Exemplo n.º 1
 public void SetDirection(World.Direction d)
     direction = (int)d;
     if (d == World.Direction.UP)
         colli     = colliUp;
         climbArea = climbAreaUp;
     else if (d == World.Direction.DOWN)
         colli     = colliDown;
         climbArea = climbAreaDown;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // default
    public ClimbAction(Character owner) : base(owner)
        //this(owner, Type.Attack, 1f, 1f, false, false, true, "Character_Attack");

        this.timeout          = 0f;
        this.type             = Type.Climb;
        this.isCancelable     = true;
        this.isRepeatable     = true;
        this.isSpeedChangable = true;
        this.animationName    = owner.GetClassName() + "_Walk";

        //===== new attribute here =======
        colliUp     = owner.transform.Find("ClimbAreaUp").GetComponent <Collider2D> ();
        climbAreaUp = colliUp.GetComponent <ClimbArea> ();

        colliDown     = owner.transform.Find("ClimbAreaDown").GetComponent <Collider2D>();
        climbAreaDown = colliDown.GetComponent <ClimbArea>();

        colli     = colliUp;
        climbArea = climbAreaUp;

Exemplo n.º 3
    static void ExportClimbArea(int method, int imgwidth, int imgheight)
        float     fimgwidth  = imgwidth;
        float     fimgheight = imgheight;
        Rectangle rc         = new Rectangle(0, 0, imgwidth, imgheight);

        System.Drawing.Bitmap   img = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imgwidth, imgheight);
        System.Drawing.Graphics gdi = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(img);

        // find renderers
        List <Renderer> renderers = new List <Renderer>();

        GameObject[] groupgos = Selection.gameObjects;

        foreach (GameObject groupgo in groupgos)
            Renderer[] mrs = groupgo.GetComponentsInChildren <Renderer>();
            if (mrs == null)

        // calc max bound and min bound of whole grass map
        Vector3 worldmin = new Vector3(9999999.0f, 9999999.0f, 9999999.0f);
        Vector3 worldmax = new Vector3(-9999999.0f, -9999999.0f, -9999999.0f);

        foreach (Renderer mr in renderers)
            Bounds  bound = mr.bounds;
            Vector3 min   = bound.min;
            Vector3 max   = bound.max;

            if (min.x < worldmin.x)
                worldmin.x = min.x;
            if (min.y < worldmin.y)
                worldmin.y = min.y;
            if (min.z < worldmin.z)
                worldmin.z = min.z;
            if (max.x > worldmax.x)
                worldmax.x = max.x;
            if (max.y > worldmax.y)
                worldmax.y = max.y;
            if (max.z > worldmax.z)
                worldmax.z = max.z;

        Vector3 worldsize   = worldmax - worldmin;
        Vector3 worldcenter = (worldmax + worldmin) * 0.5f;

        worldsize *= 1.1f;
        worldmax   = worldcenter + worldsize * 0.5f;
        worldmin   = worldcenter - worldsize * 0.5f;

        // generate sub area
        System.Drawing.Brush whitebrush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.White);
        List <ClimbArea>     areas      = new List <ClimbArea>();

        for (int k = 0; k < renderers.Count; k++)
            Mesh     mesh = null;
            Renderer mr   = renderers[k] as Renderer;
            if (null == mr)

            if (mr.GetType() == typeof(MeshRenderer))
                MeshFilter mf = mr.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                if (mf == null)
                mesh = Application.isPlaying ? mf.mesh : mf.sharedMesh;
                SkinnedMeshRenderer skin = mr as SkinnedMeshRenderer;
                mesh = skin.sharedMesh;

            if (mesh == null)

            Transform tran = renderers[k].transform;

            List <PointF> nodes   = new List <PointF>();
            List <PointF> vertexs = new List <PointF>();
            for (int i = 0; i < mesh.vertexCount; i++)
                Vector3 vertex = mesh.vertices[i];
                Vector3 pos    = tran.TransformPoint(vertex);
                PointF  point  = new PointF();
                point.X = (pos.x - worldmin.x) / worldsize.x * fimgwidth;
                point.Y = fimgheight - 1.0f - (pos.z - worldmin.z) / worldsize.z * fimgheight;
                PointF vert = new PointF();
                vert.X = pos.x;
                vert.Y = pos.z;

            ConvexAogrithm ca      = new ConvexAogrithm(nodes);
            Stack <PointF> p_nodes = ca.GetResult();
            PointF[]       convex  = p_nodes.ToArray();

            ConvexAogrithm cv      = new ConvexAogrithm(vertexs);
            Stack <PointF> p_verts = cv.GetResult();

            gdi.FillPolygon(whitebrush, convex);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmp = img.LockBits(rc, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadOnly, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);
            int    stride = imgwidth * 4;
            byte[] data   = new byte[imgwidth * imgheight * 4];
            Marshal.Copy(bmp.Scan0, data, 0, imgwidth * imgheight * 4);
            Hashtable bits = new Hashtable();
            for (int y = 0; y < imgheight; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < imgwidth; x++)
                    int g = data[y * stride + x * 4 + 1];
                    if (g != 0)
                        bits[y * imgwidth + x] = g;

            //因此,AB CD为短边,BC为长边
            int      minEdgeIndex  = 0;
            float    minEdgeLength = -1.0f;
            PointF[] e_verts       = p_verts.ToArray();
            int      e_vertsLen    = e_verts.Length;
            for (int i = 0; i < e_vertsLen; i++)
                int     j          = (i + 1) % e_vertsLen;
                Vector2 pa         = new Vector2(e_verts[i].X, e_verts[i].Y);
                Vector2 pb         = new Vector2(e_verts[j].X, e_verts[j].Y);
                float   edgeLength = (pa - pb).magnitude;
                if (minEdgeLength < 0 || minEdgeLength > edgeLength)
                    minEdgeIndex  = i;
                    minEdgeLength = edgeLength;
            PointF[] o_verts = new PointF[e_vertsLen];
            for (int i = 0; i < e_vertsLen; i++)
                int j = (i + minEdgeIndex) % e_vertsLen;
                o_verts[i] = e_verts[j];

            ClimbArea newArea = new ClimbArea();
            newArea.mr     = renderers[k];
            newArea.convex = convex;
            newArea.bits   = bits;
            newArea.vertex = o_verts;

            float fProgress = (float)k / (float)renderers.Count;
            EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Export Climb Map", "Generate Area...", fProgress);
        whitebrush = null;


        // export
        string imgpath = EditorUtility.SaveFilePanel("climbArea map", Application.dataPath, "climbAreaMap", "jpg");
        string csvpath = "";

        if (imgpath.Length > 3)
            csvpath = imgpath.Substring(0, imgpath.Length - 3) + "csv";

        StreamWriter sw = null;

        if (csvpath.Length > 3)
            sw = new StreamWriter(csvpath, false);
        if (sw != null)
            //             sw.WriteLine("?,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied");
            //             sw.WriteLine("?,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied,undefied");
            //             sw.WriteLine("#,minx,minz,maxx,maxz");
            //             sw.WriteLine("world" + "," + worldmin.x.ToString() + "," + worldmin.z.ToString() + "," + worldmax.x.ToString() + "," + worldmax.z.ToString());
            //             sw.WriteLine("#,area,subarea,colorr,colorg,colorb,minx,minz,maxx,maxz,convex");


        int areacount = 0;

        foreach (ClimbArea area in areas)
            int colorindex = areacount + 1;
            int b          = colorindex % 4;
            int g          = (colorindex / 4) % 4;
            int r          = colorindex / (4 * 4);
            r *= 64;
            g *= 64;
            b *= 64;
            if (r > 255)
                r = 255;
            if (g > 255)
                g = 255;
            if (b > 255)
                b = 255;
            System.Drawing.Color c     = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
            System.Drawing.Brush brush = new System.Drawing.SolidBrush(c);

            if (method == 1)
                gdi.FillPolygon(brush, area.convex);
            else if (method == 2)
                MeshFilter mf = area.mr.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
                if (mf == null)

                Mesh mesh = Application.isPlaying ? mf.mesh : mf.sharedMesh;
                if (mesh == null)

                Transform tran = mf.transform;
                for (int j = 0; j < mesh.triangles.Length / 3; j++)
                    int[] indices = new int[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        indices[i] = mesh.triangles[j * 3 + i];
                    Vector3[] vertices = new Vector3[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        vertices[i] = mesh.vertices[indices[i]];
                    Vector3[] positions = new Vector3[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        positions[i] = tran.TransformPoint(vertices[i]);
                    System.Drawing.PointF[] points = new System.Drawing.PointF[3];
                    for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                        points[i].X = (positions[i].x - worldmin.x) / worldsize.x * fimgwidth;
                        points[i].Y = fimgheight - 1.0f - (positions[i].z - worldmin.z) / worldsize.z * fimgheight;

                    gdi.FillPolygon(brush, points);
                Bounds  bound = area.mr.bounds;
                Vector3 min   = bound.min;
                Vector3 max   = bound.max;

                float px = (min.x - worldmin.x) / worldsize.x * (float)imgwidth;
                float py = 511.0f - (min.z - worldmin.z) / worldsize.z * (float)imgheight;
                float pw = (max.x - min.x) / worldsize.x * (float)imgwidth;
                float ph = (max.z - min.z) / worldsize.z * (float)imgheight;
                py -= ph;

                gdi.FillRectangle(brush, px, py, pw, ph);

            if (sw != null)
                string convexstr = "";
                foreach (PointF pt in area.vertex)
                    convexstr += "{" + pt.X.ToString() + "|" + pt.Y.ToString() + "};";
                //                     sw.WriteLine("area" + ","
                //                         + areacount.ToString() + ","
                //                         + k.ToString() + ","
                //                         + r.ToString() + ","
                //                         + g.ToString() + ","
                //                         + b.ToString() + ","
                //                         + subarea.mr.bounds.min.x.ToString() + ","
                //                         + subarea.mr.bounds.min.z.ToString() + ","
                //                         + subarea.mr.bounds.max.x.ToString() + ","
                //                         + subarea.mr.bounds.max.z.ToString() + ","
                //                         + convexstr
                //                         );

                    sw.WriteLine(areacount.ToString() + ","
                                 + areacount.ToString() + ","
                                 + r.ToString() + ","
                                 + g.ToString() + ","
                                 + b.ToString() + ","
                                 + worldmin.x.ToString() + ","
                                 + worldmin.z.ToString() + ","
                                 + worldmax.x.ToString() + ","
                                 + worldmax.z.ToString() + ","
                                 + area.mr.bounds.min.x.ToString() + ","
                                 + area.mr.bounds.min.z.ToString() + ","
                                 + area.mr.bounds.max.x.ToString() + ","
                                 + area.mr.bounds.max.z.ToString() + ","
                                 + convexstr

            brush = null;



        if (imgpath.Length > 3)

        if (sw != null)
            sw = null;

        gdi = null;
        img = null;

        if (imgpath.Length > 3)
            Debug.Log("generate climb map ok:" + imgpath);
            System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(imgpath, "");
        if (csvpath.Length > 3)
            Debug.Log("generate climb list ok:" + csvpath);
            //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(csvpath, "");