Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Select the word indicated by the text-wordform-in-context (twfic) annotation.
        /// This ignores the Sandbox! This is 'public' because it overrides a public method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoAnn"></param>
        public override void SelectAnnotation(int hvoAnn)
            ISilDataAccess sda = Cache.MainCacheAccessor;
            // We should assert that ann is Twfic
            int twficType = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache).Hvo;
            int annoType  = sda.get_ObjectProp(hvoAnn, (int)CmAnnotation.CmAnnotationTags.kflidAnnotationType);

            Debug.Assert(annoType == twficType, "Given annotation type should be twfic("
                         + twficType + ") but was " + annoType + ".");

            // The following will select the Twfic, ... I hope!
            // Scroll to selection into view
            IVwSelection sel = SelectWficInIText(hvoAnn);

            if (sel == null)
            if (!this.Focused)
            this.ScrollSelectionIntoView(sel, VwScrollSelOpts.kssoTop);
Exemplo n.º 2
        // Make some sort of wfics for the text of the specified paragraph. Assumes no double spaces!
        // Caches results and does not repeat on same para
        internal int[] MakeAnnotations(StTxtPara para)
            int[] previous;
            if (m_annotations.TryGetValue(para.Hvo, out previous))
            string contents = para.Contents.Text;

            string[]          words    = contents.Split(new char[] { ' ', '.' });
            int               ich      = 0;
            List <int>        results  = new List <int>();
            ICmAnnotationDefn WficType = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache);

            foreach (string word in words)
                if (word == "")
                WfiWordform wordform = new WfiWordform();
                wordform.Form.SetAlternative(word, Cache.DefaultVernWs);
                // JohnT: This should ideally use CmBaseAnnotation.CreateUnownedCba. But most or all uses of this
                // method are memory-only tests, and that method requires a database.
                CmBaseAnnotation cba = new CmBaseAnnotation();
                cba.BeginOffset = ich;
                ich            += word.Length;
                cba.EndOffset   = ich;
                ich++;                 // past space or dot
                cba.BeginObjectRA    = para;
                cba.AnnotationTypeRA = WficType;
                //cba.AnnotationTypeRA = ?? can we get CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache) with a non-database cache?
                WfiAnalysis analysis = new WfiAnalysis();
                WfiGloss gloss = new WfiGloss();
                gloss.Form.SetAlternative(word + "Gloss" + ich, Cache.DefaultAnalWs);
                cba.InstanceOfRA = gloss;
            int[] result = results.ToArray();
            m_annotations[para.Hvo] = result;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the next wfics that have not yet been added to the chart (up to maxContext of them).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="maxContext"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static int[] NextUnusedInput(FdoCache cache, int hvoStText, int maxContext, int hvoChart)
            int hvoWficDefn = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(cache).Hvo;
            int hvoCcaDefn  = CmAnnotationDefn.ConstituentChartAnnotation(cache).Hvo;
            // First two lines yield annotations on the right text of the right type (wfics).
            // balance further limits it to uncharted ones
            string sql =
                "select top(" + maxContext + ") cba.id, stp.owner$ from CmBaseAnnotation_ cba"
                + " join StTxtPara_ stp on cba.BeginObject = stp.id and cba.AnnotationType = " + hvoWficDefn
                + " and stp.OwnFlid$ = 14001 and stp.Owner$ = " + hvoStText
                + " where not exists(Select * from DsConstChart_Rows row"
                + " join CmIndirectAnnotation_AppliesTo row_cca on row_cca.src = row.Dst and row.Src = " + hvoChart
                + " join CmIndirectAnnotation_AppliesTo cca_cba on cca_cba.src = row_cca.dst and cca_cba.Dst = cba.id)"
                + " order by stp.OwnOrd$, cba.BeginOffset";

            return(DbOps.ReadIntArrayFromCommand(cache, sql, null));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Return the hvo for theCmBaseAnnotation that
        /// matches the given boundaries in an StTxtPara object.
        /// If no exact match is found, return the nearest segment (preferably the following word).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hvoStTxtPara"></param>
        /// <param name="ichMin"></param>
        /// <param name="ichLim"></param>
        /// <param name="fOnlyTWFIC">true, if restricted to TWFIC</param>
        /// <param name="fExactMatch"> true if we return an exact match, false otherwise.</param>
        /// <returns>hvo is 0 if not found.</returns>
        static internal int FindAnnotationHvoForStTxtPara(FdoCache cache, int hvoStTxtPara, int ichMin, int ichLim, bool fOnlyTWFIC, out bool fExactMatch)
            int twficType   = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(cache).Hvo;
            int textSegType = CmAnnotationDefn.TextSegment(cache).Hvo;

            fExactMatch = false;
            int clsid = cache.GetClassOfObject(hvoStTxtPara);

            if (clsid != StTxtPara.kClassId)
                Debug.Assert(clsid != StTxtPara.kClassId, "hvoStTxtPara should be of class StTxtPara.");
            int            kflidParaSegment = InterlinVc.ParaSegmentTag(cache);
            ISilDataAccess sda = cache.MainCacheAccessor;

            // first find the closest segment.
            int[]             segments      = cache.GetVectorProperty(hvoStTxtPara, kflidParaSegment, true);
            ICmBaseAnnotation cbaClosestSeg = FindClosestAnnotation(cache, segments, textSegType, ichMin, ichLim, out fExactMatch);

            if (cbaClosestSeg == null)
            // if it was an exact match for a segment, return it.
            if (cbaClosestSeg != null && fExactMatch && !fOnlyTWFIC)
            // otherwise, see if we can find a closer wordform
            int[]             segmentForms = cache.GetVectorProperty(cbaClosestSeg.Hvo, InterlinVc.SegmentFormsTag(cache), true);
            ICmBaseAnnotation cbaClosestWf = FindClosestAnnotation(cache, segmentForms, twficType, ichMin, ichLim, out fExactMatch);

            if (cbaClosestWf == null)
                return(fOnlyTWFIC ? 0 : cbaClosestSeg.Hvo);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public TestTaggingChild(FdoCache cache)
     Cache            = cache;
     m_textTagAnnDefn = CmAnnotationDefn.TextMarkupTag(Cache).Hvo;
     m_twficAnnDefn   = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache).Hvo;
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void CreateTestData()
            // Create required virtual properties
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            // Subset of Flex virtuals required for parsing paragraphs etc.
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"StTxtPara\" virtualfield=\"Segments\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"ITextDll.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.IText.ParagraphSegmentsVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"OccurrencesInTexts\" destinationClass=\"CmBaseAnnotation\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"ITextDll.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.IText.OccurrencesInTextsVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"HumanApprovedAnalyses\" computeeverytime=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FDOSequencePropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"HumanNoOpinionParses\" computeeverytime=\"true\" requiresRealParserGeneratedData=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FDOSequencePropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"HumanDisapprovedParses\" computeeverytime=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.FDOSequencePropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"FullConcordanceCount\" depends=\"OccurrencesInTexts\" computeeverytime=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.IntegerPropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"UserCount\" bulkLoadMethod=\"LoadAllUserCounts\" computeeverytime=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.IntegerPropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"ParserCount\" bulkLoadMethod=\"LoadAllParserCounts\" computeeverytime=\"true\" requiresRealParserGeneratedData=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.IntegerPropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WfiWordform\" virtualfield=\"ConflictCount\" computeeverytime=\"true\" requiresRealParserGeneratedData=\"true\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"FDO.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.FDO.IntegerPropertyVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "<virtual modelclass=\"WordformInventory\" virtualfield=\"ConcordanceWords\" destinationClass=\"WfiWordform\">"
                + "<dynamicloaderinfo assemblyPath=\"ITextDll.dll\" class=\"SIL.FieldWorks.IText.ConcordanceWordsVirtualHandler\"/>"
                + "</virtual>"
                + "</virtuals>");
            BaseVirtualHandler.InstallVirtuals(doc.DocumentElement, Cache);

            m_text = new Text();
            string para1 = "Axx simplexx testxx withxx axx lotxx ofxx wordsxx endingxx inxx xx";
            string para2 = "axx sentencexx axx havingxx axx lotxx ofxx axx";

            m_para1           = new StTxtPara();
            m_stText          = new StText();
            m_text.ContentsOA = m_stText;
            m_para1           = MakePara(para1);
            m_para2           = MakePara(para2);
            m_wfAxx           = WfiWordform.CreateFromDBObject(Cache,
                                                               WfiWordform.FindOrCreateWordform(Cache, "axx", Cache.DefaultVernWs, true));
            // Make one real annotation, which also serves to link the Axx to this.
            m_cbaAxx = CmBaseAnnotation.CreateUnownedCba(Cache);
            m_cbaAxx.InstanceOfRA     = m_wfAxx;
            m_cbaAxx.BeginObjectRA    = m_para1;
            m_cbaAxx.BeginOffset      = 0;
            m_cbaAxx.EndOffset        = 3;
            m_cbaAxx.Flid             = (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents;
            m_cbaAxx.AnnotationTypeRA = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache);

            // Make another real annotation, which should get updated during Apply.
            IWfiWordform wf2 = WfiWordform.CreateFromDBObject(Cache,
                                                              WfiWordform.FindOrCreateWordform(Cache, "lotxx", Cache.DefaultVernWs, true));

            m_cba2 = CmBaseAnnotation.CreateUnownedCba(Cache);
            m_cba2.InstanceOfRA     = wf2;
            m_cba2.BeginObjectRA    = m_para2;
            m_cba2.BeginOffset      = "axx sentencexx axx havingxx axx ".Length;
            m_cba2.EndOffset        = m_cba2.BeginOffset + "lotxx".Length;
            m_cba2.AnnotationTypeRA = CmAnnotationDefn.Twfic(Cache);
            m_cba2.Flid             = (int)StTxtPara.StTxtParaTags.kflidContents;

            ParagraphParser.ConcordTexts(Cache, new int[] { m_stText.Hvo }, new NullProgressState());
            m_axxOccurrences   = m_wfAxx.ConcordanceIds;
            m_para1Occurrences = OccurrencesInPara(m_para1.Hvo, m_axxOccurrences);
            m_para2Occurrences = OccurrencesInPara(m_para2.Hvo, m_axxOccurrences);

            // to improve test isolation, be sure to null things not always initialized.
            m_wfaAxe    = m_wfaCut = m_wfaCutIt = m_wfaNotRude = null;
            m_cAnalyses = 0;