk(Peep peep, CodeTile targetTile, List <CodeTile> allRoads, bool ignoresFatigue) { this.MyPeep = peep; this.TaskType = TaskInfo.Type.WALK_RANDOM; this.StartTile = peep.OnTopOfTile; this.TargetTile = targetTile; this.AllRoads = allRoads; this.MyPath = TaskInfo.GenerateWalkQueue(this.StartTile, this.TargetTile, this.AllRoads); //Debug.Log($"Generated path with {this.MyPath.Count} steps between tile {StartTile.posX},{StartTile.posY} and target {TargetTile.posX},{TargetTile.posY}"); this.curStep = this.StartTile; this.nextStep = this.GetNextStep(); this.prevFacingPos = this.MyPeep.pos; this.IgnoresFatigue = ignoresFatigue; }
public CodeTile GetRandomRoadTile(CodeTile curTile) { int tries = 30; CodeTile nextTile = MyWorld.GetRandomRoadTile(); while (tries > 0 && nextTile.posX == curTile.posX && nextTile.posY == curTile.posY) { nextTile = MyWorld.GetRandomRoadTile(); tries--; } if (tries <= 0) { Debug.Log("Unable to find other path"); } return(nextTile); }
private void CodeTilesInit() { WorldTiles = new CodeTile[WorldHeight][]; CodeTile curTile; for (int h = 0; h < WorldHeight; h++) { WorldTiles[h] = new CodeTile[WorldWidth]; for (int w = 0; w < WorldWidth; w++) { curTile = CodeTileInitPos(w, h); curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.grass); = this; WorldTiles[h][w] = curTile; } } SetTileNeighbors(); codeTilesReady = true; }
public bool CheckNecessaryTasks(Peep peep) { if (peep.Stamina <= 0) { notificationCanvas.AddNotification(Notification.Type.peepDeparture, $"{peep.FirstName} {peep.SirName} is tired, going home."); CodeTile ranExitTile = GetRandomExitTile(); if (AllRoadTiles.Contains(ranExitTile)) { peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskLeave(peep)); peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskWalk(peep, ranExitTile, AllRoadTiles, true)); return(true); } } // No necessary tasks return(false); }
public void FollowMouse() { Vector2 point = world.cameraPrefab.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition); int worldX = (int)point.x; int worldY = (int)point.y; if (worldX >= 0 && worldX <= world.WorldWidth) { lastValidMouseX = worldX; } if (worldY >= 0 && worldY <= world.WorldHeight) { lastValidMouseY = worldY; } TileUnderMouse = world.TileAt(lastValidMouseX, lastValidMouseY); this.originX = lastValidMouseX; this.originY = lastValidMouseY; }
public void SetPeepDirection() { CodeTile cur = this.curStep; CodeTile next = this.nextStep; if (next == cur.TileAbove) { this.MyPeep.SetDirection(Peep.Direction.Up); } else if (next == cur.TileRight) { this.MyPeep.SetDirection(Peep.Direction.Right); } else if (next == cur.TileBelow) { this.MyPeep.SetDirection(Peep.Direction.Down); } else if (next == cur.TileLeft) { this.MyPeep.SetDirection(Peep.Direction.Left); } }
public Vector2 RetrieveFacingPositionOnRoad(Vector2 target, float amount) { Vector2 newTarget = target; CodeTile cur = this.curStep; CodeTile next = this.nextStep; if (next == cur.TileAbove) { newTarget.x += amount; } else if (next == cur.TileRight) { newTarget.y -= amount; } else if (next == cur.TileBelow) { newTarget.x -= amount; } else if (next == cur.TileLeft) { newTarget.y += amount; } return(newTarget); }
// Revisit this after implementing the tile.Above, tile.Left, etc... public static Stack <CodeTile> GenerateWalkQueue(CodeTile startTile, CodeTile targetTile, List <CodeTile> allRoadTiles) { Assert.IsTrue(allRoadTiles.Contains(startTile)); Assert.IsTrue(allRoadTiles.Contains(targetTile)); Queue <CodeTile> tileQueue = new Queue <CodeTile>(); // paths to test Stack <CodeTile> returnQueue = new Stack <CodeTile>(); // our final path Dictionary <CodeTile, CodeTile> visitedTiles = new Dictionary <CodeTile, CodeTile>(); // tells us 1. where we visited, and 2. where from visitedTiles[startTile] = null; // our starting tile has no "from" tileQueue.Enqueue(startTile); CodeTile cur; while (tileQueue.Count > 0) { cur = tileQueue.Dequeue(); // Target has been found: if (cur == targetTile) { returnQueue.Push(cur); CodeTile to = cur; CodeTile from = visitedTiles[to]; while (from != startTile && from != null) { returnQueue.Push(from); to = from; if (visitedTiles.ContainsKey(to)) { from = visitedTiles[to]; } else { } } return(returnQueue); } // Target has not been found, push all neighbors not yet visited: else { CodeTile t = cur.TileAbove; if (t != null && t.isPath && !visitedTiles.ContainsKey(t)) { tileQueue.Enqueue(t); visitedTiles[t] = cur; } t = cur.TileRight; if (t != null && t.isPath && !visitedTiles.ContainsKey(t)) { tileQueue.Enqueue(t); visitedTiles[t] = cur; } t = cur.TileBelow; if (t != null && t.isPath && !visitedTiles.ContainsKey(t)) { tileQueue.Enqueue(t); visitedTiles[t] = cur; } t = cur.TileLeft; if (t != null && t.isPath && !visitedTiles.ContainsKey(t)) { tileQueue.Enqueue(t); visitedTiles[t] = cur; } } // end else (not found) } // end while-queue size > 0 return(returnQueue); }
private void SetTileTypeFromChar(int row, int col, char c) { CodeTile curTile = WorldTiles[row][col]; switch (c) { case 'T': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.tree); TreeTiles.Add(curTile); break; case 'S': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.stone); StoneTiles.Add(curTile); break; case 'W': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.water); break; case 'D': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; case '1': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; curTile.isMapEdge = true; curTile.mapEdgeId = 1; SpawnTiles.Add(curTile); RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; case '2': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; curTile.isMapEdge = true; curTile.mapEdgeId = 2; SpawnTiles.Add(curTile); RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; case '3': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; curTile.isMapEdge = true; curTile.mapEdgeId = 3; SpawnTiles.Add(curTile); RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; case '4': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; curTile.isMapEdge = true; curTile.mapEdgeId = 4; SpawnTiles.Add(curTile); RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; case '5': curTile.UpdateTileType(CodeTile.Type.road); curTile.isPath = true; curTile.isMapEdge = true; curTile.mapEdgeId = 5; SpawnTiles.Add(curTile); RoadTiles.Add(curTile); break; default: break; } }
public void GenerateTaskKing(Peep peep) { CodeTile ranRoad = GetRandomRoadTile(peep.OnTopOfTile); peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskWalk(peep, ranRoad, AllRoadTiles, false)); }
public void GenerateNextTask(Peep peep) { bool hasTask = CheckNecessaryTasks(peep); // Building occupy test: if (!hasTask) { List <CodeTile> entrances = this.MyWorld.RetrieveBuildingEntranceTiles(); // later use the specific entrance search if (entrances.Count > 0) { int index = Random.Range(0, entrances.Count); CodeTile entrance = entrances[index]; Building targetBuilding = entrance.ParentBuilding; string message = $"{peep.FirstName} is heading to the {targetBuilding.Name}"; peep.notificationCanvas.AddNotification(Notification.Type.peepArrival, message); peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskOccupyBuilding(peep, targetBuilding)); peep.MyTasks.Push(new TaskWalk(peep, entrance, this.MyWorld.RetrieveAllRoadTiles(), false)); hasTask = true; } } if (!hasTask) { switch (peep.Type) { case PeepInfo.Type.child: this.GenerateTaskChild(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.homeless: this.GenerateTaskHomeless(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.thief: this.GenerateTaskThief(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.farmer: this.GenerateTaskFarmer(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.trader: this.GenerateTaskTrader(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.bard: this.GenerateTaskBard(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.monk: this.GenerateTaskMonk(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.nun: this.GenerateTaskNun(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.priest: this.GenerateTaskPriest(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.bishop: this.GenerateTaskBishop(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.knight: this.GenerateTaskKnight(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.quester: this.GenerateTaskQuester(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.foreigner: this.GenerateTaskForeigner(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.witch: this.GenerateTaskWitch(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.elder: this.GenerateTaskElder(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.wizard: this.GenerateTaskWizard(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.lady: this.GenerateTaskLady(peep); break; case PeepInfo.Type.king: this.GenerateTaskKing(peep); break; default: break; } } }