public void PedCommitmentIndexTest()
            int[] commited = new int[3] {
                1, 3, 7

            int commitmentIndex         = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(commited, 1);
            int expectedCommitmentIndex = 0;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommitmentIndex, commitmentIndex, "wrong attribute index.");

            commitmentIndex         = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(commited, 3);
            expectedCommitmentIndex = 1;
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommitmentIndex, commitmentIndex, "wrong attribute index.");

            commitmentIndex         = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(commited, 7);
            expectedCommitmentIndex = 2;
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommitmentIndex, commitmentIndex, "wrong attribute index.");

            bool threwException = false;

                commitmentIndex = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(commited, 2);
            catch (Exception) {
                threwException = true;
            Assert.IsTrue(threwException, "ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex should have thrown exception on input 1");
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void InequalityTokenIntegration2Test()
            // In this example, the token hashes the attribute
            // but example also works if hashAttributes=false
            bool hashAttributes = true;

            // Setting up attributes for token
            byte[][] attributes = new byte[][]
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 1"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Teaching Assistant"), // this is the attribute we'll compare
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4")

            // generate token
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters   prover;
            VerifierPresentationProtocolParameters verifier;

            StaticHelperClass.GetUProveParameters(hashAttributes, out prover, out verifier, null, attributes);

            CommitmentPrivateValues cpv;
            PresentationProof       proof = PresentationProof.Generate(prover, out cpv);

            // computing target constant - "Student"
            byte[]         targetAttribute      = _encoding.GetBytes("Student");
            int            targetAttributeIndex = 3 - 1;                                                                      // We will compare "Student" to the third token attribute.
            FieldZqElement targetValue          = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(prover.IP, targetAttributeIndex, targetAttribute); // this is what "Student" would be encoded as if it was the third token attribute

            // Create PedersenCommitments
            // The prover and verifier have a map Committed that contains the relationship between
            // token attributes and CommitmentPrivateValues.
            int commitmentIndex    = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(prover.Committed, 3); // attribute 3 from prover1
            PedersenCommitment ped = new PedersenCommitment(prover, proof, cpv, commitmentIndex);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(targetValue, ped.CommittedValue, "Committed value is not Student.");

            // Check that "Teaching Assistant" is the commited value of the pedesen commitment.
            FieldZqElement expectedCommittedValue = ProtocolHelper.ComputeXi(prover.IP, targetAttributeIndex, _encoding.GetBytes("Teaching Assistant"));

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedCommittedValue, ped.CommittedValue, "Committed value is Teaching Assistant.");

            // Create InequalityProof
            CryptoParameters crypto = new CryptoParameters(prover.IP);                                                        // Can use prover2.IP
            ProverInequalityProofParameters inequalityProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(ped, targetValue, crypto); // compares committed values in ped1 and ped2
            InequalityProof ineQproof = new InequalityProof(inequalityProver);

            // Verify InequalityProof
            commitmentIndex = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(verifier.Committed, 3); // attribute 3 from prover
            ClosedPedersenCommitment          closedPed          = new ClosedPedersenCommitment(verifier.IP, proof, commitmentIndex);
            VerifierInequalityProofParameters inequalityVerifier = new VerifierInequalityProofParameters(closedPed.Value, targetValue, crypto);


            // test U-Prove wrapper
            InequalityProof ineQProof2 = InequalityProof.GenerateUProveInequalityProof(
                new EQProofUProveProverData(prover, cpv, proof, 3), targetAttribute);

                new EQProofUProveVerifierData(verifier, proof, 3), targetAttribute, ineQProof2);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void InequalityTokenIntegrationTest()
            // Both tokens will hash attributes
            // but example also works if hashAttributes=false
            bool hashAttributes = true;

            // Setting up IssuerParameters for token1
            byte[]   uidP1             = new byte[] { 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 };
            byte[]   tokenInformation1 = new byte[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 };
            byte[][] attributes1       = new byte[][]
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 1"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Teaching Assistant"), // this is the attribute we'll compare
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4")

            // Setting up IssuerParameters for token2
            byte[]   tokenInformation2 = new byte[] { 12, 13, 14, 15, 0, 10 };
            byte[]   uidP2             = new byte[] { 3, 1, 4, 1, 5 };
            byte[][] attributes2       = new byte[][]
                _encoding.GetBytes("Student"), // this is the attribute we'll compare
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 2"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 3"),
                _encoding.GetBytes("Attribute 4")

            // generate tokens
            ProverPresentationProtocolParameters   prover1, prover2;
            VerifierPresentationProtocolParameters verifier1, verifier2;

            StaticHelperClass.GetUProveParameters(hashAttributes, out prover1, out verifier1, tokenInformation1, attributes1, null, uidP1);
            StaticHelperClass.GetUProveParameters(hashAttributes, out prover2, out verifier2, tokenInformation2, attributes2, null, uidP2);

            CommitmentPrivateValues cpv1, cpv2;
            PresentationProof       proof1 = PresentationProof.Generate(prover1, out cpv1);
            PresentationProof       proof2 = PresentationProof.Generate(prover2, out cpv2);

            // Create PedersenCommitments
            // The prover and verifier have a map Committed that contains the relationship between
            // token attributes and CommitmentPrivateValues.
            int commitmentIndex1    = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(prover1.Committed, 3); // attribute 3 from prover1
            PedersenCommitment ped1 = new PedersenCommitment(prover1, proof1, cpv1, commitmentIndex1);
            int commitmentIndex2    = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(prover2.Committed, 1); // attribute 1 from prover2
            PedersenCommitment ped2 = new PedersenCommitment(prover2, proof2, cpv2, commitmentIndex2);

            // Create InequalityProof
            CryptoParameters crypto = new CryptoParameters(prover1.IP);                                                 // Can use prover2.IP
            ProverInequalityProofParameters inequalityProver = new ProverInequalityProofParameters(ped1, ped2, crypto); // compares committed values in ped1 and ped2
            InequalityProof ineQProof = new InequalityProof(inequalityProver);

            // Verify InequalityProof
            commitmentIndex1 = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(verifier1.Committed, 3); // attribute 3 from prover1
            commitmentIndex2 = ClosedPedersenCommitment.GetCommitmentIndex(verifier2.Committed, 1); // attribute 1 from prover2
            ClosedPedersenCommitment          closedPed1         = new ClosedPedersenCommitment(verifier1.IP, proof1, commitmentIndex1);
            ClosedPedersenCommitment          closedPed2         = new ClosedPedersenCommitment(verifier2.IP, proof2, commitmentIndex2);
            VerifierInequalityProofParameters inequalityVerifier = new VerifierInequalityProofParameters(closedPed1.Value, closedPed2.Value, crypto);


            // test U-Prove wrapper
            InequalityProof ineQProof2 = InequalityProof.GenerateUProveInequalityProof(
                new EQProofUProveProverData(prover1, cpv1, proof1, 3),
                new EQProofUProveProverData(prover2, cpv2, proof2, 1));

                new EQProofUProveVerifierData(verifier1, proof1, 3),
                new EQProofUProveVerifierData(verifier2, proof2, 1),