Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the PERMISIONS of a user, for all subviews of a view
        /// That method makes two things:
        ///		1. Calls CmpSecurityDB::GetPermissionsByUser to get all registers in USR_PERMISSIONS
        ///		   (for the specified user and view).
        ///		2. Get all subviews of the view, and foreach subview that IS not in the USR_PERMISSIONS
        ///		   table, adds it to the DataTable returned with null value
        ///	The DataTable returned has ALWAYS, ALL the subviews of the specified view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="user">ID of the User (USERS.USR_ID)</param>
        /// <param name="view">ID of the view (VIEWS.VIE_ID)</param>
        /// <returns>DataTable with permisions (exe, del, upd, ins)</returns>
        public static DataTable GetPermissionsByUser(int user, int view)
            CmpSecurityDB      csdb  = new CmpSecurityDB();
            CmpViewsElementsDB cvedb = new CmpViewsElementsDB();
            // Step 1: Get data of USR_PERMISSIONS
            DataTable dtUserPermissions = csdb.GetPermissionsByUser(user, view);
            // Step 2: Get all subviews of a view
            DataTable dtSubViews = cvedb.GetData(new string[] { "VELE_VIE_ID", "VELE_ELEMENTNUMBER, VELE_DESCSHORT" },
                                                 "VELE_VIE_ID = @VIEWS_ELEMENTS.VELE_VIE_ID@", null, new object[] { view });

            // Step 3: Merge the results...
            // Foreach subview search it in the table of permissioins and if does not appear
            // insert a new row with null ('not set' values).
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtSubViews.Rows)
                DataRow[] selectResult = dtUserPermissions.Select("UPER_VELE_ELEMENTNUMBER = " + dr["VELE_ELEMENTNUMBER"]);
                if (selectResult == null || selectResult.Length == 0)
                    DataRow nrow = dtUserPermissions.NewRow();
                    nrow["UPER_USR_ID"]             = user;
                    nrow["VELE_DESCSHORT"]          = dr["VELE_DESCSHORT"];
                    nrow["UPER_VELE_VIE_ID"]        = view;
                    nrow["UPER_VELE_ELEMENTNUMBER"] = dr["VELE_ELEMENTNUMBER"];
                    nrow["UPER_INSALLOWED"]         = DBNull.Value;
                    nrow["UPER_DELALLOWED"]         = DBNull.Value;
                    nrow["UPER_UPDALLOWED"]         = DBNull.Value;
                    nrow["UPER_EXEALLOWED"]         = DBNull.Value;
            // don't accept changes because we want that rows to be with 'added' state
            // so it will be included in the table when user saves
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a DataSet with 2 tables containing
        ///		Table 1: All views and roles associated to them
        ///		Table 2: All roles
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataSet ViewsAssignedToRoles()
            CmpSecurityDB cmpSec = new CmpSecurityDB();
            DataSet       ds     = new DataSet();
            // Adds a table with relations between roles and views
            DataTable dt = cmpSec.GetViewsAssignedToRoles();

            // Adds a table with all roles
            CmpRolesDB cmpRol = new CmpRolesDB();

            dt = cmpRol.GetData();
            ds.Relations.Add("RolViews", ds.Tables["ROLES"].Columns["ROL_ID"], ds.Tables["ViewsAllowed"].Columns["RACC_ROL_ID"]);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets all views allowed by a specified user
        /// Note: A view is allowed to a user if and only if:
        ///		1.  USR_ACCESS.UACC_ALLOWED is 1 for the view and user
        ///						OR
        ///		2a. USR_ACCESS.UACC_ALLOWED is null for the view and user
        ///						AND
        ///		2b. ROL_ACCESS.RACC_ALLOWED is 1 for the view and user's role
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="userid">Id of the user</param>
        /// <returns>DataTable with ONLY one column (VIE_ID) with all views allowed by the user</returns>
        public static DataTable GetViewsAllowedByUser(int userid)
            CmpSecurityDB cdb = new CmpSecurityDB();
            CmpUsuarioDB  udb = new CmpUsuarioDB();
            // STEP 1: Get the role of the user
            int roleid = udb.GetUserRole(userid);
            // STEP 2: Get all the views associated by the role
            DataTable dtViewsByRole = cdb.GetViewsByRole(roleid);
            // STEP 3: Get all views associated by the user
            DataTable dtViewsAllowedByUser = cdb.GetViewsByUser(userid, true);
            // STEP 4: Get all views denied by the user
            DataTable dtViewsDeniedByUser = cdb.GetViewsByUser(userid, false);
            // STEP 5: Join all the current info in a new DataTable and return it...
            DataTable dtRet = new DataTable("ViewsByUser");

            dtRet.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("VIE_ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));
            dtRet.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("VIE_LIT_ID", Type.GetType("System.Int32")));
            // 5.1 All views allowed by user are allowed
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtViewsAllowedByUser.Rows)
                DataRow nrow = dtRet.NewRow();
                nrow["VIE_ID"]     = dr["UACC_VIE_ID"];
                nrow["VIE_LIT_ID"] = dr["VIE_LIT_ID"];
            // 5.2 All views allowed by role AND not denied by user are also added
            foreach (DataRow dr in dtViewsByRole.Rows)
                string    vieid       = dr["RACC_VIE_ID"].ToString();
                DataRow[] draSelected = dtViewsDeniedByUser.Select("UACC_VIE_ID = " + vieid);
                if (draSelected != null && draSelected.Length > 0)
                    // 5.2.1 The view was not denied by the user...
                    DataRow[] draSelected2 = dtRet.Select("VIE_ID = " + vieid);
                    if (draSelected2 != null && draSelected2.Length > 0)
                        // 5.2.2 ... and was not previously added in dtRet, so we can add it
                        DataRow nrow = dtRet.NewRow();
                        nrow["VIE_ID"]     = dr["RACC_VIE_ID"];
                        nrow["VIE_LIT_ID"] = dr["VIE_LIT_ID"];
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void BuildUserMenu()
            _usrMenu = new MenuInfo();
            DataTable t = new CmpSecurityDB().GetMenuByRoleUser(_rolId, _usrId);

            foreach (DataRow dr in t.Rows)
                MenuInfo.ModuleItem item = new MenuInfo.ModuleItem();
                item.ViewLitId   = Convert.ToInt32(dr["VIE_LIT_ID"]);
                item.ViewUrl     = dr["VIE_URL"].ToString();
                item.VieId       = Convert.ToInt32(dr["VIE_ID"]);
                item.ModOrderId  = Convert.ToInt32(dr["MOD_ORDER"]);
                item.ItemOrderId = Convert.ToInt32(dr["VMOD_ORDER"]);
                item.ViewImage   = dr["VIE_IMAGE"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["VIE_IMAGE"].ToString() : null;
                // We don't use mod image to build menu
                //string smodimg = dr["MOD_IMAGE"] != DBNull.Value ? dr["MOD_IMAGE"].ToString() : null;
                // Items don't have icon now.
                //_usrMenu.AddItem (dr["MOD_DESCSHORT"].ToString(), smodimg,Convert.ToInt32(dr["MOD_LIT_ID"]),item);
                _usrMenu.AddItem(dr["MOD_DESCSHORT"].ToString(), "", Convert.ToInt32(dr["MOD_LIT_ID"]), item);