Exemplo n.º 1
    //private void OnRenderImage(RenderTexture source, RenderTexture destination)
    //    Graphics.Blit(source, destination,material);

    private void UpdateCommand()
        var cam = camera;

        if (!cam)
        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            buf.m_AfterScene      = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterScene.name = "DrawOutline";
            m_Cameras[cam]        = buf;
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterForwardOpaque, buf.m_AfterScene);
        //outLineComputeShader.SetTexture(outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), "_OutlineTexture", m_OutlineTexture);
        //    outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"),
        //    Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthTexture"),
        //    Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthTexture"));
        int x = (int)(Screen.width / 10 + 0.5);
        int y = (int)(Screen.height / 10 + 0.5);
        //outLineComputeShader.Dispatch(outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), x, y, 1);

        var cb = buf.m_AfterScene;

        cb.SetGlobalTexture("_OutlineTexture", m_OutlineTexture);
        cb.SetGlobalTexture("_DepthTexture", cameraManager.GetDepthRTID());

        cb.DispatchCompute(outLineComputeShader, outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), x, y, 1);

        cb.SetRenderTarget(cameraManager.GetColorRTID(), cameraManager.GetDepthRTID());
        cb.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, 3);
    public void Update()
        var act = gameObject.activeInHierarchy && enabled;

        if (!act)

        var cam = Camera.current;

        if (!cam)

        // create material used to render lights
        if (!m_LightMaterial)
            m_LightMaterial           = new Material(m_LightShader);
            m_LightMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            // create new command buffers
            buf.m_AfterLighting      = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterLighting.name = "Deferred custom lights";
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha        = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.name   = "Draw light shapes";
            m_Cameras[cam]           = buf;

            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, buf.m_AfterLighting);
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardAlpha, buf.m_BeforeAlpha);

        //@TODO: in a real system should cull lights, and possibly only
        // recreate the command buffer when something has changed.

        var system = CustomLightSystem.instance;

        var       propParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightParams");
        var       propColor  = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightColor");
        Vector4   param      = Vector4.zero;
        Matrix4x4 trs        = Matrix4x4.identity;

        // construct command buffer to draw lights and compute illumination on the scene
        foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
            // light parameters we'll use in the shader
            param.x = o.m_TubeLength;
            param.y = o.m_Size;
            param.z = 1.0f / (o.m_Range * o.m_Range);
            param.w = (float)o.m_Kind;
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propParams, param);
            // light color
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalColor(propColor, o.GetLinearColor());

            // draw sphere that covers light area, with shader
            // pass that computes illumination on the scene
            trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2));
            buf.m_AfterLighting.DrawMesh(m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 0);

        // construct buffer to draw light shapes themselves as simple objects in the scene

        /*foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
         * {
         *      // light color
         *      buf.m_BeforeAlpha.SetGlobalColor (propColor, o.GetLinearColor());
         *      // draw light "shape" itself as a small sphere/tube
         *      if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Sphere)
         *      {
         *              trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
         *              buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
         *      }
         *      else if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Tube)
         *      {
         *              trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_TubeLength*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
         *              buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_CubeMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
         *      }
         * }	*/
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Update()
        var act = gameObject.activeInHierarchy && enabled;

        if (!act)

        var cam = Camera.current;

        if (!cam)

        // create material used to render lights
        if (!m_CubeMaterial)
            m_CubeMaterial           = new Material(m_CubeShader);
            m_CubeMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            // create new command buffers
            buf.m_AfterLighting      = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterLighting.name = "Deferred custom cubemaps";
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha        = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.name   = "Draw cubet shapes";
            m_Cameras[cam]           = buf;

            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, buf.m_AfterLighting);
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardAlpha, buf.m_BeforeAlpha);

        //@TODO: in a real system should cull lights, and possibly only
        // recreate the command buffer when something has changed.

        var system = CustomCubemapEngine.instance;

        //var propParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_cubemapParams");
        var       propColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubeTexture");
        var       propHDR   = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubeHDR");
        var       propPos   = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubePosition");
        var       propMin   = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubeMin");
        var       propMax   = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubeMax");
        var       propRot   = Shader.PropertyToID("_customCubeRotation");
        Vector4   param     = Vector4.zero;
        Vector4   pos       = Vector4.zero;
        Vector4   min       = Vector4.zero;
        Vector4   max       = Vector4.zero;
        Matrix4x4 trs       = Matrix4x4.identity;

        // construct command buffer to draw lights and compute illumination on the scene
        foreach (var o in system.m_Cubes)
            // light parameters we'll use in the shader

            /*param.x = o.m_TubeLength;
             * param.y = o.m_Size;
             * param.z = 1.0f / (o.m_Range * o.m_Range);
             * param.w = (float)o.m_Kind;
             * buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propParams, param);*/
            pos   = o.cube.bounds.center;
            pos.w = o.cube.blendDistance;

            min = o.cube.bounds.min;
            max = o.cube.bounds.max;

            //buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propParams, param);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propPos, pos);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propMin, min);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propMax, max);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propHDR, o.cube.textureHDRDecodeValues);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalTexture(propColor, o.cube.texture);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propRot, o.transform.forward);

            // draw sphere that covers light area, with shader
            // pass that computes illumination on the scene
            //trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2));
            Vector3 bounds = o.cube.bounds.size;
            bounds.x += o.cube.blendDistance * 2;
            bounds.y += o.cube.blendDistance * 2;
            bounds.z += o.cube.blendDistance * 2;
            trs       = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.cube.bounds.center, Quaternion.identity, bounds);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.DrawMesh(m_Mesh, trs, m_CubeMaterial, 0, 0);

        // construct buffer to draw light shapes themselves as simple objects in the scene

        /*foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
         *      {
         *              // light color
         *              buf.m_BeforeAlpha.SetGlobalColor (propColor, o.GetLinearColor());
         *              // draw light "shape" itself as a small sphere/tube
         *              if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Sphere)
         *              {
         *                      trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
         *                      buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
         *              }
         *              else if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Tube)
         *              {
         *                      trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_TubeLength*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
         *                      buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_CubeMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
         *              }
         *      }	*/
Exemplo n.º 4
    /// <summary>
    /// 如果对象可见,则为每个相机调用一次此函数
    /// </summary>
    private void OnWillRenderObject()
        var act = gameObject.activeInHierarchy && enabled;

        if (!act)

        var cam = Camera.current;

        if (!cam)

        if (!lightMaterial)
            lightMaterial = new Material(lightShader)
                hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave

        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
        {//如果存在 清除之前写的命令
            buf = cameras[cam];
            buf.afterLighting = new CommandBuffer {
                name = "Deferred Custom Lights"
            buf.beforeAlpha = new CommandBuffer {
                name = "Draw light Shapes"

            cameras[cam] = buf;

            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, buf.afterLighting);
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardAlpha, buf.beforeAlpha);

        var system = CustomLightSystem.Instance;

        Vector4   param = Vector4.zero;
        Matrix4x4 trs   = Matrix4x4.identity;

        foreach (var item in system.lights)
            param.x = item.tubeLength;
            param.y = item.size;
            param.z = 1.0f / (item.range * item.range);
            param.w = (float)item.type;

            buf.afterLighting.SetGlobalColor(propParams, param);
            buf.afterLighting.SetGlobalColor(propColor, item.GetLinearColor());

            trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(item.transform.position, item.transform.rotation, Vector3.one * item.range * 2);
            buf.afterLighting.DrawMesh(sphereMesh, trs, lightMaterial, 0, 0);

        foreach (var item in system.lights)
            buf.beforeAlpha.SetGlobalColor(propColor, item.GetLinearColor());

            if (item.type == CustomLight.Kind.Sphere)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(item.transform.position, item.transform.rotation, Vector3.one * item.size * 2);
                buf.beforeAlpha.DrawMesh(sphereMesh, trs, lightMaterial, 0, 1);
            else if (item.type == CustomLight.Kind.Tube)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(item.transform.position, item.transform.rotation, new Vector3(item.tubeLength * 2, item.size * 2, item.size * 2));
                buf.beforeAlpha.DrawMesh(cubeMesh, trs, lightMaterial, 0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void OnWillRenderObject()
        var act = gameObject.activeInHierarchy && enabled;

        if (!act)

        var cam = Camera.current;

        if (!cam)

        // 创建光照材质
        if (!m_LightMaterial)
            m_LightMaterial           = new Material(m_LightShader);
            m_LightMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            // 如果已经存在这个命令,清除掉。
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            // create new command buffers
            // 创建新的命令缓冲
            buf.m_AfterLighting      = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterLighting.name = "Deferred custom lights";
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha        = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.name   = "Draw light shapes";
            m_Cameras[cam]           = buf;

            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterLighting, buf.m_AfterLighting);
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.BeforeForwardAlpha, buf.m_BeforeAlpha);

        //@TODO: in a real system should cull lights, and possibly only
        // recreate the command buffer when something has changed.
        // 需要做的:在真实系统中需要剔除灯光,在一些变换出现时,需要重新创建命令缓冲

        var system = CustomLightSystem.instance;

        var       propParams     = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightParams");
        var       propColor      = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightColor");
        var       propShapeAlpha = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomShapeAlpha");
        Vector4   param          = Vector4.zero;
        Matrix4x4 trs            = Matrix4x4.identity;

        // construct command buffer to draw lights and compute illumination on the scene
        // 添加光照参数,绘制轮廓
        foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
            // light parameters we'll use in the shader
            // x:灯光长度,y:光照大小,z:半径二次幂的倒数,w:灯光类型
            param.x = o.m_TubeLength;
            param.y = o.m_Size;
            param.z = 1.0f / (o.m_Range * o.m_Range);
            param.w = (float)o.m_Kind;
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector(propParams, param);
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalColor(propColor, o.GetLinearColor());              // 设置光照颜色

            // 计算场景位置,绘制光照区域球体。
            // draw sphere that covers light area, with shader
            // pass that computes illumination on the scene
            trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2, o.m_Range * 2));
            buf.m_AfterLighting.DrawMesh(m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 0);

        // construct buffer to draw light shapes themselves as simple objects in the scene
        // 绘制光照形状
        foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.SetGlobalColor(propColor, o.GetLinearColor());
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.SetGlobalFloat(propShapeAlpha, o.m_ShapeAlpha);

            if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Sphere)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Size * 2, o.m_Size * 2, o.m_Size * 2));
                buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh(m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
            else if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Tube)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_TubeLength * 2, o.m_Size * 2, o.m_Size * 2));
                buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh(m_CubeMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 6
    public void OnWillRenderObject()
        var act = gameObject.activeInHierarchy && enabled;
        if (!act)

        var cam = Camera.current;
        if (!cam)

        // create material used to render lights
        if (!m_LightMaterial)
            m_LightMaterial = new Material(m_LightShader);
            m_LightMaterial.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();
        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            buf.m_AfterLighting.Clear ();
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.Clear ();
            // create new command buffers
            buf.m_AfterLighting = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterLighting.name = "Deferred custom lights";
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.name = "Draw light shapes";
            m_Cameras[cam] = buf;

            cam.AddCommandBuffer (CameraEvent.AfterLighting, buf.m_AfterLighting);
            cam.AddCommandBuffer (CameraEvent.BeforeForwardAlpha, buf.m_BeforeAlpha);

        //@TODO: in a real system should cull lights, and possibly only
        // recreate the command buffer when something has changed.

        var system = CustomLightSystem.instance;

        var propParams = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightParams");
        var propColor = Shader.PropertyToID("_CustomLightColor");
        Vector4 param = Vector4.zero;
        Matrix4x4 trs = Matrix4x4.identity;

        // construct command buffer to draw lights and compute illumination on the scene
        foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
            // light parameters we'll use in the shader
            param.x = o.m_TubeLength;
            param.y = o.m_Size;
            param.z = 1.0f / (o.m_Range * o.m_Range);
            param.w = (float)o.m_Kind;
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalVector (propParams, param);
            // light color
            buf.m_AfterLighting.SetGlobalColor (propColor, o.GetLinearColor());

            // draw sphere that covers light area, with shader
            // pass that computes illumination on the scene
            trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Range*2,o.m_Range*2,o.m_Range*2));
            buf.m_AfterLighting.DrawMesh (m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 0);

        // construct buffer to draw light shapes themselves as simple objects in the scene
        foreach (var o in system.m_Lights)
            // light color
            buf.m_BeforeAlpha.SetGlobalColor (propColor, o.GetLinearColor());

            // draw light "shape" itself as a small sphere/tube
            if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Sphere)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
                buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_SphereMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
            else if (o.m_Kind == CustomLight.Kind.Tube)
                trs = Matrix4x4.TRS(o.transform.position, o.transform.rotation, new Vector3(o.m_TubeLength*2,o.m_Size*2,o.m_Size*2));
                buf.m_BeforeAlpha.DrawMesh (m_CubeMesh, trs, m_LightMaterial, 0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 7
    private void UpdateCommand()
        var cam = _mainCamera;

        if (!cam)
        CmdBufferEntry buf = new CmdBufferEntry();

        if (m_Cameras.ContainsKey(cam))
            // use existing command buffers: clear them
            buf = m_Cameras[cam];
            buf.m_AfterScene      = new CommandBuffer();
            buf.m_AfterScene.name = "DrawOutline";
            m_Cameras[cam]        = buf;
            cam.AddCommandBuffer(CameraEvent.AfterForwardOpaque, buf.m_AfterScene);
        //outLineComputeShader.SetTexture(outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), "_OutlineTexture", m_OutlineTexture);
        //    outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"),
        //    Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthTexture"),
        //    Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthTexture"));
        int x = (int)(Screen.width / 10 + 0.5);
        int y = (int)(Screen.height / 10 + 0.5);
        //outLineComputeShader.Dispatch(outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain"), x, y, 1);

        var cb = buf.m_AfterScene;

        cb.SetGlobalTexture("_OutlineTexture", m_OutlineTexture);
        cb.SetGlobalTexture("_DepthTexture", GetDepthRTID());

        int computeKenel = outLineComputeShader.FindKernel("CSMain");

        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb1_65"), new Vector4(0, 0, 0.1f, 0));
        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb0_data1"), new Vector4(-1, 1, -1, 1));
        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb0_data2"), new Vector4(0, 0, -2, 2));
        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb0_data3"), new Vector4(1, 1, -1, -1));
        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb0_data4"), new Vector4(2, -2, 0, 0));
        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("cb0_data10"), new Vector4(65000, 0, 2, 1));

        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("unknownParam0"), new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0));
        Vector4 scparam = new Vector4(Screen.width, Screen.height, 1.0f / (float)Screen.width, 1.0f / (float)Screen.height);

        cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("screenSizeParam"), scparam);

        cb.SetComputeTextureParam(outLineComputeShader, computeKenel, Shader.PropertyToID("_DepthTexture"), GetDepthRTID());
        cb.SetComputeTextureParam(outLineComputeShader, computeKenel, Shader.PropertyToID("_OutlineTexture"), m_OutlineTexture);
        //cb.SetComputeVectorParam(outLineComputeShader, Shader.PropertyToID("screenSize"),
        //    new Vector4(Screen.width, Screen.height, 1.0f / Screen.width, 1.0f / Screen.height));

        cb.DispatchCompute(outLineComputeShader, computeKenel, x, y, 1);
        //cb.SetRenderTarget(GetColorRTID(), GetDepthRTID());
        //cb.DrawProcedural(Matrix4x4.identity, material, 0, MeshTopology.Triangles, 3);
        cb.SetGlobalVector("_FilterValue", new Vector4(1500, 10000, 0.9f, 0.374f));
        cb.Blit(m_OutlineTexture, GetColorRTID(), material);